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Friday, November 14, 2014

100 pounds of meth seized in San Diego

                                                    100 pounds of meth, seized in Chula Vista, San Diego

A recent Attorney General's report on crime in California, released in March 2014, indicated that 70% of the methamphetamine in the country, comes through the San Diego ports of entry.  This should come of surprise to few in San Diego, familiar with the meth epidemic, that has grown in recent years, as prices tumble, and purity rises.

41% of males, and 46% of females arrested within San Diego in the last year tested positive for meth use, to briefly illustrate the size and scope of the drugs use in the city.  Many violent crimes and 'crime sprees' are linked directly to meth use, including the shooting of two unarmed women in a purse snatching in Little Italy, over the summer.  In recent years, a teenage boy died, swallowing liquid meth, at San  Ysidro, and another was killed, under the influence of meth, while fighting ICE officers.  San Diego has a long history of meth, going back to when El Cajon was known as the meth capital of the country, in the early and mid 90's.

Property in Chula Vista, Ca. 
DEA and Chula Vista police serving a federal search warrant, in the late night hours, likely in the scope of a large unnamed investigation raided a townhouse in the 700 block of Broadway in Chula Vista.  The building was uninhabited, but authorities discovered 100 pounds of liquid meth, waiting to be processed into the crystalline substance sold on the street.

Meth is often smuggled into the country, through Tijuana, and then treated with acetone, and water to fluff and crystalize the substance.  The location in Chula Vista was evidently a stash house for product and processing.  DEA officials aren't commenting on the seizure, but past investigations indicate this part of a large investigation into cross border trafficking, and the seizure is likely the result of information gathered by wire taps, surveillance, and cooperating individuals.

Liquid meth after seizure
A hazardous materials crew was on site, as agents and officers loaded trucks with barrels of evidence and liquid meth from the condo.  As the prices continue to drop, estimated in AG Kamala Harris' report from earlier this year at 5,000 a pound, the seizure of liquid meth is likely worth around 300,000.  Authorities have no commented on a trafficking group, or organization responsible, but Sinaloa traffickers and their affiliates are likely responsible, given the size of the seizure.
Pounds of crystalized meth, unrelated seizure.

Labs in Sinaloa, similar or even superior to the 'super labs' of 'Breaking Bad', turn out hundreds of pounds of incredibly pure and cheap product.  Last month, outside of Culiacan, authorities seized a lab, and 2 tons of meth.  Dozens of pounds are routinely seized at border checkpoints, with around 50 being about average.  So, this seizure amounts to a drop in the proverbial bucket, though the consequences for those immediately involved will be severe.   The possible sentence for conspiracy to distribute or manufacture that quantity of meth is up to life in prison, with a likely sentence of 15-20 years.


  1. This has CAF written all over it..
    CAF was on top in the early 90s chapo came out more than 80% of CAF fell and now CDS is falling and CAF is gonna come back stronger than before

    1. CAF is dead pendejo! Jajaja..

    2. What you call CDS but in reality is la federación is stronger than ever. When Chapo or a Mayito go down there's a succession plan, and it's not like Labron leaving the Heat but like a corporation with thousands of employees losing a board of director. The same families, politicians, companies and pistoleros are in control from AG uadalajara, Culiacan, and Mazatlan and still control the prized plazas as well asCarretera 15 where 80-90% of the product at one time travels before going to Baja or USA. From Guadalajara to Culiacan I've never seen more dolars floating around and its the same people and families in la federación that were there when Chapo and even Padrino was around.

    3. La vete a dormir mejor, te va regañar tu mama.

    4. CDS runs Chicago and how far is it from the border? So I doubt that they don't run California to....smh!

    5. Cdg dont run shit in chi town. Chi town runs itself cds just pours the drugs in.

    6. Chi town does run it self cds just brings all the dope in

    7. Ha ha caf is done no more no mas but keep dreaming!!!

  2. This stuff is from michoacan. Theyve been doing this for a while thru SD.

    1. If michoacan dosent have Tijuana on lock then there paying fees to pass shit this is sinaloaneses trust me they move the most weight

  3. In the meantime in michoacan theres a meeting of all real self defense groups discussing what they are going to do with the viagras cartel which its being supported by the government. I think they are going to fight them

    1. Viagras = Templarios= extermination

  4. Replies
    1. Your got the wrong people lol michoacan dosent move liken that anymore compa there out the ice game

    2. Ur full of shit u dont even know about michoacan even if fucking viagras are moving it mich os still in the game mejor pelame la ver....

    3. Lol jajajajaja look it up all the huge labs they have found in Sinaloa ! Sinaloenses move the most weight out of all the other thieves of cartels Coke, heroin, weed, meth everything don't hate on Sinaloa

    4. Ur.wrong la tuta is still in the game long LA TUTA ......le arde a quien le arde

    5. Hahaha sureeee michoacan is not letting go of the ice market. Haven't you seen why there is so much fighting going on in Michoacan?

    6. Not a cartel "fan" but i can tell you with 100% certainty thats from michoacan. That liquid was crossing thru Tij.

    7. Im not saying thats from michoacan but there still in the game I just got back from michoacan and they send that liqued stuff to the frontera no matter all the fighting there is going on rite now

    8. @ November 15, 2014 at 10:23 AM
      You can't be 100% certain about anything. Save us the idiotic "expert" opinion. Shit could of been cooked in the Ca desert for all we know dumb ass.

    9. Lol who was called the king of Crystal meth Nacho Coronel

    10. Yea I can say I just back from sinaloa too and there sending the same thing Tuta ?? Is a joke so are the viagras the only man in michoacan that has brains is migueladas michoacanos been out the ice game stealing from the limoneros and who's knows who else Tuta abonded the cabellero templarios they ain't moving shit anymore

    11. El aguila took his uncles spot Arriva El triangulo dorado de Durango a sinaloa a jalisco Nadien los va replacar y de canelas a culiacan asta zapopan Ay tamos.

    12. Ur wrong cuz kike plancarte people was stealing from migueladas turf which is la huacana tell me its not true and migueladas had enough thats wat got all CT bosses break up and aguila sint got zapopan el mencho does and f^¢k sinaloa

    13. Stop being a hater mencho sucks balls your probaly one of those babosos that hangs on menchos nuts women killer there's chapos caros beltrans in zapopan bien baboso estas

    14. I fucking hate mencho but thats the fucking truth and and chapos and beltrans are done maybe r1 ppl r there but thst about it mejor chupamela

    15. Chapos are done ??? What planet are you in ??

    16. Disclaimer: None of the commenters are in any way affiliated with or speak for any illegal drug trafficking group nor are affiliated with any Cartels or drug movers, smugglers. What you are witnessing here is a bunch of wana-be gangsters pretending to have an insight into the drug business. None of these commenters woudl ever go to Mexico under free will and woudl be scared to say what they type in public in Mexico. Just like all those "narco" bands in the USA are too scared to play in Mexico. All these people are posers trying to find an identity, known as Pollitos. Cuidense como hablan, k?

    17. Narcotics cheerleaders? What a joke! No wonder this shit is so entrenched! We humans are a bunch of idiots that will accept large screen TV'S to shut up and a 7 dollar gift card for a vote!

  5. 300k is probably just a brive for local government.

  6. meanwhile in mexico.....

  7. Keep getting high usa! Dont worry my raza has your jobs covered

    1. You mean the indios whose land you stole? whom you treat badly with racism in Mexico today? Is that your "raza"?

    2. …(\_/)
      ……( ‘_’)
      …./”"”"”"”"”"”"\======░ freedom not free!!
      \_@_@_@_@_@_/ hey you Mexicans that actually live in mexico grow some balls and star a civil war! !!!

  8. "Agarren al bulto chico, al grande dejen pasar." "La siembro, cosecho, y vendo" by Los Pumas del Norte.

    This is nothing new. 300k is nothing to them. It comes out in the news and makes politicians and cops look good. Mean while down the street is the trap house where the politicians and real capos make heavy money.

    1. And that is $300,000 in potential in sales which is alot less in actual cost!

  9. Clearly part of the Mayito bust but CDS will keep coming back again and again.

  10. Good thing i wasn't home. Shit i had just gotten a customer for all that. O well on to the next shipment.

  11. bad decision making started with the use of marijuana the gateway drug. not one inmate i have interviewed started with meth. to a person all state marijuana as first drug. here is more info

    1. Gate way drug for all other drugs is alcohol.

      Like alcohol, Marijuana has its proper use, if the person is properly instructed as to when and where it is proper.

  12. Long-term studies on patterns of drug usage among young people show that very few of
    them use other drugs without first starting with marijuana. For example, one study found
    that among adults (age 26 and older) who had used cocaine, 62 percent had initiated
    marijuana use before age 15. By contrast, less than one percent of adults who never tried
    marijuana went on to use cocaine.120

    1. Study's show most of us were breast feed as children. So is breast milk a gateway drug

  13. 100 kilos enough for the crooked cops to get high every once in a while at local bars

  14. I'm surprised they didn't say it was worth millions ... this looks like someone just throw a bone to the dea

  15. That meth is coming straight from culiacan

  16. This rat poison epidemic has grown so huge that I believe drastic never used before (except in China) measures have to be taken . I think its time for state sponsored assassinations . Or whatever it takes . We know the chemical are coming in through the southern ports from china . Sink some fucking ships . Enough is enough. This shit aint going away so its time to stop it . Take out the suppliers and the junkies will detox .

    1. Bring back the death penalty in Mexico. The overwhelming majority of the public supports it, government and corrupt wealthy oligarchs oppose it.

  17. @10:54 studies show we went on to play with the radio, changing stations and volume all the time with frequency, and on these wireless times, people play too much with battery powered hand-held devices...people are hopelessly vicious and addictive addicts, prayer and cold showers are things of the past i guess...

  18. China IS conquering the US, financed by amerikkkan traitors who lobbyed for some laws to help on it with tax and interest free loans, tax exemptions and rebates, and mexico plays a big part, but henry kissinger and richard nixxon cooked it since they sold out the US on vietnam and the School of the Americas for their latin lovers benefit, while they loooved their "Maanly looking" pakistani armies murdering the bengals and the chilean armies murdering their own comrades-at-arms with the help of the US navy and the CIA...
    --the US is getting sloppy, too much in debt to its enemies, all the US is doing now is relax and enjoy the rape, until the modern benedict arnolds say to their face "yes, it was all true, and so what"???
    --All the modern global satrapy need is a robotized workforce that minds nothing but their business, and meth works wonder, for longer hours and less money, and no time or humor for union business or snobs looking for political gains...

  19. I mean, breast feeding is the gateway to playing with the radio


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