Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Los Zetas eat human flesh in Tamales and Tostadas

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from an El Debate article

Subject Matter: Cartel Cannibalism
Recommendation: Keep your sick bag handy

(Otis: Given the recent Noreste article I translated about cannibalism in CJNG, and the comments I made in that article about the same thing levelled at Los Zetas, I was not surprised when this article came up today on Debate about cannibalism and Los Zetas.

Juan Sanchez Limon had an interview with reporter J Jesus Lemus Barajas. During the conversation, in the Cefereso of Puente Grande, Jalisco, he narrarated scenes of extreme cruelty, almost surreal, for the levels of violence and horror that go on behind these doors.

The prisoner interviewed was a plaza boss from the centre of the country. He controlled Guanajuato, San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Jalisco.

He recalled knowing Heriberto Lazcano, chief of the paramilitary group after the death of Guzman Decena, and former corporal in the Mexican forces.

Sanchez Limon did not have any communication with Lazcano during several years, later they were reunited when he was commissioned in the State of Durango with the rank of Lieutenant; Sanchez Limon received an invitation to join the group led by Lazcano, who functioned as security chief of the Gulf Cartels top man, Osiel Cardenas Guillen. It was the 90's, the army paid him around 8,000 pesos per month, and Lazca offered him 10,000 per week, and he didnt look back.

How was El Lazca in dealing with you, his people?

He is a guy that's strict but benevolent, very clever, he has a photographic memory, he does not forget anything and will never leave anyone without an answer that asks a favor from him, he always supports his people.

Is it true what they say about him, that he owns a ranch in Laredo, where he has Lions and Tigers to which he throws his enemies alive?

You fucking journalists, you and your shit, its all in peoples imaginations, they cant see a man grow up in society because they want to make him a myth, like saying children are eaten alive.

Is it not true what they said about Lazca?

I know he has a ranch with a zoo, but I haven't seen him throw his enemies to the lions, his enemies he executes them quickly, he would rather eat them than give them to the Lions.

Do you torture them a lot?

No he eats them, do you understand me?

You are saying El Lazca eats human flesh?

I have seen him do that yes

And you have been to meetings where El Lazca has eaten human flesh?

I have been in meetings in which, after judging someone and sentencing him to death, he orders him to bathe, and even to shave his whole body and let him de-stress for two or three hours, even better sometimes he gave them a bottle of whisky to relax, then he ordered a very quick death so there is no adrenaline in the meat to prevent it getting bitter or hard.

How do you prepare the meat to eat it?

I have seen that El Lazca likes to eat it in Tamales and cooked in Lemon on toast, as if it were tartar meat.

What part of the body is eaten?

Only the buttocks, from that they bring out the steaks to prepare the meal. Once were in a meeting where all the people got together; it was in an Inn in Ciudad Victoria and that time he ordered stew and tamales. Those who also eat the human flesh were Central Americans who went out of their way to do it, it was my turn to see how it was prepared to put them in the stew and the tamales.

Did everyone in the meeting eat human flesh in their food?

Everyone knew it was human flesh and I did not see anyone turn down the stew or the tamales, even the soldiers that arrived at the meeting, invited by El Lazca launched into the food with some appetite.

Lemus Barajas spent three years in prison and daily was subjected to intense sessions of torture that tried to kill any hope of being able to see the light of the sun again.

Lemus was director of El Tiempo, a small newspaper in La Piedad, Michoacan, and was arrested in 2008 under the charge of organized crime and drug trafficking. There was no evidence and he had no legal support, he says it was revenge by the Government because of the things he said about them.

He was quickly sent to Puente Grande, and the SHU, to keep him isolated, naked with no property or bed.

His stay at Puente Grande allowed him to collect experiences with celebrities such as Daniel Arizmendi, Mochaorejas, Alvaro Dario de Leon Aviles, El Duby, a member of the "Narco-Satanicos", and also El Chapo Guzman and his escape. Mario Aburto, the man condemned for the assassination of candidate Luis Donaldo Colosio, who confessed that the weapon that found on him on the day of the assassination, was carried because he was going to sell it and had made an appointment with the buyer there.

It is also believed the Knights Templar also performed these practices
The narration of Lemus on Lazcano, is further enhanced with the statements of reporter Alfredo Corchado, Chief correspondent for the Dallas Morning News Daily in the USA, in which he ensures that Miguel Trevino Morales, capo and leader of Los Zetas is a believer in Santaria and carried out practises such as eating the hearts of his victims, with the aim of feeling more powerful.

Lemus Barajas recounts these experiences in his book " The damned, Black Chronicle from Puente Grande". The talk with Sanchez Limon happened four years before Lazcano was killed in Progreso, Coahuila in 2012.

Original article in Spanish at El Debate

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  1. whether you believe the article content or not, one part of it did strike a chord, when I was in Spain learning Spanish, I caught a fish and took it back to the hotel for them to cook it for me, it was still alive when I got back to the hotel just a few yards from the beach. The owner said he would put it in the salt water tank for a few days as adrenaline from the fight, would affect the taste and consistency of the flesh.

    Nasty as the thought may be, this makes me think this guy in Puente Grande might actually be telling the truth.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Perhaps that's just his opinion that he doesn't believe what some parts of the media write.
      Where on earth would he get an idea like that?

    3. In china they torture dogs and cats before killing them to eat because they say the meat taste better with the adrenaline, they even have videos on YouTube doing just that its gross.

    4. Otis, that's common knowledge to anyone who works as a butcher or in food processing. You don't need to have known or seen anyone eating human flesh to know that.

    5. i've never killed anyone, and know happy animals taste the best! @11:54 is right you know!

    6. Anyone who hunts knows it taste better if the deer/elk/etc got dropped quick instead of running off for a a ways.

    7. Stephen Fry in Central America, S1/ Ep3
      "From El Salvador to Nicaragua
      Visits one english black woman in the women's prison, she is doing 70 years for killing 6 husbands and selling the meat,
      on the street to other persons I guess...

    8. This is hilarious. I would love to have seen a video of this interview. He goes from saying 'you journalists are so dumb, you will believe anything' then tells him Lazca liked to eat male buttocks. He'd just said the cannibalism thing was a myth, then makes the myth even more ridiculous. The journalist knew he was winding him up, but shared it anyway.

  2. Hahahahahaha They must have gotten into the history books and read about how the old knights killed and ate their opponents

    1. Well lets look at the facts, there is a high probability that Lazcano was a psychopath given his behaviour. If he had psychosis within the condition, he may well have eaten parts of his victims, Jeffrey Dalmer did it, a psychopath with psychosis, as have many other serial killers. Perhaps you can enlighten us with why you think El Lazca wouldn't have don't it?

    2. So you're saying because a few others outta the hundreds of psychopaths Lazca probably did it.
      It's all fake news, lies spread through the lands so they can strike fear onto the opponent.
      What is the Medieval times

    3. I think you actually know very little about psychopaths, I did write an article on them for BB, you may like to look it up and read it. Psychopaths are quite common, one in a hundred people, however most never act out their violent fantasies, but those who develop psychosis within the psychopathic condition do carry out some quite heinous things.

      Psychopaths that are exposed to severe mental trauma do have a habit of developing psychosis, and as a someone who no doubt killed many many people himself, El Lazca , the executioner by name, may well have developed psychosis through PTSD.

    4. "Well lets look at the facts"
      What facts are you pointing out ?
      Jeffrey Dalmer(sic),thats it. Your enlightened

    5. These men look upon themselves as warriors. It's common for warriors to partake of the flesh of their victims, especially the heart and liver. The original Zetas were such men.

    6. Seems probable. People eat certain parts of animals and take pills for all types of reasons. Despite medical proof that such cures or brings longevity ect.
      Rituals or taboos as one refers to is common in some cultures.
      Great story Otis.


    7. 1:03 Lazcano went to military ,then joined elite Gafe before joining cartel. isnt any elite comando already have to be at the very least a cold blooded killer. apart from top physical strength and strong mental capacity. in athor words an alfa. now was that psychosis because of his military operations or was he just born crazy.

    8. Reptilians Alpha Draconis

    9. The german military officers that worked closely with hitler and were aristocrats Prussian cultivated, with long careers were purged from the military and the politics, the replacements were brainwashed with the Aryan supremacist ideology that if alive still accompanies them.
      After a while all degenerate practices become normal, like keeping prisoners hungry until they die or mass murdering
      them sometimes keeping their skin for souvenirs, some with tattoos of for lamp shades, but the ones that decided to carry out the holocaust were well schooled and knew better than that, it is a feeling of invincibility and the group think that reinforces their behaviour, I don't think many "setas alive still eat human meat, but the kaibil philosophy sure.carried this bullshit to the mexican soldiers they trained to be the GAFES, I don't know if their leader Arturo guzman Decena also practiced the cannibalism, but the leaders set the group customs,
      The kaibiles, alumni of the School of the Americas franchise in Guatemala also helped train battallion Atlacatl of lt col Domingo Monterrosa in Honduras, but they don't say anything a out cannibalism.
      --Some women in mexico also have cooked their husbands and made them into pozole or tamales they then sold on the street, they must have been good, they sold out,
      others just use dogs and cats, consider it a cultural development, as US sends it's beef to china, it is o ly natural meats must come from somewhere for the american continent.

    10. Why argue against Otis? He knows what he is talking about. He's done more research on the subject than anyone else in this comment section. Many cartel individuals are sick deviant motherfuckers! It's no surprise to me that some would incorporate cannabalism to show how tough and demented they can be. Keeps the soldiers in line, or so Lazca and others would like to believe. The Devil has found many a soul in poor Mexico. So sad.

  3. So now eating human flesh is a fad? I think I'll pass on this 1. There was a female Zeta awhile back that was sleeping with the corpses of the dead. I think they called her La Peque. Can't help but wonder if this is gonna catch on as well. I'm sure I said this a good ways back so I'll say it again: No importa que tan bajo caigas en la vida. Aun así cada quien conoce sus límites. ( It doesn't matter how low a person falls in life. Even then we all know our limits. ) In this scenario I strongly feel it rings true. A mans gotta have his limits. - Sol Prendido

    1. @12:29 look up necrophilia you will see its not a fad like you think....

    2. Remember the tamale lady of Mexico City? Although I think she liked to use children because they were more tender.

    3. Warriors have been eating the flesh of their enemies for thousands of years so I doubt it's a fad. The Mauri, Samoans, and New Guinea warriors allegedly ate the flesh of fallen enemies to make the stronger. The wife of Nelson Mandela was accused of eating her husbands rivals. It wasnt ever proved but in Africa it's not uncommon. In certain parts of Europe families get together and cook/eat the placenta of a new born family member. It's a celebration of life and all of the family attends. It's celebrated like a baptism or circumcision at the mothers house. I saw a documentary about it on PBS years ago.

    4. And behind these limits things starts going crazy.

    5. Eating placenta is absolutely nasty but nothing like eating the actual flesh/meat of a human being.

    6. I've known that cannibalism has existed throughout the ages. I just can't picture myself wanting 2 do that. There's never a reason 4 having 2 desecrate a human body. And it's not like those that have partaken in these things have gone on 2 world dominance. In a life and death situation I can see why a person would do this. Otherwise it's just pointless. Respect 4 the dead should never be forgotten. - Sol Prendido

    7. I Wonder what you do with the time you try to save by using numbers instead of Letters?

    8. These fools would eat anything have you seen ther camps nothing but instant noodles and water not even valentina ni limon les dan an then they pay them one month and thats if they're lucky half the time they get paid with a stolen truck a firearm when these items should not be a form of paymeny cus they use the stolen vehicles to do their work in an the firearms to also do their work..then they give them time off and send them home in a bus with no firearms to protect themselves from rivals you really gotta be a dummy to work for any cartel from the 2000s on up..nada como eran las cosas cuando rifaba el cochiloco don Rafa y esos que ya no estan en este mundo..

    9. 4:45 since the government has been taking over, the pay started coming down, because the mexican narco-politicians will rather lose a friend than a $ peiso, mexican peiso...

    10. You have a good memory 2 remember those words. Codes go through periodically even if what you're reading makes no sense whatsoever. If I explained 2 you how it works then it would just defeat the purpose of it being a code. I know 4 a fact that you along with a few others have gone 2 look 4 me elsewhere. It's very nice of you 2 show the initiative. - Sol Prendido

    11. 9:06 youre paranoid and very confused.

  4. Maybe that's why they took his corpse to eat him.

    1. Booom! The mystery card has been revealed

  5. I hope this sick idiots bastards get that eating disease that these Satanists get, that's what they deserve, then, see if it's funny or entertaining!!!!!!!! May Gods wrath hit hard with a vengeance that will be a constant reminder!!!!!!! (laughing disease) crippling disease!!!!

    1. Amen. Many of these narcos are satanists and occultists. What is going on in Mexico is not a narco war, it's a spiritual war.

    2. 11:57 these "spiritual wars" sure help move ownership of the .
      Mexican State Owed Enterprises to foreign hands, for very little money, from oil, mining, power generation, education, health care and construction to secret banking and financing from offshore "corporations" and investment tax heavens, like Mitt Romney's and the Deutsche Bank of Russia in Cyprus or the netherlands or the US, just the propaganda helps the myths to keep the global vulture capitalism alive,
      the natives deserve nothing.

    3. Brazilian POLICE were murdering brazilian street children a while ago, there were just too many "ratas de la ciudad"...
      Of course you need to watch the mexican movis version, start with "El Perro Callejero" the movies are excellent, in spite of the theme, expertly recreated.

  6. zetas classics like escobar. but this? nah...

  7. The issue is at least 3 years old:

    Beheadings was introduced by the Kaibiles:

    Maybe eating human flesh also cam from them.

    1. Pos a Güebo, the animals eeded to distinguish themselves for their ferocity, and eating toads and mice alive feathers and all sure got old soon, the GAFES eeded to get up to par ASAP to go and bat the EZLN of the mexican politicians, but GAFES ARE GONE, EZLN remains, if in tatters, even marched into mexico city.
      All that was needed was tk expose the crimes and genocidal mass murdering of the kaibiles and the GAFES and the contras, the Atlacatl battalion, Arenas, and the argentinian Armada sponsors of the Montoneros, and the perps were quickly taken out of the circus, the US armed forces could use some cleaning and purges at the top too, they have become quite degenerate, as some recently made famous members and retirees have proven, Mattis, macMaster, petraeus, North and Flynn are some fine examples,
      They reflect their commander in chief portrait of a russian puppet.

  8. What a bunch of idiots. MIEWES a German cannibal said Humans tasted like Pork......also bible verse....Jeremiah 19:9:I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another's flesh during the stress of the siege imposed on them by the enemies who seek their lives..

    1. The Jeremiah quote is saying that he's going to defeat his enemies so thoroughly in a siege that they'll be forced to eat each other, not that eating each other is good.

    2. In lieu of enemies, any civilian will do, even your husband.

  9. Damn, so El Lazca LITERALLY ate BOOTY?!
    Bro, WTF...

  10. These cartel cockroaches are not human. They are Satan's spawns, monsters and the boogeyman alike. They are rabid wild vermin who rape, massacre, dismember, chainsaw, butcher, murder, maim, execute, men, women and children. I believe they eat human flesh as they are the Devil's assassin's. They are lower then any natural form of life and should all be exterminated.

    1. Maaan, they used to tenderize the meats with the pinchis tablazos por las nalgas, I thought that was just some good old fashioned torture, but no, it was part of the cooking process and nothing personal.

  11. LAZCA was a beast till this day he still mentioned in Pachuca!

    1. No one cares about Pachuca

    2. 11:43 Hidalgo is a mine gold for oil theft, old school Z have a huge presence in that state.

    3. 11:43 well, try and care, after stealing world class mines like Real Del Monte and others, new billionaire MAO osorio chón is desperately trying to be the first chón dynasty emperor, and he is a fucking animal since he used to be a university porro that never graduated but bought his diploma from a flea infested flea market in mexico DF like EPN.
      HE HAS BEEN IMPLACABLE AS MEXICO'S KGB DIRECTOR, expect more of the same and worse if he gets to the "presidency"

    4. Pachuca y esa cosa donde queda? ?

  12. Devil has influnced the world..mexico is lost and all these people think its the way to live. God help this world

    1. My friend the devil and its associates are always among us. The question is do we allow entryway to our lives? Mexico is not lost but in a dire situation. To combat such unwanted elements one must begin to eradicate that which has transformed Mexico into what it's becoming.


  13. Dear Otism outstanding post. If the facts are indeed rue,what a sick,twisted and evil group of monsters. Hopefully,easc of them will be killed during a run in with the Mexican Marines.They all belong in hell. Thaks.

  14. Lazca was a good hombre quick death to his enemies

  15. Compa quien anda rifando para Jimenez Chiwas

    1. La linea y los chapos
      Esta complicado el asunto

    2. El chucky hijo de tu tia paquita la del barrio

    3. Apoco si camarada,, y la cosa esta igual en Parral?

  16. Unfortunately, I think there is something there with the baby being stolen out of the womb from the girls 3 -4 weeks ago. The other was the murdered parents, where they left the children alive but took the infant. Mexican witchcraft is a cancer.

  17. This is an old accusation and unfounded. Same with the boiling of babies. Investigations in and out of Mx say this is untrue. What they did determine is that that may be true is human sacrifice, but in connection with black magic. Seems Debate has gone bonkers.

    1. It was/is Mamito who followed santeria not Z40/ it came up in zetas austin trial.

    2. Mexico has tons of cults and people into the occult/witchcraft/dark sh*t like that. Many narcos are into that. I wouldn't be surprised if a ton of these narcos are eating human flesh.

    3. Hey mami welcome to el vacilón con la "ya que" y la pinchi güera resbalosa, please don't ask me over for dinner, I don't trust anybody anymore.

    4. I dont practice santeria ,i aint got no crystal ball,,

  18. Didn't z40 eat the heart of his victim. I think those 2 sicario kids from texas said it on a video.

  19. Cartel r a lot of things. If they gone this far, this will destroy themselves.

  20. And I thought jim jones was worse

  21. This isn't new. Los Narco Satanicos de Matamoros dr Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo
    Ya comían gente desde los 80s.

    Micho viene de Cuba y Palo Yambo o como le digan

    1. Costanzo Desde los 70's, the 80's were the salinas brothers, but they were murderers as infants the salinas brothers and a friend murdered the houseaid with a rifle, they were 5 or 6 years old.

  22. If Lazca and the zetas did eat human remains it was likely part of some vodoo or santeria ritual/belief.
    Mamito admitted practicing Santeria, and it would not suprise me if Lazca and other zetas did too.

  23. What warriors Are You talking about? Animals eat themselfes but only a few.
    And Guys like dahmer.mewes...
    The kaibiles may did it to increase their "team spirit".
    Some satanic Guys where Are your warriors?

    1. The Aztec warriors of our ancestry are the warriors I speak of 12:32. I didn't want to go there but you asked so I answered. Not only did they sacrifice humans they also cannibalized their human tributes. Anymore questions?

    2. Thaztec had religious ceremonies, and offered enemies to their Gods, like Huitzilopochtli, that deserved them, but they did not get their training front the French School of counterintelligence that begat the American School of the Americas and the "counterintelligence tactics" of the US and their franchises all over LatinAmerica training dogs like these and then setting them lose on the populations...
      The aztecs also did not kill people with poison gases or bombs from airplanes...stop comparing...

  24. I belive he played them. To be more fearsome

  25. Ok bueno y nada mas

  26. Very interesting y nice! Y saludos kualbedad baby!!!!!!!

  27. CT ate human hearts for breakfast down Michoacán way.

    1. Muchas carnitas en michuacan, always, now I know why, yuuuuck!

  28. its the same as eating pig cow dog cat frog .....jungle rules

  29. Puras mamadas. Si hubieran hecho esas pendejadas cuando estaban con el cdg se hubiera escuchado esto antes.

  30. In the real mob when they gave the oath to that rat gravano paul castelleno told him there is no god. Religion has no place on the street. Leave that shit to the women. Bunch of buttcheeks eaters worm having guatemalan looking nasty fucks.

    1. Gravanno made himself a RAT, but the biggest of Niwa Yoarrk Mafia Mobsters made sure John Gotti never try to collect the debts owed by the king of NY Mobsters, he sure had the russian replacements ready, and they came loaded with money, and paid more that the american mobsters. Now they own his nalgas but so what? Mmmh? Who won, uuuh? Who's da' prezident, aaah?
      and who isn't? Mmmh?

  31. DAFUQ? They some nasty motherfuckers! 😠

  32. Dice el periodico USA today que en hoteles de Cancun sospechan que les estan poniendo droga o algun tipo de quimico a turistas en sus bebidas alcoholicas que los hace que se embriagen y pierdan la memoria demasiado rapido. En ciertos casos turistas an perdido el conocimiento tan rapido que uno hasta fallecio a unas horas de haber llegado a un hotel debido a el alcohol que bebio. Otros turistas han amanecido sin carteras y o articulos personales como relojes, joyeria, celulares etc...
    Mi punto es que Mexico en ves de mejorar va de bajada y historias como la de este articulo y la mia aparte de otras en este sitio hacen que mas y mas me desepcione de mi Mexico querido!

    1. 9:35 tu decepcion no cuenta para nada,
      Lo que cuenta es que no se sepa "lo que pasa en Cancun"
      O que se sepa,
      It is up to you to promote the boicott that helps the Cancun crooks stick their Cancun up the ass.
      --o sea, de ti dependent que se sepa lo que pasa en Cancun y boicotearlo para que se metan los maleantes su Cancun pkr el jundillo

  33. One thing for sure: if I ever drive thru Ciudad Victoria for lunch, I'll skip the tamales.

    1. 9:57 como dice la Sonora Santanera:
      "Todo Tiene Surrazón"

  34. Maybe he went back into his heritage of the Aztecas. He might have seen Apocalypto too many times.

  35. Cjng is being accused of the same shit.

  36. Maybe he was just brought up like me: if you kill it you eat it.

  37. " I got shot in the buttOCKS " Forest Gump

  38. the united states cia knows where they all are its either they pay the cia or the cia will take them out

  39. 11:08 some "rogue agents" and their leaders in high office in cahoots with high directives of the agency have been drug traffickers, spies and murderers, betrayed their cause, their country and their comrades, but not all of them are corrupt, same at FBI and DEA, AND OTHER AGENCIES, like the american people, not everybody is a hating corrupt racist provocateur chickenhawk warmongerer desperate to make a killing by robbing the US, blind.
    Narrow your search.


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