[ Subject Matter: Arellano Felix Organization
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required]
Reporters: Ines Garcia Ramos, Rosario Mosso Castro and Cortesia
During the last five years, Francisco Javier Arellano Felix is only permitted to leave his solitary confinement to meet prosecutors. The rest of the time he is in his cell 23 hours a day, and is denied contact with any other prisoner.
In exchange for details about the structure and functioning of the Cartel Arellano Felix (CAF), Police who were bribed both in Mexico and the United States and other drug traffickers, the youngest of the Arellano Felix brothers was promised to be " properly compensated", and so it turned out.
In November of 2007, he was sentenced to a life sentence by the Judge Larry Alan Burns in the Federal Court of San Diego, California.
Narco trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, attempting to bribe authorities and committing homicides, were the crimes committed by Francisco Javier.
Since 2002, "El Tigrillo" had taken control of the activities of the CAF and ordered crimes perpetrated by this criminal organization in Tijuana as well as San Diego. According to the State Prosecutor of South California, " the activities of the cartel gave and destroyed the lives of thousands of people on both sides of the border".
His period at the head of the CAF ended on August the 14th 2006, when he was arrested on his yacht "Dock Holiday" by elements of the US drug enforcement agency (DEA) and the United States Coast Guard.
One year after, in 2007, in his culpability statement, Francisco Javier admitted the crimes of money laundering and organized crime, the last, carries a life sentence according to United States law.
However, on the 4th of November of 2008, the Government of the United States appealed to article 35 of the Federal Code of penal procedures of the United States, in paragraph b, to reduce the sentence of "El Tigrillo".
Based on this article, at the request of the Government, the Court may reduce the sentence when the defendant provided substantial support to investigate or prosecute another person for the commission of an offence.
Despite promoting the reduction in the sentence of Francisco Javier, the US Government asked the Court to keep the request as confidential, temporarily. This was to ensure the complete cooperation of the trafficker before he enjoyed any benefit provided by the law.
Six years later in 2014, the prosecutor in charge of the case, asked Judge Burns to make public the reduction of sentence. On the 14th of November 2014, his sentence was reduced from life imprisonment to 282 months, i.e. 23 and a half years.
From narco trafficker to informant
During a five year period, Francisco Javier Arellano Felix, had 25 meetings with Federal Agents, meetings that sometimes ran into days. Confronted with having to serve the rest of his life in prison, the narco trafficker shared information described by a prosecutor as " a dream made reality".
"The Court has no doubt that Mr Arellano offered significant and substantive information that assisted the Government to identify and arrest a large quantity of drug traffickers and corrupt Agents in both this country and Mexico", deliberated Judge Burns.
Additionally, as indicated in a writ held by ZETA, he gave up information on the internal operations, the structure and methods of the cartels deployed in Mexico, and specifically those on the frontier with the United States.
The ex-head of the CAF, agreed to testify against numerous narco traffickers and corrupt Agents, identified and arrested based on information, including documentary evidence, given by Francisco Javier.
The petition for reduction in sentence was supported by the declaration of a prosecutor familiar with the case, advised that the proportional information about narco trafficking was both true and exhaustive.
Not satisfied with a reduction in his sentence, on the 25th of November of 2014, the Lawyer Mark F Adams, representing Francisco Javier, petitioned for a reduction in sentence from 282 months to 47 months, four years.
According to the defence, the US Government was "stingy" in the 40 % reduction in the original sentence. So in June, he promoted a second reduction.
To convince Judge Burns, the Lawyer argued that for the security of his client and to maintain the confidentiality of the meetings, Francisco Javier was transferred to different prisons in a constant manner.
"As a consequence he had less freedom that the other inmates inside the penitentiary system, less opportunity to participate in re-adaption programmes and less visits from his family", explained the Lawyer.
The litigant also petitioned the Judge to consider that with the information provided to the United States Government he is in constant danger.
However, the Court recorded that the crimes committed by Francisco Javier " were abominable, evidencing a lack of conscience, extreme human cruelty and a malignant heart".
It was recorded that the narco trafficker had confessed to having killed numerous people, Judge Burns mentioned that his victims included witnesses of crimes, agents of the Police and also informants "ironically like him", added the Judge.
In how much the CAF gained financially through the sale of cocaine and marijuana, the Court determined that the quantity is incalculable, but it is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
For these motives, on 15th of June 2015, the Judge denied the second petition of reduction in sentence, and he recorded that the object of the life sentence, retired months before, was to prevent the criminal from re-integrating into the activities of the CAF, and for the most part, " to protect society from the future crimes committed by the accused".
"Where are the Arellano Felix brothers?
Since the Court revealed that Francisco Javier was an informant, his registration was omitted in the penitentiary system of the United States. The narco trafficker, 46 years old will leave prison in the year 2030, when he will be 61 years old.
However, his older brother, Eduardo Arellano Felix "El Doctor", will be free before that. The condemned, considered the financial brain of the criminal organization, will leave prison on 19th of November 2021.

On the 19th of August 2013, was found guilty of a charges of conspiracy to money launder, and two charges of conspiracy to use and invest the profits of illicit drugs.
The condemned was given 15 years in prison by Judge Larry Burns, and a 50 million dollar fine, that represents the profits obtained in a direct or indirect manner from the trafficking of drugs.
One time freed, Eduardo Arellano Felix had nine years under conditional liberty. In this period, he had to comply with regulations dictated by the Office of Conditional Liberty.
He had to submit to a doping test within 15 days of being released and at least two more tests per month, while reporting to the parole officer of the district where he was released, within 72 hours of being released from prison.
Eduardo was detained in Tijuana in October of 2008 by Federal Agents, and on the 31st of August 2012, he was extradited to the United States. One year after he was sentenced.
The other brother of the Arellano Felix Family, Benjamin, 61 years of age, is imprisoned in Coleman Federal Prison in Florida, and he will leave prison on 6th of February 2033.
Detained in Puebla in 2002, he was extradited to the United States in 2011 in order to be prosecuted for the crimes of narco trafficking and money laundering.
In 2012, he was declared guilty and sentenced to 25 years in prison, also a fine of 100 million dollars, calculated as his profits from narco trafficking.
A number of properties were seized from the Arellano's, nearly all have been protected by amparo or given back to the Arellanos, properties totalling 100's of millions of pesos.
Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana
CAF is dead. The Arellanos got destroyed by the US and MX governments. They are just a case from the past.
ReplyDeleteYeah but when they were around no one would step foot in tijuana even chapo too everyone knows that
DeleteSo francisco got fucked over on the deal for snitching out his family and friends. He should have just kept his mouth shut and don his time..
ReplyDeleteI'm sure u would of done life n not talk huh... Yea right
DeleteI would like to see you doing life in jail I bet u would snitch on your own parents my friend
DeleteHopefully they never see the outside free world and are in some way and in some fashion murdered as the gutless cowards and murdering cockroaches they really are, in prison by other inmates when they have the chance or opportunity to do so.
ReplyDeleteLa compañia sigue 10 5.
ReplyDeleteRead ur Google pro name shut up if silence is the biggest noise
DeleteThis poor family needs help from Chapo
ReplyDeleteI think that the one that needs help is u get a job u lazy sinaloa cheerleader
DeleteChapo won the Arellano Felix-Guzman war
ReplyDeleteRead the book of ,El Extraditado by juan carlos reyna tild by benjamin arellano .f himself very good book about what was going on in the Tijuana cartel and it can explained in a very direct way how the Tijuana cartel affected and influence in Mexico's current state. Benjamin never told on anyone not even on his enemy he never gave any declaration of any kind bit 10 year after being locked up in solitary he did and arrgued that the murder of Cardenas Juan Jesus Posada's ocampo was a hit by the Mexican state and that the Mexican gov blamed him after that he immediately had his extradition.
ReplyDeleteThe book is actually bullshit. Felix lied so much during the interviews the book is more fiction then anything else. It has been for the most part discredited. A pure work of mostly fiction.
DeleteArellano puto's success was solely a product of being given the most valuable plaza by el Padrino. Any monkey with Padrino's blessing and a little time in the business could have taken that already operational plaza and grown it with the natural increase in U.S. demand for drugs. It was their stupidity and ego that not only totally dismantled their organization, but also their spoiled guero flashiness and disregard to Mexico's elite that has them locked up in the U.S. They are Idiots and neophytes compared to Azul, Mayo, Chapo, Carrillo Fuentes and Padrino.
DeleteWhat about rafa caro quintero...
DeleteEl padrino and don neto may have been the big ones, but one betrayed Pedro Aviles and the other betrayed Pablo Acosta, maybe that is why they are still in prison while rcq and el chapo are not...
The one who had balls was ramon arellano everybody fear him in tijuana i remember people would said "cuidado con el sinaloense "when ramon was near by i murio a manos de otros sinaloense like they said veneno mata veneno he died in his hometown full of lions
ReplyDeletetrue el commadante mon rip.
DeleteSinaloas killing sinaloas for control and envy everyday
DeleteIt is easy to have balls when you have weapons and sicarios to protect and help you, only z40 had bigger balls than that, he needed his victims tied up too like his sicarios'...
Delete--But it was hard for el mon to escape one bullet from his last dying victim... hahahaa!!! Best regards...
The Flores twins are the USA agencies favorite informants.
ReplyDeleteAFO could handle the shit storm the Sinaloa Federation threw at them. First enemies then truced allies then betrayed and divided. They had to narc'd. Simple as that.
AFO is not a USA favorite.
AFOs are US Favorites to prosecute, Amao blew his welcome por rata, same with los setas y golfos, the 9nly ones with franchise is CDS with even Arizona in the pocket...
Delete--of course, Arizona makes a lot of bounty off the mexican, weapons,.drugs, wet backs,.prison industries, votes, cash...apache sheriff arpayo sure loves his part...
I think personally that the USA is in power with the Sinaloa cartel and chapo they both have a pact it's so weird and rare that the USA wanted to bring down the CAF and they did they arrested all the Arellano brothers and they can't even keep a 5foot 4inch midget in a cell... The USA it's as corrupt as Mexico it's just that the USA it's just more slick than Mexico I mean who are we BS common BB readers think about it...
ReplyDeleteOk the U.S. Is corrupt, que quieres que haga pendejo. What u want us to do? Go live somewhere else then.
DeleteYou are right and one of the few who see the bigger picture. CAF was a regional reign of terror wherein CDS is a global powerhouse of money, intelligence, and politicians and elite.
Delete12:00 you are pleading guilty that easy?
DeleteNo excuses or explanations, justifications?
How about we were trying to save the free world ?
Cds is just a propaganda that they help people and that they are the smarter, braver, richest cartel in the world. Obly an idiot belives that crap
DeleteWho is then enlighten us mf
DeleteThe English have no oil, farming, cattle, mining, nothing, yet they have the rothschilds, worth their 500 trillion dollars, from colonizing the world, from stealing other people's colonies, and from drugs, hundreds of years dealing drugs, and that is no propaganda, the US follows the example, and do their part, like sheep...
DeleteEl Tigre. Not el tigrillo. El Tigre. Damn google translate.
ReplyDeleteFucking bullshit.why we foot the bill to prosecute and imprison this assholes.save that money for something else.and the guy who snitched he snitched about shit that wasn't even no more by the time he ratted.I mean who gives a fuck.why the fuck do we Americans have to import criminal for our prisons.wake the fuck u.s. government.
ReplyDeleteWe foot the bill??? Have u any idea how many hundreds of millions the US is making from the cartels? All the money the confiscate going south and all he drugs coming north plus all those guns being sold by the ATF. All those traffickers in the US who are detained and pay bail or have to "forfeit" millions are footing the bill. Not a penny from "taxpayers" goes to the war on drugs or Mexico. Now they're even making bank of m arijuana sales and paraphernalia for it!!
DeleteWill they be sending Eduardo Arellano back to Mexico like they are going to do with Benjamin? Or will he be staying to complete those drug tests?
ReplyDelete"In exchange for details about the ... Police who were bribed both in Mexico and the United States .... the youngest of the Arellano Felix brothers was promised to be properly compensated, and so it turned out."
I looove that no names are produced by the new owners of the knowledge of El tigrillo.
Delete--People snitch, and snitch and snitch, but we are never informed of the names of the accused, it is like "national security hangs in the balance" if we know the crooks names...
serial rapists and child molesters get less time than a man selling drugs to make money. and if you're a celebrity serial rapist like bill cosby you get a medal of freedom award instead of life in prison. lol at responsible for thousands of deaths on both borders, the life and money draining drug war is responsible for thousands of deaths in both borders.
ReplyDeletedisgusting american hypocrisy at its finest.
You do realize these misunderstood narcotic entrepreneurs kill right? His group should have stayed just killing Mexicans in Mexico. He would have only been charged with drug dealing crimes.
Deleteto keep going forward you have to study the past. the family is not going nowhere. El ruido mas fuerte es el silencio. Ke les kede claro!
ReplyDeleteCAF baby killers !thats the cartel you like too get off on very nice!
ReplyDeleteEste manguera we cree Rey Marquez
ReplyDeleteThe narcs are allowed to work until their earnings are enough to pay "fines" 50 million, here, 100 minion there, 250 million from osiel, 1 billion from chente zambada...
ReplyDelete--those quantities should tell you who da' boss...
--The flores twins got to keep their 2 billion dollar empire and got "10 years prison time"...