Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

CDS: " El Mayito" Captured at Juárez Safehouse

BorderlandBeat.Com posted on forum by LaLa

The Governor of the State, César Duarte, explained that the alleged financial operator of the Sinaloa cartel was wanted by the PGR, DEA, and Interpol.

On Tuesday Mario Núñez Meza, aka 'El Mayito' or 'M10' evening was arrested at a safe house in Ciudad Juárez together with 3 other people.  Agents of the State police captured the Sinaloa Cartel’s operator for the states of Chihuahua and Durango.   Núñez Meza was wanted by the PGR, DEA and the Interpol, said Chihuahua gov. César Duarte Jaques.

"The first elements we have to link to this character are very bloody events in the State of Durango and in the State of Chihuahua, and according to their statements he is linked to hundreds of killings, mostly in Durango for more time," he explained.

Unofficial data indicate that elements of the PEU intervened in a safe house where drug was being prepared for  retail sales,  officers broke into the building, arresting those inside, including the aforementioned Núñez Meza.

According to the United States, through an indictment put before the Federal Court of the district west of Texas, Meza Núñez was part of a group of former policemen that traffic drugs, kidnap and extort.

Formal announcement of the arrest will follow this evening or Thursday, apparently, according to the sources consulted.

The capture of Mario Núñez 'Mayito' or 'The M10' Meza, motivated a meeting at the facilities of the unique state police (PEU), where the detainee is being held.

The site, located at the junction of the eje vial Juan Gabriel and avenida Sanders, has been surrounded by elements of all police corporations, and even members of the Mexican army with tanks, to prevent any attempt of removal of the suspect.

The Commander of the garrison, Mario Valencia Robledo, and State delegate of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), César Augusto Peniche Espejel, arrived to the place as well as commanders of the PEU and the Ministerial police.

State agents are touring the streets adjacent to the police facilities to monitor and detect any suspicious movement.

Off the record reports indicate  it is the intention of the local authorities is to send Núñez Meza to México city and put him at the disposal of the federal authorities.


 The location where he is being held is the Policia Estatal Unica at the intersection of Juan Gabriel and Avenida Sanders, Juárez .  According to reports and constant updates, the state and federal police and military are taking extreme measures to make sure he's not rescued, with armored vehicles on the streets, patrol vehicles constantly going up and down the streets in front of the police installations where he is being held, and police snipers on the roofs of the cop shop and surrounding buildings.

Sources used to create this post: Diario-Milenio-BorderlandBeat-Grillonautas

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  1. This is huge according to a witnes Mario Núñez meza was the guy that contacted and arranged the meeting between Vicente Zambada Niebla and the two DEA officials in el Paso tx, this guy has so much info and communication with el Chapo. He is the boss of los Ms (thats if he didnt flip to BLO,Juarez cartel ) his brother M11 will step up or lose his influence since this guy was connected.

    1. Yes he went with Blo

    2. He can't be that big if he is overseeing retail operations. And I would imagine any one important cant go near Juarez

    3. He is overseeing drug shipments sent up north and retail,and leading numerous groups of hitman he operates in many states.well he did if it really is him that they caught

  2. The picture you have at the very top of the article is of Manuel Torres Felix "M1" and Ismael Zambada Imperial "Mayito Gordo" and not of Mario Nunez Meza "M-10" "Mayito".

    1. Buddy you're very wrong.. That's mayito .. Mayito Gordo is fat guy(GORDO).. And it's not Manuel Torres either look it up for yourself

    2. That is m10 the Ms started beefing with el flaco salgeiro of gente nueva, that's why they when to the beltran leyva and Juarez...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I thought it was m1 also, so I checked and did a reverse search and it says: best possible result is "Mayito 10" try the search yourself

    but since it is taking away from the story for a couple of people I will remove it

    1. Love the story! You know any cartels who are running Guanajuato?

    2. Caballeros Templarios

  5. Your right the story is what only matters!

  6. Este senor es un pescado grande..los m's son el brazo armado del chapo en durango..y junto con la gente nueva estaban encargados de limpear juarez y cabar con los carillos fuentes...pero con el aresto de el m10...
    Looks like juarez is falling back in line to the rightful owner..
    Big loss for the shorty on the hill..
    Senor cabos

  7. I forgot who but someone commented that after the arrest of Z40 some big from Sinaloa had to fall.

    1. Yeah,it was that guy anonymous.

  8. Is he related to m1

  9. 1 more narco down ,and what wil change in Mexico? Not a damn thing

  10. Thats a negative sir. El Flaco M11 is the main boss of Los Ms. M11 was more closer to El Chapo than his brother and overall better connected. He was in charge of Durango on Chapos behalf. He was also the one who kicked Los Salgueiro and Los Cabrera out of Durango when they started to heat up the plaza. Many say that he has swithed sides while others may disagree. It seems that Los Nunez still plays a big role in Durango on CDS behalf.


  12. El M10..Ya no era de habia separado desde cuando se topo con LOS CABRERA's..por eso ahora lo miras capturado.. para parecer ante la camera que estan chingando a gente importante de CDS..pero en realidad nomas estan limpiando los que estorban!

  13. @ jthugga

    el azul used to control it. he ceded it to La Familia in 2010/11 when they beat the Zetas out of Michoacan/Guanajuato. Their strategy was to use Guanajuato as a buffer zone/state to keep the Z's out of Michoacan. Caballeros took over most of the state in the split w/la familia after El Chango was captured. it was really just a name change. LFM = KT the same people stayed. So its mostly KT territory with LFM in the south eastern portion. CJNG in the west and Zetas in the North [mainly Leon]. Despite all this it has been spared a large portion of the violence that has engulfed most of Mexico. I have my theories as to why this is so but that is for a different time.

    1. I had heard coronel use to run a airport there, I just wanted to know because I haven't been in over 7 years and I'm finally going back

  14. How they find him? Snitchaloa gave him up just like did el flaco,el marrufo& el fantasma ...snitch rat bastards!!!!

  15. That's the right picture,his picture will be on file,he was a cop and he is the elder brother.If they came out on top against the Cabrera and the Salgueiro what does that tell you?Haven't they always been relatively self governing,just aligned with Guzman/CDS?If he did flip to the other side maybe that says something?Maybe not!IAlso have to say that under EPN they seem to be catching a lot of big players,whatever that means?

  16. I thought Los M's had switched sides to BLO? Or did El Chapo side with Los M`s, hence maybe he gave up El Flaco, and Cabrera. This is confusing.

  17. He was at the wrong place at the wrong time!!!

  18. primero el gabino y aora el M10. Ni pedo aora los de juarez si que estan ganando chihuhua. estaban en apuros y aora estan en el oyo

  19. He looks like a loser. He is garbage.


    1. Who's next .dfl u know don't u.

  21. What murders in Durango was el mayito involved in?

  22. Betrayer of Chapo and Mayo

  23. residente de tijuanaAugust 29, 2013 at 2:55 PM

    chapo at it again cds members wake d fck up this is what he does to loyal members and to keep the heat off him and el azul is next any bets!!!!!!!

  24. They get 40 and x20, then for cds this guy...lmao

  25. This has to happen for cartels to keep operating they say turn some people in or we crush your shitty cartel cuz I'm sure those gafes marinos all those fuerzas armadas will make those cartel members asses flap from how much plomo they will put into them.

  26. chapo didnt side with anyone in the durango dispute but he did give m11 the greenlight to settle scores with the gn gruop from chihuahua that was stirring things up in durango. however chapo was still mad with felipe cabrera and noe salgueiro for the mess they were causing like the narcofosas and such. he called both of them to culiacan to talk about the situation so that they would get handed over to the feds in order to reduse the heat off of cds. i dont think chapo be ratting. i doubt he even has any contact with his people due to the point that hes constantly on the run in order to envade the feds. its usually other members of the same organization that rats out thier own people so they can move up in rank just like z40 did it.

    1. if Pena Nieto wakes up,he will arrest the salinas de gortaris and get all their money just to let them live,he don't have to share any money with his partners the atracomulcos,just like la chucky, allthe money is there,and he will be Mexico's hero for reals,with all the crook's money he can buy the Mexican crown for good

  27. @1:52pm Snitcha-SnitchaLOA!!!!

  28. NO,Z-40 is a good honest hardworking narco...he no snitcho like snitchaloa.

    1. he betrayed osiel,lazca,and all the bigwigs associated with his ass,after six months in charge he's been arrested,fucking carwasher,Texas sized Judas,his bad habits did him!!!

  29. It's not that they are snitches , UBS calentadita y cualquier savage la sopa if u don't believe me look at miguel trevinos face

  30. The only thing recognizable is his mustache hairline lol

  31. Tiene cara de punal como los demas cds

    1. dicen que son los jotos son los verdaderos machos,porque son hombres calados.they say homos are the real men,because they have been se sabe de ningun joto que ya no quiera ser joto.nobody knows of any homosexual that doesn' want to be a homo anymore and Trevino will be trying to live a long life anyhow

  32. Wow so much security on this sob he has to be pretty important in CDS. But I wonder just how important. Enough for a rescue attempt or will Chapo and Mayo consider this guy just another fallen employee?


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