Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cocula: Another Clandestine Grave Found

A member of the ministerial police force in Cocula, Guerrero

By: Ezequiel Flores Contreras | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Cocula, Guerrero— Agents of the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) found a clandestine grave located in the landfill of the municipal seat of Cocula, located in northern Guerrero.

Jesús Murillo Karam and the head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (AIC), Tomás Zerón, arrived at the location via helicopter to verify the finding which may be where the bodies of the missing Ayotzinapa normalista students may be.

The site is cordoned off by PGR agents and Navy personnel.

PGR specialists are currently working the area, which is difficult to access, and it was observed that people are going down into the area aided by ropes.

Authorities maintain secrecy and the municipal seat of Cocula is reinforced by elements of the PGR and the Navy.

Since this afternoon, federal agents, military personnel, and navy forces were deployed in the vicinity of the landfill.

Navy helicopters and trucks carry out patrols on rural roads near the landfill.  Members of the Gendarmerie are also involved with ATV’s and horses.

 In addition, there were reports of federal and military mobilization in central Cocula.

I found this video below showing PGR agents attacking journalists who were on their way to the landfill where the clandestine grave was found.

I found this other video showing the same agents blocking a road to prevent journalists from reaching the site where the clandestine grave was found.  The video description says that the men forced a driver out of his truck in order to block the road.
Source: Proceso

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  1. Keep your eyes on the ball, the butcher of acteal, emilio chuayffet and the butcher of atenco, enrique pena nieto, among other chingaderas...
    Ayotzinapa has all the elements of their guilt, find the missing students or not.

  2. Could it be any more clear than in that video? Further condemnation of the Feds being in cahoots with the GU.

  3. Amazing find that video, Valor. Mexico in excellent hands. Why assume they were federal agents? They're not in uniform, show no I.D.'s, act like thugs, and are in an unmarked car with no license plates. They could just as easily have been GU, working with local authorities, to cover up the truth. I know, that would never happen in Mexico, right?

  4. The bigger crime and criminal organizations get, the more the mexican government has its dirty hands all over it in its cowardly way, with its affiliates fighting it police vs police and militay and narcs, and big business against big example, carlos slim helu's team of police SSP's genaro garcia luna's team of kidnapper and extorter combos murdered enrique salinas de gortari, and now carlos salinas de gortari is using pena nieto to kick his former partner's ass with the help of televisa and pena nieto's zeta governors, from pri, pan, prd and pvem, the hector beltran leyva "associates" (who sure got quite a few millions of dollars from their association with el H)...
    --And pena nieto's polizetas, enrique francisco galindo ceballos, miguel angel osorio chong, former hidalgo state zeta governor, and former la chuky associate and defender and genaro garcia luna helper alfredo castillo, pena nieto's pretty boy...

  5. pena nieto the savior of Mx

  6. give the guy a chance he has only been Pres for 3 years

  7. 7:34 motherfucker has been stealing for 2 years, has some capos running biznezz for him from prison, and has police and army/navy marinas robbing and killing for him all over the country...
    --pena nieto already has more murders, assaults, extortions and massacres than calderon, give him a break? Naaah, i don't think so


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