In August 2010, 72 illegal immigrants were massacred nearby the same location of the current graves of the missing passengers.
On April 17, Martin Omar Estrada Luna, leader of the Zeta cell in San Fernando was arrested as having masterminded both massacres.
Authorities say Estrada Luna, alias Comandante Kilo, has a psychological profile which describes him as calculating, cold, narcissistic, and extremely violent.
A photo gallery of Comandante Kilo posted online show him and his associates with "trophy" shots, guns, tactical gear, Santa Muerte, and Ferrari Logos.

"Authorities say Estrada Luna, alias Comandante Kilo, has a psychological profile which describes him as calculating, cold, narcissistic, and extremely violent."
ReplyDeleteNot sure if I know of a better reason for swift, judicial public executions.
ReplyDeletecastrate the S.O.B then shove a stick up his A## and torture him for many days then kill him.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a total clown. Looks like he fucks around with a few good looking bitches tho!
ReplyDeletedeliver him at a cdg execution squad and when you drop him off deliver along side him a hd camcorder.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing Holy about that santa muerte.
ReplyDeleteel comandante kilo-mecos es una vieja en la vida real, y tiene un myspace y le gustan los vatos
ReplyDeletenext CDG vid should star el kilo in....wait for it...."a thousand little pieces" start at the toes and fingers and work your way in Golfos!
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't look like someone that could perpetrate such a massacre. I have a feeling they are using him as a scapegoat for someone much higher on the ladder... don't get me wrong he is a disgusting individual.
ReplyDeleteI grew up with el kilo he's actually a cool mother fucker would give you the shirt off his back he might off been a drug user or mixed up with the wrong crowed but he is far from a killer he didn't do it I'll garentee that ,he was a great father and provided for his family well I never ever seen him abuse his wife or kids there was only one time I seen him get violente and that was on my birthday one year we all went drinking at Pete's night club and some guy grabbed his wife's ass and it went down him and his brother stood back to back fighting alot of guys but in defence,they are just framing him he would not do these things trust me
Deleteinche vato corriente! ni vestir bien sabe el guey! o y por cierto, muy verga el guey en esas fotos...a si hubiera de ser para mantener sus hijas que dejo en washington.
ReplyDeleteI wonder where he is from.
ReplyDeleteOn the last picture in the set where he is alone with his shirt off against a white wall
He has a tattoo at his pants line in red it looks like that says Norteno,
That is a northern California street and prison gang.
Kinda interesting!
He's from Yakima Wa I grew up with him went to scool with him and ...he was a good dude ....he didn't do this !! Took the rap cuz he ain't no rat . FREE MARTIN !!
DeleteCouldn't of said it better you guys have the wrong person let him go
DeleteI posted above, So he is from Washington state,
ReplyDeleteHe has 509 tattoo on his chest also.
And i seen the story posted yesterday about his capture
I find it pretty amazing that with all the Sureno deporties he was able to survive being a Norteno,
Where I live at there is a constant gang war going on with Nortenos and Surenos in Salinas Ca
Yeah I read Norteno which makes me wonder too where he is from.. Im here in Ea$t Oakland shakin my head at this piece of shit...Iʻm Nue$tra Familia (if you know what a Norte is you know what I am) and Im just tryin to figure out why if he is a homeboy is he down there doin shit with the Zetas (whom usually fuck with $ureno$ or The Barrio Aztecas) but con$idering hes in trouble for killing civilians I could only assume hes been around too many $krapa$ that shit dont fly in the Northern Califa$
ReplyDeleteHe smokes ragweed. Broke ass fucker isn't even smart enough to grow decent bud.
ReplyDelete"A photo gallery of Comandante Kilo posted online show him and his associates with "trophy" shots, guns, tactical gear, Santa Muerte, and Ferrari Logos."
ReplyDeleteummmm...dont mean to sound anal but what 'trophy' shots are you referring to? the pictures with him and the women at the expos? guns? - only one picture of a gun, doesnt look impressive nor something a "pesao" would carry. tactical gear - on a few pics you can see shoulder straps but thats about it. santa muerte? please...other than the picture with the hand holding that pendant, no one is seen wearing that pendant on a chain; i really doubt he owned it, he probably got if off some website and uploaded it to his myspace pics, also looks like something he wouldnt be able to afford. ferrari logos...just one shirt which looks like some of the ones you can get at a 'tianguis.' having said that this guy is a joke. who is the mex govt trying to fool. this guy is a peon, un cholo de rancho, whatever you want to call him. i seriously doubt he was the mastermind behind the massacres. you can tell he was/is poor y era un gato cualquiera. a este guey nomas se ve que le daban pa sus chicles but he was no "comandante" thats for sure. comandante de 10 perros but thats about it.
Send his ass to prison and let the inmates butt-rape his ass. Let him rot in prison for life.
ReplyDelete* The man in the first photo standing outside the passenger side with the bullet proof vest looks like the typical corrupt state or ministerial police officer.
ReplyDeleteHe's an absolute brainwashed, evil, minor IQ-ed moron who can do nothing more evolved than kill fellow humans and I won't bother to judge his pathetic physical state.
ReplyDeleteYou are ridculous and sound like a real stupid human being. Your only cool to other assholes who hang out with you and act like you.
To everyone else who is normal we laugh at you and think what a stupid dumb ass. look at the way he walks , like a fucking monkey and dresses like a bum and acts, like a 10 year old trying to impress his little buddies.
You need to grow up and stop acting like the losers that you are and that everyone sees.
Get a job and support your families and quit thinking that the State will always pay your way.
Pull your sorry head out of your ass. The way you are now, your nothing but a problem for everyone else. Be normal and get a real life and realize that you only live once so quit wasteing it being stupid and concerned about shit that means nothing to anyone else!!!!
There are many more pics on the other site. Many Z idiots appear in those pics, it should be a good target list for CDG and CDS. Zetas are a joke hiring Cali cholo scum to work for them.
ReplyDeletewhat else can you expect from a foken Norputa. That is what typical BUSTERS will do after being owned by the BIG BAD SURX3.
ReplyDeleteBet he murder hella skraps tho. Fuk skraps nuttin but snitches in my city n fuk ur city u rata
ReplyDeleteThe photos should be prima facie evidence to show some of the idiot "Americans" that read this blog, how mistaken their concept of the Z is. I especially refer to the ones that might keep thinking that the common street trash pictured above might have ever been "highly trained Mexican Special Forces" that have been through Ft Benning.
ReplyDeleteNi este bulto de estiercol, o su madre, han conocido lo de afuera de una latrina; mucho menos Columbus, GA.
God Speed, CDG
...Your turn will come later...
ICEman commeth.
@Cuete, I'm with you on that one bro! 916!
ReplyDeleteThe northern gang mentality is one of honor and respect for family and civilians. The southerners don't care about anything. They are influenced to much by what is happening with the cartels. Not only that, but southern hispanic gangs are known to be racist.
If he was smart, he would have learned to grow his on weed and moved to cancun and sold it to the tourists. He spent a long time in the US so he probably has a good grasp of english. He cold have made a fortune on beaches and only worked 4 hours a day.
ReplyDeleteHe was very fluent in English and a highly respected person ,very intelligent individual
DeleteI like how he's holding up a patty of mexi-brick weed like its something special. A damn Zeta boss for the region and they can't get some good dank?!?
ReplyDeleteActually it's probly the water over there because in Seattle were some of the best bud comes from and he always had the best ,but you can only have what is supplied in that area so the sera didn't have shit basically
DeleteI just don't understand how a Norteno from the American west coast ends up in northeastern Mexico, shot calling for the z. Does anyone know if the photos where this guy is posing with his homeboys were taken inside the Cali prison system? Also how does this guy operate in northern tamaulipas with so many tangos and Texas syndicate operating on both the Texas and Tamps. borders?
ReplyDeleteI am for vigilante justice. If they attack a police or military installation, line them up and M-16 them. Period. No trial or prison, which they will escape anyway. an eye for an eye. Even Arab justice...public beheading for major crimes and cutting off hands for lesser crimes. Show them justice can be just a brutal as they have shown thousands of innocent victims. Period.
ReplyDeleteThe guy is a scapegoat, how many real people are taking stupid pictures of themselves. Back in the day, you would get shot for taking pictures, because people would think your an informant.
All you Norteno and Sureno amateurs, please get out of here. You kids look like ants compared to Cartels, so just stick to your little town and STFU like good children.
ReplyDeletepinche lakra hijo de su puta madre ...por culpa de estos mendigos arrastrados estorbos del diablo...llevo ya un chingo de tiempo que no puedo ir a visitar mi tierra tamaulipeca ........... que se lo carge la verga a el y a todos su pinche bola de arrastrados
ReplyDeleteBalacera y destrozos en Miguel Aleman Tam.
The clothing shown in the prison photos is conistent with the clothing worn if federal prison not CDC (California Departmment of Corrections).
ReplyDeleteHis from northern Mexico, Tamp, & he was probrably in Pecos, that where they send all the piazas.
ReplyDeleteCriminals have no honor...they all roll on each other when they get caught. Some take longer than others but they all roll eventually. I find it hilarious that they all roll on each other. How do you think this guy was found? Some rolled on him and his location.
ReplyDeleteEl Kilo is a low level thug....the real boss is San Fernando for the zetas is someone else. This guy is a punk that is being used by the zetas. Wait and see
ReplyDeleteYour average Mex gang banger that is so popular,guilty or not he represents a worthless culture,one that is a drag on both Mexico and the US, the glamor hype of the gang drug life all the bling bling BS,these people need to be eliminated by education,resocialization ,and removal. Hard working,law abiding,tax paying citizens deserve the respect they have earned,these trashey paracites need to be removed.
ReplyDeleteEl BATO SE VE FIRME AUNQUE LA HAGAN DE PEDO,DEJEN QUE CORRA LA VIDA,nadie puede camviarla,mugrero es mugrero
ReplyDeleteNorteños and Sureños aren't crazy and saddistic enough to be compared to these Cartel guys.These Cartels will wipe you "cholos" out of California in 1 month.Plus,these guys are "organized crime",better weapons,equipment,connections with law enforement,better trained(some are former military and federal.
ReplyDeleteThis is disturbing seeing the pics of this lowlife piece of crap....why? because I am sure many of those images were taken after he authorised and committed the recently discovered massacres and here he is in his pics cruising around with his buddies and showing off his women without a care in the world.
ReplyDeletePLEASE. You a vile scumbag piece of shit and you gonna get what's coming to you. No one can expect to just have 150+ people murdered and expect to carry on his laid back thug gang life like nothing happened. NO! the military fucking rescued him from the C.D.G. If they got hold of this asshole because of the gulf members he also authorised to be massacred along with the innocents, he would be starring in the C.D.G latest morbid video.
Fuck this jerk! if the Mexican government goes easy on this prick I will fucking put my fist though my PC monitor.
lol I just laffed my ass off at my girlfriend when she read this she said:
ReplyDelete"he too fat to be in any Zeta special forces"
...thats my point...
ReplyDelete...this is worthless americanized cholo gangbanger that was brought up thinking that "American Me" is what being Mexican is all about. At night he probably dresses in his issued uniform and yells "vatos locos forever, ese" at the mirror....
WHATEVER HAPPEN TO THE REAL EX SPEICAL FORCES G.A.F.E ? THE REAL ORIGINAL. THESE ZETAS NOW A DAYS LOOK LIKE STREET IDIOTS. I MISS THE ORIGINAL ZETAS LIKE Arturo Guzmán Decena (Z-1), Jesús Enrique Rejón Aguilar (Z-2), Heriberto Lazcano (Z-3), Carlos Vera Calva (Z-7), Galdindo Mellado Cruz (Z-9), Flavio Méndez Santiago (Z-10), Jaime González Durán, Rogelio González Pizaña, Efraín Teodoro Torres, Raúl Hernandez Barrón, Óscar Guerrero Silva, Luís Alberto Guerrero Reyes, Mateo Díaz López, Jorge López, Daniel Peréz Rojas, Sergio Enrique Ruiz Tlapanco, Nabor Vargas García, Ernesto Zatarín Beliz, Eduardo Estrada González, Prisciliano Ibarra Yepis, Rogelio Guerra Ramírez, Miguel Ángel Soto Parra, Gonzalo Ceresano Escribano, Daniel Enrique Márquez Aguilar and Germán Torres Jiménez.
ReplyDeleteThese females in these pics better get the f*ck out of dodge. If i was them i would be very afraid.
ReplyDeletewell that's probably how he got the girls because they knew he was a Zeta and know smart enough than to to piss him off.
ReplyDeleteLa letra GRANDE ,siempre sera GRANDE por que GRANDE es y GRANDE sera Z.
ReplyDeletehaha is this low life a commandante who is responsible for the san fernando deaths? jaja the top bosses really recruit every single idiot they can find like this fat pendejo
ReplyDeleteThose aren't his girls. They are paid to wear skimpy clothing at expo's. Every company in Mexico uses this apporoach to attract men. Even small auto parts stores. He coudn't pull those bitches if he had to.
ReplyDeleteTrust me he's had prettier bitches than that I'm not just pretty girls I'm talking about fine ass from head to toe bitches like Damm..okay
DeleteIt smelled bad from the beginning.
ReplyDeleteThis El Kilo is El Scapegoat
One thing I really enjoy is comparing the mean-mugging he is doing in some of these photos against him grimacing in pain from the asswhipping the Marines gave him right before he did the perp-walk.
ReplyDelete25 years in san fernando. Guarantee El Kilo is not the boss in that plaza. Just a sign of how controlled the area is by the mafia.
ReplyDeleteHe's from the 509 a Norteno..
ReplyDeleteanother Citizen of the USA..fuckin around in mexico..
I like the first picture with the idiot with the radio standing by the passenger side window. If this Kilo-cholo was a Z-shot caller, ese fulano would be waving him through. For sure he wouldn't be leaning on the car with his filthy barbacoa stained fingerprints.
ReplyDeleteThis is not about surenios & nortenios, they all die over worthless reasons anyway. we are talking about inocent people with a dream here in the border dieing for no reason, obviously this clown is not the right guy but the government needs to put someone in the news to act like they are doing something. gangs and cartels are not gonna stop because the problem is not the government,the military or any law, the problem is in the mans heart and the only ones that can make a better situation in this world is you parents teaching your kids the value of life. a good education will keep them away from all the stupidity. do your job and stop making babys just because is the way of life. i live in the border, i know how it is, i see it everyday.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are all fucking stupid! "El Commadante Kilo" was NOT a Zeta boss, he was a cell leader in San Fernando and there are about a dozen or so of them in San Fernando alone. He was NOT the leader of the San Fernando plaza, the leader there is someone else. "Z-42" is the Zeta boss in Tamulipas state and all the cell leaders, plaza bosses etc. respond to him.
ReplyDeleteanother fine role model for the younger generation..especially the ones who are planning a future of being incarcerated...
ReplyDeletea real credit to chicanos/latinos everywhere..especially all the honest hardworking people know the ones ..the ones who try to raise a family and have a decent life...
yeah this pinche gordo culero is someone to emulate
and just think of all the respect he will get in jail..say that over to yourself...respect in jail...
thats what i want ..respect in jail..from a bunch of otra loser ass mugrosos...yeah thats whats it is all about ..respect in jail
some real good values to pass on ese
he got a big mouth and some fat lips...just grow that cockduster bigotes and knock them teefs out and he will be all he aint got no feathers either ...
yeah he might be gonna get some big respect..jajajajaj
April 22, 2011 11:48 AM
ReplyDeletemotherfucker where are u when he was out there
ive known him my whole life. he mite have killed some people but I garrentee he never killed or raped any little kids. people sure love to talk shit until evil steps on there front porch. he was one of the hardest mother fuckers ive ever met but at the same time he had the biggest heart as well