Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Northeast Mexico: Cartels don't believe in a change of administration

Proceso (3-29-13)

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Translated by un vato for Borderland Beat

The narcos have shown that they do not believe in a change of government. Far from lying low to wait for a new government strategy for dealing with them, criminal organizations continue to dispute territories amongst themselves and, within their organizations, for their respective leaderships. Since Tuesday, (March) 19, Monclova, Coahuila and Reynosa, Tamaulipas, were the scene of  violent confrontations between cartels that, with no government authority able to suppress them, see the entire region as booty that will go to the most bloodthirsty among them.  

SALTILLO, Coahuila (Proceso).-- In recent weeks, Ciudad Victoria, Gomez Palacio and Monclova were transformed into the most violent cities in Coahuila, causing this state to join Tamaulipas and Durango as the most violent in the region.

Recent splits within the cartels that control the territories -- the Gulf, Sinaloa and the Zetas cartels-- are taking violence to levels similar to those in Torreon, Reynosa and Monterrey.

Beginning at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 19, there were reports of confrontations in Monclova  between criminal groups using grenades and high power weapons. Afterwards, Federal Police and Army troops intervened in the fight.

City residents informed Proceso that skirmishes broke out simultaneously at several points in the metropolitan area, which includes the municipalities of Monclova, Castanos and Frontera.

Minutes prior to 7:00 a.m., dozens of young men began to seize trucks, trailers and cars from drivers to use them to block the main streets and place as obstacles to prevent the arrival of federal forces.

"They used city buses to block the entrance to Monclova, at Castanos," says a woman who was interviewed. The same thing happened in places like Harold Pape Blvd., which runs through the three municipalities, where the federal forces pursued and exchanged fire with criminal gangs.

The State Office of Attorney General (PGJE: Procuraduria General de Justicia del Estado) reported only one of the confrontations between gunmen: "At 7:45 a.m., it was reported that in Socrates Street in Colonia Tecnologico there was a confrontation between armed civilians.

When the Federal Police got there, they were received with gunfire. At this location, a Federal Police officer dies (sic) as a result of gunfire," says the report.

(The report) also revealed that, in addition, the police secured a house in Socrates Street, where they found an AK-47 and an AR-15, eight loaded magazines and a .40 caliber grenade, also including a Jetta car without license plates (in which were found two full magazines) and a Pacifica pickup.

Hundreds of residents were trapped by the gun battles on the way to work. Schools suspended classes; students and teachers already at the schools threw themselves on the floor to avoid being hit by bullets.

Monclova Mayor Melchor Sanchez reported that 250 municipal police were deployed to protect school buildings and to prevent students from leaving,. After the confrontations ended, around 10:00 a.m., the public official confirmed that "he had reports of several killed."

For one of the witnesses, "the gunfire sounded stronger in Frontera." In that municipality, other witnesses interviewed said that "around 20" bodies were left lying on the streets and "were then  picked up by soldiers."

The gunshots and explosions lasted approximately two hours. Although official reports only reported one Federal policeman killed and one civilian wounded, conservative estimates by the residents state there were around 40 killed.

Monclova [at left] and its metropolitan zone are under the iron grip of Los Zetas, and is part of its border corridor from Ciudad Acuna to Piedras Negras. Also, it was at one time the refuge of Heriberto Lazcano, El Z-14.

This gang's control is such that when a guest arrives at one of the many underground clubs it owns, the host welcomes customers with this basic information: "You are coming into a business (owned) by the Compania." And he offers them "products" and shows them special places where they  can be consumed.

To this day, it is not known whether the men who came to "heat up the plaza" for the Zetas were from the Gulf or Sinaloa cartel, or both.

On Tuesday afternoon, March 19, they had not even finished picking up evidence in Monclova when there were reports of narco blockades and gun fights in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

According to the State attorney general's office, "at 1730 hours, in the City of Reynosa, there were reports of confrontations between armed civilian groups, causing street blockades and one person wounded, a young woman who was a bystander." The victim, 16 years old, was shot in the leg and taken to a Social Security hospital for treatment.
"The events took place on several streets in the Colonia Balcones de Alcala and, to prevent law enforcement forces from intervening, the armed groups blocked (the streets)," concluded the Tamaulipas government agency.

The criminals closed off all access into Colonia Balcones in that manner. When the military troops arrived, they had to stop and listen to the volleys of gunfire coming from a street where gunmen overran a home and its residents. It was the second confrontation of that nature reported this month.

On Sunday night, (March) 10th, right at 11:00 p.m., hundreds of armed individuals who were traveling in caravans of up to 30 pickups exchanged gun fire and grenade attacks until sunrise at several points in the city, including areas adjacent to the international bridges to the United States.

Hour prior to that, Gulf Cartel men led by Miguel El Gringo Villarreal stole about 18 pickups from six dealerships and used them in their battles. However, the Tamaulipas attorney general reported that the final result was "one collateral victim." In addition, a minor was injured while riding in the car with his father.

The official version was contradicted by a police source who informed the McAllen, Texas,  newspaper, the  Monitor, that the fighting left at least "thirty dead." The source added that the new wave of violence was the result of a power struggle in the Gulf Cartel: 

"The most recent internal disputes have immersed the city of Reynosa in shootings, like the one that took place on March 10, which lasted 3 hours, between factions of the Gulf Cartel loyal to Mario Pelon Ramirez and the groups with Miguel El Gringo Villarreal," explained the source.
                          Reynosa Below
According to the same source, the shooting started when Pelon Ramirez ordered his gunmen to erase El Gringo Villarreal and promised that they could keep whatever they could grab as booty.

Ramirez has attempted to take control of the Gulf Cartel, allying himself with his Sinaloa rivals since Jorge Eduardo Cosilla Sanchez, El Coss, and Mario Cardenas Guillen were arrested by marines in September of 2012.

Meanwhile, Miguel Villarreal, born in Texas and former plaza boss in Miguel Aleman, is in a dispute for power with El Pelon, with the support of some of the heads of the oldest Cartel families.

An ally of Villarreal, El Puma Garcia Roman, was shot in one of the nighttime battles of March 10, in which grenades, .50 caliber Barrett machine guns and armored trucks were used.

(Fragment of a report published in Proceso magazine, Edition No. 1899, now in circulation.)

Subsequent to the March 10th balaceras commenced this shootout on the 15th.  Rapid fire with only one short lull.  Amazing.  And no deaths reported "officially". 

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  1. Like I've posted before on this blog(although not ALL my comments get posted. Don't know why)I've been going to reynosas boystown once or twice a week for since 2003 and the older taxicab drivers/(halcones if u will)always tell me the reality of it all.a reality on a first hand basis from somebody running around town for 12-16 hours a day.regarding that cityywide shootout 3 Sundays ago he laughed when I told him that we over here in the US "knew it wasn't at two the total# of casualties like the Mexican press had stated.that people in the "know " over here knew it was like 30 or so.he cut me off n said.!No it was over a hundred and that didn't include the dead narcos coming to give em gringo apoyo from other pueblos. There was a little boyangel criatura De cinco anos que mataron en El circo atayde with a stray bullet. It was his nephews was gringos people that rush entered the circus fleeing from x-20 hitmen. Att. ABL.

  2. My hats go off to Borderland Beat-un vato and Proceso magazine for a job well done in clearing up the story behind the Reynosa and Monclova battles. El Chapo Guzmán is waging all out war in Northeast Mexico. This is just the opening salvo in his pustch to add Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, and Tamaulipas to his lucrative plaza list. And if anybody believes he is stopping with Tamps., you got another thing coming! Move over "Jefe de Jefes", "Padrino", "Señor de los Cielos",and Escobar, hay les va El Chapo! He is the Carlos Slim of drug trafficking. He wants to monopolize the market. As far as the .50 cal. Barret rifles used in the Reynosa battle, is there anybody out there that would know if they can convert those to fiull auto. I could have swore that some of the heavier fire power heard in those videos sounded like full auto. Either that or they were using other than Barret .50 cal. weaponry. Maybe some South Texas boys might know something about that. wink wink

    1. Theres gonna be a day that one of your innocent fam members is gonna get executed or kiddnapped. And well see if you still talk and glorify these assholes.
      Brain washed people like you should not be breathing the air of those who are awake.

    2. What!? Get the Fuck outta here holmes! BB is a forum in which comments and opinions can be expressed about the articles that appear in this forum. Aint nobody gonna change the situation on whats going in Mexico, unless tomorrow you wake up and all drug usage stops.and there is no money to be made. I know that these cartel people are vicious criminales. Guess what, so are the politicians and wealthy power brokers that aid, abett, and in some cases fund these thugs. The chaos going on is being orchestrated by powerful people utilizing governments agencies like the CIA, DEA, NSA, etc., in order to control large population groups. BB would'nt exist if were'nt for the cartel wars.

    3. You're an idiot and obviously have never heard an automatic weapon discharged. Poser

  3. Nice summary of hell on earth.

  4. Cuidad Victoria is the state capital of Tamaulipas. And Gomez Palacio is a city in the state of Durango.

  5. The cartels control the administration, so why they should be bothered by any artificial changes ?.

  6. I thought Miguel "el gringo" Villarreal was killed in the internal CDG battle in Tamaulipas? Also if the Mario pelón is for the CDS, it states in the article that el gringo has the support of the "oldest cartel families" but wasn't it said in the days after the Tamaulipas battle that el gringo was going to join the zetas? I mean this article makes it seem like el gringo didn't want to be with the zetas but stay loyal to Guillén Cárdenas. If anyone can clarify anything on this cheers. Peace.

  7. I keep reading on several post that El Puma was shot but nothing on El Gringo. What's the story Chivis ?

  8. Hahaha! The wife and daughter of José Treviño Morales pleaded guilty in federal court in Austin, Texas and agreed to cooperate with USA Law Enforcement Agencies. Snitching at its best. The news were published yesterday in the newspaper.

  9. Info on Guerrero, Coahuila please.

  10. Just another day. They said 30 truck loads of criminals all with guns? Sounds like Mexicos gun control is OUT of CONTROL. If EVERYBODY in MEXICO was armed can anybody really say things would be worse??

  11. They both dead gringo went zeta ....

  12. El lazca is not z14. And u posted a week or two ago that el gringo was killed n those clashes so is that true or false?

  13. Yeah gringi n puma were going zeta.puma had already been z before joining cdg n was converting back or whatever. They were the higher "profile" casualties of the battle.metros that same day kidnapped and killed his 2 sons that same night.according to people that live in reyno puma was a sadistic phyco among sadistic phycosn was raising his sons to b like him.ATTE.ABL

    1. With no official confirmation how do we know that they are dead? I mean, hasn't this Comandante Gringo been killed twice before? Wasn't it him that they said was killed in Valle Hermoso then again killed by the military a while back in Reynosa. Or was this a different Gringo? Where's the prove that he is dead? The CDG says he but how do they even know if there's no body.

    2. La tersera era la vencida. Jaja

  14. Chivis look at this and the parents say they were hard workers lol.

  15. It was like this el puma wanted to keep Reynosa for him with the help of the zetas. He was preparing all his people. Juanillo carizalez was his first objective cause z40 wanted him dead.juanillo is the right hand for x20. El juanillo found out and told his boss what the others were preparing. So juanillo made a meeting with puma and his people and killed el gringo ,el puma n 7 more high ranking people of el gringo. Remember juanillo won't turn into a zeta. Cause the zetas killed all his family.el z40 was afraid of Tubis that's why he order his people to kill him in jail. I knew Tubis he was a good friend I mine he was super smart. If Tubis was alive he would of clean Nuevo Laredo already.
    Atte: pazoplomo

    1. El tubi , la barbie, el j.j eran buenos compas andaban en los antros de nuevo laredo y laredo mucho y hacian fiestas en laredo texas cerraban todos los congales en laredo after hours con viejas y sus camaradas todos ellos se pelearon con los hermanos trevino ellos les tumaban todas las viejas alos trevino por que parecian pordioseros matan y violan viejas solo con intimacion peskan viejas alo contrario esos weyes tenian panocha para tirar parra arriba y los trevinos tenian embidia yo tambinen andaba en la bola trevinos traicioneros

  16. Todo Mexico le pertenece al Senor CHAPO GUZMAN .CDG y Caballeros Templarios son brazos armados del CDS . Guatemala es del Chapo . Colombia falta poco es del Chapo USA es del Chapo. X20, La Tuta son ayudantes del Patron Chapo Guzman CEO of Narcotraffiking .

    1. 1:34 and you're he little princess ... fuck "el senor"

  17. CDS Needs to take over tamp. CDG Y LOS ZETAS are fighting those putos arent making money the eastcoast marketing is dry as it has ever been!!! 2013

  18. Hola Vato!

    Meny Valez posted your English translation, nice. Gave BB credit. You need a couple fotos. looks bare....jajajaja JUST KIDDING AMIGO...your friend Chivis

  19. so they chattin Cmdte Puma is dead, what about Gringo??

  20. lol nice vato you did end up putting pics.

  21. just legalize! so I can buy my cigaweed, packets of cocaine at my local liquor store with a sinola logo on it.

  22. March 30, 2013 at 1:26 PM
    "el z40 was afraid of Tubis that's why he order his people to kill him in jail. I knew Tubis he was a good friend I mine he was super smart. If Tubis was alive he would of clean Nuevo Laredo already.Atte: pazoplomo"
    Dude,speak some more on Tubi Carrizales,you see the shanks they used on him?He didnt stand a chance in there at that time.Was he a bad ass,or just when he had to be.

    1. He was n yes I saw them. I knew the first time he went to talk to checo Ortiz in jail to fix in helping the zetas to get security houses to go at war with the chachos. He started the first killings of chachos man. I think checo was paying him 100,000 weekly to take out the people who took out his brother.

    2. Forgot to tell you el chavelo was his compadre and el canicon were his people but they stayed zetas n he went with Sinaloa after they killed checo he told him to not go to the meeting but he didn't listen. El canicon was living in Dallas n one day they said he n two more friends got all drugged up n killed some black guys n he fled to Nuevo Laredo to work with tubi n they say they killed them very bad. I can't believe why US hasn't ask for el canicon on those killings.

  23. I wonder if CDS is gonna change their name since they dont control sinaloa anymore

  24. @720 nor i want mine stampd Z

  25. So what i can gather is EL Gringo and EL puma had planned to take Reynosa,but X-20 found out of the plan so he set up a meeting which was actually an ambush to wipe out that faction....and it seems with all the news gettin around it happened... RIP EL Gringo and EL Puma. (p.s. say hello to Lazca for me)

  26. Who is this el tubis? Whats his real name and what happened to him?

    1. Jose carizalez

  27. Eso es lo que dicen que si mataron al puma y al gringo supestamente los balearon y luego les prendiron lumbre aca su pueblo de donde era el gringo no se a dicho nada de su muerte. Mataron a un mario peña apodado el popo alguien sabe si era gente de el puma o del gringo ya que aca en camargo y miguel aleman andan levantando a gente cercan y familiares de estos dos hay si saben aganlo saber?

    1. Dises que andan levantando gente de el Gringo y el Puma, pos no que el Gringo era mas chingon que el X20? Apoco le gente de estos dos no andan poniendo resistencia?

  28. (The report) also revealed that, in addition, the police secured a house in Socrates Street, where they found an AK-47 and an AR-15, eight loaded magazines and a .40 caliber grenade, also including a Jetta car without license plates (in which were found two full magazines) and a Pacifica pickup.

    Dont mean to sound pretentious but they dont make a 40 cal grenade it was prolly a 40mm

  29. "Who is this el tubis? Whats his real name and what happened to him?"
    Dude,google El Tubi Carrizales,he was set up and killed in Nuevo Laredo prison,he was CDS badass.Look what he did to the judges,lawyers,cop who caught him,look him up on here BB.

  30. @pazoplomo and
    March 31, 2013 at 2:30 AM
    Thnks for that man,nearly every person who had something to do with crackin him and his compadres were killed.Even his own lawyers.El Tubi was picked up straight from Punte Grande,and fed to Z hitters in Nuevo Laredo,what do you think,all set up from top to bottom.

    1. Yes it was a set up. Z40 was realy afraid of him.the zetas also called him to meet when they called checo n he didn't go. Lol he told them you want me come and get me that's why z40 got it personal and kill all his family .

  31. :pazoplomo
    Dude,why do you think he went CDS,Whats the score with el tubis brother and you know anything about what El Tejas is up to?

    1. He went CDS cause the zetas killed checo Ortiz . And juanillo carizalez is his nephew I thing his x20 right hand man. The time I knew Tubis he didn't drink nore did drugs he worked in his 5 elements. I think his nephew is the same way. Tejas I heard he married chapos niece.

    2. El tejas anda con juanito carrizalez y un fraccion del golfo el tejas fue el que hizo el pacto con sinaloa el tejas and chapo guzman estaban encerrados en puente grande estos son los que ponen las mantas de el chapo en nuevo laredo el 98 el tejas y la nueva banda que va peliar con los zetas asta tumbar nuevo laredo con el apoyo de templarios talibanes y golfos el gringo y el puma no kerian aliazar a el chapo este grupo odia mas alos zetas que al chapo el puma y el gringo les ivan ayudar alos zetas para que todo tamaulipas fuera zeta pero esto grupo juanito carrizales era camaradas de el gringo puma y m4 yq los tronaron atodos carrizales sup que se iban a voltiar ya limpiaron la casa ora viene la guerra

    3. Oye pero no avían a matado a el tejas ase unos cuantos años? Era el que trabajaba en nuevo Laredo? Si sí es con quien corre o que

    4. Damn do you hear the damn 50 cal that calibre goes right thro those pick ups heavy mods. You always need a bulletproof vest

  32. I seriously can't stop laughing at this... these turds ate turning los Angeles into the same craphole they come from.

  33. Pues lo poco que tengo entendido mario pena trabajaba para el puma cdg. Creo que controlaba camargo,tamps.Lo que aveses no entendemos o no queremos entender es que unos se quieren aliar para tener poder y exterminar a los demas y ya cuando no keda nadien te exterminan a ti.Si se une el CDG al CDS van a acabar con toda la contra y despues el CDS los va a traicionar y quedara como lider controlando el pais.No me interesa lo que pase solo quisiera ver paz y tranquilidad.

  34. pazoplomo
    Good choppin it up with you bro.Dude,el 98 juanillo carizalez ,the Z would love to get hold of him,you think El Tejas is in the mix causin heat against the Z in NL and places.Dude,you knew El Tubi to talk to?Was he cool or a hothead?He must have had balls and brains,he must have know something was goin on,but...Dude you think Z ever get hold of el 98,he been causin strife a long time,but families run deep there

  35. His guys were very afraid of him or it might be respect .i rember that one time one of his man told me he doesn't say to you nothing when u smoke in the same car he is in . I just laughed and hadn't payed attention to that. To tell the truth his people always complaint of the pay . He loved the good life but was stingy . On getting 98 I hope they don't get him but in their line of work every body is ur enemy.

    1. Pazoplomo what happened to tejas i heard they had killed him is it true? I think it was here un NL? Were would yall hang out? My friend bro said that he would see 40 in nectar todavía anda por ahí o que?

  36. pazoplomo
    Dude,you believe this shit with R1/Diablo/CDS,and the message being put out?X20 attacked them all goin to a sit down?If that is true then El 98 gotta be in that?If these messages are true R1 telling Ms what gonna happen,and X20 killed M3?Crazy shit for real,what are they doin to themselves?Who the fuck wrote that mesaage?R1,or someone claimin to be Chapo/CDS?Azul goin to a sit down?Some message,if it for real?


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