Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

El Marro threatens Cjng in Guanajuato

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a El Pacifico MX article

Subject Matter: El Marro, CJNG
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

A video is circulating in social networks where El Marro of Guanajuato sends a message to the people of the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion.

" In this field whenever we bury bitches, sons of bitches we are going to take out the shit, here and in our state assholes, and how much they want, we are here sons of bitches, arriba Guanajuato, sons of bitches, "

Jose Antonio Yepez Ortiz, El Marro, of the Grupo Santa Rosa de Lima, Guanajuato, is head of sicarios for homicides, kidnapping, extortion, drug sales and fuel theft in the state of Guanajuato. His closest assistants are Fabian Lara Belman aka "La Vieja", Noe Lara Belman "El Puma" and Jose Mario Lara Mendoza alias "El Magia".

This person has the sole responsibility for the murders in the state of Guanajuato.

This municipality has the largest number of illegal fuel pipe tapping's this year, in what seems like an open challenge to the criminal groups dedicated to that activity, this area houses the headquarters of the 12 Military Zone.

A few kilometers from here, between Salamanca and Celaya, is the zone of operation of  Jose Antonio Yepes de la Cruz, El Marro, considered a priority objective in Guanajuato for his activities in fuel theft and transit of stolen fuel, it is estimated that each month he steals a million and half litres  from each illegal pipe tapping.

El Marro, was discussed by General Arturo Velazquez Bravo, commander of the 12 Military zone, on Friday, in a collective interview he gave to local media, he designated him the head of a group that has contributed decisively to the escalating fuel theft since 2014, when there were 20 clandestine fuel taps located, compared to this year when there are more than 2000. The Military have traced over one hundred properties registered in the name of Yepes.

Velazquez also gave an interview with Proceso, criticizing state prosecutor Carlos Zamarripa Aguirre for the corruption, complicity of some workers in Pemex with criminal groups, specifically the refinery at Salamanca, and the lack of vigilance, control and their own protocols for detecting the illegal pipe tapping's, and their disablement.

Information from the National Security Commission, provided by the State Attorneys Office, has provided data on the hydrocarbon theft in Guanajuato, with just over 3 million litres stolen between 2016 and now, with 523 clandestine taps and 613 people arrested and put at the disposal of the Federal authorities.

Unverified image of El Marro

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  1. El Marro will be dead or in prison with in a year.

    1. El Marrano should get it in his chiquiado.

    2. El Marrano mejor dicho hahaha, pinche copia de AB quintanilla hahha..arriva La SEMAR si no preguntenle al Thor ;)

    3. Hell fucking no is no way he ll b dead he got army and other authorit under him hes the pistola ha ha ha arriba celaya

    4. Que le salga al topon con la gente de la 10 trocas pinche marro los apaseos tienen dueño tu gente nadamas mata gente desarmada y se esconde como putos...

  2. I saw this video earlier in the day. 1) the terrain does not look anything like Guanajuato. Mid-Southern GTO, around Celaya, etc., has mountains on all sides of the horizon. It looks more like Tamaulipas. 2) I don't buy all this stuff about "El Marro." CJNG has taken over GTO.

    1. I see mountains in the background so you could be mistaken.

    2. Those are hills, compa.

    3. 7:04 In Celaya it is very green and I do not remember la sierra being big and dry like around León, San Miguel and Guanajuato, GTO but it does look like terreno between Irapuato and Querétaro.

      Jaja! I have many friends in León (city people) and they have big fear of guns - but the video looks like regular party in sierra de Sinaloa.

    4. It’s not Tamaulipas for sure dose not look nothing from here.

    5. Dear lord, what hubris. You base that solely from one video? Are you a geologist specializing in Mexico's terrain?

    6. Their ranch is right outside of Villagran you dumb ass. That area is not mountainous. Google Image is your friend.

    7. I hope they don't sell tamales y gorditas on the plazas, ot the experts on the ground will lose their calzones from the excitement...
      This is about "el Marro threatens cjng..." no sean mamonas.

    8. @ everyone. That is not, I repeat not, Guanajuato. I know the area well, like I know Tamaulipas well. It is not Guanajuato. Go to Google Maps street view in the area, where there are open fields. It's impossible not to see mountains that stand 2-3,000 feet above the horizon. Study and learn, chumps.

    9. That is, I repeat is Guanajuato! I grew up 21 years in Celaya my family is still there and that looks exactly like the land all around Celaya this time of year. We have lots of rain through June, July and sometimes even all of August and that’s exactly why most the farmable land is leased by huge American farming companies from Celaya to Queretaro. Guanajuato has TOTALLY different geography just like Texas does and the description 2:58 wrote is spot on!

    10. @Insightful One

      Is it stated in the video that they're actually in Guanajuato?

    11. @ 12:05 PM. Finally someone making sense. Thanks.

    12. 2,58. Thanks CDM - been there done that and not relying on google maps. Lol!

  3. these are all zetas now cjng has taken some hits around Celaya and valle the last few months.

    1. On a different page, you must mean Gulf cartel(2) which include CDS

  4. CJNG is looking at his 75 sicarios and thinking "OK, I'll raise you a few hundred"

    1. The one thing CJNG will find out very soon is you can't win a multi front drug war. CDS tried it after Chapo broke out of prison and even they couldn't pull it off with all their political protection. I doubt CJNG will be any different. CJNG shook the hornets nest so they will have to brave the onslaught coming their way from all their enemies.

    2. The only difference between the Zetas or the CDS multi-front wars and CJNG's new nationwide push is how much investment Mencho put into armaments. Chivis has said it before; no cartel has ever been as well-armed as CJNG is now. The helicopters they shot down when the gov't went after Mencho was just the beginning.

    3. Chapo could never take a plaza besides Tijuana but not completely

    4. People think menchos cartel is wel armed cuss the armories that got busted. Yes they did shoot down helicopters but so did the somalians and they cldnt fight for shit. Jalisco is more show than anything else. They look fearsome in videos and talk tough on their narco mantas. But when it comes to warring. What have they won? What border plazas have they taken? Or what ports have they taken?

    5. 8:18 By your post Chapo breakout reference and your comment it is apparent you are not long, or well acquainted with the drug business in Mexico. CDS has successfully fought and / or strategically out maneuvered numerous well armed and well funded criminal organizations on several fronts at once throughout several plazas in Mexico, Guatamala, Peru, Columbia and more recently the Port of Valencia, Spain. Rather than a strategy of trying to intimidate, presenting narco messages and dumping chopped bodies; they ally and coordinate with local powers and accomplish their objectives as stealthily as reasonably possible.
      CDS is 100% about the money and the best business minds in the US, Mexico, and elsewhere are pulling the strings. to many here’s dismay CDS could care less about cartel fans perceived score keeping, or even less the gang bangers who talk about their perceived notion of “respect”.

      No offense but your ignorance about the CDS is substantial but also prevalent among most law enforcement in the US and cartel news enthusiasts. The people pulling the strings in CDS have never been heard of by the cartel news consuming aficianados and not will they ever likely be because there are layered on top of layers of compartmentslized entities and managers to insure this anonymity.

      I am no fan of any criminal enterprise but I am a realist and I can share that the majority of comments made regarding CDS here are simply factually untrue.
      Intelligent leaders in foreign lands from Ghengis Khan to Alexander the Great acquired power by force through force, but maintained power through diplomacy, tribute, strategic appointments, and not upsetting the masses. and not over taxing their new lands that enabled them to maintain their empire.
      CDS has mastered their business model as masterfully as Pablo Picasso mastered his paintings; from A Child With a Dove in 1901 to Guernica in 1937.

      CDS is simply the master of their art who are creating noise and shining light everywhere but where they want the light and noise to be.

    6. Name a cartel that owns a plaza 100%... not one ... ppl hate to admit it but you can find sinaloas product everywhere even in Tamaulipas .. cartels from tamaulipas stopped moving product along long long time ago anything they get their hands on comes from Sinaloa, Jalisco or Michoacán ...


    7. Does not matter how new or how better weapons they have if the people or kids shooting have no training all those weapons and they still get killed or arrested

    8. If he couldn't take a plaza, how did he get to be "El Chapo"??? He took many plazas...and lost some...nature of the game..Say what you want but dude had it going for a loooong time. And above comments were right CJNG won't last fighting too many fronts..IDC how many guns you'll run outta people. CJNG is not bigger and stronger than all the rest together. If CDS couldn't pull it off El Tweako has no chance either. It's getting so bad near the border now, Trump will call EPN and tell him to tie his dogs up, or he will. You'll see..

    9. The northeast plazas and yes theyre small but cdg owns all the border from the waters on the gulf to almost nuevo laredo. 100%

    10. Who the fuck said cdg stop moving product the lbs of bud and keys are cheaper in southern texas than any other side of the border. Keys aint eve 20 gsover here a pound of good popcorn less than 250.

    11. Those cds groopies make me laugh

    12. 4:40 - best written and well explained representation of how it is, and how CDS is in a d league of their own that I’ve ever read.

      I hope you keep posting!

    13. WTF!! Chapo couldnt barely read so tell me how he could be compared to Alexander the Great. He knew nothing but how to use force. A bullet to the head is how he used diplomacy. You disagreed with him you were dead. I dismiss all that other jargon about all these ultra rich from around the world financing CDS. If that were true CDS would have already taken over the world drug market long ago.

    14. @1:42 True true true. And talking about CDS as a cartel makes about as much sense as calling CDG a cartel. Tons of subgroups that fight sometimes and work together sometimes. Family clans that have been in it for generations and fight with other similar clans-from the sierras to the valleys. Does anyone think that Mayo (or any of those "illuminati/Mexican elite" guys, if you're conspiracy-minded) can give an order that is followed by even half of the sub-groups that make up CDS?

    15. Cds is so great acordingvto these nut huggers but they can't keep up with cjng lol plus cjng took Guatemala border from Sinaloa so stop it wth your nonsense. Cjng took a few of cds plazas, read about it instead of just reading about cds. Cds had his time but let's be real, cjng is really the new generation

    16. aquiles took out "el pelotero" from cjng today in Tijuana. He was once under "el chikilin" who is "el teo's" brother. Before flipping flags to cjng.

    17. 9:46 I wrote you a long eloquent reply to your comment but for whatever reason my content was not posted. Without rewriting it I will just try to paraphrase what was in my comment.

      In my two decades in different aspects of law enforcement I have learned many things. I will start with a few.....First being today's narcos are not what the old schoolers use to be. Second today's narcos are sloppy and too vain to remain in the game with the exception of El Mayo. Third your generation won't last long in the game because you are pompous a$$holes with zero originality. Everything being done today is just being redone like the remix of the original version.

      Last but not least don't think that sites like this aren't being trolled by professionals whose sole purpose is to snatch your freedom up and give you a life sentence. My magic 8ball says you will be another one of the 1% who will spend many years in a saugage feast facility. My advice to you is to keep your expansive knowledge to yourself because it may be used against you in a court of law. Call me ignorant or say I have much to learn but the bottom line is I have the badge and I have all the time in the world to learn from people like you. Are you willing to teach me?

      Sincerely Big Brother

    18. @9:55AM
      I hope you found the YouTube channels in which cartels posted one but no more than two vids. In the channels home page family members who had kidnapped relatives left comments asking for help and on very rare occasion a reply would be left directing them to other channels. Those channels had minimal comments but the content was very interesting.

      Why do you allude 9:46 is up to no good with the law? As a matter of logic there is nothing in that comment that one could conclude one way or the other.

      Big Brothers Older Brother

    19. 9:55 The premise of what I wrote was that cartels (or what you reference as "narcos") are nothing beyond a temporary means to an end for the true beneficiaries of the narcotics industry, and they are used only until such time their useful life expires for those whom they truly serve.

      Meanwhile generations of private families profit unhindered and without risk from the narcotics trade and only on the rare occasion, and even with irrefutable evidence might one of their company's be implicated and possibly fined. They largely recover unscathed with reputation restored, and they never serve any prison time with only one exception; Raul Salinas, brother of President Carlos Salinas's who served six years for murder and falsifying Swiss accounts which he funneled over a hundred million of drug proceeds into. Raul was of course exonerated and his millions deposited into false named accounts and more than 40 properties have since been returned to him following his six year sentence for murder.

      Finally, I recommend anyone interested in how the true narcotic beneficiaries and world kleptocracy industrialists insulate themselves study and analyze the hundreds of thousands of files publicly available from the law firm of Mossack Fonseca (aka Panama Papers). Further, the book "The Panama Papers" by Bastian Obermayer and Frederik Obermaier provides real and current event insight into how the real industrialists of the narcotics industry insulate themselves and their heirs, and heirs of heirs from liability to enforcement.
      Good day!

    20. 9:55 oh look out this guy means business lol.

    21. E42: Your prolixity circumlocution is showing, don't hide like a scared little girl, suck it up or leave but stop with the games.

    22. Hey what happened to the history post about Guadalajara cartel to Amado to Juarez and AFO to today??? Shit was awesome amd legit! Did u take down?

    23. 9:55 ppl that wrote eloquent don’t have to brag on them self. It speaks for its self if eloquent.

    24. 2:33 I was not bragging it was my opinion. You shall never see it to judge for yourself because it's some where in cyberspace. All you can do is take my word that it was eloquent. What's eloquent to me may not be so to you. To each his or her own.

    25. 9:55 / 8:09. This is; or was 9:46 (my comment has been deleted), but please know that I found your feedback informative and engaging despite the contrast in each of our perceptions, beliefs and understanding of how the international narcotics trade is administered. I do appreciate your spirit as evidenced through your description of me, but do know that I am not a benificiary or party to any illicit trade. I have had exposure to these circles over a lifetime of schooling, business, socializing, and recreation; and I too go to great expense and effort to shield and protect privacy and wealth from both overzealous government and organized crime but I am in compliance with all laws as I am aware and I pay taxes in several countries where obliged to do so.

      I did not intend to offend or disparage you by appearing pompous, and if I did I ask you overlook this shortcoming on my part.

      I wish to express my gratitude for your law enforcement service and I will now bid you farewell and wish you the best.
      Good day sir!

    26. @ 10:04...I still have that opinion. I just heard that an IED DRONE was found. I emailed to see if they know which cartel, or state. But that is huge. the JD team formally known as isis just created one in January. Imagine the evil that can be done with those. there is only one cartel interested and will spend the money on such war weaponry. Unless.....

    27. @1:48PM
      Jeeze now I am super curious! What was your 9:46 about?

    28. 12:36 @1:48 said farewell, and that she wishes you well.

    29. 1:48 I got a little more heated than usual. I typically don't give out too much info about my career on BB, but occasionally I have been challenged through the years by the fly by night readers. My spouse has been surrounded by those who have been in the business all her life on both sides of the family. Obviously her parents went the other direction and stayed away from the narco life. She even had great uncles who rode with Pancho Villa. I guess I shouldn't have taken offense to your comment because it was your opinion. Its water under the bridge with no hard feelings on my end. Ciao

    30. 1:42; Yes and Ghengis Khan grew up fatherless, banned from any tribe and eating grubworms. Think he had a head start from Chapo dip shit

    31. 12:36-Chivas; I don’t know the time (9:46??) but there was bad ass explanation of how narco world evolved from Sinaloa to Guadalajara Cartel (after Condor) then Amado taking it to next level with help from President. Then growing further with Juarez and AFO as the front men for the real owners until AFO f’d up - I don’t think “9:48” mentioned but probably killing the Cardinal was beginning of end for AFO. I remember Mexican ppl and Catholics everywhere were PISSED! I was up all night researching that post and it seems everything described makes sense - even the CIA involvement with that El Salvador smuggling they called Iran Contra.

      The “9:48” post was b/f last night Netflix (SP/KC) but it even that even proved Chapo was protected all over Mexico from Mexico City, Guadalajara to a university in Cosala. Carretera mentions Colasa a lot and my guess is he’s not far but speaking of Carretera he has kind of hinted new Sinaloa governor (who is PRI) Is still protecting MZ and bringing Culiacan and Mazatlan ties closer with Isidro (that he doesnt mention by name but I think that’s who he’s saying).

      There’s classy and intelligently posts here but I wish most had intelligence and UNEMOTIONAL comments like 4:40, 2:36, “9:46” and 1.48. Guy even apologized for sounding “ pompus” after being called an asshole. Lol

      9:55; I doubt 8:09 said that smart ass remark at 8:09 about “elouent” to u - ya think?

    32. 9:46 was nothing interesting but I have screenshots of all deleted comments going back years including the recently deleted from yesterday and the most hilarious one of all fron years back "so smart and adolescent" which was directed to you.

    33. @ 12:26 THANK YOU! Damn it sounds great. I wonder why it was axed. There had to be a reason. Usually a banned word or expression. Was the bigoted term in reference to gays beginning with the letter "F" in the comment? Because I recall a really good, informative comment having that word so the comment had to be removed.

      I began the netflix today and saw only part 1. it was better than I thought. So I know what you are referring to about operation condor being the pivot point in drug trafficking.

      I am lost about the eloquent saga. using the word doesn't mean he was being inarticulate or braggadocio, perhaps there was a misunderstanding of the word's meaning on the part of the reader. Either way no big deal. My first thought of eloquent is clearly stated or expressed.

    34. 9:55 and 8:09 are the same person.

    35. Chivas - this is 4:40, 2:36 and the author of the mysteriously disappeared post. I will resummarize under my 6:43 post in the “Violence Intensifies in Mexicali” article when I catch my flight from GDL this evening. As soon as I land you’ll have it to post should you find it relevant and care to do so.

      There were no bigoted references in my prior post, but I did reference human nature’s tendency to do bigger deals than the last (motivated by excitement and greed), and there may have been an assumption that I was referencing deals of an illicit nature - hence the post being “axed”.
      Good day!

    36. All I can think of it was accidentally taken down, the ax being meant for another. it is not as cut and dried as it may seem ... look forward to reading it.

  5. Probesito del "general" arturo. Vlazquez Bravo, será muy pinchi bravo, como un pinchi perro, pero aqui se sienta con "El Marro" su mero padre, pinchi general como va a agarrar unos pinchis huachicoleros si esta comprado y pagado?

    1. Huachicoleros lol fucking stolen gas peddlers. What a bunch of fucking bums. Learn to work by trafficking.

    2. 11:55 these huachicoleros steal gas by the pipe tanker, sometimes from pemex own valves, inside their own plants, because they are all in cahoots, doing team work, they don't catch their product from the polluted river banks.

    3. It's a big 💰 scheam, not chump change

    4. What people seem to forget is that Sinaloa isn't really a cartel. Yes they move weight by the tons but the real people in charge are Familias with "old money" and political powers that have the ability to buy anyone and anything, it is a Mafia controlled by Blood and married ties with everyone in the state some way involved. They control and have a say in everything just cus you don't see em don't mean they are there

    5. YouTube/ Que se creen estos cabrones? Barbosa revela red de espionage de Moreno Valle, hasta a peñita le toco/
      Mr Politikon Zoom
      --Rafael Moreno Valle is the biggest huachicoleros de Puebla, even if he is not governor anymore, but his computer hacks still spy and extort like when he was in power, they are formed CISEN and from wherever they get found, FORMER CISEN WHISTLEBLOWER COMES OUT.

  6. The last second of the video looked like the end of a movie shoot, cameraman, lots of people standing around watching the speech. Odd. Kind of looses credibility, but I still wouldn't want to get on there bad side.

    1. Lmao . This fools ran out of weapons, ski mask and bulletproof vest. All this chuntatos won’t get to see New Years

  7. Puro chuntaro.....

    1. Chuntarps y patas rajadas lol

    2. CPR = Cartel de Chuntaros Patas Rajadas

    3. Jajajaja se la bañan ^^^ ustedes muy gueros europeos

  8. Pena nieto and politicos are u proud of Mexico? U created this.when r u people going to change this ? U have. The power

  9. zetas are on some new age shit they have devices to stop trains they hi jack them they have been doing that since it got harder to sell gas

    1. What and where does this article correlate with the Z's? You appear obviously fixated on a cartel. Why don't you go and try to join and quit intertwining cartels to influence more murders of innocents?

  10. This guy was wanted in USA and now Mexico. He also changed flags, He used to be with the cumbia Kings and now with this gang. Mf a.b. Quintania

  11. I've seen videos of 1 person firing shots longer than all them put together. I don't think they know Kay's hold bigger clips. Even the Vegas shooter had a better arsenal than these sewer rats

    1. That asshole in vegas wldnt last a minute in a real gunfight.

    2. Yeah life is like the video games you play

  12. Since cjng stepped in that area there have been a lot of dead bodies 8n Michoacan that get picked up and dropped. My family is in the border of guanajuato and michoacan that's how i know. They probably don't want to heat up that plaza more than it alr3ady is

  13. These guys make me laugh (their ignorance and complete utter stupidity). They should last a hot 15 minutes before they are totally wiped out. I bet CJNG will start going house to house and execute each one that is affiliated. If they have a second guess they will die anyway.

    1. Does that mean you would like CJNG eventually going to your house in the Unites States?

    2. You Cjng cheerleaders well this website are funny

  14. Cjng is making a push on all fronts. My cousin was murdered in san blas nayarit last week after he had been missing for a week. He was not from san blas but only there working as a electrician in one of the hotels. The police are of no help and only want the family to go away and stop asking questions.All drugs should be legalized, people have proven they will get high if they are legal or not. the war on drugs has been a total failure since its inception.Legalize everything with the only seller being u.s. goverment taking this trillion dollar business out of these backwards cowboy hillbillies pockets and using it for free college better s.s and drug education/rehab. Unfortunately this will never happen and things will continue buisness as usual meaning more murders and overdoses on both sides of the border

    1. 1:18 Big Pharma Distributors Association would hate to see the government "distributing shit", they and their leaders at Big Pharma want to legalize drugs, for their own benefit,
      --not for the government's benefit, wake up baby...

    2. My sincere condolences for you and your family my brother. May your Cousin Rest In Peace. From Los Angeles, El Nemesis-

    3. Forgetabout the dead, work for the living, to improve the lives of the living, their work conditions, to eliminate the corrupt and their preferred providers, and let the dead rest in peace.

  15. For the ones that dont know, cjng are big huichilelos and that's a big reasonn they are in veracruz and puebla

    1. Wth are huichilelos?

    2. Yup, now they want el marros businesses. Big fish eats small 🐟

    3. Huachicoleros are the ones that rob the gas.

  16. After viewing that pathetic attempt at CJNG, If I was EL Mencho I would recline back to sipping my Salon Blanc de Blancs Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, enjoying my Gurka black dragon, and push my focus back into european and asian markets. Children will always make noise and play games, Noise draws attention and pens with no ink cant draw.

    A quien corresponda: 444-11

  17. Cjng can take out el cholo in jalisco now El marro is challenging la mencha cjng is a joke they can't even beat the templarios lol Puro Guanajuato compa

  18. Marro es mas cabron que El menso deporsi las michakanas son puro pico de Gallo solo en su cuchitril see sienten que vuelan Las oink oink fuera de hay se pelan la riata aqui en Guanajuato solo entran por salida en bolsa Arriva El senor marro

    1. En GTO estan la mayoria de carteles pendejo. Se lo repartieron como una piruja barata

    2. Michoacan siempre a estado presente en guanajuato con la familia, CT y haora cjng. Guanajuato no tienen cartel international, nadamas bandas locales que no ban a durar este ano. Cjng los esta levantando y tirando en los limites de Michoacan. Como se? De alla soy yo

  19. WASTE of amo. Was I suppose to be scared?

  20. "All people are good except those who are idle".


    1. @E42 Saludos. Do yo thing playboy!

      - Sol Prendido

    2. Bertrand Russell wrote a book in the 1930s called In Praise of Idleness.


    3. 9:36 Muchachas, prudensia, e42, and chole, take Bertrand Russell with you, go home, be idle and don't come back...

    4. You fuckin right about idleness and then you get bitches whining about everything and its everyone else fault

  21. Cdg has always been in Salamanca. I wouldn't be surprised if cds is funding them now. Cjng reminds me of how hitler broke the peace treaty with Russia. They thought they could take everyone on at once

    1. That’s exactly what Chapo¨ did.

    2. Chapo had los beltranes mayo and el azul, 5hat's when they had power but chapo did to muxh snitching and caught up to him

    3. Mencho has 1/8 of what CDS had in their hay day. Hell CJNG isnt even close to what the CDG/Zetas use to be. All Mencho has are these loosely connected cliques calming to be CJNG to scare people. It's obviously not working but hey it is Mexico so expect alot of backstabbing and flip flopping.

    4. Thats not true...right now theres cartels uniting to fight cjng...i live in toluca and know these guys man...they say if cjng make it in were all fucked...

    5. 2:07 1/8 ? Are you on crack? Cjng is on its prime, cds and specially golfos are nowhere near what they USED to BE. There's a reason people from other cartels rather work with Mencho. even cds have switched in la paz and Tijuana to cjng.

    6. Cholo got wacked in guanajuato

    7. 6:50 you aren't even old enough to speak on this subject so how do you know what CDS and CDG use to be. CJNG is just the flavor of the year. That will change soon just like it always does.

  22. El primer burro con el cuerno no save cortar cartucho q no se le acaben las balas porque se lo comen parese q es la primera ves q carga un cuerno q mugrero

  23. Ya nomas este tacuache saco este vídeo y ya están los alucines “ fuck yeah! Arriba Guanajuato!!” Jajaja pobres pendejos . Ni van a durar nada estos

  24. Damn, that video probably just inspired Mencho to take Guanajuato.

  25. To E42 and Sol
    I have noticed more and more of your comments are 100% personal chit chat. And nothing about Mexico or org crime. I realize you need a way to contact each other, just email me and I will pass on to each of you your email addys. You mentioned someone else whose name begins with P, same goes to him/her. But comments are for the post or related subjects to mexico drug war and org crime. thanks!

    1. Apologies for the inconvenience.
      However, I recall all posts are subject for approval.
      A process enforcement department which has allowed such to be applied.
      Greetings of such are not offensive to anyone whatsoever.
      But fully noted as to your disapproval.

      Moreover, I see no need to email. Since its clearly evident that personal opinions are being distributed unfairly.
      But will respect the wishes of BB.


    2. @6:06 Greetings are not offensive, but the point Chivis is trying to get across to you is that the comment section is not intended as a "chat room" as many social media sites are available for that. Also we have to be concerned that personal messages may be a coded messages from one cartel member to another.

      Personal opinions are certainly allowed if they are relevant and don't break other rules. I have no idea what you mean that "personal opinions are being distribute unfairly".

    3. Thanks DD...exactly!
      E42 I really did not want to go into detail. but the comments I am speaking of had zero to do with blog material and one today was 3 paragraphs of your life, speaking to Sol, your health and how articulate you both are. etc etc. That is chat room material. I had to put on the brakes. I must say in all my years here I have never seen anyone go off topic to engage personally. I thought I could facilitate your friendship by offering to be the conduit for email address exchanges.

      I thought you would be grateful, since it is my time I am offering. As for opinions being distributed unfairly, I am with DD on that one, but will add if you think any action is unfair, I think it is time you find another blog to hang out on.

    4. I'd say this blog is about situations that affect a lot of people more than about personal feelings of deprivation or personal relationships among the he/she's around here.
      Only thing I resent is the propaganda that proposes that El Loco Duterte or his admirers have any solutions to anything, but if they get posted I consider it personal to say something about it, and I don't care if it does not get posted because someone got pissed or for any other reason.

  26. I love it how all these experts come on here and argue and are ready fight over some chumps that don't and won't even care to know them lol.... CdS this cds that.... Cjng this ,cjng that.. All them dudes are tough with fckin guns man... All you fckin cartel cheerleaders stop listening to fckin corridos with your fake Gucci belts and troca perrona that you still owe .. Just my 2 cents

    1. CJNG this! CJNG that!

    2. This guy is my uncle don’t worry he was no one when he was living in the USA and he still is no one . Idiot thought he could make money buy stealing instead of working for it . Stupid criminal

  27. This guy is my uncle he was in the USA couple years ago till he got deported . He was working as a painter here in the USA . Now he goes and does this shit . This guy ain’t shit but a fucking criminal that needs to be behind bars. He would still cars and other items with his brother here in the USA. Ducking scum bags pieces of shit. I know his family that live in the USA. You know his son too.

    1. we could have a talk about the subject I'm interested in


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