On 19th and Ferrocarril de Independencia Street in Cuauhtémoc City, a donation in kind appeared for the
victims of the earthquake in the central and southern part of the country,
presumably placed by members of the criminal group "Gente nueva del
TIGRE", who took control of the plaza from César Raúl Gamboa Sosa, "The Sergeant", slaughtered last March for control of the square.
"We send them this support, let's hope it serves the earthquake victims. We are here to help the people.
Attn: Gente nueva del TIGRE, united cartels (sic)", says a piece of cardboard stuck on a wall where they left boxes with food, toilet paper and
other aid.
According to local media, donated items were transported by ambulance to the Red Cross, which received the donation notice.
The images of the donation were also published by a Facebook group called Cuauhtémoc without fear, in which most users thank the group and condemn the attitude of the politicians who have helped the town.
The publication has been shared almost 2,000 times and has reached
almost 3,000 reactions of "I like", "I love" or "I am surprised".
From well-identified profiles and others that appear to be false, people commented:
"Well, they help clean Mexico of so many rats", "These people should give a scare to the government that protects aid in order to promote [themselves]"; "I rely more on narco than on government";
"What gorgeous fuckers [that show] everyone they are better than the fucking government, that's everything, good luck to all those people and throw out the bastards!"; "Good for you, thanks and Mexico will thank you."; "That's our people GNDT well done"; "How well they did, this God takes into account”;"Aññññ they are not so bad after all then. Can we finally go eat, instead of [drink] a little apple juice? "; "It is curious that the handwriting on the poster is a woman's"; "Those people better support the damn political bunch of rats ..."; "After all the misfortune, we are only brothers"; "In fact, only god judges and I do not get in their way so they do not mess with me. Anyway, this is not the country to introduce double standards! I also believe in you more than in government (sic) ".
Messages against the criminal group are in the minority: "I hope, people of TIGRE, there are no more deaths because human losses caused by the
earthquake are not so painful by those made between brothers (there are
brothers in opposing groups), hopefully they will recover and no more deaths"
; "Thus they cleanse their conscience by throwing a piece of bread to the people from whom they have stolen a lot"; "Many people here have moved a lot of aid and I do not see them mentioned here and as glorified as [this group]"; "They help as many [others] have and that's good, but they do not stop being what they are. That is why Mexico never progresses, because we put everything on a pedestal."
Wow maybe cartels are the good guys afterm all and we should allow them to exist... after all they have earthquake victims water and food. Maybe we can just forget all the other evil things they do.
ReplyDeleteAll those supplies cost them less than they make from a kilo of coke
If they had to pay taxes to the mx-gob for what they make they would have to pay at least $150,000 for every million dollar they make, that right there is not even 1% of one million...
DeleteDepends where they sell it. In Chihuahua City - nah, in Juarez, not even, in El Paso maybe they make $3-5k, Albequerque about the same, Sante Fe, Dallas and further north - now their making 10k or more per kilo.
Your dumb cant even calculate that is 15%
DeleteIf the cartel donates un peso en toiled paper it is one peso, --if the cartel pays 150 000.00 peisos in taxes ot fines the mexican narco-government will steal all of it, after using it to prove they got money to borrow ten times as much from foreign narco-banksters in the name of the mexicans that will have to pay the debt...get smart,
Delete--support your local criminals as long as they can prove they are NOT government issue.
what are you talking about? 1% of a million dollars is 10,000. where are you getting these numbers?
DeleteReally?!?! Good guys after all??!! How ignorant are you?? They probably robbed a hospital or intercepted a truck with all these goods... Are we supposed to glorify them for one day of good out of 10 years of turmoil!! Im sorry to say, I sure hope there are no more gullibles like you in Mexico
DeleteLook up the tax rate fools for every 1md is actually 30% tax rate
Delete10:24 it is clear people dig their numbers from their jundillos, same as others dig their comments from the same place, but smart people get poop on their noses and double the icing all the way to their ears, and then use their "oral skills" to spread it around,
Deletefor all that will buy their "alt realities"
A 20.00 pesos el kilo de orejas,
Deleteimagine what they had to go thru to complete this gift to the needy. And all the pozole they had to sell to make ends meet.
Any news if more are following suit?
ReplyDeleteCdG did this last year during the hurricane season, Cartel propaganda officers working overtime. I dont think it makes up for the forced dissapearances, rapes, murder, extortion, and all the other desmadres they visit on the local population most of the year.
ReplyDeleteSo true!
DeleteOtis, the "other desmadres" you can chalk to the local authorities, they demand extortion and fees for everything and the military and police oblige, including federal police.
DeleteI see you're learning Spanish.
DeleteNot all the dead the murdered and the rapped were done by your average cartel hitman off the street didn't you ever hear the saying Police by day sicarios by night. Many of those bodies were not dumped by Cartel hitmen but by the same government to heat up the plaza or for their own intrest. For example in Michoacán they Killed el 500 and it wasn't the Viagras or his enemies that killed him it was the Cartel of los Chilangos. Hey Chivis if you ever have time you should check out Jose Luis Lara on facebook he tells it how it is. On his wall their are many things that you will discover to be true.
Deleteactually working for the hearts and minds of citizens has been going on since I have been in Mexico. I recall my first year Osiel through a huge party on dia del nino and christmas, with CDG banners etc. the gave away everything from toys to majjor appliances.
Deletenothing new
The earthquake affected Chihuahua that far north? What joke....looks like about 500 pesos worth of dollar store cheap stuff.
ReplyDeleteand how much did you contribute, kind sir?
DeleteThese guys make politicians look bad and will be wiped out!
ReplyDeleteNo difference between the two!
DeletePoliticians offers permits for operations of illegal activities in their region. While also plundering its citizens from municipal funds for programs.
Cartels spew poison to their communities, extort , rob and kill!
Other than the perfume politicians use to hide their stench!
Mista E42 you sometimes hit your finger instead of the nail,
DeleteThe biiig baaad narcos are the pooliticians puppets,
--Pinchis grameros and lavacarros are the puppets of the biiig baad narcos, not everybody can be "elite" and use fine parfiums, there must be room for cheap payasos that know no better and can't help it.
DeleteI like that! Ha!
@ 10:43 cheap payasos weren't they a cell of CDS?
DeleteLa cosa es seria, señores, y grave,
DeleteYa subansen los calzones
Let's just hope it's sincere!
ReplyDeleteWe are all aware of tactics used by many cartels for support. Prime example Los Zetas handling out toys during the Christmas. An article written awhile back here on BB.
We both know it's not sincere. The cartels are only interested in trying to regain public support after all of killing they do so they can operate with impunity. What's sad is that it is such a simple concept, and yet the Mexican government can't (or won't) figure it out.
Los zetas were running a very successful self helping group therapy in some prison. No kidding.
DeleteE40 thats a whole different thing the z giving out toys on xmas an these guys donating towards the earthquake victims.the z gave blankets toys and food in the hood for the hood where they get some of their people halcones and sicarios z was simply giving back to the hood..these other guys might be doing the same giving back to their hood..
DeleteWouldn't categorize such charity as a humanitarian organization! More like propaganda to gain support from its citizens.
While continuing to rob,,extort and kill its citizens.
They may have fed their communities with a hot meal, but in the end they are getting their deserts!
Al little PR work never hurt anyone. I wonder if the supplies were bought with extortion money ?
ReplyDeletela gente pendeja is not fooling anyone! fucking robanuez muertos de hambre.
ReplyDeleteSpent around $500bbucks in donations. Pretty cheap, but still 500 bucks more then what I donated.
ReplyDeleteBienvenidos El Profe !
ReplyDeleteHow nice!! Yay!! No severed heads or arms!!
ReplyDeleteNo yet!
DeleteThe epic ending is yet to come!
Yes people need these supplies, but rather than accept it from criminals, shouldn't non-criminal citizens come together to help? This is why these criminal groups get away with their crimes. This donation is also a result of their extortions and other crimes. We people must stop accepting these gifts, toys, etc., so that they understand they are not welcome and that lawful citizens do not want them around any more than they want corrupt politicians.
ReplyDeleteany assistance is good.
ReplyDeletewhat "united cartels" means? which cartels are united? i've read that those guys are working or collaborating with CDS.
ReplyDeleteThey were CDS, CDG, La Familia Michacanca and Matazetas (CJNG) used this name during the war against the Zetas back in 2009-2014 when they sent people from all over the country to fight Zetas. I haven't seen this term used recently and I don't think it was used in chihuahua in the past. My guess is Gente Nueva.
DeleteNo way this is the truth. They stop and rob these trucks that are carrying donations from the people then regift the items or sell them for a full profit
ReplyDeleteThis is the time for that Cartel who goes around hanging MANTAS promising the people they are on their side to help. The people of Mexico affected by this natural disaster the earthquakes need food bottled water generators clothes volunteers to help search for the buried,to rebuild. They need money.what they dont need is mantas hung around the towns cities village's promising their here to help by bringing more violence. The people appreciate you removing the thieves abductors murderers from our towns cities village's but the people are tired of being afraid what they need what we want is a good relationship with those that really care about our homes. Help us the people and we can help you we the people know the politicians from A to Z are corrupt we expect no help from them just promises as they have always promised. DF
ReplyDeleteEl 500 y el Cheques de los caballeros templarios shot dead on their way to meet other top leaders..they both worked with cjng so the word is the hit was orderd by la nueva familia michoacana..
ReplyDeleteThese are good hombres
ReplyDeleteSolidarity would be if all politicians would donate a weeks worth of their salary for the quake victims. Rather than showing up and posing for pictures for a few minutes. I've witnessed it here in LA on charity projects where local officials will show up for a few minutes, take pictures for the media and quickly leave. Just a pony show!
ReplyDeleteque dejen las armas a un pinche lado y agarren pico y pala y ayuden a encontrar victimas del terremoto.
DeleteToday they send them relief supplies and tomorrow they dismember them
ReplyDeleteSo true!
Deleteles falto las de TJ con unas ranitas verdes pintadas . JAGL
ReplyDeleteAlguien sabe de los tres boses donados al edificio multi familiar? Segun en youtube los dono el mencho y otros dicen que el M grande.
ReplyDeleteCDG donated several cases of water, first aid and essentials to Oaxaca earthquake victims. All labeled "CDG Reynosa/Rio Bravo Dios Los bendiga" (blog de narcos)
ReplyDeleteCuauhtemoc, one of linea’s strongest points, now chapo and gente nueva, tigre’s people had to switch sides in order to survive against el 80
ReplyDeleteHappy for the people of Mexico who are gonna receive those Cartel donations regardless of what they are people can use that stuff I'm sure its much appreciated
ReplyDeleteBest be careful to what you accept!
DeleteMay find yourself indebted to some unwanted
parasite for life!
Haha, so funny to see all you losers hating on the cartel after they do a good deed. It shows your true colors. Rot in hell Otis. And anyone who who is hating for something good they did. Sounds like jealousy because you guys can't donate the same. Rot in hell with envy. I hope the cartels deal with you face to face one day for all the shit you write about them. Now I understand why they kills journalist. They deserve it for not being able to let they're nose out people's asses. Well, some.
ReplyDelete1:48 yo te hago una donacion, chiquita pero te ayudará,
DeleteNomás la cabesita.
Did anyone even check what's in those boxes? It could be a prank & they have a rival's head in each one!!!
ReplyDelete5:50 pos a güebo!
Deleteahi pa un pozole, con orejas y trompita.