In the video there is footage of Trevino's horse in a race and an interview with Trevino after the race..... below is photo of Trevino's Horse "Tempting Dash" further down is another video of a horse they named "Corona Cartel" and another "Carters Cartel"..Vimeo has it on their site. The indictment link is at bottom.. ..Paz, Chivis Martinez
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Jose Trevino’s Tempting Dash, kept his perfect mark intact in winning the $1,105,397 Texas Classic Futurity(G1) while breaking his own 400 yard track record. Lone Star Park Photo |
Authorities stopped an impressive operation of José
Treviño Morales, brother of Miguel
Angel Trevino Morales (Z40) , second in command of the Los Zetas,
who led a race horse farm in Oklahoma, through which " laundered
"millions of dollars, reports The
New York Times.
According to the Daily News, on Monday 11th the U.S. Department
of Justice conducted a raid at the ranch in Oklahoma involving helicopters and
hundreds of agents, making the capture of Jose Trevino, brother of Miguel Angel
Trevino, the Z -40, and several of his collaborators.
Both brothers originated the business in the United States, resulting in a
successful breeding business of quarter hourses called Tremor Enterprise, it
allowed them to launder money from drug trafficking, according to reports of
police officers cited by the NYT.
Jose bought the ranch in Oklahoma and 300 stallions with money from Z-40. In just three years, they were victorious
in three of the most important horse races in America that netted them profits
by $ 2.5 million in prizes.
U.S. officials noted that this network of Los Zetas spent
about a million dollars a month on the purchase of race horses in America.
Receiving detailed information about the cartel in
January 2010. One source reported that Los Zetas are paid in a day more than a
million dollars using two mares for breeding.
According to the newspaper, the business of the Trevino
brothers had the support of a "friendly" partner identified as Ramiro
Villarreal who helped them find the best horses to compete in races.
After receiving information from the purchase of mares in
2010, the DEA arrested Villareal and he agreed to cooperate with the authorities
as an undercover informer. But five months later his charred body was found in
a vehicle on the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.
Police sources commented that one of the favorite
pastimes of Miguel Angel Trevino is just the horse races and, although he is always
in constant motion, he manages to organize races "parejeras" on farms
and racetracks in Mexico and Guatemala.
Corona Cartel
(the following is the text that accompanies the video "Corona Cartel")
We were recently hired by management of the Quarter Horse
stallion Corona Cartel to produce a promotional video and DVD on the horse. A
pleasure and honor to work on this as Corona Cartel is number two on the list
of all-time leading living sires of racing Quarter Horses. On the racetrack,
his sons and daughters have earned more than $26 Million. A multiple grade one
stakes winner, Corona Cartel had a stellar career on the track as well. He now
stands at Lazy E Ranch in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Production assistance from Remington Park Television
Thanks Los Alamitos, Zia Park, Sam Houston Racepark,
Remington Park, Lone Star Park.
Indictment Link Here
Indictment Link Here
An intriguing article from New York Times:

Yet in September 2010, a beaming band of men waving Mexican flags and miniature piñatas swept into Ruidoso, N.M., to claim the million-dollar prize with a long-shot colt named Mr. Piloto.
Leading the revelry at the track was Mr. Piloto’s owner, José Treviño Morales, 45, a self-described brick mason who had grown up poor in Mexico. Across the border, Ramiro Villarreal, an affable associate who had helped acquire the winning colt, celebrated at a bar with friends.
As for the man who made the whole day possible, Miguel Ángel Treviño Morales, he was living on the run, one of the most wanted drug traffickers in the world.
Mr. Treviño, a younger brother of José Treviño, is second in command of Mexico’s Zetas drug trafficking organization. Thin with a furrowed brow, he has become the organization’s lead enforcer — infamous for dismembering his victims while they are still alive.
The race was one of many victories for the Treviño brothers, who managed to establish a prominent horse breeding operation in the United States, Tremor Enterprises, that allowed them to launder millions of dollars in drug money, according to current and former federal law enforcement officials. The operation amounted to a foothold in the United States for one of Mexico’s most dangerous criminal networks, the officials said.
Using Miguel Ángel Treviño’s cash, José Treviño’s legal residency and Mr. Villarreal’s eye for a good horse, Tremor bought a sprawling ranch in Oklahoma and an estimated 300 stallions and mares. The Treviño brothers might have kept their operation quiet, given the criminal connection, but their passion for horses and winning apparently proved too tempting. In the short span of three years, Tremor won three of the industry’s biggest races, with prizes totaling some $2.5 million.
The business was “so far out there it’s hard to believe,” said Morris Panner, a former prosecutor who handled drug cases. “Maybe they were using some kind of perverse logic that told them they could hide in plain sight, precisely because people wouldn’t believe it or question it.”
The Justice Department moved against Tremor on Tuesday morning, sending several helicopters and hundreds of law enforcement agents to the company’s stables in Ruidoso and its ranch in Oklahoma. José Treviño and several associates were taken into custody and were charged later in the day, the authorities said.
Miguel Ángel Treviño and another brother, Omar, were also charged. The two remain at large in Mexico. Omar Treviño is also a high-ranking member of the Zetas, and an F.B.I. affidavit filed in United States District Court describes him as participating in the money laundering.
The affidavit said the Zetas funneled about $1 million a month into buying quarter horses in the United States. The authorities were tipped off to Tremor’s activities in January 2010, when the Zetas paid more than $1 million in a single day for two broodmares, the affidavit said.
The New York Times became aware of Tremor’s activities in December 2011 while reporting on the Zetas. The Times learned of the government’s investigation last month and agreed to hold this article until Tuesday morning’s arrests.
The brothers’ activities on either side of the border made for a stark contrast. One week in May began with the authorities pointing fingers at Miguel Ángel Treviño for dumping the bodies of 49 people — without heads, hands or feet — in garbage bags along a busy highway in northern Mexico. The week concluded with José Treviño fielding four Tremor horses in a prestigious race at Los Alamitos Race Course, near Los Angeles.
The buzz around Tremor’s winnings and acquisitions began three years ago, when José Treviño bought an estimated $3 million in quarter horses, including one named Number One Cartel.
Since then he has worked with breeders, trainers and brokers considered pillars of the business. Tremor Enterprises did not always put its name on the horses it owned or the races they ran, presumably to avoid the attention of tax collectors and law enforcement authorities, according to federal agents.
But people inside the financially struggling industry do not need written records to tell them who is doing business with whom. And some of those insiders acknowledged that the subject of José Treviño’s identity, and where he got his money, was treated like so many taboos: people did not ask many questions, either because they did not care, or did not want to know.
“Everyone knows who José Treviño is,” one trainer said. “But all they cared about was whether his checks would clear.”
A Drug Organization Ascends
Made up of rogue members of the Mexican military and police, the Zetas were a protection force for the powerful Gulf Cartel before they set out on their own in 2010. Their ascendancy ignited a spate of massacres and assassinations of elected officials, police chiefs, journalists and others, which turned organized crime from a law enforcement problem to the No. 1 national security threat for Mexico’s fragile democracy.
Miguel Ángel Treviño, known as Zeta-40, or just 40, was never in the military. But he became useful to the Zetas for his experience moving contraband across the border.
Law enforcement authorities said the Zetas have been able to rapidly expand their reach beyond Mexico’s borders with the United States and Guatemala. And while other Mexican drug organizations prefer to keep themselves and their money close to home, the Zetas have established outposts as far as South America and West Africa.
“The Zetas are particularly adroit at spreading their tentacles across borders,” said Michael S. Vigil, a former senior official with the Drug Enforcement Administration. He added that the gang’s extensive intelligence and operational capabilities allow it to take control of new territory so quickly that it is difficult for law enforcement to keep up.
Their primary stronghold is Nuevo Laredo, one of North America’s busiest border-crossings and Mr. Trevino’s hometown.
He had grown up there in a large family with six brothers, including José, and six sisters, American authorities said. Like most local residents, the Treviño family treated the border as a kind of imaginary line.
Law enforcement authorities said the Zetas have been able to rapidly expand their reach beyond Mexico’s borders with the United States and Guatemala. And while other Mexican drug organizations prefer to keep themselves and their money close to home, the Zetas have established outposts as far as South America and West Africa.
“The Zetas are particularly adroit at spreading their tentacles across borders,” said Michael S. Vigil, a former senior official with the Drug Enforcement Administration. He added that the gang’s extensive intelligence and operational capabilities allow it to take control of new territory so quickly that it is difficult for law enforcement to keep up.
Their primary stronghold is Nuevo Laredo, one of North America’s busiest border-crossings and Mr. Trevino’s hometown.
He had grown up there in a large family with six brothers, including José, and six sisters, American authorities said. Like most local residents, the Treviño family treated the border as a kind of imaginary line.
Law enforcement authorities knowledgeable about the family said the siblings learned the tricks of moving easily between the United States and Mexico, using temporary visas and border-crossing cards to start families, buy properties and do business in both countries.
Court records lay out the nature of the brothers’ turn to crime, which dates back at least two decades. In 1995, an older brother, Juan Francisco Treviño, was sentenced on charges of conspiring to smuggle hundreds of pounds of marijuana into the United States.
On the witness stand, Juan Francisco described himself as a struggling entrepreneur who had tried to make a go of a small construction company, Treviño Masonry, but later went into trucking.
Prosecutors argued that those businesses were fronts for the Treviños’ smuggling activities, citing a raft of lapsed business licenses, false identification documents and suspicious wire transfers.
The defendant was sentenced to 22 years in prison, and remains incarcerated. José and Miguel Ángel Treviño were implicated in the case, but were never prosecuted for lack of evidence, said authorities involved in the investigation.
It is unclear whether the two brothers parted ways at that point or continued collaborating. Miguel Ángel Treviño’s rise through the ranks of the Zetas is well known. Jere Miles, an expert on the Zetas at the Department of Homeland Security, said that among the Mexican underworld, Mr. Treviño had gained the notoriety of a cult figure, one who has escaped unscathed from several gun battles against the law, makes deals with no one and seems unafraid to die. Dismembered bodies, dumped by the dozens, have become his calling card.
He also manages the organization’s money, according to George Grayson, a professor at the College of William and Mary who has written a book about the Zetas.
The trail of public information on José Treviño goes cold until 2009, when he began buying expensive racehorses.
“From all appearances, he looked like anyone else interested in quarter horses,” said one person in the industry who knows José Treviño. “But he had a massive amount of money, with no good explanation where it came from. And he had a family name that made a lot of people wonder.”
New Player at the Track
As much as Tremor was a money-laundering operation, the Treviño brothers’ quarter horse venture allowed them to mix business with pleasure. Horses have long been considered a status symbol in Latin America and drug traffickers have been among the region’s most avid collectors.
Law enforcement officials said quarter horse racing was one of Miguel Ángel Treviño’s favorite pastimes, and even while living on the run, he has managed to keep control of several ranches and racetracks in Mexico and Guatemala where he holds match races, known as parejeras.
But Mexican horse racing — like so much else in that country — has been battered by the violence of the drug war. Many Mexican breeders have moved their operations to the United States, where they could buy horses with better bloodlines and compete for bigger prizes, without fearing for their lives.
“Much of the growth in American quarter horse racing is due to those guys,” said one industry expert, referring to the influx of breeders and buyers from Mexico. “They have spent a lot of money. And it’s made a big, big difference.”
The quarter horse industry, centered in the Southwest, features races that are shorter and faster than thoroughbred contests.
To get in on the action at American tracks, Miguel Ángel Treviño needed someone he could trust to pick a winner. For that, he turned to Mr. Villarreal.
Mr. Villarreal was an unlikely horseman, the socially awkward son of a bookkeeper and teacher known for his build and bottomless appetite as “El Gordo,” or “Fatso.” He began attending auctions as a child, and developed an uncanny ability to spot horses that may not have come from the best lineage, but whose stride or attitude suggested an exceptional capacity for speed.
Mr. Villarreal’s parents said he started buying horses as a teenager, mostly borrowing from relatives and friends. Still, he never seemed to have enough to purchase the kinds of horses that could compete for major prizes. Nor did the strikingly effeminate man ever develop the social skills needed to fit into the macho world of breeders and trainers.
In some ways, said one friend, he stopped trying. For awhile, he named his horses after runway models — like Campbell, as in Naomi, and Elle, as in Macpherson — because he was captivated by women’s fashion.
Mr. Villarreal got his big break in 2006, when he cobbled together $10,500 to buy a colt at an auction at Los Alamitos, records show. He took the horse to Mexico, named it “El Sicario” — which means “The Assassin” — and entered it in the parejera circuit, where it began to beat younger, better-rated competitors.
“That horse got 40’s attention,” said one of Mr. Villarreal’s friends. “He told Ramiro, ‘I want you to buy horses for me.’ ”
He did not hesitate, the friend said. “This was his chance to live his dream.”
Mr. Villarreal’s father, who is also named Ramiro, saw it slightly differently.
“If someone like that asks you to do something,” the elder Mr. Villarreal said, “Are you going to tell him no?”
Soon, the younger Mr. Villarreal’s name began appearing on the lists of the top buyers at auctions in California, Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. His first champion was Tempting Dash, which won more than $600,000 in 2009, set a track record during the Texas Classic Futurity and gave Tremor its first victory in a million-dollar race.
No matter how successful, Mr. Villarreal always showed deference to his boss, calling him “Papi.” When Miguel Ángel Treviño wanted to see Tempting Dash for himself, Mr. Villarreal drove the horse, along with dozens of others, to Mexico.
Getting back was more complicated. To avoid inspections, quarantines and other procedures required for bringing livestock into the United States, Mr. Villarreal had trainers sneak the horses back across the border, herding them just after dawn through the Rio Grande.
“My son used to tell me that his biggest blessing was also his curse,” said Mr. Villarreal’s father. “He would tell me, ‘My problem is that I am good at what I do, so a lot of people ask me to help them. Some of those people are good. Some of those people are bad.”
‘A Great Moment’
As much as Miguel Ángel Treviño relied on Mr. Villarreal, he needed his brother, José, to be the face of his fledgling American horse business.
José Treviño, the clean-cut father of three, with a small tattooed Tremor logo on his hand, almost always attended races with his family at his side. He often credited his success to a combination of divine intervention and dumb luck.
“After a win, he always says that he’s been blessed with an ability to pick the right horses and run them in the right races,” said one person who met him. “He’s always humble. He’s the kind of guy who knows what he doesn’t know, who seems eager to learn, and who isn’t shy about asking for advice.”
At the start, José Treviño seemed reticent in the spotlight, avoiding reporters by pretending he did not speak good English. But the more races he won, the more comfortable he seemed with cameras and microphones. People who knew him said he never sought out the media, but never refused to talk when they called.
And they called often.
“That was awesome, that was awesome,” José Treviño said, beaming before reporters in November 2009, after Tempting Dash won the Texas Classic Futurity. “We were expecting him to run big, but we weren’t expecting something like this, to break the track record like this.”
The following year, when the colt named Mr. Piloto won the All American Futurity in Ruidoso, N.M., racing writers called it the “biggest upset in All-American history,” and marveled at how Mr. Treviño, with a “green-as-grass” horse, could beat competitors with better qualifying times and world-class jockeys.
Then last year, a sorrel filly named Separate Fire swept the Ed Burke Futurity at Los Alamitos, Calif., delivering José Treviño his third race where the top prizes were worth $1 million — a record.
“We’re down-to-the-ground people,” he humbly told Track Magazine after the race last July. “This is a great moment, one we are going to enjoy for a long time. But I think you have to take it as it comes and don’t let it change your life.”
Still, his life did change. Tremor’s winning streak allowed him to hire the most respected jockeys, trainers and sales associates in the business. Last year, said people who know him, José Treviño moved his family from a modest suburban house in Mesquite, Tex., where he said he worked in the construction industry, to a large ranch outside Lexington, Okla.
The 70-acre ranch, Zule Farms, is named after his wife, Zulema, a former secretary who told people that she kept the books for Tremor. A person familiar with the ranch said that Mr. Treviño had converted a manure-filled cattle barn on the property into a breeding facility, with state-of-the-art labs and special stalls where mares are implanted with embryos.
Across the quarter horse industry, people started to whisper about where he was getting his money.
“There’s no way all the money he’s putting into that ranch came from being a brick mason. It’s just not logical,” said a person familiar with Zule Farms.
Nor were José Treviño’s operations always transparent. Records show that on at least a couple occasions, he had other people sign for the company’s major purchases. One deal was signed by a teenager who looked like he was not yet old enough to drive. The other was handled by the scion of a prominent quarter horse family, Tyler Graham, who stunned a packed auction house in Oklahoma by agreeing to pay a record $875,000 for a broodmare named Dashin Follies.
At the time of the sale, Mr. Graham said he was buying the horse on behalf of a client he would only identify as “a Mexico resident.” Shortly afterward, records show, he turned the horse over to Tremor. Mr. Graham has not been accused of any wrongdoing.
An industry expert who attended the auction said the sale prompted more rumors. But he said sketchy deals are not uncommon in an industry where payments are made in cash and records are notoriously — even deliberately — unreliable.
“If someone walks into an auction with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and refuses to give his name, no one is going turn him away,” the industry expert said. “What they’ll tell him is, ‘We’ll register the horse in any name you want.’ ”
A Mysterious Death
As José Treviño’s prominence grew in the quarter horse community, so did Miguel Ángel Treviño’s place in the drug trade. By the end of 2010, he had helped lead a brutal expansion so deep into Mexico that the Zetas became not only a priority for Mexico’s security forces, but also an enemy that inspired other drug organizations to join forces and fight.
Miguel Ángel Treviño’s control over drug warehouses and hit squads across the border also compelled United States authorities to offer a $5 million reward for information leading to his arrest.
At the same time, Mr. Villarreal was falling out of favor with Tremor. He was in debt because the Treviño brothers barely paid him enough to cover travel costs, friends said. Mr. Villarreal began padding his expenses, prompting Miguel Ángel Treviño to suspect him of skimming money from Tremor, the friends said.
In September 2010, Mr. Villarreal was traveling to a horse auction in Oklahoma when he was detained by D.E.A. agents during a layover at a Houston airport. A spokesman for the agency refused to comment on its relationship with Mr. Villarreal.
But several law enforcement officials familiar with the case said agents held him for up to six hours, questioning him about his ties to Miguel Ángel Treviño. Before releasing him, the agents confiscated Mr. Villarreal’s cellphone and computer, and ordered him to meet with them a few days later.
When Mr. Villarreal returned, the agents said he could either work for them as an informant or face being prosecuted himself, according to the officials. The D.E.A. wanted Mr. Villarreal to help track Miguel Ángel Treviño’s whereabouts and then lure him into the United States.
Mr. Villarreal pleaded that he was too nervous to pull off the ruse, adding that Miguel Ángel Treviño would never trust him enough to follow him across the border.
But the D.E.A. insisted and a beleaguered Mr. Villarreal relented, the officials said.
At least once, Mr. Villarreal tipped off his handlers when Miguel Ángel Treviño went to a racetrack in Nuevo Laredo.
“Mexican authorities took pictures of 40, but they didn’t try to arrest him,” said one of Mr. Villarreal’s friends. “They told Ramiro that they were afraid too many people might get killed. Ramiro told them if they waited any longer, he was going to get killed.”
Sometime around the end of that year, Miguel Ángel Treviño summoned Mr. Villarreal to a meeting. Mr. Villarreal’s friends recounted the following incident as he had described it to them.
A pickup point was arranged in Laredo, where Mr. Villarreal was blindfolded and then driven into the Mexican desert by gang members.
Minutes dragged as Mr. Villarreal waited for Miguel Ángel Treviño to arrive. He saw two vats filled with a liquid he presumed to be acid, one of the trafficker’s preferred methods for disposing of bodies.
“Where’s Papi?” he asked the men.
“Don’t worry,” they answered. “He’s coming.”
Miguel Ángel Treviño arrived about an hour later in a car with more lieutenants and an unknown man, who was also wearing a blindfold.
The trafficker hugged Mr. Villarreal and asked, “You’re not screwing me, are you, Gordo?”
“No, of course not, Papi,” Mr. Villarreal answered.
Saying he would be back “in a minute,” Miguel Ángel Treviño walked over to the unknown man, took off his blindfold, shot him in the head and ordered his men to dump the body in one of the vats of acid.
Mr. Villarreal passed out. He told his friends he did not know how long he was unconscious, but when he awoke Miguel Ángel Treviño was slapping him in the face and laughing.
“What’s wrong, Gordo?” he joked. “You can’t handle seeing me kill someone? Next time, I’m going to have you do it.”
“No Papi,” Mr. Villarreal said. “I don’t want there to be a next time.”
The drug trafficker got back into his car and drove away. Mr. Villarreal was taken back to Laredo and immediately got in touch with the D.E.A., imploring the agents to release him from their agreement.
“When I met him he was a complete mess; profusely sweating, gangrene in one leg, and barely able to walk,” said a former law enforcement official. “He was in between a rock and a hard place: either stay in the United States and risk going to prison, or go back to Mexico and risk getting killed.”
In the end, Mr. Villarreal, 38, continued informing for the D.E.A. and in March, Miguel Ángel Treviño summoned him to another meeting.
On March 10, 2011, Mr. Villarreal’s car was found incinerated outside Nuevo Laredo. There was so little left of him that authorities took DNA samples from the ashes to identify his remains.
One federal law enforcement official said some agents believed his death was an accident, but acknowledged that no investigation was conducted.
Mr. Villarreal’s father said he had little hope of ever finding the truth. Asked who he thought was behind Mr. Villarreal’s death, the round, balding man looked over at his wife, tears streaming down her cheeks, and echoed a refrain heard from so many Mexican crime victims. “If we ask questions, we could be the next ones to die, so for us, this is a closed chapter.”
Whispers of a “mob hit” spread across the quarter horse industry. In March, law enforcement agents even raided Tremor’s stables at Los Alamitos racetrack. But none of it seemed to slow down Tremor’s business.
Last weekend, at Los Alamitos, a Tremor colt named Mr. Ease Cartel ran the second-fastest qualifying time for a million-dollar race scheduled for June 24. When Jose Trevino’s daughter was married recently, guests included well-known figures in the industry and Track magazine covered the “big event” on its Web site.
“If he had been some thug, or the stereotypical person you’d expect to be in a drug cartel, then maybe people wouldn’t have accepted him and done business with him,” a former trainer said of José Treviño. “But he’s a really nice guy, so none of us wanted to believe he could have anything to do with the killing going on in Mexico.”
Court records lay out the nature of the brothers’ turn to crime, which dates back at least two decades. In 1995, an older brother, Juan Francisco Treviño, was sentenced on charges of conspiring to smuggle hundreds of pounds of marijuana into the United States.
On the witness stand, Juan Francisco described himself as a struggling entrepreneur who had tried to make a go of a small construction company, Treviño Masonry, but later went into trucking.
Prosecutors argued that those businesses were fronts for the Treviños’ smuggling activities, citing a raft of lapsed business licenses, false identification documents and suspicious wire transfers.
The defendant was sentenced to 22 years in prison, and remains incarcerated. José and Miguel Ángel Treviño were implicated in the case, but were never prosecuted for lack of evidence, said authorities involved in the investigation.
It is unclear whether the two brothers parted ways at that point or continued collaborating. Miguel Ángel Treviño’s rise through the ranks of the Zetas is well known. Jere Miles, an expert on the Zetas at the Department of Homeland Security, said that among the Mexican underworld, Mr. Treviño had gained the notoriety of a cult figure, one who has escaped unscathed from several gun battles against the law, makes deals with no one and seems unafraid to die. Dismembered bodies, dumped by the dozens, have become his calling card.
He also manages the organization’s money, according to George Grayson, a professor at the College of William and Mary who has written a book about the Zetas.
The trail of public information on José Treviño goes cold until 2009, when he began buying expensive racehorses.
“From all appearances, he looked like anyone else interested in quarter horses,” said one person in the industry who knows José Treviño. “But he had a massive amount of money, with no good explanation where it came from. And he had a family name that made a lot of people wonder.”
New Player at the Track
As much as Tremor was a money-laundering operation, the Treviño brothers’ quarter horse venture allowed them to mix business with pleasure. Horses have long been considered a status symbol in Latin America and drug traffickers have been among the region’s most avid collectors.
Law enforcement officials said quarter horse racing was one of Miguel Ángel Treviño’s favorite pastimes, and even while living on the run, he has managed to keep control of several ranches and racetracks in Mexico and Guatemala where he holds match races, known as parejeras.
But Mexican horse racing — like so much else in that country — has been battered by the violence of the drug war. Many Mexican breeders have moved their operations to the United States, where they could buy horses with better bloodlines and compete for bigger prizes, without fearing for their lives.
“Much of the growth in American quarter horse racing is due to those guys,” said one industry expert, referring to the influx of breeders and buyers from Mexico. “They have spent a lot of money. And it’s made a big, big difference.”
The quarter horse industry, centered in the Southwest, features races that are shorter and faster than thoroughbred contests.
To get in on the action at American tracks, Miguel Ángel Treviño needed someone he could trust to pick a winner. For that, he turned to Mr. Villarreal.
Mr. Villarreal was an unlikely horseman, the socially awkward son of a bookkeeper and teacher known for his build and bottomless appetite as “El Gordo,” or “Fatso.” He began attending auctions as a child, and developed an uncanny ability to spot horses that may not have come from the best lineage, but whose stride or attitude suggested an exceptional capacity for speed.
Mr. Villarreal’s parents said he started buying horses as a teenager, mostly borrowing from relatives and friends. Still, he never seemed to have enough to purchase the kinds of horses that could compete for major prizes. Nor did the strikingly effeminate man ever develop the social skills needed to fit into the macho world of breeders and trainers.
In some ways, said one friend, he stopped trying. For awhile, he named his horses after runway models — like Campbell, as in Naomi, and Elle, as in Macpherson — because he was captivated by women’s fashion.
Mr. Villarreal got his big break in 2006, when he cobbled together $10,500 to buy a colt at an auction at Los Alamitos, records show. He took the horse to Mexico, named it “El Sicario” — which means “The Assassin” — and entered it in the parejera circuit, where it began to beat younger, better-rated competitors.
“That horse got 40’s attention,” said one of Mr. Villarreal’s friends. “He told Ramiro, ‘I want you to buy horses for me.’ ”
He did not hesitate, the friend said. “This was his chance to live his dream.”
Mr. Villarreal’s father, who is also named Ramiro, saw it slightly differently.
“If someone like that asks you to do something,” the elder Mr. Villarreal said, “Are you going to tell him no?”
Soon, the younger Mr. Villarreal’s name began appearing on the lists of the top buyers at auctions in California, Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma. His first champion was Tempting Dash, which won more than $600,000 in 2009, set a track record during the Texas Classic Futurity and gave Tremor its first victory in a million-dollar race.
No matter how successful, Mr. Villarreal always showed deference to his boss, calling him “Papi.” When Miguel Ángel Treviño wanted to see Tempting Dash for himself, Mr. Villarreal drove the horse, along with dozens of others, to Mexico.
Getting back was more complicated. To avoid inspections, quarantines and other procedures required for bringing livestock into the United States, Mr. Villarreal had trainers sneak the horses back across the border, herding them just after dawn through the Rio Grande.
“My son used to tell me that his biggest blessing was also his curse,” said Mr. Villarreal’s father. “He would tell me, ‘My problem is that I am good at what I do, so a lot of people ask me to help them. Some of those people are good. Some of those people are bad.”
‘A Great Moment’
As much as Miguel Ángel Treviño relied on Mr. Villarreal, he needed his brother, José, to be the face of his fledgling American horse business.
José Treviño, the clean-cut father of three, with a small tattooed Tremor logo on his hand, almost always attended races with his family at his side. He often credited his success to a combination of divine intervention and dumb luck.
“After a win, he always says that he’s been blessed with an ability to pick the right horses and run them in the right races,” said one person who met him. “He’s always humble. He’s the kind of guy who knows what he doesn’t know, who seems eager to learn, and who isn’t shy about asking for advice.”
At the start, José Treviño seemed reticent in the spotlight, avoiding reporters by pretending he did not speak good English. But the more races he won, the more comfortable he seemed with cameras and microphones. People who knew him said he never sought out the media, but never refused to talk when they called.
And they called often.
“That was awesome, that was awesome,” José Treviño said, beaming before reporters in November 2009, after Tempting Dash won the Texas Classic Futurity. “We were expecting him to run big, but we weren’t expecting something like this, to break the track record like this.”
The following year, when the colt named Mr. Piloto won the All American Futurity in Ruidoso, N.M., racing writers called it the “biggest upset in All-American history,” and marveled at how Mr. Treviño, with a “green-as-grass” horse, could beat competitors with better qualifying times and world-class jockeys.
Then last year, a sorrel filly named Separate Fire swept the Ed Burke Futurity at Los Alamitos, Calif., delivering José Treviño his third race where the top prizes were worth $1 million — a record.
“We’re down-to-the-ground people,” he humbly told Track Magazine after the race last July. “This is a great moment, one we are going to enjoy for a long time. But I think you have to take it as it comes and don’t let it change your life.”
Still, his life did change. Tremor’s winning streak allowed him to hire the most respected jockeys, trainers and sales associates in the business. Last year, said people who know him, José Treviño moved his family from a modest suburban house in Mesquite, Tex., where he said he worked in the construction industry, to a large ranch outside Lexington, Okla.
The 70-acre ranch, Zule Farms, is named after his wife, Zulema, a former secretary who told people that she kept the books for Tremor. A person familiar with the ranch said that Mr. Treviño had converted a manure-filled cattle barn on the property into a breeding facility, with state-of-the-art labs and special stalls where mares are implanted with embryos.
Across the quarter horse industry, people started to whisper about where he was getting his money.
“There’s no way all the money he’s putting into that ranch came from being a brick mason. It’s just not logical,” said a person familiar with Zule Farms.
Nor were José Treviño’s operations always transparent. Records show that on at least a couple occasions, he had other people sign for the company’s major purchases. One deal was signed by a teenager who looked like he was not yet old enough to drive. The other was handled by the scion of a prominent quarter horse family, Tyler Graham, who stunned a packed auction house in Oklahoma by agreeing to pay a record $875,000 for a broodmare named Dashin Follies.
At the time of the sale, Mr. Graham said he was buying the horse on behalf of a client he would only identify as “a Mexico resident.” Shortly afterward, records show, he turned the horse over to Tremor. Mr. Graham has not been accused of any wrongdoing.
An industry expert who attended the auction said the sale prompted more rumors. But he said sketchy deals are not uncommon in an industry where payments are made in cash and records are notoriously — even deliberately — unreliable.
“If someone walks into an auction with hundreds of thousands of dollars, and refuses to give his name, no one is going turn him away,” the industry expert said. “What they’ll tell him is, ‘We’ll register the horse in any name you want.’ ”
A Mysterious Death
As José Treviño’s prominence grew in the quarter horse community, so did Miguel Ángel Treviño’s place in the drug trade. By the end of 2010, he had helped lead a brutal expansion so deep into Mexico that the Zetas became not only a priority for Mexico’s security forces, but also an enemy that inspired other drug organizations to join forces and fight.
Miguel Ángel Treviño’s control over drug warehouses and hit squads across the border also compelled United States authorities to offer a $5 million reward for information leading to his arrest.
At the same time, Mr. Villarreal was falling out of favor with Tremor. He was in debt because the Treviño brothers barely paid him enough to cover travel costs, friends said. Mr. Villarreal began padding his expenses, prompting Miguel Ángel Treviño to suspect him of skimming money from Tremor, the friends said.
In September 2010, Mr. Villarreal was traveling to a horse auction in Oklahoma when he was detained by D.E.A. agents during a layover at a Houston airport. A spokesman for the agency refused to comment on its relationship with Mr. Villarreal.
But several law enforcement officials familiar with the case said agents held him for up to six hours, questioning him about his ties to Miguel Ángel Treviño. Before releasing him, the agents confiscated Mr. Villarreal’s cellphone and computer, and ordered him to meet with them a few days later.
When Mr. Villarreal returned, the agents said he could either work for them as an informant or face being prosecuted himself, according to the officials. The D.E.A. wanted Mr. Villarreal to help track Miguel Ángel Treviño’s whereabouts and then lure him into the United States.
Mr. Villarreal pleaded that he was too nervous to pull off the ruse, adding that Miguel Ángel Treviño would never trust him enough to follow him across the border.
But the D.E.A. insisted and a beleaguered Mr. Villarreal relented, the officials said.
At least once, Mr. Villarreal tipped off his handlers when Miguel Ángel Treviño went to a racetrack in Nuevo Laredo.
“Mexican authorities took pictures of 40, but they didn’t try to arrest him,” said one of Mr. Villarreal’s friends. “They told Ramiro that they were afraid too many people might get killed. Ramiro told them if they waited any longer, he was going to get killed.”
Sometime around the end of that year, Miguel Ángel Treviño summoned Mr. Villarreal to a meeting. Mr. Villarreal’s friends recounted the following incident as he had described it to them.
A pickup point was arranged in Laredo, where Mr. Villarreal was blindfolded and then driven into the Mexican desert by gang members.
Minutes dragged as Mr. Villarreal waited for Miguel Ángel Treviño to arrive. He saw two vats filled with a liquid he presumed to be acid, one of the trafficker’s preferred methods for disposing of bodies.
“Where’s Papi?” he asked the men.
“Don’t worry,” they answered. “He’s coming.”
Miguel Ángel Treviño arrived about an hour later in a car with more lieutenants and an unknown man, who was also wearing a blindfold.
The trafficker hugged Mr. Villarreal and asked, “You’re not screwing me, are you, Gordo?”
“No, of course not, Papi,” Mr. Villarreal answered.
Saying he would be back “in a minute,” Miguel Ángel Treviño walked over to the unknown man, took off his blindfold, shot him in the head and ordered his men to dump the body in one of the vats of acid.
Mr. Villarreal passed out. He told his friends he did not know how long he was unconscious, but when he awoke Miguel Ángel Treviño was slapping him in the face and laughing.
“What’s wrong, Gordo?” he joked. “You can’t handle seeing me kill someone? Next time, I’m going to have you do it.”
“No Papi,” Mr. Villarreal said. “I don’t want there to be a next time.”
The drug trafficker got back into his car and drove away. Mr. Villarreal was taken back to Laredo and immediately got in touch with the D.E.A., imploring the agents to release him from their agreement.
“When I met him he was a complete mess; profusely sweating, gangrene in one leg, and barely able to walk,” said a former law enforcement official. “He was in between a rock and a hard place: either stay in the United States and risk going to prison, or go back to Mexico and risk getting killed.”
In the end, Mr. Villarreal, 38, continued informing for the D.E.A. and in March, Miguel Ángel Treviño summoned him to another meeting.
On March 10, 2011, Mr. Villarreal’s car was found incinerated outside Nuevo Laredo. There was so little left of him that authorities took DNA samples from the ashes to identify his remains.
One federal law enforcement official said some agents believed his death was an accident, but acknowledged that no investigation was conducted.
Mr. Villarreal’s father said he had little hope of ever finding the truth. Asked who he thought was behind Mr. Villarreal’s death, the round, balding man looked over at his wife, tears streaming down her cheeks, and echoed a refrain heard from so many Mexican crime victims. “If we ask questions, we could be the next ones to die, so for us, this is a closed chapter.”
Whispers of a “mob hit” spread across the quarter horse industry. In March, law enforcement agents even raided Tremor’s stables at Los Alamitos racetrack. But none of it seemed to slow down Tremor’s business.
Last weekend, at Los Alamitos, a Tremor colt named Mr. Ease Cartel ran the second-fastest qualifying time for a million-dollar race scheduled for June 24. When Jose Trevino’s daughter was married recently, guests included well-known figures in the industry and Track magazine covered the “big event” on its Web site.
“If he had been some thug, or the stereotypical person you’d expect to be in a drug cartel, then maybe people wouldn’t have accepted him and done business with him,” a former trainer said of José Treviño. “But he’s a really nice guy, so none of us wanted to believe he could have anything to do with the killing going on in Mexico.”
good job u.s hopefully he rats out his car washer brother z40 this definatelly a big blow for the zetas no more dinero!!
ReplyDeleteSeriously, do you think that the zetas poured all their profits into this horse stable. Yes, they took a lose , but it happens just like any business.there is a shit load more where that came from. Hell the greedy bastards didn't even pay they guy picking the horses a decent wage. The only guy that went down is Jose and hes not gonna rat out his brother. Youve mistaken him for a black crack dealer.
DeleteNow that we know about where the treviño family live, Chapo or Jalisco cartel should go kidnap the rest of the family and torture them and butcher them up like treviño has done it for many years, eye for an eye.
DeleteYo u think he won't RAT out his brother? ?? Wishfull thinking so he'll RAT lazcano instead? ??
DeleteHe prolly makes more money than youll ever see, in a week.. Fukn idiot.. "car wash" stupid as fuk u
DeleteOh My for a moment I thought you guys were talking about Z42,but this is not a huge blow.
ReplyDeleteTheres not much evidence against him.
Not much evidence? ? Yeah right, If not no arrest . ZETILLA CHEER LEADER
DeleteGood Job U.S. ROFL.
ReplyDeletefor what? Busting him or for being involved in it, if you read the whole report it clearly states that the business was helped allong all too often by Americans who looked the other way as long as the suitcases were full of Benjamins.
You really have no moral high ground to be pointing fingers, I wonder how many Murricans will go down as accesories to money laundering in their part, its going to get interesting
when politicians get implicated as well.
Really??? The Murricans atleast arrested this fuckin low life, nothing would happen to him in mejico!! You are a one sided dumb ass! LMAO. Mexico=Fucking Faliure
DeleteIs funny because in the article it said any one with money in cash wold get what they want. Even the auctioners would give the option to keep it secret and write any name the secret buyer would want. This is just showing how corruption is in the us but hey lets simply blame everything on the Mexicans.
DeleteThe us has fault in laundering money as well as adding the addicts.
While Mexico supplies the man power and drugs routes
50/50 fault but more fault on the us when they deliberately send weapons yo Mexico turning a blind eye when weapons are discovered. Shame .
do you guys think a zeta-trained horse injured ill have another to knock him out of the race?
ReplyDeleteZ40 is easy to find in nuevo laredo.. he lives in 1 of the mansions in colonia longoria... the big white house with the tennis court..
ReplyDeleteWow the us should be monitoring the family of mass murders currently alive drug cartel bosses, but then again thats what they were doing thats how they bust his ass now, he is going to have a choice rat out his brother or get 10-20 years in jail i mean all his money is laundered, so he has no money for a good lawyer, like I said before in my other post you have to go after all the family members money of the cartels thats the only way to lure the bosses out look at what happen to escobar, mexico is not learning
ReplyDeleteOf course he will have money for a lawyer, his brother will take care of it. Somebody will go drop off a bag of cash to a bad ass crooked lawyer that will say its pro bono.
DeleteBusted, I hope this guy gets a life term along with his whole family, throw the book at them. What was he thinking that he would never get caught?
ReplyDeleteNice article very intresting.
ReplyDeleteLet's hope he sings like a canary. Ojalá que cante
ReplyDeleteHere in Nuevo Laredo we all know that this sob participated in several kidnappings and murders of innocent people just because they didn't have the money to pay the ransom. Including that of a well known doctor.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah they wouldn't off raided the ranch if they didn't have enough evidence..three years this is not the end off this story
ReplyDeleteSmart tremor a bit of the two last name trevinio morales peace loks
ReplyDeleteand the funny thing is... i live right beside balch springs off 635 and elam.. how scary. that street where jose trevino lived at, timothy lane, is only 2 streets from me.. how scary. cant believe it. im still in shock. i would see that house from time to time. would never have imagined it.
ReplyDeleteNow they are going to offer tours to it. Probably make it in to a landmark.
DeleteA charred body? Doubt it. It's called witness protection. Oops, did I say too much?
ReplyDeleteBlame America? Ha, we are talking about money laundering not fucking mass murder! That's a Mexican trait!
ReplyDeleteWhat about tim mcvay, eric harris and dylan klebold and what about the americans did to the natives.? going postal originated here. this washed money is the 1 reason why mexico has its problems.
Deleteel pingon
Ok a couple comments: If the DEA knew of a wanted mans whereabouts with a 5 million dollar reward on his head why wasn't there a better plan then Mexican officers with a camera. Maybe a drone or satellite to follow him and track him to a less populated area. #2 they find a Dea informant whos remains are charred, and some think its a accident. What kind? #3 the comments of the fellow race horse owners at the end are funny "he was a funny guy so we didnt believe he was what all the rumors said he was, the stupid thugs dont get that high up the chain. These guys are manipulating and cunning. The run the equivalent of fortune 500 companies, so why couldn't they fool your horse loving ass.
ReplyDeleteLazcano, Z40 and Z42 were all at the Ruidoso race in plain sight. They are also frecuent visitors at Lone Star Park in Dallas, sometimes as visitors sometimes as participants. I can't beleive no media talks about this and no one has noticed that one of them is even on the video and pictures of the Ruidoso race. I will give you a hint, he is wearing a black suit with white shirt at the end of the race. Amazing no?
ReplyDeleteWhere is this video?
DeleteWhat day.? is it on youtube?
DeletePlease what video
DeleteHes not the guy in the black jacket.
DeleteHe aint gonna rat. they'll kill his wife/kids/parents/friends.
ReplyDeleteThe laundered money was likely already used to buy clean businesses in the u.s. so that trails gone cold.
gotta feel sorry for that villareal dude, DEA might aswell have put the bullets in his head themselves. Wouldnt have been hard for them to notice he couldnt keep cool under pressure but they still pushed him to snitch. And who do they endup nabbing? A nobody! All for show so they can say.. Looky looky, We only let them launder a few hundred million dollars before we stepped in.
I wonder how many millions$$ are buried on that farm!
ReplyDeleteSince the DEA wanted Villarreal to lure Trevino to america, they know he is protected by the government and police and army in Mexico. Especially after authorities were given info that trvino would be at the nuevo laredo racetrack and all they did was take pictures.
I wonder if trevino smiled for the cameras? Probably!
Trevino's racetrack was set on fire by Chapos about 2 months ago.
DeleteWhere was the race track
DeleteI believe it was the one in nuevo laredo
DeleteJust west of Nuevo Laredo. It was a private race track.
Delete20 to 30 million$ loss! Lazcano and other zetas will be very angry with this stupidity. Good chance z40 will be killed.
ReplyDeleteAny truth to this 40 deep frying an 18 month old and sending video to barbie? This guy is the real satan walking the earth and probably the most responsible for the hellish current condition of mexico
ReplyDeleteIve heard of that video, but never seen it. I know the Z send it to la barbie. During the Nuevo Laredo Conflict of the 2006 - 2007
After all is said and done, more is said than done.
ReplyDeleteAccording to this article, and others I have read, Z-40 is the lead enforcer and handles the Zeta finances. I've also read where he personally takes part in killing snitches, bus passengers, and runs "Zeta gladiator games". If that is true then what does Heriberto Lazcano really do? Is he just a figure head? What keeps 40 from trying to rise to the top AND/OR Lazcano from taking out 40 to lessen the heat.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping for a couple good responses from law enforcement, scholars or people who really know, not a bunch of Zeta cheerleaders.
I don't cheer for malos and no he does not run the finances.
DeleteThere you go that smartest cartel in action. Next thing you guys are going to have your chicken fights in the U.S. too? I know you wont come to Guatemala will take all your money. (And zetas don’t control much in Guatemala but a few towns. I mean mara salvatrucha is more powerful than them. Not more money. But that doesn’t really matter because the people making the money are a selected few in your case. So once you’re taken out of the, picture. Most money will disappear or stolen by ur own people that had been underpaid for so many years already.) These fools are moving more and more into white people country, which means you guys will stick out more and more!! Its just like if I went into prestigious tournament in the U.S.A and won. And still used my real name. Feds would be on that so quick that I would never see it coming.
ReplyDeleteThis is why there is so much violence. Because the people at the top of CERTAIN CARTELS. R so fucking stupid that they are wasting the money like narco wholesalers that were dropping like flies back in the 90’s. Its just that no one knew these people unlike NOW a day. (And you guys still don’t know most of the major players who wholesale it to Mexican’s. Still waiting on that article BB)
I just hope that the little plan they have for thanksgiving this year. They do it successfully. So we can get rid of a couple people who don’t belong in the business. Don’t worry your family will stay with at least one home in the U.S. and enough money to last them a few years. Until they run out, and start working like regular mexicans again.
Your’re uneducated (many people that we work with, were also uneducated. But what most of these men did once they got themselves out of poverty. They stopped drinking, spent more times with their family, and even bought books to educate themselves. So when you go to these peoples home’s. They are actually there and worry free. Isn’t that funny, that certain CARTELS is the complete opposite even for the people at the top.
You’re a new breed. You’re low class. And have no ethics that’s why we hate you so much
con permiso del Senor,
M.s.13 is a fucking joke
DeleteStupid. Your second sentence led me to know you're dumb. The cockfights are here.
DeleteQue pendejos. They're lucky their alive and not dead. They would have been an easy target for the other cartels. Too bad.
ReplyDeleteAll those nosy white millionaires in the horse racing business know EXACTLY what is going on. They know who all the narco players are but are too scared to drop a dime on them. Afraid someone will get kidnapped and killed for muddying the waters.
ReplyDeleteThey just dumped a dime guey!
DeleteCars worth more than the price of actual homes can be seen parked outside of slum bars here in the Dallas area. The Mesquite TX connection shouldn't suprise or shock anyone.
ReplyDeleteFucking rich people, don't care where the money comes from as long as it doesn't is the root of all evil
ReplyDeleteThey saw him took pictures yet let him get away ... U.S. Law enforcement made the biggest mistake of their lives... A guy of that level of power just walks into a racing track drinks eats an leaves ..? WTF ... Then he go's an orders 50 murders ... Thats why they do wat they do bcuz When u fight Demons u must become the DEVIL to stop him..
ReplyDeleteYep, it takes only 1 devil willing to die and the leader is dead. Shoot the leader and then shoot yourself.
Deletethank you for sharing the article
ReplyDeleteZ40 will not be killed since it was most likely his money that was lost. One thing you must remember is that these guys make a ton of money and have everything they need and want. This was just pocket change for Z40, he like horses and horse races so it was just a small investment. I really doubt this is a big blow to him or his operation, it's more personal than anything else being that it was his brother that was captured.
ReplyDeleteAnother great article on Borderland Beat.
ReplyDeleteThe arrogance of these gangsters never fails to astound.
As you look at the big picture, you can see the chips falling into place for the takedown of some of the worst cartel leaders. Since last August you can see the arrests & corruption exposed that will lead to their inevitable downfall.
I bet they're not sleeping well at night as justice & reckoning is creeping ever closer to them.
It's turning into a hot summer for the murderous thugs.
Im sure the Z's have an informant working for the DEA as well.
El Gueys de los Gueys
I wonder why these sob's did not go toe to toe with American Law Enforcment Agents! I thought them Zetas were very well trained in close combat! They are nothing but a bunch of cowards, women and child killers. I bet they all were screaming like crazy: Me rindo! Me rindo! Or: Mr. Police: I give it up! Don't shoot!
ReplyDeleteLove to hear more about the Mesquite Texas connection, where narco-banker Allen Stanford grew up.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAfter all is said and done, more is said than done.
June 13, 2012 6:38 AM
Come on I know "Mano-tone" when I see it..or his twin brother...Paz, Chivis
@8:18, they are not scared by them. They make excellent clients "Oh you wanna buy my mare for 500k, how about 800k?"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI wonder why these sob's did not go toe to toe with American Law Enforcment Agents! I thought them Zetas were very well trained in close combat! They are nothing but a bunch of cowards, women and child killers. I bet they all were screaming like crazy: Me rindo! Me rindo! Or: Mr. Police: I give it up! Don't shoot!
Your comment help me to remember how few years ago "ONE OF THEM BIG TIME" drug dealers at the time of his arrest all he said was " You got me, you got me" dropping his gun and rising his hands so high to make sure they were seen. J0T0S ME CAI!!
52 detained zeta "Halcones" in Nuevo Leon. Men and women these are the people that get snuffed and here in border land beat as long as they are zetas are classified as "innocents" but if not they are classified as CDG/CDS.
ReplyDeleteDetienen en Nuevo León a 52 integrantes de Los Zetas..
Shows how stupid these guys are. 50 mil down the tubes. Financial wizards or savvy drug dealers they ain't! What an embarrassment! LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnd they probably kill a whole family of women and children over 50 pesos!
Lazcano is on the YouTube video , ITG AA FUTURITY RECAP20 wearing black suit
ReplyDeleteFuckin hypocrisy.They arrest Trevino Morales,but do nothing against the fuckers who took their money and were happy to deal with them.They are worse than Trevino Morales.They are the good guys.
ReplyDeleteFuck outta here.
"I will give you a hint, he is wearing a black suit with white shirt at the end of the race. Amazing no"?
ReplyDeleteBrother,you talking about the main man?Z3?
Is that who you mean?
@ June 13, 2012 11:10 AM
ReplyDelete"..and what about the americans did to the natives.?"
Please explain Hernan Cortes Sr. Mestizo. Que tenga buen dia.
A bunch of small North Texas towns have been hubs for decades. I had heard about Alvarado, Mesquite, and Frisco for many years growing up. I kind of thought it was BS, considering those towns were traditionally red neck and hick.
ReplyDeleteJune 13, 2012 1:58 AM .
ReplyDeleteThis brother is observant,if we not mistaken there is Z40 himself in the black suit and white shirt.He put a bit of weight on,but it looks like him,what do people think?
Z40 black hat,black jacket,and white shirt.
ReplyDelete5th from the left,after the interview starts.
Git it.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI wonder why these sob's did not go toe to toe with American Law Enforcment Agents! I thought them Zetas were very well trained in close combat! They are nothing but a bunch of cowards, women and child killers. I bet they all were screaming like crazy: Me rindo! Me rindo! Or: Mr. Police: I give it up! Don't shoot!
------------------------------------------------- would have been good if they had of tried to shoot it out ...they could have all died like men ..on tv...BUT..after all it is not Mexico..and they know they are gonna die if they try the cops here..puzzyz in the end...hope they have a lot of fun in prison
We are worse than Trevino Morales,im white and all these white motherfuckers who run this shit get off scott free?Arrest Trevino Morales he is just a Mexican bad guy,but leave the fuckers who been doing this shit for ever?Fuckin hypocrisy of the worst kind.They all knew who they were dealin with,but they didn't care,cause the"bad guys"came with tons of cash.They are worse than Trevino Morales,the phony fuckers,at least he doesn't pretend to be a phony fucker like these.These are the kind who always get away with it,they are the establishment good guys?Are they fuck.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with legalization of narcotics is that both the US & Mexico would have to compromise with the narcos already controlling the smuggling routes. What does that mean? It means that it would be a public admission of a failed Mexican state. So what's next? A full scale war on Mexican soil with incursions into bordering states. There isn't a single thing that the PRI, PAN, Republican or Democrate can do to prevent the next armed conflict. I hope we're all ready to see some really crazy shit happen.
ReplyDeleteHere in the dallas ft worth area there's no shortage of zetas and cdg. They are blunt enough to put cdg and zeta on their lic.plate and rear windows. Some ride around with the santa muerte on their back window. Wheres the police? These people need to get pulled over and searched .
ReplyDeletei wish people would understand money is not racist , but betrays many.
Great story as usual! I wonder whos name is blacked out on the indictment? Is it the snitch or someone else? Curious... You can bet his little group are stealing everything they can thats not nailed down...-CHIVO
ReplyDeleteRamiro Villarreal is NOT dead! That is how the US DEA gives their snitches a new identity, they get a unclaimed body from the morgue and they burned it in his car saying it was him then they give him a whole new identity...
ReplyDeleteIf convicted, then all parties who aided him in the money laundering scheme should also be prosecuted. ALL monies should be confiscated in every laundered account as one should benefit from this, nor be allowed to hide any money, property or valuables.
ReplyDeleteThose some 1 know what cartel controls el estado de mexico soy de coatepec harinas y si aki ay mucho desmadre y quiero saber quien controla
ReplyDeleteGringos better stay out of Mexico for a while until this cools down...
ReplyDeleteThese puto Zetas are gonna want some revenge!
right under your noses america and people were saying mexico was a safe haven for drug my opinion he wont snitch he'll have anything he needs in the feds guards on payroll are a good asset.
Wow. ITG AA FUTURITY RECAP20 Is that really Lazcano posing for pics with the winner? Hard to believe. Does look like his pics though. Only two known photographs of the man, none in 14 years.
ReplyDeleteOscar's Facebook Profile:
ReplyDelete"Lazcano is on the YouTube video , ITG AA FUTURITY RECAP20 wearing black suit
ReplyDeleteJune 13, 2012 1:39 PM"
Thanks for the heads up man.
Its hard to say whether it is Lazcano,but he looks as though he took weight off and he looks young.So i don't think he is a worrying kind,just a smart motherfucker.It definitely could be him.
The dude who runs up to the winning jockey in black suit and white shirt,you see him again posing for pictures?See what you people think?
Is it him?The main man,Z3?
The ITG AA Futurity Recap20 ,is it Lazcano?
ReplyDeleteAnd is Z40 on that shit too?Anyone tell us whats up?If it is El Verdugo,he enjoying himself big time,and he got what looks like a crew following behind him.Is it him?Could be.
right under your noses , maybe try putting thedown a bit and see who lives in your surroundings
The 2nd picture down in this story,the guy on the right in the picture may be Lazcano,that picture is a capture from "ITG AA FUTURITY RECAP20"and it could be him,who knows?
ReplyDeleteOh man! Lazcano is not gonna be happy about this! I think this is the last we've heard from Z40, he messed up big time.
ReplyDeletere: Lazca on right...too young IMO...but who knows....a little weight loss, a facelift and bingo you are guy on right... :)
ReplyDeleteI often wonder why they do not go to Brazil and change their face ..Paz, Chivis
ke chingen a toda su puta madre los treviño n everybody commenting on their behalf.the muthafuka is fuked period,i hope he fkn dies n rotts in fkn hell!!! miguel y lasca chingen a toda su puta perra madre ogts!!!!
ReplyDeleteJune 14, 2012 1:56 PM .
ReplyDeleteYe,i put that out there,but im not sure.He might have let his hair grow a bit,and he has lost a little weight.Lazca,a bit more stocky than that.
People may forget,he is still a young dude.But just lookin at the face and shit,i don't think its him,this guy on vid seems a little bit to carefree,while Lazca looks like a grim fucker who you wouldn't mess with.Who knows,many think it is,but i don't know.
Lazca aint gonna do shit to Trevino Morales.
ReplyDeleteThey closer than everyone seems to think,look at their wives and children.I don't know where all that comes from,but the two of these dudes are obviously capable people,like it or not,they serious dudes who don't fuck around.You don't get to where Lazca is without balls and brains.May hurt some peoples notions of fair play and all that shit,but it is patently true.
June 14, 2012 1:56 PM .
ReplyDelete"a facelift" thats one thing that motherfucker Lazcano don't need.
lazca in the picture,the man is not an pic for 14 years and he is going to pose for videos and pics lol.come on!!!
ReplyDeletePaola Rojas news indicated that the marines located like $40,000,000 pesos plus sevearl thousands of us dollars too in Nuevo Laredo stash house.
ReplyDeleteVillarreal Death was never investigated sounds the Feds set up a fake death
ReplyDeleteSounds like Villarreal is witness protection program not investigating his murder at all sounds fishy to me
ReplyDeleteel chapo el predidente poderosa grande hombre