I am posting some photographs of some alleged Zetas that were abducted (levantados) in Camargo and Miguel Aleman. These are presumed Zetas as most have the letter "Z" carved on thir bodies. Some say this is the work of the Gulf cartel, but we have not confirmed it.
They were dismembered and decapitated. I must warn you, these images are strong and discretion is definitely advised. I will post the most violent images on the subsequent page. If you get offended while viewing images depicting extreme violence, please do not view.
I post these images to give the people an idea of the extent of brutality these cartels go through when they want to send their message. Many times we get complacent and dismiss the extent of the reality that is taking place, but the horror is real. This is the kind of nightmare the people in Mexico live with on a routine basis.
WARNING! Graphic images depicting extreme violence.
Oh...my...gosh...I am speechless. This violence has gotten out of control! I in no way condone these actions, but I just feel terrible for these dead men's families! These men were someone's son, brother, father, husband, or all of the above! Their families are the true victims! The sad part is, this doesn't seem to be ending any time soon.
ReplyDeleteThe Mexican government has yet to execute an effective tactic against all this brutality. All they've done is worsen the situation. What are they doing to help the families of missing loved ones (journalists, the missing migrants, and other missing persons who are innocent in respect to all of this chaos)!?! What about the missing Eduardos? What about the missing man from Miguel Aleman (Alberto Ramirez Barcenas)? What about the family who was on their way to the beach in Matamoros and were shot at by military (the military killed the couple's two boys!) What corrective action is being taken? Nothing is being done to help the innocents in need. The Mexican government is a disappointment.
Again, I do not condone any sort of violence, but I wonder if the general public would prefer to have things the way they were before Mr. Genius-Mexican-President decided to declare war on a set of individuals (cartels) who were extremely more prepared for battle than the government itself. Before President Calderon decided to go to war, yes violence (caused by the cartels) was present in violence-prone cities (where it was expected - like Ciudad Juarez), but it was probably kept at a minimum and wasn't so wide-spread as it is today. For most, life was probably safer and of better quality before Calderon. May be I'm wrong, but I think that some how, Calderon was the catalyst of the events that have taken course since his war declaration. May be some cartels felt the pressure and that caused alliances to break...which takes us to where we are today - in the middel of absolute chaos!
I don't know.. I think perhaps the letter Z in their bodies is being misread? In the glass door it says, To whoever protects las golfas. Las golas is what the Zetas call the CDG.. So why would it say that in the glass door? Perhaps they intended to leave it as a branding, as the movie character Zorro would leave the Z trademark wherever he acted.
ReplyDeleteRise, I believe you're right, that is how I interpreted it.
ReplyDeleteI agree I think this was done by the Zetas to members of the Gulf Cartel
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with RiseMakaveli, it looks as if the Z is more of a trademark. It's awful to think that the country of my ancestors has turned into a country overrun by criminals. Who can you trust anymore? What makes me sadder is the fact that I don't want to visit anymore for fear of being caught in the cross fire. Sounds worse that the south side of Chicago!
ReplyDeleteThat is true, I tried doing some research on this, anyone know when this happened and if anyone has a link or any info of th eincident.
ReplyDeleteNice job iliana!
Looks like some Kaibiles action here..
ReplyDeleteYea, rise is right. Those Zeta punks have left the Z carved into bodies of their victims before, like in Michoacan. And the message says, Para los k cuidan los golfas, which means, To those who protect Gulf members. Golfas is what the zetas use as a derogatory name for CDG. So this looks like some people that might have worked for CDG or something like, maybe they were police on CDG payroll. But those little zeta bitches have something coming for them. CDG is on their tail and soon zetas will be no more.
ReplyDeleteIn the window it says "Para Los Que cuidan a los Golfos" which means "To those who protect the Golfos (CDG)". Those people are definitely Zetas, Z being carved in their body by the CDG. I have seen it elsewhere done. Maybe those people were once Zetas and switched group...
ReplyDeleteMaybe the mexican Zorro is responsible.
ReplyDeleteWell! it seems like Mexico needs a hero called kick-ass. lol! anyone up for the challenge.
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't matter what the CDG or the Zetas do. they can fight all they want at the end they will all lose. No specifics but I have a feeling something bigger is coming!
Yes, I understand what some of you are saying. The person who sent the pictures said that the victims were "alleged" Zetas, so I would like to see if there is a story of this somewhere, but just so you all know, the media on these parts of Mexico don't report everything that happens, that is why we continue to do so here.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone finds something on this, give me a shout!
ok, can we see the most violent photos please? oh wait, were you talking about those above?
ReplyDelete* Too bad we're getting used to these gruesome images...
sooner or later they will all kill each other and it will be over for a while. they made the decision to do what they are doing and they paid for that decision. besides as long as there is a demand for drugs on this side there will be this sort of violence. we need to stop the demand.
ReplyDeleteOf course, the Mexican Zorro (Mr. Firestarter)did it! And the C.I.A. too!
ReplyDeletewith knifes, guns, r-15s and a lot of guns made in the U.S.A!
There is no Mexican Governnment.
ReplyDeleteIt is a Mexican Mafia.
The guns being used by mex to kill mex didn't come from the US, most are from Venezuela. That is the dictatorship that has the most to gain by seeing Mexico in Chaos.
ReplyDeleteall them are Zetas, it will sound awful but they get what they deserve it, they do things even worse than the pictures you have seen it with innocent people, women and children
ReplyDeleteTheir bussines is not just the drugs, actually drug traffic it´s their third or fourth place of his bussines, before drugs are kidnappin, sell security ---from who? from themselves of course, and bussines right´s sales-- what means these? if i have a store (whatever it is) i have to pay them to let me work, even if im not sell drugs or anything illegal just if my bussines is goin well they can came and charge me some kind of "quote" ---it´s bullshit what they say that they dont mess with innocent people.
they also control the alcohol sales, all kind of clubs, if you made a party (like a sweet 16 or a wedding) and you dont ask for his permission it´s very, very probably they came and cancel your reunion probably with violence and with a price for your "fine" and give you the traditional "tableada" --they hit your butt, back and legs with a piece of huge wood stick, it´s pretty regular that some of your legs broke during these...
they steal, rape, kidnap, and kill with forms that the "kaibiles" look like amateurs
This is supply side capitalism in its purest and most brutal form. The U.S. has created the demand for the product(s). The U.S. consumers pay their money and are supplied.
ReplyDeleteTo the narcotrafficantes, what you see in these photographs is nothing more than "collateral baggage." Or, in other words, the cost of doing business.
With the narco-industry in Mexico at or exceeding its gross exports ($39B in 1999 - and only God knows what it is in 2010) you are playing with some heavy hitters.
The Catholic Church was tied up in this as "middle men." The narcotrafficantes would make very sizable donations which the church gladly accepted - no questions asked! - and kept these activities under the table.
When these donations were finally exposed by the Mexican press, Mexico's Holy Roman Church justified the transactions by saying, in effect. "Once the tainted money enters comes through the doors of the sanctuary, God has cleansed it of all sin and it is now whole and pure."
Tell that to the poor bastards that have been tortured and executed protecting the public - and, yes, - the Holy Roman Church.
If those are in fact Zetas, I am glad to see their rotting corpses. They are the scum of the earth and ALL deserve to die.
ReplyDeleteI have lived in this area my entire life, things were never this bad till those low life scum sucking criminals came into the picture. I say let the Gulf Cartel take the all out...how ever they see fit. If it means beheading, shooting, or killing off their families to bring them out of hiding...do it! The sooner they are dead the sooner we can have some sort of civility across the border.
You guys break my heart. Thinking like that is what has left us with this broken shell we call earth. That bullshit they sell that venom kills venom is bullshit, humanity beats all evil. How can you say kill their families as necessary, you're a piece of shit just like them. People need to learn that this is not a video game.. This is not a movie.. This are peoples lifes.. Identities.. Not just blank moving blocks of meat. I know they have done a lot of evil, and should be punished, but that is not the right way of doing things. I don't know what to say.. All this bullshit just depresses me because instead of you understanding what all this is about, you just feed your hate. It's easy to wish death on somebody when you're not the one who has to pull the trigger. People day dream and swear if they had a chance to shoot one of this guys they would in a heartbeat. That's the problem with our society, just like Calderon. He sits on his throne not giving a fuck about what his decisions are causing because he doesn't have to see the aftermath. All he does is read statistics in a piece of paper. He doesn't have to come down and clean the guts of all the people murdered.. Innocent or not. There is always a chance people can change, and don't generalize please. I know people in both wings, CDG and Zetas and not everyone who enters into that lifestyle is an animal. Some of them are just trying to make a living. You think every person who is involved in organized crime is a murderer? This is the way things got because of their management, and I'm not talking about religion. The Catholic church is one of the biggest organizations of corruption and prejudice out there. Hate only brings more hate, at the end of the day your compassion is what defines you as a human being, that is what sets you apart from everyone else. I do believe in the death sentence, and some people are just evil, but people are being murdered left and right because of suspicion. Innocent people are going out to work to feed their families and never coming home. You think that's fair? Think about what you're really saying before you open your mouth.
ReplyDeletewhat is the answer? Look back on history is what i do.
ReplyDeleteThomas Paine
The Crisis by Thomas Paine
December 23, 1776
THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."
go read it all . what i would like to say is; what would you do with these men that have fried their brains on quantities of narcotics and have used every vile means of killing fellow human beings let them teach at an elementary school, maybe your children but not mine. It goes without saying that in any country that has the rule of law you cannot conduct vigilante justice. Let the law enforcement and the military deal with them but if they should fail i hope you are prepared for anarchy. anyone who is following the cartel wars already knows that the cartels are hundreds of thousands strong with the equipment and training to back up what they say. My suggestion is turn in every drug dealer and user anonymously
to RiseMakaveli, take your bleeding heart and go dance around with the rest of the left wing pushovers. This is WAR, these Zetas are lawless scum, they do not care if innocent people are killed. They just want to make a buck, they would soon as rather kill you if you are in the way.
ReplyDeleteThe way I look at it is very simple, eliminate the threat and that part of the equation is gone. What ost people do not seem to realize is these Zetas are predators...they kill without remorse. What about the Zeta that claimed to make soup out of his human victims? What about the hundreds of people killed in Nuevo Laredo over the last few months...what about the police official that really are trying to make a difference? They were all excuted by Zeta for trying to do their jobs...and you feel for their lives, you my friend are the piece of shit.
You mentioned about day dreaming about shooting the, I can and will tell you right now, I would have NO problem shooting them. If it meant keeping the people of Mexico safe and prevented this war fro coming over here on a full scale, you are damn right I will kill them. I will kill the to protect my family, friends and even your pathetic ass. So the next time you are in Mexic enjoying a meal and a shoot out starts, I praty that you or a loved one are not struck my a stray Zeta bullet...these criminals do not deserve jail,they deserve the express lane to the death penalty...be it judicially or not.
"To whoever protects las golfas"
ReplyDeleteCould it be that its the CDG who got the zetas and maybe making a offering to La Santa Muerte like the zetas do or vis versa or something along those lines ?
uhhh i really hope this isn't an "offering." If it is, this would only cause violence to escalate even more...on so many levels!
ReplyDeletewhat's with the links under "links to this post?" Anybody?
ReplyDeleteGod bless Calderon for taking action in this war. I do not want my kids or yours infected with the drugs from the cartels. kill all zetas and drug cartel members.
ReplyDeleteBlame it all on Bush. Right, Libs?
ReplyDeleteHahaha, the cartels are at war against each other, they are killing each other. Sometimes bystanders or military get in the way, but they are killing each other.
ReplyDeletePerhaps you need to educate yourself on what is going on over there, I suggest starting with "History" on top!
It's not about killing them, it's about the torture and mutilation. Nobody deserves to be tortured and mutilated, not the victims and not them. There are ways to deal with everything, and I don't agree with what they're doing. On the left wing pushovers, haha you have no idea who I am or what I've been through, you think you're going to lecture me about violence and doing what's right? It's because of all the bullshit I've been through that I've learned to respect another persons life. More than 1/3 of you tough guys out there have no idea what it is to hold a gun to somebodies head and have him beg you for his life. You ever seen a person die? It's easy to stand on the sidelines and comment. It's easy to wish death on somebody and claim you'll kill them to protect your family, of course you'd do it, I would to. I'd kill to protect anybody who I know to be a good person or innocent for that matter, but the way this people work is not the same. They'll pick you up and claim you're responsible for so and so, and a lot of this guys got killed 1-2 weeks into getting involved. I know it's their fault for being involved, and there are a lot of people out there who just enjoy hurting people. To them I hold no compassion, but you guys just wish death on a label. Zetas.. There needs to be some sort of balance, history is written by the victors, that is why we we see what we see. You know the side of the story that they tell you.
Do not fear the man who can destroy the body but fear the one who can destroy the soul.Time is short, ask Jesus to forgive you before its to late
ReplyDeleteKilling off their families? serious? FAMILY IS SACRED. To whoever thinks killing families is ok, YOU are no different than the narcos doing it, they just more balls to actually go forth with it, YOU just sit in front of your computer and talk nonsense. - one intelligent Mexican against all evil
ReplyDeleteWho is the real winner of this ongoing war? As far outsiders coming in and taking over what does C.D.G. think once they push the Zetas out.. Those treacherous dogs from La FAM. and the Sinaloenses are going pack up and leave DOUBT that. These miserable bastards are going stick in the C.D.G asses. As far as the people thanking the C.D.G. for getting rid of the Zetas. Wait until the other shoe drops.You think the streets are red with blood now. Be Fore Warned!!
ReplyDeleteIt is not like that in ALL border towns, we forget that generalizing is bad. My family and I travel to Acuna Mexico once a month,most recently we visited for the running of the bulls all we saw was plenty of local and american people in the streets. Many have told us not to go across. However from our experiences nothing bad as far as shootings has happenened in this border city. On our way to Acuna we always stop in Del Rio which is also a nice small town. Hopefully these cities remain the same.
ReplyDeletethe fact that there is a demand for drugs plays a huge part in this. if there was no demand for drugs, perhaps this would be far less frequent as there would be alot less to fight over.
ReplyDeleteLegalize all drugs, take the profit out of the drug trade altogether, let those who are inclined to become users use, those who are disinclined will not be affected by legalization. No public entitlements for those whose health and lives fail due to drug abuse. This approach will take care of a lot of this problem.
ReplyDeleteWell, it certainly looks as if it has arrived to Ciudad Acuna.....Who wants to eat at Ma Crosby's now? I actually knew Mrs. Crosby and ate there frequently with the family during the '40s......when "I was a child, of course.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this? The Mexican Taliban?
ReplyDeletewell im from del rio but am currently livin in piedras and its far worse here than in acuna but its not wat it use to b
ReplyDeletei live here in Eagle Pass This is the shit man you got to get over here jajaja neta cabrones thats jus a normal thing of every day to watch and its funny cuz this stupid people tryn to be the badd asses but ther all bunch of stupid chinchinkles lol i love this pics ariva la jente del chapo
ReplyDeletelos zetas are finish they are all gona die ther all scard now hidein every where where the people of chapo wont find them now the people of chapo are the ones going to run the plaza here in piedras negras the zetas are done dead they even betrayding ther own people by swithing to the people of chapo........
ReplyDeleteits watever
ReplyDeletethis is just..............wow........i wouldn't be surprised to hear about this on the new like even on primer impacto or sumthin like dat...i hope all this sht ends soon..but its stupid how kids act..they know whats going on and still go 2 piedras to el dubai n shit..pendejos no ven lo que esta pasando?!? and its not like it used to be now they'll kill you even if your not involved wit dat shit..da rules have changed...
ReplyDeleteI don't about you guys, but I see a great storyplot for a Modern Warfare 3!!!lol
ReplyDeleteR.I.P. AREVALO SR. My father been missing for 2 months family said that he would be let go 5 weeks ago this is not right who do I see for this how to make a funeral? Its impossible just hope this stops soon. I send my prayers to any other family that is going through the same thing. Ruvel0. Areval0. Jr
ReplyDeletei have seen several videos with men tortured then killed. all had z written on their chest. did this mean the zetas wrote the "Z", or that they are zeta's?
ReplyDeletei suggest all of u talk anonymously...if you dnt want to get looked up... and end up DEATH...
ReplyDeleteSo many things going on in this world
ReplyDeletetoo bad we can't stop them
Life goes on w/ or w/o them
we live till God wants us to
So lets Enjoy wht we have left of it
if we pay attention to the problems
we'll only make matters worse
maybe even encouraging them
to kill more
we talk about mex
and forget the u.s has its problems too
They might be lighter or even worse
who knows?
All that is left to do
is leave it in Gods hands
let God take care of the situation
Pray for your family and their protection
Pray for your country
pray thaat things get better
and once you've done your job live life
enjoy your present
they're somethimes were i'd which
it could all b peace and love but
then you realize war is better
its just like sickness
if you dont get sick you wont know how to
fight them
Its the same with today
if we see problems come
its ok...
we'll learn to deal w/ them
Take care,
and i wish you all the best of luck,
-ur anonymous friend
IM from mexico i remember there was a bunch of zetas were i use to live... Im a devoted christian know and i pray that God to forgive them and give them salvation... the bible says that one day The lord will come back and wipe away all evil. Rightousness will rule and peace and love will be for eternety.. i TELL YOU ALL MY FEellow brothers 2.. repent from your sins or you to will be condemned.. God bless and amen
ReplyDeleteQuit yourselves like men, and fight. ~I Samuel 5:9
ReplyDeleteFor we must needs die, and are as water spilt on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again... ~II Samuel 14:14
Oh my!
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe the hatred of this country (USA) so much and our very foundation. This is not the result of capitalism and whoever said that is a Marxist idiot.
Our system is as close to perfect as you can get AS long AS the rule of Law is followed. No one is responsible for anothers actions be it doing drugs or choosing a life that they traffic drugs for greed. Morality is what is lost.
that is the cartel life people.understand that it is the way of life for these guys.i know...some crazy stuff huh!
ReplyDeleteI detest marxism and I do believe this is the rresult of capitalism!!! I am no idiot! Mankind is inherently evil and our only salvation as sentient beings is THE ALMIGHTY! Capitalism is NOT our salvation nor is it anywhere near perfect. Talk about ignorance! The Rule of Law is a myth. Western civilization today is simply a remnant of the barbaric roman empire. They fancied themselves civilized . . . Yeah, right! The rule of law is the majority imposing its will upon all and worse yet it is then hijacked by corrupt beings who use it to further their own fiendish agendas
ReplyDeleteThe zetas are controlled by demons!! And their daddy: satan!!
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty hard to kill Zetas mainly because most of them were in the military and are well train to kill.
ReplyDelete.... "And in the END, WE will all give account to our actions, whether it be a low level agent or one that is untouchable..Reguardless, they will all met the same fate, and when it's too too late, they will realize what 'FOOLS THEY HAVE BEEN'...
ReplyDeleteppl seriously the message is clear as day: "para los k cuidan a los golfos" hence if you take care of the CDG whether it be food, cover, place to stay, and/or a nickel for the phone we hack you up too. it think it will be a while becasue mexico is a cluster fuck! and the govmt either wants to eff you in the ass OR Eff you in the ass either way your effed! and the good ol usa(built on immigrants) dont want immagrants. hmm? weird right?
ReplyDeleteIt is WRONG to call what is going on in Mexico 'a Drug War'. Drugs are but a means to an end. FYI, the Zetas make 1/3 of their profits off shaking down businesses and people (racketeering).
ReplyDeleteMexico in 2011 is like China and its warlords in 1925 and it can be solved simulaely!!!
America should just wipe all the bastards out. Send them all down to hell!! Why don't you all get a real job you fuckin losers.
ReplyDeleteThis is just pure carnage and sadness, I truly feel for these murder victim's families. No matter what these victim's may or may not have done wrong no one deserves this...no one. Why must we continue to commit these grotesque acts upon one another? Are you even technically human anymore when you start doing this to other living beings? This is the lowest of the low and something more needs to be done!
ReplyDeleteLos que hicieron esto, enfrentaran a Jesus Christo cara a cara cuando se mueran y tendran que estar listos para ser jusgados. El Diablo y la maldad nunca ganaran! El Reinado de Dios reinara eternamente.
ReplyDeleteIf drugs were legalized and regulated the Illegal business will cease.. both countries need to legalized all recreational drugs.
ReplyDeleteDios mio my friend luis gustavo is missing we hvent hear frm him he got kidded napped n is been a year alredy n thinking if this happen to him hurts me so bad.
ReplyDeleteSurely the USA is capable if sniping the top 50 leaders....navy seals?
ReplyDeletethere coming over the border thanks to this country;s fucked up immigration laws thank bush/obama
ReplyDeleteI think the one guy was right to be careful what u put on here. U can possibly be looked up by anyone. I used to be pro gun control but after reading some of this stuff HELL TO THE NO. It is illegal for your average mexican citizen to own a firearm maybe that needs to be changed. I know where i live u knock on the door in the middle of the night to do harm and these rednecks will shoot u with their various firearms and they all have them
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