Police early Thursday found the body of a 4-year-old girl who had been shot twice in the chest - the fifth child killed in drug-related violence in this Mexican resort city in less than a week.
The child was in a car next to a woman who had been shot three times in the back, Guerrero state police said in a statement. Police did not release the identities of the victims or discuss a possible motive for their slayings.
At least five young people have died in drug violence in Acapulco since Sunday, including a 2-year-old boy and a 6-year-old boy killed with an elderly woman who tried to shield them when gunmen opened fire at their home.
Police found more than 200 shell casings at the scene in a poor neighborhood in Acapulco, which has been the scene of bloody drug cartel turf battles. Witnesses told police a man being chased ran inside the house minutes before gunmen started shooting. It was not clear what happened to the man.
That same day two 15-year-olds were killed in separate attacks.
Children and youths have increasingly been targeted in killings or died as bystanders caught up in Mexico's drug war.
fucking government they don't give a shit about our people we are fucked
ReplyDeleteI tried to find something to say about the picture but words escape me, there is just no sane reason for it, not often i hope for someones death but whoever did this, i hope it is soon and slow and very very painful.
ReplyDeleteThere is a code in the US that doesn't seem to align with the criminals in Mexico. In the states if you kill children, you are a target in the prison system and on the streets. I can only hope this type of "no one is safe" mentality doesn't become the "norm" in the US.
ReplyDeleteThose that kill kids....I hope you die soon.
I don't know if La Barredora had anything to do with this in particular but he has been responsible for s string of recent murders in the area.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that he is part of the CDS effort to take the Aca plaza. Sad, but I think this mother and daughter were victims of this conflict.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThere is a code in the US that doesn't seem to align with the criminals in Mexico. In the states if you kill children, you are a target in the prison system and on the streets. I can only hope this type of "no one is safe" mentality doesn't become the "norm" in the US.
Those that kill kids....I hope you die soon.
March 17, 2011 4:46 PM
If that shit starts up in the U.S. I swear on a stack of bibles I will come out of retirement... Its has been 20 years but its like riding a bike to me...
I don't understand how the Mexican Government can allow these things to happen and not pursue the aggressors with the FURY and SWIFT JUSTICE the U.S would utilize.
ReplyDelete4:46 Makes a good point about the difference between criminals in the U.S and Mexico. There is no way in hell any Youngsters in the U.S would commit these crimes for the pay these so called Sicarios get. If the guy that did this would get caught in the U.S, the jailers would let the other prisoners know and let them handle up! They would get the same treatment as rapists and molesters...Any Chapo fans out there? Look at the "GOOD WORK" and "CLEANSING" your IDOL has been doing in ACAPULCO...
Para Un Mexico Unido Sin Carteles y Sin Marranos (CHAPO)
How could you post this. If you don't have respect for all the assholes doing this I understand but a child come on that is just wrong
ReplyDeleteIf you think this picture is bad, the one yesterday of a grandmother clutching her grandchildren covered in blood is even worse and this also was Acapulco. This city is totally out of control. I'm no expert on the cartels. Which cartels do you think are doing this?? I always thought it was the leftovers from La Barbie's crew CIDA and I hear many from Sinaloa are coming into Aca.
ReplyDeletePlease do us all a favor and remove this picture, it is something improper as I don't believe any type of news or blogging should have a dead innocent child as a picture to express the fact that the innocent are dying and not the ones involved in this drug war.
ReplyDeleteThe people of mexico need to get together right away and do something about this..... you people need to start protesting or something because this is getting out of control
ReplyDeleteI would love for these bastards to come down to brooklyn,NY and try this shit with us. What a bunch of cowards
ReplyDeleteTake down the fucking picture.... i can stomach an adult, someone who kills, robs etc... but to show a picture of a child is unbearable. I have a lot of respect for Borderlandbeat, covering and showing all the graphic shit that is going on in MX, but to now start showing us kid pictures that are killed, turns my stomach. I know it is reality, but come man how far are you guys willing to go to show us what is going on... I would rather read than see a picture like this of an innocent child. BB, sorry, you upped your game, and for that I despise your tactics on bring this to the attention of the world.Something are better left unseen, this is one.
ReplyDeleteDid it pissed you off????
ReplyDeleteWell it should and you should be outraged, people see this shit everyday in Mexico and no one gives a shit! In the US everyone shuts the blinds and pretenda everyhting is swell, but it's far from the truth.
Sorry it hurt you, and I hope it outrages more people so they too can start giving a shit and not hide from it (like you want to).
Keep it the way it is BB, real!
It needs to be exposed for what it is!
A picture says 1,000 words. The world needs to see this.... Post these pics. This is REALITY. Show these doped up cowardly child killers for who the are...
ReplyDeleteI see no point in taking it down. I believe in reality and this is reality and it should shock us. It's tragic and this is the 5th kid this week in Aca to suffer this fate. A few weeks ago, boy similar age was abducted by cartel, raped and murdered also in Aca. I'm no longer going to Aca like in years past because just knowing these people are so plentiful in the local population scares me. I might not be a target yet, but nothing to stop a bunch of these guys at 4am from catching me at a Taco stand and doing something. The human rights activists complaining about aggressive military arrests etc ought to focus their efforts on what it is the military and police are dealing with.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, organized crime has started to cross all lines of decency and humanity. It's not enough to execute a rival sicario, but now they need to be shopped up to pieces, decapitated, hung from bridges, tortured and terrorized and finally, killing the innocent, the children. We are starting to seemore and more of this, is out there, day in day out. When we started this, we made a pledge that will present it to you just as is, as painful as it might be, and as much as it tears our hearts (I speak for all of us in BB)it exists, regardless how much we hate it. Sometimes my friends, we just cant paint black in colors!
ReplyDeleteSpeechless, at 1st...as my eyes swell, redden, & bleed tears; contemplating that I've brought my 3 kids into a world capable of this kind of atrocity against a mere child. I can handle disease & natural catastrophe, but not this. That even a single human exists capable of such evil is unfathomable. I don't care about the politics of it all anymore. Someone, please, just make it stop. Change, please, because the current paradigm has crossed the line into the unacceptable. Try something else, whatever that may be, but for humanity's sake, TRY SOMETHING ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteMarch 17, 2011 7:43 PM: I know it is reality, but come man how far are you guys willing to go to show us what is going on... I would rather read than see a picture like this of an innocent child.
Is not how far BB is going but how far the animals are going, BB just shows it to you. But you rather see a sterile version, watered down so it can make you feel better, but it's not about you or me, it's about the real people who live in this fucking misery!
Ovemex, Buggs,
ReplyDeletewith all due respect, this picture is questionable. This is by far the gruesome picture you ever published. What's the point? Anything we didn't know already? Beware of the "in-your-face" narco-porn tabloid thing.
Back in the day the cartel bosses would tell their sicarios " DONT KILL ANY CHILDREN CABRON OR I WILL FIND AND KILL YOU MYSELF" Now those days seem to be over,now i bet the bosses order the hits on women and kids.
ReplyDeleteWhen are they gonna say "It's over every man for himself." These Sicarios will continue being bitches and killing defenseless kids and women... For what and who? The leaders are cowards. If they were REAL MEN they would find each other and take care of business on their own. There is no need to drag the country down with them and take advantage of the poor. And to the officials being paid by these COWARDS, YOU ARE JUST AS GUILTY AS THEM!!! When did money become that important that innocent lives have to be sacrificed for financial gains? Who said there was a CAP on the amount money that can be made from this business? If the U.S is the biggest consumer in the world and it seems like it will always be, why are YOU in hurry to own it all TODAY? This never-ending nightmare is making no sense at all!!! Something else has to be driving these Animals to act this way. I don't think its MONEY. I think these SICK BASTARDS get hard-ons from doing this shit. They need to be eliminated A.S.A.P. The U.S can observe this madness and not REACT??? Something doesn't add up...
This is tragic, what is happening in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteFor all of you go got offended by seen the extent of what these savages are capable of, you know that BB is going to publish it (duh!), if you want to pretend is not there, then go back to watching American Idol.
For those that are being offended by this picture, get some sense into yourself. This happens all over the world not just Mexico. How many kids weren't or are still killed in the middle east? this is nothing. I spent some time down in the Congo about a year ago, thousands of little kids get raped down there on a weekly basis and nobody cares. Man up and face the reality of our world.
ReplyDeleteBB keeps it real, if you don't like it tune in to CNN. Sadly but truthfully this is the world we live in and the best we can do is try to help in whichever way we can. Anytime I go into Danger I carry a sidearm. If I see anyone or myself in a dangerous situation, I'm going to eliminate that person by any way possible. It's the only way I can help.
Can you translate the other story;
brooklyn n.y. Please you go down there
ReplyDeletein mexico citizens can't bear arms the government can't protect the citizens, at least let the citizens carry so they can protect themselves and theit families since the government has shown time and time again that they can't protect the good people of mexico
ReplyDeleteI hope drug consumers using Mexican drugs feel like compleat shitless assholes after seeing this. If Mexican forces can't deal with these cartels they seriously need to hire professional contractors to protect innocents.
ReplyDeletePaisanos levantense en armas y maten a los deliquentes.
yep!good old mexico what a bunch of chickenshit!motherfuckers!the assholes that did this is across the border by now!an everybody yell,s mexico a poor country !i wonder y?coldblooded mutherfuckers!my they rott in hell!
ReplyDeleteOf course there is going to be innocent dieing in the war between the cartels themselves and the government. What do you expect to them to meet up in the middle of no where and shoot it out there? This is what happens in a war guys, bullets are flying and sometimes the innocent get hit. I don't think the gunmen crew intentionally shot at them. You guys keeps saying "This won't happen in the U.S" and yes it does happen in the U.S and much more common than Mexico, where street gangs do drive by's at their rival's home with hand guns and most of the time the father,mother or innocent brother get hit instead and not the rival gang member himself. You guys hold up to incidents like this just to have a reason to hate Mexicans and their society. Gangs in the U.S don't punish their own members if they accidently killed an innocent, they only punish child molesters and serial rapers just like in Mexico and pretty much around the world.
ReplyDeleteGod said let there be light...
ReplyDeleteAnd there was light...
God said let there be negative people who only insult others...
And then there was Ernie/Shahid...
"You guys hold up to incidents like this just to have a reason to hate Mexicans and their society."
Most comments I've read here are from people outraged from this child losing her life. Maybe I missed the racist comments.
Of course...? No, no, not of course. You can't go around spraying bullets. The cartels, all of them, can't control their people. They are punks and they are running the show.
ReplyDeleteIn the US when a murder like this happens all bets are off. No such thing as a snitch. If you know something you tell because even the bad guys don't want these lowlifes in their midst. In the jails and prisons they are on the same level as child molesters. Everyone will thank you and share smokes or food if you manage to take one out.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about? Hundreds of innocent people are killed every year in the U.S. by street gangs. U.S prisoners/jails mates rarely kill child molesters because the child molesters and other sick people get protected custody. They don't get released into the general population of convicts. What do you mean no such thing as a snitch? Criminals are loyal to themselves only even Italian crime families have snitches in their ranks. The core group of the cartels rarely do the fighting, it's the lower ranking cells and "members" that do the dirty work for them and die for their bosses's boss. Either the lower ranking members are very loyal to the death or the core group have them very well controlled. Most of the cartel gunmen don't really know why their target is getting killed.
How about the thousands of children getting killed by the U.S Army/Marines and Air Force every year. Do I blame those cowardly acts done by the U.S government on the general American society? Nope because I don't lower myself to that status and I know that the majority of the Americans and Mexicans alike despise cowardly acts by either criminals or the government.
yeah .. you guys should protest or something
ReplyDelete"Let everyone see what they have done!!" Jackie Kennedy..
ReplyDeletewhen it was suggested she change out of her bloodied clothes after the assasination of JFK
We must be shocked, and bear witness. This is horrific, it needs to be. Ovemex is the most thoughtful person and would never post anything for sensationalism.
I was torn apart when I first saw the picture and I though about it a lot. Many things crossed my mind, and then I started to read some of the comments and some things that had been in my mind were tuched upon. Then suddenly I figured it out.
ReplyDeleteMost people who were complaining about the picture did not care about the incident itself, they just cared about a PICTURE! The reason I say this is because there were 4 other children killed that week and since there was no picture of them posted, they were not outraged about the other children and frankly, they could care less. But a picture, which is just a single digital image of the tragic event, was the only thing that mattered. That made me angry, and at the end it all resolved itself, it reassured me that BB had done the right thing for posting the picture, because if not, most would not had cared.
SOme real facts to think about:
ReplyDeleteChihuahua state and Juarez have a murder rate of children 75 per 100K. (org crime murders)
in the first 55 days of 2011, 60 children were murder in Messico thru Org crime violence.
keep in mind this is Messico math which experts say is off double or even triple
ReplyDeleteif you can not define a difference between children being casualites of war and those killed by criminals, then I am speechless.
A piece of work for sure...rumour has it you are E1's mother
@t 9:57 P.M. youve obviously never lived in brooklyn, NY they couldn't come down here bout mexican cartel
ReplyDeleteI hope you filthy cocksuckers are happy. The US government KNOWINGLY allowed for all those weapons to flood the country and now they're killing babies and little old women, the fuking cowards !!! And it also goes for the fuking racist nazi scumbags posting here, asking to be protected from the poor people fleeing this tragedy. Shame on you all, wait til it happens to you !!!
ReplyDeletetake that picture off, that is even more disturbing than the videos of guys getting beat, castrated and skinned. Those assholes deserved it, but not that little angel of god. If BB has any sense of pride and morals, take that picture out. Don't lower yourselves to their level.
March 17, 2011 5:56 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
I don't understand how the Mexican Government can allow these things to happen and not pursue the aggressors with the FURY and SWIFT JUSTICE the U.S would utilize."
You're talking out of your ass, moron. The US government facilitated this bullshit with the "Fast & Furious" program. This administration has the blood of these little kids on their hands, if you're so outraged, call your representative and demand an investigation of the paramilitary agency known as the BATF. That is before their rogue agents find you and do the same thing to your family like they did in Waco and Ruby Ridge.
@Commander Exocet said...,
ReplyDeleteThe blame for this tragedy lies with the Drug Cartels, not with the U.S., not with the Mexican gov't-not directly at least. Your ranting about racist, nazi, scumbags..is a contradication in terms because your trying to combat hate with hate. In essence you have become the very thing your arguing against.
Let's be real about one thing, over +36,000 people have been killed (I believe that number is seriously underrated) since 2006, when Calderon's administration decided to combat this problem with a military solution. Some were innocent victims, some not so innocent (involved in the drug game)..the point is certain areas of Mexico have become war zones and are just not safe...you are going to continue to see women, children, etc...killed because there is no controlling a bullet, once it leaves the barrel...
@Buela What the hell are you talking about??
ReplyDelete"you can not define a difference between children being casualties of war and those killed by criminals"
You realize how stupid that sounds...a children death is speechless regardless if it took place in a war zone or by criminal hands. PERIOD!!!
ReplyDeleteQuit watching "Conspiracy Theory" videos like Zietgiest and David Icke. It's clouding your judgment. If you hate the U.S so bad move to Mexico. There was a drug war way before the "Fast and Furious" scandal, DumbASS.
"call your representative and demand an investigation of the paramilitary agency known as the BATF"
Call your doctor I think you need a higher dosage of your MEDS.
Not to sound insensitive, but as disgusting as this picture is and beyond sad.....I have to admit, watching the video of a live man having his genitals cut off just before his head and his arms, was a bit more gruesome in my mind. I'm not making moral comparisons or minimizing the disgust and sadness I feel for this out of control situation in Acapulco, but man!!!! That dude had his cccccach N' Balls cut off!!!
ReplyDeleteI have to side with the opinion that it needs to the pictures need to stay. I have 4 daughters and 1 son. My youngest is 2 years old and the next youngest is 7. I seen a reflection of my own children in these pictures. They have brought tears to my eyes. Before I found this site, I was ignorant. I was sheltered. Now I know what is going on.
ReplyDeleteMost of the world doesn't want to see this. Hell....I don't want to see it! But I must continue to become better educated and tell others about this site. How can we fight an enemy we cannot see? This site gives us our "eyes" on the street.
Thank you Borderland Beat for your courage and honesty.
By the way, I'm the one that posted the original comment...."There is a code in the US that doesn't seem to align with the criminals in Mexico. In the states if you kill children, you are a target in the prison system and on the streets. I can only hope this type of "no one is safe" mentality doesn't become the "norm" in the US.
Those that kill kids....I hope you die soon."
And I appreciate the other commentor stating "He would come out of retirement, it's like riding a bike".
I feel you on that one!
it breaks my heart to see that but it's what's happening and everyone needs to see these. Like I said before, the people of Mexico need to get mad and do something...
ReplyDeleteIf you can say it is stupid, then you know nothing about me. and if you can not see the difference...not in the tragedy, not that they are both horric loses...the essence, the difference ..,,of casulties of war, weather one believes in the purpose or not, I for one do not, but to say there is not difference is to say our men in uniform are the same as narcos...do you REALLY believe that?
If so you are a hopelss asshole.
Buela, I always take your side until when you take things personal and start calling people names, it just takes so much away from your points, I wish you stop doing that. Just make your points, argue the facts and leave the perosnal attacks/name calling out, this is what BB is supposed to be cleaning up!
ReplyDeleteWho gives a shit if this happens during a war or if this happens in the U.S.. you don't kill children!
ReplyDeletePut one of these short skinny or fat burrito eating child killers in a phonebooth with me and I swear i'll choke him to death.
ReplyDelete"the difference ..,,of casulties of war"
What is the difference? So your telling me a death of a child in war is different from the death of this child? A death is a death!! A killing is a killing. Do not try to justify something!
And where did I say "our men in uniform are the same as narcos." No where. Ajulio couldnt of put it better "YOU DONT KILL CHILDREN!!!"
@March 18, 2011 11:52 AM
Yes Buela does take things toooo personal!!
TO: All those pieces of shit and their leaders, we have assembled, we are now looking for the ones that did this. May God for give you, because when we catch up with you we won't. Trust me we are on the way. There is no place to hide any more. We have put out the contract, now "Our" "Merc" friends they are looking for you, and they never have missed yet>
ReplyDeleteFuck these cowards
ReplyDeleteBuela is just going through a lot of problems right now. She's gonna have surgery on the 31st of this month. You guys could be a lil' more respectful. But anyway.....
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Mexico had a Second Amendment like the US...People could defend themselves, family and friends, and there property from the Drug Cartels and Government Thugs and Bureacrats! Calderon is as much a part of the problem as the Cartels. Take back your villages, towns and neighborhoods. Now there is revolutionary idea to get behind.
ReplyDelete@March 18, 2011 3:14 PM
ReplyDeleteSince I take pleasure in educating Americans who know nothing about Mexico and seem to have this mistaken idea about my country. I will take this time to correct this gringo.
"Maybe if Mexico had a Second Amendment like the US"
Here is the answer to your incorrect statement.
"Article 10 of Mexico's Constitution states the following: "Article 10. The inhabitants of the United Mexican States have the right to possess arms within their domicile, for their safety and legitimate defense, except those forbidden by Federal Law and those reserved for the exclusive use of the Army, Militia, Air Force and National Guard. Federal law shall provide in what cases, conditions, under what requirements and in which places inhabitants shall be authorized to bear arms."
@ 3:52
ReplyDeleteI began posting article 10 a year ago yet people still think that there is not a right to bear arms in Mx.
However...though there is the right to bear arms, along with posting that fact we would be remiss in not also providing the artcle in complete form. The right to bear arms is compromissed by stipulation of caliber. 38 caliber and 22 rifle is it. NO MAS. and these are allowed after application process and only can be purchased thru one source...the mexico army.
so good news/bad news...you can bear arms, but the caliber is for shit. but better than nothign I say. (even foreign citizens can bring arms and do)
let me make this clear. Children being killed anywhere for any reason is horrific, heartbreaking and wrong. I hate when someone gets sidetracked into bringing in the "well look over there so and so did it there" so do we discount this? and taking the focus on what exactly is happening HERE. I have a big problem with that. Secondly, war is ugly, and the pictures of the dead babies and children (KURDS) gased, is imprinted in my mind forever (sadam killing his own people). I compare those killings to these. I was defining a difference in intent. Armed forces do not intend to kill babies, these narcos fully intended to kill at least the grandmother and babies, probably the 4 year old as well.
ReplyDeleteThat is my point. there is a difference of intent.
Buela, Sadam intended to kill everyone including children (that is why he was tried for criminal acts and executed), he knew when he used the gas the children were part of the equation. I think what you refer to is the term that has been used here in the US as well as in Mexico, collateral damage. Collateral damage is damage that is unintended or incidental to the intended outcome. For political reasons the US attempts to minimize collateral damage when deploying bombs. I wrote two articles on the issue of Mexico using the term collateral damage during the times the military has killed innocent bystanders (although the actual "intent" has come to question, because that is a legal term that could make it criminal), although I agree to this point, recently, we have seen a scary increase in the numbers of children getting killed by criminals. The problem is we do not really know for certain if they were intentional or incidental, but that does not matter because the actual act is illegal to begin with, therefore it can never be classified collateral damage, because the act is criminal to begin with.
ReplyDeleteSo I hear both sides of the argument but when the smoke clears morally no child should be killed ever, they don't deserve to die, however legally, that is where it gets controversial and subjective especially when not intentional but incidental . Hope that helped.
What a bunch of sick b*astards. Is this really how far you've sunk you mexican cartels? You are the scum of the earth. You're lesser than animals. COWARDS.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't of put it better myself!! Good Job!
Like Buggs said "no child should be killed ever, they don't deserve to die, however legally"
Signed: Anon March 18, 2011 12:49 PM
The people that are saying to take down the picture are the very same ones that "close their blinds" and act as if nothing is happening! they are the ones that need it shoved in their faces, I wish I could force them to look and to hear the screams and cries from the people that are suffering in Mexico! Being shat and killed in Mexico is a blessing... Its the ones that are tortures which are the most horrendous...
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. and the WORLD should have stepped up long ago but Calderon bears the brunt of why no one has been allowed to help! Even now when it comes out un manned drones are being used their are people actually bitching about that! Amazing how some Mexican politicians complain about getting help from the U.S.! I am sure they are corrupt and they need to be forced from their positions within the Mexican government! It is going to take allot more than un manned drones to fix the evil insane psychopathic B.S. that is taking place in Mexico and its obvious Mexico can not do it on its own... - Grande Goat Horn
Mr. Buggs...
ReplyDeleteas you know I have devoted my adult life as an advocate for children and have worked in Mx as well as other countries for years. I agree with what you are saying to a point. say 99%.
I would like to explain that, but first
@ 12:49 I do not know how I can explain myself any further. I never said it is ok for a child to be killed, or any innocent for any reason. PERIOD. ok? Quite the opposite. Working for children is my life. It consumes me. And for your information my work has helped children in Iraq and I have been invited to build a center for blind chldren there. PLEASE believe me and forgive me for not being able to express myself better...but know this...THE DEATH OF A CHILD FOR ANY REASON BY ANYONE IS INEXCUSABLE. that said I was talking about intent. and there lies difference. and makes a diffence, it is what makes us human vs animal. Narcos are animals, sadam was an animal. see? that was the point. I know so many fine men in uniform doing wonderful loving acts of kindness in Iraq and Afghan, friends of mine, like Capt Russ Hayes now he is out of Iraq and is the dude that flies the lifeflight helicopter in El Paso Tx, not only served maultiple tours but every minute of off time he devoted to disabled kids in Iraq. SO I took it personally. Yes, there are bad apples, always there is..but for the whole we have some fine young men that go to battle because they are called by our country to do so, and I know what it does to them to know they have killed a child. If you would like to know pls visit a vertrans hospital and see for yourself, as I do in Long Beach California.
Now Mr. Buggs...you are presrenting an argument as tho you are saying something different than I. I chose Sadam because of the imprint of babies bodies in my mind, of course he purposedly chose that action, he hated the Kurds, hated their light skin and eyes and hated that they were not of pure race. racism. hatred. He had no problem killing them in mass in such a brutal horrfic way. This was intentional...do doubt.
Now Narcos...I have no doubt some children are killed...dare I say possibly most, by narcos in the line of fire or colateral damage. No doubt. But I have seen a shift where more often the children are, at least in part, or solely the target. The 2 month old decapitated in Chihuahua...can't be anything but intentional e.g.
chihuahua has a murder rate FOR CHILDREN at 75 per 100K! That cannot be non-intentional. Going to a party where teens are and opening fire, is intentional. and so it goes.
I am not caring so much if my opinion is popular or even accepted. I care that you get it right.
and probably I am really fired up for the latest sad report of children in mexico I just completed, inclduing the murder death rates by narco violence. It sickens me. But it sickens me as much when I see a child in horrific pain from a brain tumor and a parent tells me, the goverment will not give us pain medication for him to die comfortably...WHAT?? what about not dying and getting surgery. just so much attrition for the 60% of children in Mexico called poor.
Mexico needs a hero
Abuelita I beg to differ, I say it's 100% in the agreement with obsuletly zero in the disagreement, and darn it, I stand by it. Conclusion: We speak in equal terms.
ReplyDeleteOvemex..Joven I am sorry that my comments created too much focus on something not intended. I began simply supporting your decision to post the childs pic. I would like to bring the focus back to that and say that I hope people are moved to speak of what they see, that they become outraged and moved.
thanks for the post
JAJAJA thanks for the clarity Buggs...
ReplyDeleteMankind needs something profound to happen, and I believe it will very soon. This cannot go on much longer. The truth will be revealed ...a new age will begin. An age where we embrace peace and love. An age where the beautiful sound of children's laughter is never interrupted by the sound of gunfire. For this I pray.
ReplyDeletethe little girl is up in heaven now with all the angels. God bless her. Bad people will see it towards the end with Satan.
ReplyDeletelos esta esperando el diablo bola de jotos
ReplyDeleteWhat if the weapons used in these attacks were involved in "Operation: Fast & Furious?" Now that would be quite calamitous. Wouldn't it further establish that the USA is culpable for worsening the mess that Prohibition Policy created in the 1st place?
ReplyDeleteAs a tax payer and a father who successfully raised 3 drug-free kids [who had access to them while in public schools, mind you], I'd rather spend money on education, rehabilitation, & simply trying to catch bad people who do bad things to other people...rather than focusing on the drug trade, further militarizing a Drug War that has already consumed 41+ years and in excess of a trillion hard earned American tax dollars, while making billionaires of the drug kingpins...hitting the ultimate low of murdering children on Prohibition's behalf. Stop the madness.
(Psalm 37:9-11) For evildoers themselves will be cut off, But those hoping in Jehovah are the ones that will possess the earth. 10 And just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; And you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. 11 But the meek ones themselves will possess the earth, And they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.
ReplyDelete(2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) This takes into account that it is righteous on God’s part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for YOU, 7 but, to YOU who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength,
i thought about become a hunter and hunt down ppl who are no good in this world. im a retired snipper. and i would love to kill bad ppl.if i can find the right ppl to join me. and im serious about doing.
ReplyDeleteI'm never going to mexico
mierda de block poniendo fotos de ninos inosentes acribillados,esto es pura mierda no tienen madre ni respeto.
ReplyDeleteFor all you idiots who say the kids were killed as innocent bystanders, bullshit !!! A clear majority of those kids are shot on PURPOSE. They kill then out of cruelty, sadism, and just plain evil.
ReplyDeleteI've seen plenty of the kids with their throats cut, kidnapped, raped, brutally killed and thrown away like trash.
Sure, sometimes people get in the way, but plenty plenty of times they just kill the kids too because they can or because they want to.
One of those 15 yr olds was DISMEMBERED that wasn't an accident.