Borderland Beat
Captured Regional Boss for Los Zetas - Alleged Mastermind of Slaying 72 Migrants
Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo "Comandante Ardilla" |
Relatives of "Tamps. 72" at funeral |
NUEVO LAREDO, Mexico - An alleged regional leader of the Zetas cartel that is linked to the slaughter of 72 Central American migrants that occurred in 2010 was captured in the city of Nuevo Laredo, on the U.S. border, a source said Saturday the prosecution.
Abandoned farm where Zetas dragged kidnapped migrant workers |
72 Migrants Killed and Discarded by Los Zetas San Fernando, Tamaulipas 2010 |
After a series of shootouts between soldiers and gunmen that occurred on Saturday, they arrested a man identified as Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo, aka "Comandante Ardilla." Sourced from the Tamaulipas state prosecutor's office (northeast), who asked not to be identified, said Martinez Escobedo was arrested in a residential area of Nuevo Laredo,
Martinez Escobedo, identified as head of a cell of Los Zetas in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Attorney General offered a reward of 15 million pesos (1.15 million dollars) for his capture.
"Ardilla" - the mastermind of massacre of "Tamps. 72" |
The suspect is identified as one of those who planned the slaughter of 72 migrants found in San Fernando, Tamaulipas. They were mostly Central Americans from Ecuador and Brazil, who were traveling through Mexico for jobs in the United States, August 2010. Los Zetas is considered one of the most powerful and bloodthirsty cartels operating in Mexico.
Lone Survivor of Brutality, Luis Fredy Lala Pomavilla |
A badly beaten Luis Fredy Lala Pomavilla of Ecuador stumbled into a checkpoint and led marines to a gruesome scene strewn with the bodies of 72 fellow migrant travelers, some piled on top of each other, about 100 miles from the border, the U.S. border. 58 men and 14 women were killed.
Kidnapped from buses - 72 migrants in Tamaulipas by Los Zetas |
Dead migrants San Fernando, Tamaulipas 2010 |
"Tamps. 72" Killed for refusing to join Los Zetas |
Mexican authorities previously apprehended one of the commanders of "Los Zetas" linked to the killing of 193 people in San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Abraham Barrios Caporal, alias "El Erasmo" or "El Comandante Erasmo." He was transferred along with three of his federal criminal accomplices to Villa Aldama, Veracruz. Barrios Caporal has continually implicated Salvador Alfonso Martinez Escobedo, alias Comandante Ardilla" as mastermind.
Abraham Barrios Caporal, alias “El Comandante Erasmo” gave up "Ardilla" |
Zetas Slaughter 72, 72 Dreams Ended in Massacre,
Slaughter of innocents Failed their Victims,
Narco Homicides the Real Number, El Erasmo
Deletegood job , tato laredo on facebook has his pics.
ReplyDeleteI hope they put his head in a press and day by day move the press one centimeter inward. This is not my nature, it's in me to help others, but when I see the fotos you've posted including the one of the woman at the casket who is flooded with an unbearable pain that she may still be experiencing the angry side of me immediately is triggered AND GETTING EVEN WITH THAT LOVELESS SMART ASS EGOTISTICAL DELINQUENT 'IS ON MY LIST!!!' and I'm sure I'm not the only one feeling this way. That PIG bastard short changed a lot of people by taking their lives and now they're gone forever and what remains is the memory in the hearts and minds of those who lost their loved ones.
- mp
ReplyDeleteOne of the Beatles songs has the words Give Peace a Chance. Online at blog sites and News Post web sites I've been reading what Mexicans have to say about Murdered Victims of organized crime, mafia and other such abusers of human rights and a great many Mexicans want capital punishment handed to those who murder in their country.
In regards to 'Abraham Barrios Caporal'
this is Mexico's chance and handing a sentence of death -- Give Capital Punishment a Chance!
Nobody wants a return to barbarism but a message can be sent to those who engage in savagery against mankind.
I thought the mastermind behind the massacre was Comandante Kilo
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly what I thought. I've never even heard of 'El Erasmo'. Matter of fact nothing of el kilo was ever mentioned again. seems fishy...
Deletehe was one of many others. go back to kilos pictures with his homies and these foos are in the pictures.
DeleteComandante Kilo is the individual responsible for stopping transport buses in the highway that passed through San Fernando Tamps. He tought the people inside the buses where reinforcements recluted by CDG so he eventually gave orders to kill the passengers. Also it has been said that he stopped the busses to reclute people for the Zeta cartel and if any opposed, they would be killed. Latter on, marines stationed in San Fernando found bodies in what they call "Narco Fosas" and in them not only did they found men, they also found women, kids, and babys.
Deletehow about a utube vid of this asshole being plugged into the wall ..and then being slow roasted ...
ReplyDeletethats great they caught this basterd but i dont think its going to change anything zetas will just find another twisted asshole to replaced him
Sigues tu 40 te van a chingar por ojete ya ni nuevo laredo es tuyo pinche panocha
ReplyDeletefunny how they call themselves "commandante". bet you this ass clown couldn't be a troop leader in the cub scouts. killing and beating people doesn't make you a "comandante" or a man. fucking scum
ReplyDeleteWhat does "Ardilla" and "Erasmo" mean?
ReplyDelete"The mastermind"behind killing 72 migrants(human beings)who's only crime was to want a better life and an opportunity.Mastermind,,,dregs of society who in order to achieve an illusion of power and authority pick up a gun to use on people like this.What is the sense of any of this?The people up top Lazca,Trevino,they are not stupid,they know these measures work,it has always worked,they take the migrants cause no-one cared,execute them to send a message to every one else"look what we will do if you fuck with us"It works,it is working.But,what about all the relatives of these people?Lazca,would you want your daughter in this pile of bodies?
ReplyDeleteTrevino,your son?
October 7, 2012 7:30 AM
ReplyDeleteGood comments man.They know all right.
This is a different Ardilla from Lazcas boy who got topped.
Lazca was supposed to be goin to his funeral an all that shit with Z50.
The mass of earth's population would not benefit from viewing a live broadcast of a man being put to their. Let the crimes of such people take charge of administering the degree of punishment they deserve. Our focus should be in continuing with our lives and teaching children values and revenge is not a value so once again, so for the health of society, no live broadcasts of the termination of a brutal murderer's life should that person be given the same sentence he placed on others, the Ultimate Act of GREED possible = having taken another or other people's live.
Seems all the Zetas responsible for that massacre have either been killed by CDG or arrested. I am very glad.
ReplyDeletelol at people claiming not wanting to return to barbarism while wanting death penalty.
ReplyDeleteYes this dude is scum but do you really think that they are afraid to die when they already are killed by the thousands?
Nevermind the fact that does ANYONE at all have ANY faith whatsoever in Mexican justice system to hand out death penalties. Hell even in the US people are whining that the government is too incompetent to even run a damn DMV while championing capital punishment.
pinche 40 vamos pa monclova xxx
ReplyDeleteThe guy was well-named - he does look like a freaking squirrel or a chipmunk. They probably made fun of him in school and for that he has to become a mass murderer.
ReplyDeleteBravo.Great theory!!
Deletepuro puerto putos
ReplyDeleteSomeone should skin him alive.
ReplyDeleteKilo was just the fall guy for the time being to keep the brazilians and central americans from getting nosy.
ReplyDeletewhat a rat faced little bastard...the zits take the cake for feo
ReplyDeleteill like to see him free to masses and give him public punishement the relatives of the dead passed on should have first choice
ReplyDeleteI want this heartless filthy pice of crap dead!!!!!!!!!! Only then justice will be serve
ReplyDeleteI would fuck his face with my fist....
ReplyDeleteI thought Z-40 and Z-3 masterminded the murders?
ReplyDeleteCommentary on "lol at people claiming not wanting to return to barbarism while wanting death penalty".
If we broadcast the death penalty of a murderer,
if we want to, we can train society to ENJOY watching somebody being murdered On Screen
and in that way we can create A Barbaric Society!
Should it be decided to give a mass murderer the death penalty, if it is not broadcast for all to see, Society is not affected by the termination of 'the psychopath'. We do not wish to train more people to become psychopaths ...
In order to better understand this whole deal you need to watch an interrogation from the federal police to "el wache" he was el kilos boss but was under ardilla, there he explains everything, look It up on youtube
ReplyDeleteComandante Kilo had something to do with it? No?
ReplyDeletelooks in the pic like he thinks alot,he must be very smart,probably why he joined the zetas...they only employ smart people.
ReplyDeleteThe media is,literally, fill with BULLSHIT!
ReplyDeleteAnother scumbag involved with the " Infamous"
ReplyDeleteImmigrant atrocity that never got much media attention north of the border. Not much of a
mastermind ..... Just a Culero Turd shitbag monster. Fuckers like him make
Charlie Manson look like a cub scout.
Frontera Tamualipas is still very dangerous.
Just kill the mofo
ReplyDeleteOctober 7, 2012 5:34 PM
ReplyDelete"he was one of many others. go back to kilos pictures with his homies and these foos are in the pictures"
Good spot brah,never noticed that shit,you more alert than me,you couldn't forget this bitches face he does look like a little rodent?Some kind of fuckin field mouse.Hang on a minute.This is the big bad Commandante Ardilla,what are we talkin about?
"The mass of earth's population would not benefit from viewing a live broadcast of a man being put to their(death)" Senb ?
ReplyDeleteI beg to differ but i would argue there are more people commenting here who would love to see this piece of shit getting executed for his conscious choice to kill innocent migrants.In a civilized society that behavior cannot be tolerated and i would say we need to set a standard to show it will not not tolerated.Before you say it.I don't care if it a deterrent,one thing it will do is make sure he can never do it again"Ask family members if they would like to see him executed"
They got Alvin oo no my kids like his movies
ReplyDeleteOctober 7, 2012 7:53 PM
ReplyDeleteYe,ye,ye,you go right ahead and turn the other cheek and all that rot.In the mean time innocent people are being killed for no reason all the time all over the world.But we can find another way,ye,ye,ye,,do you ever stop to think that you may be wrong in your opinions?We are a violent species,face it,own up to it,and deal with it.All we can do is enforce the harshest laws for murder,it is always a willful choice,we have lawyers similar to you in that they want to get people off heinous crimes through technicalities and police procedure?Never mind that there is absolutely no doubt about someones guilt,make sure they have due process and rights?What about the rest of us,who choose not to kill people?I can choose to kill someone,but i choose not to because in the final analysis it is wrong.Look at the family members crying over their loved ones,what do you think they want?Does it count what they want?I think it should,we need law and order,do you want chaos?What would someone like you do then i wonder?
There will always be people who want to look out for the rights of dogs like these?Why is that?
ReplyDeleteThey are guilty beyond doubt,where is the problem in punishing them severely?It is you people who are wrong,in your righteous indignation"i am better than that"idealistic dreamers and fools.
I read on the same dude was being accused on the murder on Falcon Lake of an American in 2010, does anyone know if this is factual or just an assumption??
ReplyDeleteMuy sencillo para acerle justicia a este carbon... El govierno solo tiene que decir que este guey se "fugo", pero en realidad se lo entregarian al CDG porla puerta trasera.... Entonces si quiero ver a este wuey sacando/mostrando el dedo pulgar en senal de triunfo aver si entonces muy machito cuando se entere que el CDG lo va ajusticiar... Ahi si quisiera verlo con su sonrisita estupida!!! Jajajaja, y wueremos videos, pongan videos! Pero talves sea mucho pedir..
ReplyDelete....public executions, like they do in other countries, that's the only answer to these criminals who have MURDERED WITHOUT A DOUBT...
look at the guys face, he looks like a rodent,a rat faced man... just needs a few whiskers, he just looks like a piece of chit!!
ReplyDelete1:59 PM
ReplyDelete"Pero talves sea mucho pedir"
Definitely to much to ask,look at some of the people commenting here?"No execution"Why not?
Oh yes senore,i would like to see that to.
I wonder how they would feel then,knowing they are to be handed over?They must be shown in a radical way,their behavior won't be tolerated.
I' suspect that the Immigration surrendered the illegal immigrants of other Countries to the Zetas of San Fernando and Nuevo Laredo so they can be tortured and returned back to their Central American Country but when the 2nd time this same people were surrendered to the Zetas is when they were Massacared like in San Fernando 72 killings you see the Mexican Government spents too much money in transporting the illegal Central Americans back to their Country every Year so I' think the Corrupted Mexican Government washed it's hand with those busted Zeta ganstas like Combandante ardilla, Combandante Kilo, Combandante Erazmo, of course they were associated with the Corruption of the Mexican Government dirty Politician Boses that was evident of their dirty works Tamaulipas was the Capitoll of the Secuestradores the ones who kidnapped for a heavy ransom price allot of Victims that felt on the hands of those captured Zeta Freaks since 2003-2012 in the Tamaulipas then Coahuila, extended to Nuevo Leon and the rest of the Mexican States.
ReplyDeleteLos Zetas began kidnapping people in 2002 for ransom money and they were very well organized in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas with the colaboration of the Corrupted Mexican Police they had hide outs were they had ALL of their kidnapped victims and the extorcionists pressuring their Familly relatives to send the money by wire transfer or bank deposit or they would kill their familly relative this was very common in those days in 2002 to 2011 this was one of the ways the Zeta Organization financially grew, in 2004 the high school students there back then they all dreamed to have a Sports car and some like in the movie "The Fast and the Furious" were offered by Los Zetas raw Cash for fire Weapons like Ak-47's, ammunition etc.. back then there was allot of Corruption within the Mexican immigration inspection port of entries. The Zetas extended into nortern Coahuila into Piedras Negras and Acuña the kidnappings, drug ministores(Narcomenudeo), prostitution, infant pornography private sites, ALL of this Crimes infested mostly All of the Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Nuevo Leon by the Zetas organization they hired Gangsters from the barrios to commit cold blooded killings they mostly gave the orders.