Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 9, 2015

Hipólito Mora Released from Prison!

Lucio R. Borderland Beat material from reforma, El Pais, Michoacan 3.0

He may run for political office

After  over 2 months, Hipólito Mora Chavez and his group  of 26 people, tonight obtained their freedom after the Seventh Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court of the State revoked the detention order against them.
Mora, a founder of  autodefensas  in Michoacán, left the Mil Cumbres prison tonight, along with his men, at about 10 P.M.  A convoy  of at least six trucks carrying the released men,  left the penitentiary, located on Morelia-Charo road.

Before leaving prison, the activist reflected on his release and that of his men. 

"Justice was done. I feel good," he said by telephone after learning of the decision of the Judicial Branch of State revoking the detention order against him, that had been issued  on  January 3rd. 
"I will continue with my ideals, that will not change "he added.
Prior to his release, the former commander of the Rural Force was visited by the State Attorney, Martin Godoy. After talking with the staff  and signing documents, Mora left prison without stopping to talk to the media who were waiting for a statement.

Mora and his group were accused of  homicide, after the shooting clash of December 16th against the men of Luis Antonio Torres alias ‘El Americano’ in La Ruana, municipality of Buenavista Tomatlán that left 11 dead including Mora’s son Manuel. 

Lito Mora and his deceased son Manuel

The ruling noted  that;
"at the time of the confrontation,  the son of  autodefensa  leader Hipólito Mora died,  furthermore, Hipolito Mora his men were part of the Rural Force, ie, were legally recognized as part of a state institution.”
El Americano will  likely be freed also

Luis Antonio Torres, "The American" along with nine defendants could also gain freedom in the coming hours.

As with Hipólito Mora Chavez and his men, the detention order against  "EL Americano" and his group may be revoked by the Judiciary of Michoacan.
Luis Antonio Torres,  is being held in the Social Rehabilitation Center in Morelia David Franco Rodriguez for his alleged responsibility in the crime of homicide.

Worth noting, last Friday a recording surfaced of Americano giving orders, that  if he was not released by Monday (today) that his group was to  begin shutting down Michoacan by road blocks.

In the recording he stated that he was to be released today.

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  1. O yay.Hipo has been through enough.Wonder if the Doc will be next.Has anyone heard anything about him lately?Is he still in prison hospital?

  2. El Americano has the narco-mierdocracia governing mexico "scaared" shitless

  3. And the good doctor? What about him? This blog was literally everything mireles non stop, and now nothing. So he died then?

    1. Unfortunately for the jealous sore asses, we have no report of Dr Mireles death, honey. -you will have to eat your heart out a while longer...
      --AND when he, DOCTOR MIRELES passes away, it will be worse, remember Mandela, Luther King, Ghandi, etc etc etc, all of them, while buying no publicity on Time or BB are more famous than their impotent detractors...

  4. Z42 had some badass properties, helicopters and warehouses full of cars... Before someone jumps my shit I'm simply pointing out the fact that televisa and proceso are reporting on it, and its very interesting and informative. Peace.

    1. Just like they did with beltran leyvas and blo had ties to televisa and to the zetas

    2. ...And ties to genaro garcia luna, Felipe calderon, Carlos slim helu, enrique pena nieto, Tomas yarrington, manlio Fabio Beltrones "la fabis", bertie boy moreira, fidel herrera beltran aka z1, Toluca mexico airport and the International airport de la ciudad de mexico, etc etc etc, they are all one and the same!!!

  5. Please the doctor next!!

  6. Americano needs to stay in prison for sure. Mora should be released he suffered enough with his son's death which of course was caused by that dam cartel connected pig americano and his crew. Apart from Mora Dr.Mireles should get released to.

    1. AND 500 AutoDefensas the mexican narco-mierdocracia keeps in prison, do not forget again, please...

  7. Are they going to release el porky because he treatened the michoacan govt, or because they got nothing against him. Or are they trying to replace la puta tuta now that he has been caught. Wouldnt it be better if Hipolito Mora replaced la tuta with the auto defensas. Who knows

  8. And Mireles is still in prison, n these two vatos come off a shooting n get 2months, thats a slap in the face to Mireles. Where is Papa Pitufo in all this?

    1. Building a small village in the forest?

  9. So this is good or not, that he was released ?

  10. good maybe both of these crooks can finish each other off finally

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. borraron mi comentario si el papa francisco hablo de evitar la, mexicasionion en argentina otra dije de el pri esta pensando doble por sus errores y de la livertad de hipolito morar rara ves me equivoco en mis corazonadas usando sentido comun mas sabe el diablo por viejo q por diablo

  12. Any news on Chino Antrax? Isnt he due in court this month??

    1. I was wondering the same. Please keep us posted. BB is doing a great job. Much respect. Hope to visit Mexico soon again!

  13. It is amazing that 11 men died and no one will apparently be held, or held accountable. If you look at the earlier reported video it really helps to show who was the perpetrator. Some where in a permanent location and others were mobile and brought the incident to them. The men that brought it were vocal and aggressive and were armed. In Mexico 11 men can be killed and no one will be held accountable. It was pretty obvious who the aggressors were and who was on defense.

  14. El americano and his people were realeased too

  15. Mexican justice ... Criminals go free ... poor people pay with their lives. Dr Mireles must be freed. Where is our "alma" mexicanos? y huevos?

  16. We must keep Dr Mireles in the forefront of the media, or he will be forgotten.

  17. El Americano got released como las putas, out the back door early in the mornin'...
    --El mil mascaras gets released like that, como los putos

  18. I thought El porky pig was kicked out of the Rurales by Castillo himself? So why was he allowed to roam around with armed men? Mexican Government is a joke!

  19. 11:07 because el Marranicano pays in person now, no more need for 'middlemen'
    El Marranicano may be running for PRI senator, the way things are...


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