Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Narco-Response" to the Knights of Templar from CJNG

From the Borderland Beat Forum by Havana

A video made ​​by members of New Generation Jalisco Cartel, where they signaled to the towns of Guerrero and Michoacan that they will take care to clean the wave of violence. The recording is just over four minutes, it shows several men dressed in black, hooded and heavily armed, some of them (apparently the leaders) are sitting at a table, as it has been observed in previous recordings as a simulated press conference.

In the narco video, the men are presented as the Soldiers of the New Generation Jalisco Cartel, they tell the people of the state of Guerrero and Michoacan they will clean the area of evils, in addition to government agencies (Ministry of Defense, SEMAR, Federal Police and State Police).they say the problem is not with (aforementioned agencies), asking them to let them work and confirming that they will go against the Knights Templar.

One man says that the people are fed up of so many injustices that are experienced daily, stating that The Knights Templar no longer are drug dealers, rather "a bunch of bandits who abuse innocent people, is a malignant plague daily kill innocent people and steal what little they earn to support his family. Since they are engaged in kidnapping, extortion, toll collection, stealing the land the farmer and the lowest they do is rape defenseless women, "says the stranger in the recording.

"You Knights Templar are a bunch of filthy bandits together with your leaders, citizens deserve peace and, the we, the soldiers of the New Generation Jalisco Cartel come to give peace of mind to them, and end these evils that have invaded the tranquility of the citizens of Guerrero and Michoacan. Because we are dedicated to drug trafficking and not to stealing, or kidnapping as the lousy Knights Templar do of. But we assure you that we will finish them off and their leaders who are called Enrique Plancarte alias El Quique, Servando Gómez alias La Tuta or El Profe, and Nazario Moreno alias El Chayo, El Doctor or el famosos Mesías.

The These last two are a reward that we will give our country, because until now the Government has been unable to find him, nor Nazario Moreno alias El Chayo, who pretends to be dead but actually is not dead. Until now the government has not captured the for the only reason that they do not know where they hide, but we know all these places like the back of our hands, and assure you that we will finish them all nasty Knights of Templar, "said the hooded man, who insists that they are addressing with respect the authorities. They just ask the authorities to let them work.

"In this statement we say that we are against kidnapping, extortion, rape of woman and killing innocent people, enough of so much evil on the part of these evils which are the Knights Templar. Sincerely the Warriors Next Generation Jalisco Cartel," said the unknown spokesman.

" Let's go, all of us, for the freedom of Michoacan and Guerrero", all men who appear on the recording chanted in unison . That's how it.

Video from Blog del Narco

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  1. this type of mentality would never ever allowed in usa every 1 would of been caught recognized and sentenced comon mexico the country is allowing those piece of garbage to rule where is the local state federal police ohhh sorry forgot the bribes

  2. CJNG Didn't even clean up veracruz and can't even defend jalsico. So what do they do? start another fight.

    1. I agree, they are are a bunch of idiots...........pussys.

    2. Yeah, a fight theyre definitely not going to win. I'm no expert on these types of things but I don't think the CDJNG has enough on the CT to take their state. But you never know what kind of outside help they might get so I guess we're just going to wait for the outcome......

  3. Are these the guys that wasted those poor 12 police officers and decapitated the other 10 kidnappers in Teleloapan ?

  4. Like I said many times before, El Macho Loco is not dead he is the true leader of LCT!

  5. Seriously, who are they kidding with this complete bullshit. Next, they'll smother 35 people and dump them all over a road in the early morning and there won't be one plastic helmet or suit of armor among the whole lot. Because they'll be innocents long over playing with toys.There will be found a narco message saying, "just doing what we said we'd do for the people..." and every other word will be misspelled because they are just a bunch of really stupid, misguided, violent morons. They should just get a real jobs but they may be too idiotic to be employed.

  6. Looks like LCT will follow the same route as la familia/la resistencia and milenio and join the los zetas. At this point it's Sinaloa/CDJNG against all of the above. Cartel de Tijuana and Juarez are sitting back watching the choas smuggling all the drugs they can across the border in the mean time. El Golfo seem to be laying low at the moment since they are behind enemy lines (z territory) and have lost most of their leadership.

    1. Lct does not need to join anybody pendejo michoacan is owned by michoacanos and we are united for what ever, if we were to join the letra it would be over for everybody including you're daddy chapo.

    2. Your right the Michoacanos were chapos last big ally and now they fucked it up and if it does come to CT joining the other side then I feel sorry for jalisco and sinaloa because chapo won't be able to save his ass even with the army all over these guys so chapo better watch what the fuck he does

    3. Michoacanos and zetas joining and its over for everybody? Before u post think,by ur comment i assume ur michoacano, so let me inform u, michoacano cartels are considered new by cartel standards,they werent included in the original plaza deals of the eighties, its was sinaloa,durango,chihuahua,sonora,baja cali, nl,tamualipas, and jalisco. Also in order for ur awsome michoacano cartels to make money they have to arrange deals with cartels on border to smuggle their goods.dnt get me wrong wen it comes to meth michoacan is da deal but its not as strong as u think outside of michoacan!!! Cmon helmets made in china for cts,mmm i think la familia was more legit!

  7. "They should just get a real jobs but they may be too idiotic to be employed"
    Bitch,who is the idiot?Where are the jobs?
    You wouldn't have the balls to do anything like this,so keep postin your little comments like the panochas that you are."Get a job"Bitch please.

  8. where the fuck are all those ct dick riders now. all you bitches talking shit about cjng. now you got what you want lct vs cjng. they are going for you putos. lct should fear cjng more than any other cartel. cjng holds alot of rep in michoacan due to the members that are from there. cjng wont never shake hands with zetas but who knows if lct will. what you people are going to see is lct getting together with lfm again even though they never fell apart. thats was pure bullshit. do you think el chayo would of ever let that happened being still alive. it was a plan to get their name cleaned because everyone in lfm was fucking up at the timeand becoming just like the zetas. they created lct but they still let lfm operate so they can make the public and the government think that they seperated the good guys from the bad ones. why do you think you never hear lfm and lct bumping heads in michoacan. they were and would always be the same shit. the michoacanos are the worst two faced people and backstabbers that there can be in mexico. pinche michoacanos se creen muy vergas cuando andan en un bola pero nomas los agarran uno por uno y hasta los huevos te quieren lambiar pinche bola de jotos.

    1. Los Michoacanos ran the Zetas out of our state, we weren't going to put up with their BS, you can say what you want, but when it comes down to it, we are all united amd will not let a a little group with ski masks on come and run shit, I think your're one of those punks that got bullied as a kid or tried to step on a Michoacano and got your shit set straight, Long live EL CHAYO!

    2. Clean your own state first punales and then come play with the big boyz
      Los ct dont play around wit anybody comin into tierra caliente without their permission
      I call for jalisco wanting to call a truce in about 3 weeks

  9. It look like the little kid on the right side of the table was gonna ask his older brother if they can do the chant again he fucked up

  10. Honestly I think they are not cjng but la familia michoacana let's wait and find out

  11. whoa boy here we go ding ding. see how many balceras and ejecusiones will go down in the following months in that are.

  12. ajajaja Ya se miraba venir eso CT vs CJNG desde hace doz meses lo via dicho por algunas cosas....Pues estos de los CJNG ya por mero van a conocer su Cartel desmadrado si En Veracruz no pudieron menos en Michoacan contra los CT y tambien andan en Guerrero jajajaja estos pendejos de los CJNG nomas calentando las plazas a lo wey!!!

    El Chapo los apoya por eso tiene buenos recursos Los CJNG pero ya tien en cima a los Zetas,Milenio,Cartel Independiente ahora los CT no pues va estar bien cabron para ellos neta jajajajajaj Ese Chapo nomas quiere Michoacan para el!!!! por eso manda a sus pendejos hacerle guerra a ellos.....

    Nuevo Laredo-Monterrey-Sinaloa

    1. I wanna c this fight cause if they go to michoacan and dump 35 bodies in Morelia aggarense putos porque esos gueyes no perdonan.

    2. Thos punales in jalisco killed 35 people and thought they were hot shit but every person they killed was either a nobody halcone or a innocent person wait till they think its the same and get shot in the face ahahah bola de punales

  13. lmaof lol at the last part of the video when they do there little cheer any body else here that one guy that fucked up. so funny like from a comedy movie.

  14. CJNG hasn't left Veracruz. The port is their's. They may not control all of Veracruz but they control the main port cutting off the Z supplies. They havn't left Guanajuato either. Right now is not the time to declare war there due to the pope's arrival. That is probably why CJNG didn't mentioned the state in their video. This cartel is growing rapidly and they seem to be more like a hit squad.

    1. So you say they are also in guanajuato really what part of guanajuato they control? Please answer and are they really cdjng because I think they are la familia michoacana

  15. Can some one tell me WTF is going on here?! I thought they were on the same team!

  16. dis is so confusing i thought dey were allies, i wonder gits gonna happen now with da cartel alliance since CT and CDG are allies but also CDS/CJNG and CDG are also allies.

    can any1 give me some answers plz?

    1. CDG and CT are going to become a duo alliance and terminate the alliance with cds and jalisco which are rumors going around this is cause when CDG had tony tormenta they decided to bring Michoacan as an ally and M3 and Tormenta didn't like the idea of the alliance but Coss and R1 favored Michoacan as an ally rather than sinaloa so now that the old leaders and heavyweights from CDG are gone the only ones left are working closely with Michoacan not anyone else but everyone here knows Cdjng is no where near being as influential or srong as CT but we will find out what's really going on in a few weeks when the bodies start piling up or when CT responds to the video

  17. Aqui estamos cuando les guste si se quieren morir entrenle. Arriba michoacan hijos de su puta madre. Saludos para el Chayo

    1. Es todo! Si quieren fuego pues entrenle al infierno, aquí estamos en tierra caliente hijos de su puta madre! No pude con los pinches zetillas jediondos van a poder con Los Templarios! Mis respetos para todos mis compás de Jalisco pero a estos vatos de CJNG se les va dar piso si se meten en terreno ajeno! Pónganse pilas mis TEMPLARIOS!!!

    2. Aqui vamos compas desde Chicago para el apoyo de Los michoacanos Somos 40 primos y carnales jotos de Jalisco.

    3. Ya estamos Asta la chingada con estos putos de Jalisco, pinches marikas entren para darles en toda su puta madre jotolines.


    5. Los punales de jalisco les van a dar unos putasos pa que no se olviden y los Zetas nis les ponen attencion porque saben que son ratas y jotos que no pelean como el CDG y CT

    6. Pobreditos punales de jalisco le van a jalar cada pelito ke tienen abajo as a torture
      This is going to be like practice for the caballeros templarios

  18. What'cha gonna do when the CJNG run all over you? Hahaha! Sooner or later things will get even worse in Mexiclis and the U.N. will have no choice but to .intervene...that's just my humble opinion!

  19. "dis is so confusing i thought dey were allies, i wonder gits gonna happen now with da cartel alliance since CT and CDG are allies but also CDS/CJNG and CDG are also allies.

    can any1 give me some answers plz?"

    La familia was created by Los Z to take michoacan and jalisco from sinaloa. LFM decided to break away from the z and use their very same tatics (extortions, kidnappings, robbery, ect). When sinaloa put a hit on la familia for violating the agreement that Jalisco was off limits they la tuta and his people split to form Los caballeros. Now they broke the agreement again by exotorting and kidnapping and CDJNG got the green light from Sinaloa to kill them.
    Both la familia and Los caballeros are essentially zetas in the way they operate.

    1. You speak as if this is the mexican mafia you dumbfuck chapo is a snitch and a bitch and is getting is badass enforcers antrax slaughtered all over sinaloa he gunna get all his jalisco punales killed like this the CT ain't no small cartel they control most of western mexico and have deep ties in Jalisco so let's see how much balls these jalisco bitches have , Los Caballeros Templarios y La Gente Michoacana

    2. Ahuevo ....
      And how weird that 8000 police were sent to michoacan along tge jalisco punales... Alliance with police much

      It dont matter caballeros templarios got this i give it a month before they start crying to el chapitito


  21. Is it me or does it seems chapo wants all the meth business to himself? That's why he sends cjng? To heat up the plazas? What you think?

  22. Puro caballeros estoa punales no saben donde se meten hahahaha cada uno se va morir u went into the wrong state retards hahaha nd dont be killing innocent passing them off as ct members assholes

  23. I wonder how many times they practiced that hehe

    1. Hahaha and it still came off bad lol

  24. Maybe its remainder of la familia members joining up to battle cts,but cjng needs to watch out the cts might bust out their voltron swords and their magneto helmets!!! On da real its hard to take the cts seroius after dat helmet incident!!!

    1. It doesnt matter warmt we bust.. we could bust out scissors and still cut all them punales one by one
      Too eazy.
      After this practice with the jalisco punales then its little chapito... Aqui ct is cool wit el mayo no chapito hoesman

  25. 8:50 and 6:34 sound really tough. They must be real bad-asses. Or maybe just asses. We will see after 6,000 Mexican troops have been there a few days.

  26. What the fudge.I wanted the lct and cjng to unite against the zetas...... Now their going to fight each other and make them self weaker meanwhile the zetas get stronger.

  27. ay mi gente que no entienden que nunca van a ganar la guerra pero que pendejos son no mas se handan matando a lo pendejo y al final el govierno va a salir triunfante por que tiene todo el apoyo de usa q. Ni pancho villa , ni zapata pudieron ganarle al gobierno una vez que este tuvo el apoyo de los estados unidos. Entiendan aprendan de la historia asi como aprenden de las esperiencias la historia te ensena la esperiencias de la humanidad, nada pasara que no haya ya pasado pendejos la vida es una historia que se repite una y otra y otra vez como una hobra de teatro con diferentes escenarios pero con el mismo guion

  28. Shit is gonna hit the fan in MICHOACAN these upcoming weeks/ months...... I cant wait:) hahaha viva usa!!!!



  31. I hope all other cartels take advantage of this opportunity and invade Jalisco to teach them a lesson about causing havoc in other and trying to take over shit that ain't theirs and teach them how to respect

    1. They already took jalisco and kicked them out.... Now they need another home....


  33. CDJNG is gonna smash on Michioacan,cartels from michoacan never really had power.Chapo is backing them up,CDJNG,michiocan will belong to Sinaloa hajaha.

  34. @ Very first poster: "this type of mentality would never ever allowed in usa"

    Sadly, this type of mentality is not only allowed in the USA but I think is even encouraged judging by the number of YouTube videos of white racist saying there going to "war" with the federal goverment, displaying weapons, wearing hoods, ect ... very disgusting. The same crap when on in the 90s predating all these videos coming from Mexico. Indeed, since the USA is the #1 consumer of drugs, both legal and illegal, which fuels the violence in Mexico, some of our citizens brains are fried beyond all hope.

  35. Pinches tapatios jotos. Alrato su estado va ser de los Michoacanos. Por que no se meten esas 50 cal. al culo. "ay si, ay si, puro cdjng al 69%"

    1. Lol pos caballeros are already injalisco lol and they have alliances with some groups there

  36. Drug use in the USA is so out of control that even former presidents are rumored to have been coked out: Clinton and Bush junior.

    For crying out loud in the USA when "good" drugs are not readily available kids even get high of human excrement: Jenkem. It comes from Africa but they are poor over there but here in the good ol' USA when it comes to getting high even a human turd is fair game.

  37. FM was NOT created by zetas. FM started in the 80s but they were not into drug trafficking back then.

  38. Fuck this motherfuckers cjng,motherfuckers ain't shit, don't talk about, do about it,try us and see what's going to happen to y'all little bitches,y'all want to go to war ok we'll go to war,and we'll see who be sitting on top after it's all said and done,Los Caballeros Templarios al 100

  39. What a circus. These clowns are in way over their head. They want to pull the bulls horns and start a war. The thing that puzzles me is how people take sides in this. Look what this armed mariachi is causing. A war amongst Mexicans. The ignorance of some of you. Inocent people are going to die because of this threat. Maybe the Mayans were right. They seen the future and fall of Mexico not the world ending. But Mexico destroying itself. How sad! Nuestro Mexico lindo y querido se va convertir en un infierno. So you will turn Michoacan against Jalisco and vise versa. Not good. More bloodshed over nothing but idiots that are hungry for power. Michoacan will never let another state come in and take over.

  40. "Lct does not need to join anybody pendejo michoacan is owned by michoacanos and we are united for what ever, if we were to join the letra it would be over for everybody including you're daddy chapo."

    That's what was said about the almighty familia, where are they now?? Part of the Zeta club.

    "CDG and CT are going to become a duo alliance and terminate the alliance with cds and jalisco "

    Trust me, CDG has much bigger problems in northern Mexico with the Z. They will not dedicate any time to michoacan only to bring more heat upon themselves.

    1. Because chayo is wit the caballeros
      Caballeros templarios aint letting no punales into their state...
      El chapo is screwing shit up super bad
      Fm eran traidores who started killing robbing their own people so they got kicked out by ct but until the last day they protected that state from any greedy ass people that wanted michoacan

  41. Damm, guess next thing we will see is a bunch of 4ft tall indios with robes and helmets littered all over the streets of michoacan, this is getting good.

    1. Better than seeing 5ft punales playing with their guns and sticking them in their ass

  42. Nunca nunca Por la historia k paso vamos a jdejar Que los putos gringos entren. Alpais Mexicanos k dicen ser Americans tienen mas nopal Que nada apoyen.asu jente. Eduquenla y ayudenla si esto pasa la violence bajara igual k la addiciones.
    Emcabio a los grupos criminales por mi dence en la madre pero en topones no alo escondido.
    Aguerrense cierra a campo libre. Ahi si se ve quien es chingon. Nada de mamadas k secuestros ponganse los huevos bola de maricones. Akin en el barrio rifamos contra todos morenos Boris,a nuestta jente la cuidamos
    Mexicans al 100 alos rateros y lacras aki les damos piso apuro Harlem!!!hast Mexico. Y alos narquitos k kieren venir aki a ponerse de huevos ,ya se dieting cuenta k aki para mandar los huevos te tienea k fajar. Aki so brincas posted pilas pork si no cuentas. Nada de mamadas k yo esto y la verga. Aki no carteles y ya nopandillas. Aki controlamos nosotros la ciudadnia. Y saludos ami gente Mexican k desde.Que llegamos el barrio esta cambiando. Para mejor y alos k kieren pararse de huevos, cuidense k aki si no respetan no seran respetados

  43. It's funny how most of the posts in this thread support a group. If tou were really part of the "fight" you would not have time to be on this blog.

    Pls keep the posts coming, I like a good laugh!


    1. I don't support any group, But many ppl who choose sides are called Fans. Fans don't participate in fights.... Did I make you laugh?

  44. Todos son traicioneros no nomas el chapo. Si no fuera por la traicion los ct no exsisterian. Mientras que los de jalisco y michoacan se den en la madre, el chapo va ahorrando jente y recursos pa darles un tope a las lacraz. Tambien le da chanza a cdg con reclutar mas jente y enviar mas recursos para el centro del pais dandole guerra a todos por 3 fronteras

  45. Cdg will not side with no one. If anything they will take sinaloa side because cds is pusing massive wieght through tamps while cdg taxes them. The only thing cdg needed from the ct is the foot soldiers and the crystal they produce but thats why they would have cjng for. Cjng is producing more crystal and better quality than the ct. Plus cdg has people from cds in tamps that are not dieing like the michoacanos that are getting killed in tamps by zetas.

  46. Wow, the retarded comments just keep on comming in. If you are such a big supporter of LCT why don't you buy yourself a one way ticket to Morelia and join LCT? Just a bunch of "wanna be" gang bangers who think that dressing in Jordan attire and talking like an idiot will get you far in life.


    1. So we cant take sides stupid ... Who said we are in it retard
      Stop crying cuz ur jalisco punales cant take care of their territory

  47. @6:00 pm
    Could you specify where LCT are at in jalisco? Which groups are they allied with in Jalisco?

    Bull S....

    1. Read articles boy it says everywhere

  48. Lets look at things from my point of view, the cjng is in for a fight, michoacanos can be very united especially in their home state,where their base is,da only way to win is to have and use watever is left of la familias influence and people but even dat dsnt guarrentee victory! Cdg has enough on their plate with their battles with zetas so i doubt any reinforcements will be coming for ct. Now heres da funny thing why is cds backing cjng against cts, wen cts asked cds for permission to finish lf members. For those of u asking why cts asked for permission, it was becuz of business dat was being conducted with cds and to not calentar el terreno, after the killings of da federal cops in michoacan. Remember cds has better gov contacts than cts more heat wasnt needed! Now heres something to think about maybe calderon wants to eliminate those dat had threatened his life remember la familia had sent a message out about dat yrs ago! Anyhow while cds is losing its wars in chihuahua and sinaloa,why cds would want war in mich beats me, da wolves are getting closer for da cds!!!

  49. It seems the only two cartels not fighting each other directly are the CDG and CDS... Chapo has started his third war against a cartel that dominates a certain state(s). Anthrax vs. Zetas, BLO; Gente Nueva vs. juarez, and CJNG vs. CT... this man is insane, he seems to be betraying everyone. It's beginning to look like Chapo vs. Mexico instead of Mexico vs. Zetas; maybe that's why there is major pressure for him to get captured. CDG seems to be at good terms with everyone and is only looking to eliminate the zetas from Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Veracruz,... IMO

  50. We just need the US troops 2 go 2 Mexico and all them cartels will be finish, cuz if the US dont go over there, the violence will start spilling more here..

  51. bunch of oxy~morons

    1. 8000 troops in michoacan, who knows how many federal police plus marines and now cjng that have to be at least 12000 men there will be a war in michoacan

  52. en bola son cabrones los michocanos pero wachen como los van a dejar si es ke salen y pelean limpio y no le corren a esconder,

    1. Y tu eres muy valiente? Hijo de tu puta madre! Arriba michoacan!. Saludos para El Chapo

  53. We just gonna wait n see what happens ,

  54. Of course people are gonna take sides. ITS WAR. Its no different from The U.S Iraq war. You cheer for the U.S? Even thoe u arent in the front lines fighting. Even thoe people arent involved in the conflict. Its gonna sound odd, but its just another form of patriotism of the state your from.



  57. Diablo and suelto en sta yevando tantas Almas k pueda :(

  58. And yet were still in Afghanistan wasting soldiers when. We should help Mexico get back on its feet I say we should go to war with Mexico not because of immagration not
    Because they want to come to America and
    Live a good. Life but because of the cartel scums that are makeing Mexico look like
    a warzone just to smuggle coke to rich college
    Kids. Sad Mafia in Mexico =genocide/CIVIL WAR. JESUS. HELP MEXICO CUZ THEY NEED YOU

  59. And yet were still in Afghanistan wasting
    soldiers when we could be helping Mexico
    Rid of Cartels. Man pancho Villa must be sad
    That his beloved Mexico turned out like
    this Mexican killing Mexican. Oh wait he has no head damn it must be in a skull and bones
    Club but any ways off topic don't believe
    when a cartel guys. Say they are not like the
    Other Cartel killing and rapeing because
    they do the same shit when the camera is
    Off. Fuck cartels and que viva Mexico cabrones

  60. El chapo sab q el chayo c a ganado lo q el nunca podra asu estado y el chayo hizo d michoacan una hermandad una religion q vengan somos SOLDADOS,GERREROS GUARDIA MICHOACANA y si quieren entrenl q todo michoacan su gent unida como hermandad si se requiere todos lo s apollamos y siquiere tanto el chapo q venga el mismo y sepa lo q es ser umilde y querer a su gente PURO MICHOACAN COMO CHINGADOS NO BOLA D LACRAS..

  61. El chapo tiene envidia d aver logrado lo q el chayo ha lo grado el ganarc a MICHOACAN el formar no un cartel sino una religion q nos veamos como ermanos al protger michoacan y q sepan todos q michoacan ESTA CON LOS TEMPLARIOS mas q nunca .JURO PAGAR CON MI SANGRE SI ESO FUERA NECSARIO PARA PROTGER A MI PUEBLO MICHOACANO DIGTA EL CODIGO NAZARIO COMO CHINGADOS NO ''''!!!!!!!


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