Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Zetas and CDG: Execution Videos

Borderland Beat

This is a horrific execution video, that begins with a man alive and tied.  His torture begins with fingers being sliced from his hand and then decapitated live.  The video has already been removed from several domains....Needless to say this is
to view video you must elect to continue to the second page.

The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for.  This is the Zetas execution of 3 Gulfo 
The video opens to a scene with eight sicarios dressed in fatigues standing behind three kneeling men.  The hands of the doomed men are tied behind their backs and blindfolded. 
The  narrator states that his group are members of Letra. (Zs) and they are there to kill CDG whores. He interrogates the men and asks their names and who they work for, they answer;
Nelson Mora Ornelas, Antonio del Ángel Fernández, y Edgar Sánchez Pérez, and replied they are with the Gulfo Cartel (CDG)
They were asked what information they knew of the Gulfo Cartel.  They stated the name of Raúl Cortés alias El Rápido who was identified as the plaza boss in Manuela, San Antonio and Rayon, all cities in Tamaulipas.
They further stated they knew that a man named Alejandro Cortés Pérez as the person who was in charge of money laundering, and Ramón Cortés Pérez, Julio César Cortés García,  Víctor García alias La Máquina as boss of recompenses (I think)
Mr. Big says to the camera: Look here whore golfos, here we have your fucking people, this is going to happen to all those who goes against the letra, especially Vigilantes Mante and Gulf Cartel. (See Vigilantes Mante Link Here ) They are an anonymous group using social networks to inform of narco activities.
After the shout out,  Letra Sicarios immediately begin beheading the three Golfos who react with unimaginable screams of terror.

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  1. Now THIS is an execution video the likes CDG and Zetas are known for, that´s why I still don´t believe the Valor Por Tamaulipas video is real, it just TOO MUCH hate this scumbags have to only give the guy a bullet to the head.

    1. Very true^^ ,different killings mean different things
      Who ever it was who made that video ,,, shot that guy in the head no doubt
      They probably trusted thiss guy and took it personal ,snitches get sliced and diced

    2. This people are demon possessed only Satan can make people do this to another human, they will burn in hell.

    3. mask soldier is CHIKEN . , mask soldier have no guts .

    4. for me this is very very stupid cartel law ,the mask soldier is coward and chiken . they never scared me . never and ever . i'm glad to kill stupid cartel member like them .

  2. Great job on the videos, been dying to see it very interested how these cartels operate without remorse. Was the guy being decapitated feeling the cutting of bus fingers he didn't even make any moves or yells? Any thoughts...

  3. Can u plzzz translate the narcomessage

    1. Mexico might be the only place where a nation is at war against itself when is this gonna stop never at this rate the war is not stopping golfos zetas sinaloenss jaliscenses michoacanos all hate each others fucking guts its like ethnic cleansing only difference is what state u were born in ir ur a tamaulipeco in sinaloa u have zero chance of being alive if cartel members find u and same story in nuevo laredo if ur from sinaloa fuggedabout it and so on its disgusting

  4. hey, you guys should put the videos on a secondary forum section for videos. i wonder if the mexican govt. gets embarassed when these things surface

  5. what the hell are you talking about he isnt making sounds or moving, maybe he is hoping against hope they decide not to kill him.. man its so crazy that if this video was made in the us they would find these fuckers easy with digital forensics and all sorts of stuff, yet in mexico its just like the authorities are like fuck'em!! and to you, why would you be dying to see some poor soul being murdered? what did he really do that was this bad to get his fingers cut off and decapitated, what text or type some info??

    1. Point is he did something to deserve this. People actually enjoy watching these types of videos. So we can have peace of mind knowing at least 1 more low life is dead and might actually not hurt some innocent people along the rode if his dumb decision making mind just cause he takes orders and can't make none by himself. This is LIFE people do these things and some actually deserve it. CDG said in video "No te metas con esa gente" refering to don't get involed with those people (his cartel) Point blank it happened I enjoyed it and I know for a FACT I'm not the only one here. AMEN BROTHER!

    2. You are a sick fuck just watching it,in you mommies basement.

    3. We have a name for people like u in america that enjoy watching this stuff.they are called serial killers.what have people become when they enjoy watching someone get decapitated? At least animals only kill to eat and not out of aggression.maybe this guy did desereve it but i still cant watch have no interest in watching.ted bundy and jeffrey dahmer enjoyed this kind of stuff too so i guess that makes u no better than they were

    4. Actually no, I attent BU (Baylor University) just incase you don't know universities. Living on my own work 2 jobs actually working hard for a good future, unlike you lazy probably work minimum wage help out your parents on bills now feeling like a big shot and I know for a fact lazy due to the fact that you are even to lazy to type correctly on a screen where actually the only muscles you use are your FINGERS! This is why U.S is obese and not progressing in life.

    5. U sick little bitch who enjoys watching these type of videos! Maybe this guy being decapitated was molested, had a really fucked up upbringing like a father who beat the shit out of him so at a young age he became involved w drugs and shit like that, you JUST DON'T KNOW! Ur a lame motherfucker like you know EXACTLY what he did to deserve this. I give people the benefit of a doubt but u don't u sick motherfucker! You might not view it like this but guess what? Almost all of us do so that says a lot, that ur probably a fuken psycopath in the making. Probably someone does something to you by accdient or intentionally like rob you or break into your car and then that could unleash ur inner sick fuken soul u fuken maniac! Fuck u and baylor!!! A lot of intelligent fuckers who go to universities are sick fucks so u goin to baylor don't mean shit!!!

    6. Lol if were such sick people who watch this remind us why your here my family is in Mx too Tamaulipas zeta territory you think this is bad not even close to what you see out there

    7. You go to college and you have two jobs? You must suck at both of them! They're pushing u out very slowly they just can't fire you because Lil government sucks like you would try and get a unemployment check. But you pretend to be some bad ass that's ok. But I only had time for one job and the rest 2 as hard work and studies.

  6. is the message in display within the video?
    I did not watch it.
    maybe someone can translate the narco card? or send me the complete text

    1. Chivis, message did not appear in the video. Picture shows part of the message but not actually viewable. Hopefully we have a complete picture and entire message viewable. BTW love the work daily visitor first thing is wake up and see the site very informative.

      - Viewer from Laredo Tx.

    2. Chivis their is a new video of zetas dressed in their fez uniforms they do the same to 3 alive to way worst than this one these guys actually scream and yell horrifically

  7. Thanks Laredo!
    If anyone gets the Text somewhere please let us know. or if anyone wants to take a stab at it as presented.

  8. How do I see the video????

  9. BTW...I am not so sure this is the work of CDG..could be but others are saying the message warns this is an example of the fate of those against zetas. I am totally paraphrasing, but I don't see that in the card either.

    The BB daily puzzle..paz, chivis

  10. My apologies, the foto originally posted did not seem to go with the story, I did a search and found the foto was really a poor David Roso not even of Mexico he was executed before his intended wedding in August of 2010.

    So I added the screen shot taken at the point of decap. His expression says it all.

    1. That was the name of the guy in the first vid?

  11. As for the bullet to the head zetas offered a reward to anyone who gives up the people who created the facebook page its really personal and for the message what i underatand it pretty much that anybody who feels like heros going against los zetas (not CDG) this is the fate that awaits you and for the the videos there is a ton more on mundo de narco .com

  12. wonder what he did.

  13. Is this CDG executing a Zeta? If it is, then it deserves an Oscar. KILL ALL THE ZETAS.

  14. Perhaps e40 and his boys? Forty been.keeping to low profile lately

  15. Animals kill out of agression... wtf are you smoking?

    1. No they do not.if you knew anything about nature you would know that they kill for food territory to raise their young and mating animal has ever killed over a bag of crack

  16. Well damn!! They got this vato I jst wanna who did is it cartel de golffas o las zorras anyone how can confirm this it would b very appreciated Thnx att el compa meño

  17. Poor bastard!!!!....looks as though he had copped a beating previously before this vid,probably why he didnt move much when that asshole was cutting his fingers off,he was waling through the ordeal but didnt look like he had much fight in him left...poor sod.
    To the people who like this...fuck off back to BestGore where you belong,this sight was intended for a window into the Narco-war and the suffering day in day out of innocents in mexico.
    That other new vid gettin around where the Zetas are cutting up 3 CDG members is horrific too... the screaming i will never forget,ever.

  18. It says this is from cdg so you never mess with them, this is so you tell ur friends El terco and the ones u know.
    Guys tells some one to cut his neck and tells him can you do it?? Or u want me to kill pop him first?? guy said no no no!!!!! Alive alive So they can see. Guy tells the victima sorry brother ill see you in hell too.
    Thats all I can get thank u guys

  19. I hate zetas viva El chapo

    1. shut up idiota. Guzman isn't any better than these sorry excuse for Mexicans. todos los putos narcos estan matando a Mexico y tu como menso crees que uno es mejor que el otro. fuck them and fuck you.

    2. Ur the idiot fuck u n si viva chapo

    3. Limpiate 8:49 te cagaron MENSO Y de mi parte PENDEJO tambien

    4. Fuck all the fucken loosers cartel member

  20. well. first off i don't see any narcomensaje (narco-message) in this video at all, and its kinda blurry so if there was one i wouldnt be able to read it. (if there is a message in it somewhere can someone say at what point in the video it is shown?) second at just about 00:15 seconds in I'm pretty sure the guy says "de parte del cdg carnal, nunca te metas con ellos" which means "this is from the cdg brother, dont ever get involved with them." (them meaning zetas probably). then at 00:59 seconds it says "esto es del cdg culeros eh, y a todos les va pasar" which means " this is from cdg homos, this is gonna happen to everyone" (everyone that is a zeta). anyway i saw several comments on for this video that said that theres a narcomessage in the video stating that that was going to happen to everyone against the zetas. I personally cant seem to see the freakin message. maybe some people who like the zetas just commented that because they dont want people to think that cdg is making any videos back at them. (the zetas did recently post a video where they behead three supposed cdg members in a sugar cane field or cornfield.) anyways its fucked up either way that this is happening. death being answered with worse and worse death.
    @ Chivis i don't know if you've gone back to the post "5 cops die in la laguna" but I posted a question in the comments that i would like to get your opinion on since you are the administrator and you've covered this war for so long. thanks for your time if you do happen to go back and answer it. Thank you as well for devoting your time to reporting this drug war in english, there are a lot of spanish websites that talk about this but its good that this one is in english so that people on this side of the border can know what is really going on right next door.

  21. the person doing the cutting off of the head appears to know what he is doing or did it before, if you notice he does it without getting much blood on his hands or arms & no blood squirts up...

  22. It's CDG. For you Ardilla.

  23. hahaha....funny people always blaming zee,its like they wanna make sure spotlights always on Zee,if it was a Zetas clip you'd know straight away...cause the Zee's tell it to you on the clip...
    Whether its CDG dying or zetas or even CDS,know one deserves to die like this...unless your a pedo.

  24. Hey Chivis,has the Cartel unidos made any roads into zetas territory besides Monterrey?

  25. Just wanted to report there is a mobilization in several points of Reynosa. 10 car convoy in one no logos, gunmen in two other points. also PN had convoy with one armor. and GATEs unit covoy as well....good night world

    1. Thanks Chivis guess im not going to Reynosa

    2. Reynosa its bad my uncle and gis wife live there when it starts to get dark they stay inside and dont open thd door for anything

  26. This is awfull,what a horrible way to kill someone.

    I couldn't watch the first video after seeing those fingers get cut off and the second one I scrolled down once the cutting started but the screams are horrible enough to haunt someone for a long time.

    Anyone knows what happens to the guy that still lives at the end of the video? Probably got killed too? Poor guys...

    How can such cartel people live with themselves and their deeds, I just don't get it.

  27. Baylor University is one of the best medical schools in the US.

  28. These videos are also used as a motivator for their own troops. The message is fight to the death for nif you may be captured by police or army or an enemy cartel you will be the star in a snuff video.
    The cartel members all discuss how they would be brave and silent if being executed in a live decapitation. It is a badge of honour to die in silence with your head up.

    1. The only brave, honorable and sane thing to do would be to get the hell out of there. Most narcos will be murderd, shot or rot in jail. There is no honor in wasting your life like that.

  29. LOS ZETAS are so far from being done like i said before lazca is not dead it not possible that after his death there target of rivals plaza bosses are being executed with such and ease why cant cds or cdg kill zeta bosses or caf bosses or beltran bosses well i guess don arturo que en paz descanse does anyone see what im seeing zetas are just getting stronger keep in mind im not a zeta cheerleader i live in tijuana baja norte but zetas are a very smart and dangerous organization

    1. Lmfao they are all with arturo dead

  30. WOW !!!!!!!!! now that is some nasty stuff and it's all real too. that would suck having your head cut off that way, must really hurt too.

  31. Chivis hey the mayor of china n.l, got picked up according to rumors.


  32. Can't vouch for who attends what university, BUT Baylor is one of the top Medical University in the US. And Houston has developed into a medical educational and information mecca.

    be fair

  33. "The following is an additional video that some of you have been writing and asking for. ... '


    Zetas: "Hey look man, they posted OUR video! Man, LET'S MAKE ANOTHER ONE!!, Borderland Beat will post ANYTHING FOR US AND WE LUV PUBLICITY!! Let's party AND TAKE ANOTHER HEAD OFF!"

  34. chivis why are you breaking your rule allowing the 11:17 to write in caps as though their words more important? obvious a person outside Mexico. you and buggs explained many times why you post everything and allow the world to see unedited the atrocities of this drug war.

    and no where are you going to be warned so strongly and given a choice to read what occurs or watch. i chose to read but will not tamper on the right of others to choose for themselves even though some choose strictly for nefarious reasons.

    your selection of posts and those you write are top notch that include every aspect of the issue, and do not come close to sensationalizing the gore. The person complaining needs to skip narco blogs and go back on medication and subscribing to the LA times.

    don't apologize to anyone especially a person that can't see beyond what their eyes present.

  35. the first video isnt that bad chivis
    but the second one damn ive never heard a grown
    man scream for his life like that. wow
    i bet those sick pigz probably kill children
    with no worries.
    the reason i say that is becuse i remember
    playing the game scarface on ps2 a few years back and at the end of the game you kill sosa
    but before you make tony pull the triger
    on sosa.
    sosa ask tony do you know why we kill children
    and tony just says there just kids mane
    sosa explanes to tony that killing children
    is part of the dopegame to let others know
    not to fuck with us tony!!! why dont you
    get that tony!!! then tony says
    f##k you haza then lets his gold desert.E pistol
    BURST on sosa.
    any ways i just wonder if any gay narco in mex
    take the rules of sosa and applys them to his gay
    narca group.also i think mexico should have a law that states if you kill a child you will automaticly get a death penalty by a rusty machete in public so that way those narcas would learn.

  36. If you enjoy watching these videos and aren't a member of any cartels, you need some serious counseling and are the reason I carry a Ruger everywhere I go. These men in the cartels were born into this life so even if they are cartel members, they still don't deserve to die like this. America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation and it is not just cartel members suffering these fates. Honest citizens who refuse to cooperate with them or are suspected of talking to the police can die the same way. Drugs can be sold without bloodshed. No human deserves to die like this, of course as previously stated, except pedos and rapists. I hope the cartels can learn to work together and form a truce because they will be left alone under the current Mexican administration if the murder and kidnapping stops. Mexico is a beautiful place with wonderful people and I honestly believe the cartels have the power to turn Mexico into a great prosperous country again if they work together. Its too late to write them off as bad people who deal drugs. They have money, power, influence, and control and will not be stopped.

  37. 12:26, look up La Barbie. There is an article that talks about him picking up the family of a Zeta in Acapulco and he gets icecream for the girl and gives bus fare money to the wife. He tells them that they are free to go but the husband (or bf, cant remember well) needs to stay.
    excerpt from article
    "The hit man's wife and stepdaughter were kept in the house overnight. The next morning, Barbie's men, whom he taught to be merciful to women, gave the little girl a bowl of cereal with a banana and let her swim in the pool out back. Later, they sent her away with her mother, giving them 1,000 pesos for bus fare. Before they left, one of Barbie's men told the wife, "Your husband said to tell you that he loves you."
    That guy had ethics.

    1. I remember that punish those that need to be punished leave women and children alone

  38. baylor university and baylor medical school are two different entities now

  39. so where is a bad medical school?? i would hope that they are all good

  40. the Barbie post is an all time great. rarely does his history go back with so much detail. Makes you wonder "why?" I did not believe his family is in fear of him though which was proven when they hired one of the best atty in tx when he was arrested.

    I should repost that old post....

  41. You know I understand the saying "Live by the sword die by the sword." I assume these 3 guys being decapitated we're bad guys, I dont know they can say they were golfos but unless any of us were there We dont know... This is just a horrible way to die. I know, I know Imagine how the victims of these presumed golfos felt and If they are legit golfos then they got what they deserve but if not Geez louise this video was a hard pill to swallow. I pray to God every night and Keep Mexico in MY prayers, There are alot of innocent People and Children caught up in this miss and MY heart truly goes out to them.

  42. This guys aint mexico they terrorize mexico. Every cartel hurt even the inocent.

  43. for all of u who wake up to be entertained by this bullsht fuck u this real n shouldnt be looked up for entertainment. its sad that mexico happened to be next door to the best country in the world. this is wat happens wen u eat bread n front of the poor

  44. its fucking crazy people evebn put this videos up. for fucks sake. i think a person being killed is enough. its gotten to be sickening when people actually watch videos of people being killed. i hate these videos and i felt the nessesity to show my unapreciation of such material. all we doing is gloryfying this basterds.

  45. Some of the comments are sick ...
    I am dissapointed with them.

    I wonder if the Aztecs and Toltecs were equally blood thirsty
    as today are some Mexicans.

    I haven't watch the AWFUL video,
    just read this article and the comments.

  46. to all the people that say that no 1 deserves to die like this...wake up .yes they do deserve to die like this and even doesn't matter they were born into the life,they know what's right and wrong think this is horrible? do you know what it feels like to have a family member kidnapped and tortured? and killed and disposed of anyway even after the ransom was paid? or a mother searching for a child every waking moment never to see them again !! most of us will never experience the pain that these people cause....

  47. February 24, 2013 at 12:26 PM
    Mike Thompson said...

    ".....America's addiction to drugs has created this horrible situation....."
    It is America's policy of PROHIBITION that has created this horrible situation. Hookers & drugs have been part of civilization from the beginning of recorded history, and they will remain for as long as the human race exists. Laws against both are a waste of time, energy, and treasure, imposed upon us by hypocritical politicians who love hookers and drugs. Prohibition created Al Capone and Joaquín Guzmán Loera.; violence being an all too familiar commonality.

    Thomas Jefferson once said that we are obligated as good citizens to break unjust laws. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Personally, I work hard so that I can play hard. Hookers and drugs have made my life a much more pleasurable one; and not at the expense of taxes & bills. Thank you President Jefferson, you and your wisdom are dearly missed.

    Hasta luego,

  48. May God have Mercy upon Those who have Died,they are hyprocrites.

  49. wtf do these guys even do this for. The Nazis probably didn't do this shit. what does it prove? Is it just machismo?

  50. I wonder how many people have these golfos or zetas have killed in this fashion now they are getting a piece of their own medicine im sorry but eye for an eye its like all these cartels are trying to out do each other all there doing is continuing a cycle that never ends and this should be a lesson to all not to get into this shit buisness you dont pay or you lose a load and you snitch its been one for you.Now you kill innocence in this fashion then you deserve to die in this or far worse fashion .Good night and peace to all .

  51. The vigilantes and military will kill those animal cartel people!!!

  52. I cant watch but im interested in the narco war in mexico. I really hope mexico can find peace somehow. Im also glad to see empathy on this site, people start to lose their humanity and feelings after seeing this stuff. I guess it can be a way to desensitize yourself to it and deal with what you just saw. That's why I wont watch, i already know the outcome.

  53. These are fucking savages. They should be dealt with and dispatched with "extreme predjudice." When the U.S. finally got involved with the hunt for Pablo Escobar back in the 90's, it was a very short time, not quite a year, before he was hunted down and executed. The credit was given to Los' Pepes however the matter is still shrouded in mystery. Was it Delta Force? Either way, Something has to give. I am glad that these things are public to allow Americans to see what is going on with our neighbors to the South. Funny, I haven't really heard much from the Obama admin. on their plan to combat this madness next door. I mean, they have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange held captive @ the American embassy in Equador. This is a systematic plan to eradicate our 1st amendment right to "Freedom of Speech."& transparency of gov. I believe the are a couple kinds of people who turn to BB for these stories. Whether it be the execution videos made by jacked up for Sadists or sort of PSA's for Americans to see that all is not well as portrayed in the media in the U.S. The war is going on right next door, not the other side of the world. Give me a fuckin' break!! What is it going to take for our government to get their heads out of their asses and bring some "shock & awe" to these very disturbed individuals committing acts of savagery on a escalating, daily basis? If you can't feel SICK to your stomach after watching men screaming as their heads are carved off then you my friend have no soul. I come to BB for the stories, I cannot in good conscience watch another torture video after watching what was arguably the most disturbing couple of execution videos yesterday.
    Write your congressman, send him links to these videos, call your state rep too. America has to address this issue with more than just posturing and apathy. Who knows what these men were killed for REALLY? Wrong place, wrong time? Most likely. Still, the humanity of it all is appalling to say the least.NOBODY deserves to die like that unless they themselves have inflicted death on someone else the same way. One statement holds true, Karma is a MF. It does come around. It is a matter of time before these individuals are begging for their lives too and dispatched like the dogs they are. Sickening stuff.

    1. Youre right bro.. delta force did take Pablo escobar out.. los peles got the credit for it.. the US needs to take chapo out and any ONE who gets in the way.. México needs to stop acting like they have any pride and let the US help..

  54. Thats z40 talking on the 2 video.

  55. I think that people enjoy watching these videos is more scary than them happening

  56. I think it's really scary that people actually like watching these execution videos that scares me more than the fact that the videos are out there I think I could actually do whatit they're doing but I don't wanna watch. I could do it but I never enjoy watching it

  57. 3:45 am,you need to go outside and get some fresh air. you are you talking in circles ,not only are you using up the battery on my phone reading this novel of nothingness that you put into words... please " stop" and think before you write. my brain do not register double talk. And cut it short next time. Ty

  58. @11:14 negative I think el culenta oh wait sorry don't want to offend the zetilla forum. I mean "el cuarenta " is the one that needs to be taken out.

  59. when the Russians were at war in Afghanistan, the Russian soldiers would carry a revolver on their person, not for personal protection, but so they wouldn't get taken alive by the Afghans and avoid the torture and decapitation.


  61. i wonder why they never film when they cook their enemies alive only decap videos.

    1. Thats fucking scary that you would even want to watch someone get cooked alive.youre probably a future serial killer but do yourself a favor and do it in tx we all know what tx will do to your ass when you do

  62. El chapped dose the same but he don't video
    Tape it

  63. Its embarrasing to see this mex an south americans kill people an the thought that more than half r tortured to say wat they say an r innocent is messed up an for u haters I am a proud aztec warrior but its just wrong wats going on

  64. @ kuerno762
    Appreciate the translations and anything you can do in that regard,keep it up if you can brother.

    1. @ 4:27 PM
      No problem man. I'll try to help out where I can. Been following this "new war" (see article Beyond Madness: Violence in Mexico) since 2009, and I believe it is important to follow it. Mexico is going through a major conflict that will go down in history as another great genocide with many factors at play that clearly devastates the people and communities in that country as well as affect the us and many other countries in the world. May God bless the innocents and those whove lost their way and find and end to this madness soon.

  65. I think for me watching the videos drives home the realism of it all. It's obviously more descriptive than just reading about it. But man this is definitely one of the worst I've seen. These people are sick animals and doing it all because of drugs. How pathetic. And the saddest part for them is that the guys doing the dirty work are probably living on table scraps. They don't even see the profits. I can see killing if you're a soldier and fighting in defense of your country. But what these "soldiers" are doing is absolutely pointless. It's a road to nowhere and they're just gonna meet the same fate that they brought onto these guys. Talk about a waste of life

  66. In caase you wonder where they learn..."Karzai's office charged that a university student who was detained during a U.S. operation in Wardak province, southwest of Kabul, was later found with his head and fingers cut off. In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing."

    Zetas were School of the Americas trainees, no?

    1. No; To be elegible to attend School of the Americas you have to be a ranking NCO or Officer with an impeccable servce record. These guys are nothing but cheap killers who eventually will die the same way.

  67. The first gruesome narco vid i watched was the manuel melendez vid, that vid left me shaking ,this was horrible but it didnt get to me as much as others are saying, but still this is awful how a paisano can do this to another paisano over some meaningls "drug war",
    I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut for some reason realesed,
    What i dont get is why the blogs never follow up on the victims , interview there familys , see what they were like an if they were realy part of this, that be intrseting to see

  68. Soon God will judge for those who done evil...souls will consume to eternal suffering..tell youu

  69. @2:18pm dude....too much pain and screaming i guess.

  70. I saw one video in the past. I felt it diminished my humanity. Will not subject myself to that again.

  71. why why why would you even want to see the families interviewed after there son gets decapitaed that's messed up dude

  72. All these guys end up the same way, on the other end of the sword. These Narco vids have proven nothing! There is no " valor " or " pride " in killing a tied up individual " contra " or not.
    The Gulfos vs Zetas thing is so played out. Is this what these guys look forward to? Ending up in a execution video going out in the most hideous way? Ya dejense de pendejadas, if your going to traffic drugs do it but stop the senseless violence against your own people.
    I know there is far less opportunities there but seems like never ending for these guys.

  73. The Colombian authorities killed Pablo Escobar, not delta force or the pepes. All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union.

    1. Exactly! Delta force centre spike and los pepes were all away at the moment they killed pablo. it was for the most part a success on a few hard woeking COLUMBIAN individuals. delta and los pepes did kill a lot of his people and made him scramble but be real what can americans really accomplish in this type of situation? not much that's why the dea is filled with latinos. what are they going to do get white people to go undercover in the cartels. lmao

  74. I must say that luckily that I did not eat lunch before I saw the video. Anyone want chicken fingers. Bloody gross.

  75. "Zetas were School of the Americas trainees,no.In another case, U.S. forces are accused of detaining nine villagers, who are still missing."
    And whats your point sad sack?"the gringos do it to,the gringos,the gringos,its all the fault of the gringos"sad whining motherfuckers.
    Fuckin funny seeing Mexicans whine like this.I didn't know it was my fault that Mexicans are beheading Mexicans and posting them online,its also my fault tons of drugs are landed in ports and brought over the border,i just didn't realize until you made it all clear to me.Us gringos ey,we are the cause of everything,ha,ha,ha.
    Fuck off humpty back

  76. February 25, 2013 at 7:47 PM
    "I believe the zetas in this vid are comandante viernes and his man he controls this area they mentioned he was captured 2 days agobut"
    Dude speak some on that?They are Z in the video doing the killing to CDG?Some were saying it CDG killing Z?You know better than i bro,are they cutting his fingers off because he is a finger(snitch)?

  77. February 26, 2013 at 4:31 AM
    "I saw one video in the past. I felt it diminished my humanity. Will not subject myself to that again"
    Hilarious,such pretentiousness.Good for you.This is humanity.

    1. No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? U might not enjoy it as much

    2. These people are sick ! Mexico is a weak goverment ! usa is weak for not intervining in these cruel and sick rituals these weak ass cartels display ! if i had my way ! Id go on a cartel sweep and tortue all of them !

  78. "All this chaos in Mexico might be a pretext to lay the ground work for the creation of the North American Union"
    Conspiracy anyone ? Bilderbeck,Illuminati,Freemasons,yada,yada,

    1. Hell yeah that what needs to happen !

  79. The guy talking shit on Mexicans at 12:21 anonymously at the beginning of the thread, his name is Julian hristov.

  80. the only people that love watching this filth
    are adam laza type M.F. THAT NEED HELP!!!
    who the heck wakes up and says i wana watch some
    one die today on the internet!!!
    -AL QUDS

  81. @3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's..?

  82. @3:45am they got killed cause they fuckn Golfo whores.

  83. Why didn't they behead the 3rd guy?


  84. "man its so crazy that if this video was made in the us they would find these fuckers easy with digital forensics and all sorts of stuff"

    Are you sure about that? You sound so sure - why? I could give you an example of something that was made in the U.S. and neither the FBI or Scotland Yard could determine the origins or who was actually in the print. This was within the last decade. Movies are not reality.

  85. February 27, 2013 at 1:28 AM
    "@3:32pm didnt he mean the second vid wit the Zetas in a canefield killing Golfo's"
    Ok dude,my mistake,thanks for pointing that out,it looks like your right,i was wondering,thanks man.

  86. Hard core baby,hard core,big balls business

    1. Ok adam lazcas daddy.u sound mentally unstable

  87. I watch this video and get bloody sick.

    I start to squirm if I accidently nick my finger with paper. They would call it a papercut. Or am in absolute pain with a hangnail.

    Cutting off your fingers. Gross.

    Then, ur head.

    I seen another video of a guy getting his nuts cut off. Then they cut off his head. That was just as gross.

  88. People always talking shit about other countries fuckin whites fuckin Mexicans fuckin Chinese fuckin Indians fuckin purple people fuckin shit man ......shut up ! Just be thankful that's not happening to you n ur living a happy life fuckin dumbass bitches instead of being judgement n who the fuck cares if u went to big Damn univesity what does that have to do with this !!!! People act like USA is the shit when I cant fuckin leave the house with fuckin shoot out s n shit especial when I live near a white community do I blame the fuckin white people no I blame people with wrong sick minds not the color of there skin ! Sorry that Mexico is having hard times right now when back then USA was going threw the same shit when they were killing Indians for land and being fucken selfish fuck dumb fucks go take a shit o something n worry that ur bitch don't cheat on your ass ha now that's something u need to worry about fuckers

  89. @February 27, 2013 at 3:04 PM
    The guy who is going crazy below your comment also got his nuts cut off,thats why he hates everyone,sad i know,but what you gonna do?

  90. 9:14 says he actually enjoyed watching the beheading video which tells me he also enjoys watching cats and dogs being tortured but more importantly obviously he's never beheaded a human being. I did two tours of Viet Nam in the 70's and HAVE ACTUALLY BEHEADED a HUMAN! I was a
    19 year old kid and since my buddies were doing it I decided I was man enough But After I had allready shot and killed the man. I do remember that during the actual beheading of the DEAD guy I ran into serious problems with neck muscle and more so with the spinal cord. I will admit at the time I was OK with it but after I had a few days to think about it; I was disgusted with myself as well as my buddies. At that time in the early 70's it was in vouge in Nam but later in life is when all the B.S. that comes with it makes you wish you had never been involved. It was bad enough that we were over there trying to push "Freedom" on a people that never really wanted us there. These types of atrocities allways happen in war but what's happening in Mexico isn't war it's just murder.

    1. Welcome Home Bro! I was in country 69-70. Our AO was just north of Bien Hoa. And it was bad. Some guys just talk about it but they can't find Viet Nam on a fucking map. We did it to them VC's the same way they did it to us, so don't feel bad about it. Again: Welcome Home.

  91. "And whats your point sad sack?"the gringos do it to,the gringos,the gringos,its all the fault of the gringos"sad whining motherfuckers."

    This "sad whining motherfuckers" EXACTLY describes YOU - you whine about the whining! You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow.

  92. whatever happened to Commandante Diablo and el rey de reyes !

  93. What completes the gore video : The sound

  94. February 26, 2013 at 4:31 AM
    "I saw one video in the past. I felt it diminished my humanity. Will not subject myself to that again"
    Hilarious,such pretentiousness.Good for you.This is humanity.

    Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. Think about it...

  95. February 28, 2013 at 4:11 PM
    "You're no different, you're just another whining lowbrow"as opposed to highbrow?No i was actually talking about wine? Red wine and white wine(oh dont mention white to humpty back)?Sorry.
    Oh shit hes comin after me now.I will recognize him by his bulging eyes,quivering big lip,and a hump on his back,they say he sprays you when he talks?Big lip.

    1. Hey, that was good. I was trying to compare your thoughts with his, same sentiment I thought. Calling you lowbrow was me being arrogant, I get stirred up too. Peace

  96. "Just because it isn't you or your loved ones, humanity is diminished. Think about it"
    Are you really this sincere?Do you really feel what your are saying?What is so glorious about humanity?Violence is just as natural and as pertinent as love,envy,happiness.Idealism will not take away what we naturally are,that's why we need law and order.Imagine what it would be like with impunity?Kinda like this right here...

  97. STOP! People please. Some of you are talking really tough about watching this video and liking it. Tell me, how would you react if you were standing in that field? If you were handed the knife? The axe? Be honest. I too carry a Taurus 24/7 because of shit like this. This whole dam world is got it`s shit out of kilter. Mankind is killing itself at an alarming rate and killing in a way they think is "fun" or "macho". It`s bullshit. You`ve got at least 7-8 AR-15`s in that group, yet none of the 3 were killed by a single bullet. so much for guns kill people. PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! Sick, demented people kill people like this. I turned the volume off, as I prefer to SLEEP at nights and not have bad memories. You know what I find amusing, if all of us happened to pass on the street, or in a store, or a festival, we would probably say hey, or excuse me, or how`s it going. but get behind a cpu screen and we are so rude and vulgar to each other and yes, I`ve done it in the past. Watching this horror has made me re-think some things in my short existence on this planet. Now.......go ahead, call me names and al that is to follow. I was speaking from the heart, not with malice or anger or judgement. have a good day. themostinterestingmaninamerica

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. I saw this video on facebook. After watching it my heart was beating extremely fast, I was shaking, and my eyes had dilated.. I used to be kind of a sick kid and watch faces of death. But nothing compares to this. I am talking about the video in the field. This is the worst thing ive ever seen. The human race is going to hell very fast. I live in san Antonio and this hits home w me. I feel terrible for these men. Those screams will haunt me for a long time. I just hope that something can be done about these cartels someday... if you enjoyed watching this, you need to re evaluate yourself.

  98. "themostinterestingmaninamerica"
    Dude,i know right from wrong i don't mean to piss you off,im just telling you my truth from inside?Ok,i believe you.I have worked and dealt with violence,it is what it is?I don't mean to piss you off but,you yourself are hurting from all the violence,yet,you carry a Taurus?I use to go to festivals all the time.and your right,it was good man,everyone on the same vibe,but,at the same time,throw alcohol in the mix and see humanity change,good people get all crunk and want to start fighting,people who couldn't hurt a fly if they tried ordinarily.My comment stands,be cool brother,for real.

  99. "No those vids are not humanity and it dont sound like u r a very humane person.what if it was to happen to your kids or you? U might not enjoy it as much"
    Possibly unlike you my brother,if i got an opportunity i would gladly cut them open as sure as i am here,,,i have a sneaking suspicion you might as well,would that be ok in your eyes?I would not wait for so called court justice,as i have not,,,anyway that is entirely natural.
    Ok,be cool now,go listen to fuckin Allman bros,Blue Sky live,naughty shit my brother,and then,,,what a man needs,,,some feminine gentleness,anyway,,,,im drifting

  100. I've been a reader since day one. I've gone from being shocked to angry. I then went from angry to some what of a racist... * which I never thought I could be*...
    Now... I'm just completely sad.
    How humans can do this to one another?
    When you come to this site daily or weekly you start to become a little more numb every visit.

  101. I hate chapo viva libertad!!!!!!!

  102. Travi
    Dude is it still CDG all the way?How visible are they,most wouldnt know on here,i mean,can you spot them now and then,not convoys an shit,just dudes now and then in trucks?They go patrolling strapped,,patrolling round looking to murk a motherfucker,and then make them video stars,crazy shit for real,,post up dude

  103. To the Viet Nam vet: Thanks for sharing your beheading experience in Nam. I am doing research on PTSD caused from atrocities such those that occur in Mexico, Central, and South America in our times.

    The points you made about getting caught up in the homicidal madness of war fit in with certain things concerning "soldiering" through the ages.

    The book "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang is the chronicle of the Japanese atrocities on Chinese innocents and what the Japenese did parallels Mexico, Central, and South America today. Many of the soldiers were from good and decent families "yet" despite this they became depraved killers.

    Thanks for serving and God Bless You, amigo,


  104. This is such fucking bullshit. I get so seriously mad. I'm a woman and I barely swear but these guys act like they are so tough. You tie a mans hands behind his back and give him no way to defend himself. Yea your really tough. These videos are ridiculous. People are numb from seeing them. Its suppose to cause fear? If your a drug dealer you know what your getting into and that this could happen to you. I doubt anyone sees this video and says oh I'm gonna stop now. Once your in your in. This video is suppose to show how powerful these men are. Im sorry all I see are a bunch of pussies!

  105. P.S. I hope that everyone of this sick bastards someday shares the same fate but I hope the knife is dull and I hope they die slowly.

  106. money makes people do anything

  107. What the bloody fuck would the center guy think during all this shit ? Hearing all the scream and gurgling sound.. I can't even imagine.

  108. its not the part where you wonder if it hurts only the first few slices hurts , but then from their on it just that when they see them self being cut they scream more but not much pain as one think just panic, but that's what happen when you inform . at least its more harmless and less painfully then a chainsaw. todos tienen la opcion antes de meterse en un equipo saver lo que podra pasarles . this forum is quite nicely .

  109. Didnt anybody watch that. You cant even eat wen your watching that. Fucking narcos. Including that chapo bastard. Why you want to support them narcos. Look wat these assholes did to mexico. No wonder they win because we're supporting them. Fuck those bastards. This is somehow felipe calderon's fault. But enrique pena nieto is kind of making it good. Just look it at ciudad juarez and toluca. We beat them down. Tijuana bc are almost control by goverment. Including some states like durango, or cohuila. Reynosa needs to fix more shitty. So who ever is supporting gvt forces. We are winners.

  110. I think that that is really sad and people need to stop doing stuff like that because they can go to hell for that


  112. The video of the golfos being decapitaded, valor por tamaulipas siad that two of them dind' t belong to any criminal group

  113. We are all the same. These people feel the same fear and pain as we do. Ethnicity doesn't matter. We need to come together and care about one another. How can we let this happen to people?

  114. i hate all cartels for what they did to mexico and calderion for making things worse and at the end of his term he leaves mexico a far worse country than it was this war is not winable he is a lieing basatrd that needs to get his head cut off leaves the country to teach in harvard what a joke after his 6 year term many people have died under his term he did not fix anything but made things worse, what can he teach at harvard nothing usefull but deploying millary to combate cartels and no investagtions were made in any of the deaths because his adminstrion called it cartel related, to all deaths thats fucking bull shit i do not think all the deaths are drug related for one sec,they did so they would not spend time and money to do a good investagtion.The real problem in mexico is provity and with that there is always a endless supply of man power to the cartels. Caldrion should of created jobs in mexico insted of spending money on military , he should of created schools, univeristy, and help the youth get ahead, but no he wants to destroy the crtels and create a drug war that is not winable by force. one thing we dont hear is how much the mexican goverment is spending on the drug war. the US is also at fault for backing up calderion, the usa acts like nothing is happening, we never hear what is going on in mexico on the news, like the usa goverment doesnt want us to know that is why i read borderland for the news, you guys and gals do a awesome job keep up the good work ive been fowlling borderlandbeat for years im a american citizen but born in mexico so seeing these beheading makes me scared to come back and i also think the people of mexico should be able to carry guns for selfdefense. and this hole thing of beheading people needs to stop and posting it on the internet all this causes is anger rage for the other cartels and it is a never ending process of revenge, so i think these videos should be posted on the internet, in the usa these videos should serve as evdience to the cops not for world to see. videos like these should not be seen i feel sorry for them they should give them a bullet to the head and thats that done but cutting his head come on that is very wrong in the end the drug war is not winnable nither in the usa we have fighting drugs for over 50 years and nothing has changed what we should do is legize all drugs popele have the right to put what they want in there bodies. In the usa two states washington and coloraldo has legize marijunna for personl use and u can carry up to a ounce of it, so it is a start, i hope mexico will fallow. my last thoughts are that calderion mets the same fate as these guys did kicking and screaming for what he did in mexico insted he should of made a agency for goverment corroption, and made sure fund were distruted correcty to the right poeple not there personal bank account. in the end he meet good but is was too late to turn back . and one last note how is caldrion going to teach if he barly specks english have u head him when he talks in the usa he sounds like a retard just my thougts thanks and bye.

  115. Their own death what they worship La Santa Muerte takes care of them too. And my GOD

  116. i hope every bastards of those video makers related share the same fate in the end but the knives are to be dull so they are to be death slowly i don't advocate the victims but they are also the same humanity with us Even any animal doesn't kill other such like that in vain meaningless Humanity is the only animal whose cruelty is especially grotesque!!

  117. The USA with Obama at the top will never get
    involved with cleaning up mexico. In fact they want them to kill off each other, less to deal with. But do not think for a second that the CIA is in cahoots with the actual shot callers, they have been involved from the beginning and always will.

  118. lol Nelson Mora Ornelas is quite a guy.

  119. damm i live out here in mexico i hav etout uo with shit almost every day i had so many friends die because of the cartels damm they hav eno fucken humanity like the other coment says u give a guy a bulet to the head and thats it fucken pussys

  120. if they killed people , they did not deserved to die than i dont feel anything for them , but if they were killed innocent than its really sad...i think the third one , was not a killer , he was so affraid to die..nvm this is a sad world on that we live

  121. guy says ok brother see you in hell then says the dick took him and cut all the head of then says stick out your tungue or smile then put the cut his neck bone

  122. look.. I live in this area im surrounded by demons like dis.. and believe it or not but I thank prison and street gangs cus their actually are the ones keeping motherfuckers like this away from you and I ... not cops! cartels have been crossing for yrs trying to establish their fuckin poison in our barrios our colonias but who do you think puts a hault on all that shiit.. yess those men we call felons and thugs and gangbangers... I know what I see and so do the majority of my community! but in the words of my grandpa from sinaloa.. its an eye for an eye.. tooth for a tooth. governments talk about mexico as if everyone in mexico is a cartel member they should help people by letting them carry guns.. to most of you who dnt know if ur caught in mexico with a weapon ur treated almost da same as a person who killed someone. its badd but theres still good and honest people worth fighting for.. and all dis fuks deserve no mercy its wrong I know but both teams are taking everything from families on that side from cars money businesess even daughters and sons so dnt feel no sympathy for dis fuks! fuk em they kill their own family members its the truth. I hope satan handlez this kind of matters personally cuz it be hard to follow a god who would forgive assholes like dis you feel me???

  123. This people will be punished by God with eternal death...They are unforgiven for so much cruelty

  124. all the people that enjoy watching this shit will burn in hell,someday y'all be dying too motherfuckers

  125. why do we allow this to happen look over seas this happend and we shut the place down mexico is only a line away and we sit back and watch this idc what they did tooth for tooth i dont agree with it but are you sure that the ppl they killed didnt kill in the same manner in all we just need to shut down mexico send in the marines and let god and them fix it we need this to stop i mean women and kids really i know first had of all the bs in mexico and do no think any one person should live like that all i can say is i pray that god has mercy on u bc i dont and i hope as one said he knows he is going to hell well better you then me but if i ran into you knowing what u did to ppl me and you would have a meeting and i would show u what life is bc i work for god and i wont pray with u when i done ,,, may god bless everyone even you pos that are killing bc god will take care of u

  126. I believe that no one has the right to take anyone's lie away but God. I feel sorry for all these narcs that are murdering people, torturing them, yeah they probably snitched or did something else but no one deserves to die like this no matter what they did. God will take care of all you who are doing this. Wait for judgement day, once your souls go to hell you will be tortured non stop for all eternity. This is why god is starting to turn his back on us, because of people like the narcs who murder for stupid shit. You are really willing to go to hell for money? Drugs?? Drugs and money are not going with you when you die so what's the point in all this??? Like I say you want money? Then work your ass off, you rather get dirty money fast you are a fool. Dirty money never lasts.

  127. If u.s people only stop demand for drugs... But the rich is to rich to stop there habbit.

  128. wow this is really said

  129. It is what it is.for $ and loyalty. U, you're self will do it. I know I will

  130. It is, what it is. All for $ and loyalty. U and I would do it if we had nothing. I know I would.

  131. wow it must be all that spanish blood.after all it was the spaniards who dismembered and burned people alive.

  132. The day is coming Christ does not let ANYONE get away with anything . The evil ones will pay dearly while the innocence ones dead or alive who believe in Christ will rise again

  133. God, please, forgive us, humans... Animals seem to be kinder then us. I can't sleep after watching this. Accidentally stumbled, but God, please give peace to those poor soles that had to die so tragically. So much pain, hurt, helplessness, death... on the other hand, so much inhumanity and aggression. God, please forgive them.

  134. God will punished someday all sick terrorist bastard murders everywhere! this act cant be forgive never! ..

  135. Just for clarity, which god is it that's going to punish all these beheaders but apparently sits back and lets it all happen anyway? There are so many gods out there to choose from. Jus' asking.

  136. Then began to scream with unimaginable screams of terror........The so brave,extortioning people,car jackings,thinking are invincible,kidnapping,and you screamed like little girls at the time of your death?

  137. These fucking people are disgrace the killers in the video should deserve to die a painfull death. Fucking murder thier going hell whey they die.

  138. This territorial/narco/economic war is a sick joke. The US can find and dump top ranking al-queda members, yet we can't eliminate Mexican terrorists right next door? When the Mexican government is even more heavily influenced than Arabian countries, Does look like the corruption runs a lot further than Mexico. Just so all of you readers know. Me in the Executive puts straight correction to all of the stupid BS that has been going on for the last 50 years. This kind of crap included. I'd like to see me reply to Mexican protests on international media. Without a doubt.

  139. Its crazy in Mexico, so much hatred in Mexico.

  140. All of these cartel scum are no different than the gang bangers here in the U.S. They are just a bunch of pussies who would be nothing by themselves so they gang up on people and harm them to make themselves feel better about how fucked up in the head they are.
    There's no other explanation and there's no other way to look at it.
    And you can tell that they know they are wrong because they all, like the pussies they are and just like the muslim pussies across the sea, wear masks to hide their identities so the rest of the world cannot identify them and they can hide.....just like fkn cockroaches.
    If they thought they were right they wouldn't wear masks.
    If they weren't pussies, they wouldn't wear masks.
    If they were true men they would speak their convictions unmasked......but they don't because they're a bunch of sissy mamas.

  141. I wonder what the Zeta would do with that sick little freak who likes to watch these videos??maybe make him the star of one???careful BU they see everything!

  142. This happens everyday I'm from Laredo,tx this was goin on for as long as I can remember I was ten and it had been goin on for more than ten years I'm taking a risk just putting this comment here by the age of eleven I was in the fifth grade me and my friend rosalio reta were very good friends I remember rosalio told me that he chad meet some ppl that would help him make a lot of money and I asked what did we have to do but he didn't say nothing then he said do u want to make money or not we both grew up inane of the poorest parts I Laredo he had a huge family I didn't but my mother would struggle a lot with four kids by her self I never had a lot of things we didn't even have a car till I was fourteen then it broke down she didn't have anyone to help her with us we would stay home by ourselves so I thought to myself this is a good way to take us out of here just as I was goin to answer him my mother told us we were going to move because we couldn't afford the house we were renting so we moved to a much smaller place and my friend reta went on to being a sicario

  143. I think to my self if I had gone to doin that I would be serving a 74 yr sentence just like my friend reta

  144. Ps one thing I would not disrespect them because the are know to burn ppl alive for disrespecting them like that just so u know I don't approve of what they do and if the cover their face up it so they won't get caught

  145. Lower than animals!

  146. Wow when will this end.

  147. What I think is funny is that the same people that are against this video, Are on this web site watching it themselves ..........what do you have to say about that.....why were you looking up sites likes this.......obviously not for fun if you are so disgusted by it.........

  148. LOL!! Trolls pretending THIS stuff is fake? As if spix don't off each other? OMFG the stupidity =)) Yes, there is such a thing as murder. Get real.

  149. Mighty fine acting and graphics. The sound editing could use some work tho...

  150. i dont know how people can do these things they are an embarrasment to the mexican race they should united to better their country not mess one another up united states already see them as if they are nothing they are the laugh of them killing eachother wow they should use that energy to better their lands to make a better country how sad that they are so ignorant and act worst than animals and were is god in all of this mexico is a very catholic country may the lord forgive you all.

  151. the zetas are all cowards they hide behind masks what kind of men they are they got no guts a real narco helps his peolpe not kill them helps the poor not do what they do i feel sorry for their ignorance

  152. Cualquier niño o hombre joven pensando en hacer algo de dinero rápido de trabajo para estos bruto animals debería ver estos videos y considerar esta es su futuro? Si eres afortunado entonces en prisión o una bala? Algo para pensar.....


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