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of war
All armed conflict maps
are photographs of the moment. The displacement of troops, conquests of
territories, retreats and offensives are subject to fluctuations due to the
disposition of resources, reactions of the adversary, errors, successes and
blows of luck, common in any armed conflagration. The radiography presented
below is necessarily provisional. It is a first approach, by bird flight, of
the current position occupied by the armies participating in the war for
Guanajuato on the battlefield. Some tendencies can be established in the course
of the cartel war. But they are that, tendencies that tomorrow can be reversed,
accentuated or diluted.
Let's move on to a
first conclusion
Because of the number of municipalities they control and the territories that occupy the main cartels (Jalisco Cartel New Generation -CJNG- and Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel -CSRL-) it is clear that it will take a long time before we can expect the end of hostilities . The cartels have accumulated too many troops, resources and consolidated many territories that are under their control. They have regular funding sources, recruitment schemes and alliances that allow them to remain active.
Because of the number of municipalities they control and the territories that occupy the main cartels (Jalisco Cartel New Generation -CJNG- and Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel -CSRL-) it is clear that it will take a long time before we can expect the end of hostilities . The cartels have accumulated too many troops, resources and consolidated many territories that are under their control. They have regular funding sources, recruitment schemes and alliances that allow them to remain active.
The only groups that
truly face the possibility of being exterminated are La Unión de León, The Shadow
Group and United Cartels. But both CJNG and the CSRL have sufficient resources
to keep up the fight. Certainly the CJNG is the cartel that shows the greatest
mobility. It behaves like an army of invasion. He is always in search of new
territories. But the Marro unleashes furious and accurate kicks that stop the
onslaught of Mencho.
For example, if the
CJNG were to seize the city of Celaya, Marro's troops would take refuge in the
city of Salamanca or march back towards San Miguel de Allende. From both cities
they would try a counteroffensive to regain control of the cajetera city. The
city of León has been at war for 4 years. Despite having a manifest
superiority, the CJNG has not been able to break the alliance of the local
mafias with the municipal police. That has been a decisive factor that has
prevented them from exterminating the Leonese criminal gangs. Pénjamo is very
large territory.
From the impregnable Sierra Penjamense, criminal cells of
the Marro are entrenched to wage a war of guerrillas against the armies of the
Mencho, stationed in Cuerámaro, Manuel Doblado and the municipal capital of
Pénjamo. The border of Pénjamo with Michoacán is very extensive. Groups of the
Michoacan drug traffickers can enter Guanajuato in endless roads, bridges and
gaps. They can enter, strike, withdraw at will and take refuge in Purepecha
lands. In sum, the geography of the state of Guanajuato greatly hinders the
termination of the war. This will not end soon.
The first phase of the
plan for the invasion of the state of Guanajuato by the CJNG consisted of the
installation of “beachheads” in the municipalities of León and Pénjamo. The
Mencho outpost had the mission of landing in colonies and low-income
communities, to fix in them a security perimeter that would allow the arrival
of more contingents. Once full control of the "landing areas" was
obtained, with a sufficient number of elements and adequate firepower, the
offensive advances and the expansion of the cartel into more municipalities in
the state would begin.
In the case of León, the challenge was to co-opt or
annihilate the local mafias. In the case of Pénjamo, the mission was to
displace the cells of the Knights Templar that dominated Santa Ana Pacueco, the
municipal capital of Pénjamo, communities settled on the federal highway
Irapuato-La Piedad and in the area of La Herradura. The war in León
essentially involved applying urban combat tactics.
The fight for Pénjamo had
implicitly operate in a front of several kilometers of extension, including
rural areas of difficult access. Several of the commanders who participated in
the "landing" of the CJNG in León and Pénjamo, would eventually be
chiefs of places in the municipalities that were conquering in the invasion of
the state. They were forged in the heat of the battle and would receive as a
reward comfortable positions in places that were left in the rear. The fight
for Pénjamo had implicitly operate in a front of several kilometers of
extension, including rural areas of difficult access.
Several of the commanders
who participated in the "landing" of the CJNG in León and Pénjamo,
would eventually be chiefs of places in the municipalities that were conquering
in the invasion of the state. They were forged in the heat of the battle and
would receive as a reward comfortable positions in places that were left in the
rear. The fight for Pénjamo had implicitly operate in a front of several
kilometers of extension, including rural areas of difficult access. Several of
the commanders who participated in the "landing" of the CJNG in León
and Pénjamo, would eventually be chiefs of places in the municipalities that
were conquering in the invasion of the state. They were forged in the heat of
the battle and would receive as a reward comfortable positions in places that
were left in the rear.
The fight for Leon
The Jalisco Cartel Nueva
Generación (CJNG) maintains a fierce fight with the local mafias for the
control of the city of León for approximately 4 years. It is in fact the first
municipality in the state of Guanajuato where the Mencho wanted to "sit
down." Although there were reports of the arrival of Jalisco cells to the
Zapatera city since the beginning of 2013, the force they began to accumulate
up to two years later was not calibrated in its fair dimension.
When in 2015 the
federal government carried out a capture operation in Jalisco to stop Mencho,
one of the cities that joined the narcoblocks that the CJNG commanders ordered
to prevent the arrest of their leader, was surprisingly the city of León .
Trailers and taxis hijacked by the CJNG blocked the León-Lagos highway, the
León-San Francisco del Rincón highway and the elevated bridge of Mariano
Escobedo Boulevard. They subsequently set them on fire.
It was known that there
were Jalisco cells in the city, but not enough, nor with the capacity to
generate these actions and at the same time to avoid the police siege of
capture. Erroneously, Octavio Villasana, acting mayor of León, despised these
facts by pointing out that it was a "thud" of what was happening in
Jalisco. The same happened with state government. All belittled the
demonstrations of strength of the CJNG in Leon that year.

It was not an isolated
event. The CJNG cells that arrived at León outpost reported to their
headquarters that there were favorable conditions for an invasion of the state.
They failed in their diagnosis. It would not be so simple to seize Guanajuato,
but from the headquarters of the Mencho the recommendation was taken for
granted and the order was issued to advance inland.
Upon arrival in the
city of León, the CJNG used the double strategy of hitting and negotiating. He
seized territories in the hands of local mafias, but also invited some Leonese
lords to join the crusade. The majority declined the invitation. It did not
seem very attractive to give up newcomers the lucrative businesses and black
money that had taken years to generate, defend and expand. But the CJNG would
not accept a refusal. In fact, the possibility of joining them was not an
option as such. It was an order.
On the other hand, the
CJNG perceived a certain level of weakness in the local Leon mafias. Despite
having decades being the absolute masters of the city, they had not expanded
drug use. There was no local cartel as such, but an amalgam of small bands
dedicated to different turns: drug trafficking, theft of vehicles, theft of
cargo transport, card cloning, etc. Their lawsuits and disputes were ancestral.
The only thing that could unite so many egos, and protagonists, was
the growing awareness that they had to join forces to face a common enemy, who
had every intention of erasing them from the map. Either they would join or the
Jalisco would crush them completely.
The Union of León
That was how the war
began for the city of León. The CJNG began killing local narcoenudists who
refused to sell the coca, marijuana and synthetic drugs marketed by Jalisco. He
first threw himself against small-scale distributors, but then began killing
the historical leaders of the local mafias.
Characters such as
Agustín Álvarez Gutiérrez (a) El Guty, were killed by professional hitmen
brought from the north to do clean, accurate and accurate jobs. He was executed
while dispatching at the Olive Garden restaurant of the Plaza Mayor Shopping
Center. Another surgical blow would be countered against Gustavo Sánchez
Reynoso, aka "El Jari ", dedicated for decades to drug trafficking,
extortion and theft of vehicles. He was killed along with one of his brothers
in a family reunion. Two years later, his brother José Carlos would suffer the
same fate. A year earlier his son was killed while driving his BMW in broad

El Jari, El Guty, El
Bule, Luis Daniel García Oropeza (a) El Naranjero, Daniel and Salvador Campos,
Aurelio Aguayo, etc., all of them drug trafficking leaders in León, were
falling under the fire of the CJNG machine guns. Placed from a position of
strength the commanders of Mencho sent a new guideline. As documented by the
journalist Sofía Negrete, from Milenio León, the local capos had only two
options: leave Guanajuato or die.
But several groups of
drug trafficking in Leon decided to fight. They formed the Unión de León, a
kind of confederation of local criminal groups that would resist the invasion
of the CJNG. They made themselves known through a tragicomic video, with a set
design and speech with which they claimed their origin Leon and made a call to
defend the city. Since then, local drug gangs and the CJNG have killed police
and lawyers, drug dealers and taxi drivers, drug trafficking partners and drug
lord owners.
As in Celaya or
Salamanca, the consumption of illegal substances has skyrocketed in the city of
León. To finance the war, the groups in dispute have increased their
activities. Although the cartels are the ones at war, the citizens are the ones
who finance them. Large shipments began to arrive in the city. The number of
investigation folders for drug-related crimes skyrocketed. León became another
place in the hands of the narco.

But the conquest of the
city of León has taken much longer than what the CJNG commanders had initially
contemplated. Local mafias have three undeniable advantages. First, they know
the terrain well. All neighborhoods, colonies, alleys, wineries and hiding
places, know them as the palm of your hand. Second, many sector commanders and
police officers maintain a historical relationship with the Leon mafias. Not
only do they charge bribes, but several commanders are members with full rights
to the cartels themselves.
They defend the local mafias because they themselves are part of them. Finally, removing local mafias, in many cases involves annihilating families and entire neighborhoods. Lions do not like external control. The presence of an invasion army from the state of Jalisco is odious. There is a regionalism and a spirit of independence that prompts to take up arms against the invaders. They have not prevented the invasion, but they have hindered it.
They defend the local mafias because they themselves are part of them. Finally, removing local mafias, in many cases involves annihilating families and entire neighborhoods. Lions do not like external control. The presence of an invasion army from the state of Jalisco is odious. There is a regionalism and a spirit of independence that prompts to take up arms against the invaders. They have not prevented the invasion, but they have hindered it.
Adolfo Enriquez
Against this
background, the CJNG did not wait any longer and launched its hosts to occupy
new territories. In the end, the Leon narcos were making strictly defensive
maneuvers. They did not put the supply lines or the control of the city at
risk. They are a permanent nuisance, but even many of the malicious murders
that are committed in León are no longer the product of the CJNG war against
local drug traffickers, but they are casualties that rebel Leon gangs are
willing to have to resist the army of occupation.
However, in recent
months the CJNG has scored many successes in the murder and extermination of
narcomenudists from rival groups. The above as an unexpected and collateral
result of the brave campaign of denunciation carried out by the activist Adolfo
Enriquez Vanderkam. Adolfo is an activist who has put his considerable media
skills at the service of different citizen causes. The last one has had an
unexpected success. Using his personal Facebook and Twitter accounts, he has
invited Leon citizens who have been victims or witnesses of a criminal act to
provide details of them. Protecting the identity of the victims, he has put
together the best database of criminals that plague the city of León. Publish
on their social networks the names, nicknames, crimes they commit,
Citizens actively
participate in the elaboration of this unique “crime map”. In any case, it
surprises the passivity of the authorities to retake all this information that
would serve without any doubt to put behind the bars at least the 100 main
criminals of the city. But if for the State Attorney General's Office (FGE) or
for the Leon police, Adolfo Enriquez's information went unnoticed (or was
conveniently ignored), there were those who were not going to waste such
valuable information. The CJNG has begun for weeks to retake the data that
uploads to the social networks the network of citizens who collaborate with
Enriquez. They detect individuals, activities and addresses and go for them.
Indeed, no one can
blame Adolfo Enriquez for having links to organized crime. But it is a fact
that the information that goes up to their social networks is an input to which
the CJNG gets all the possible juice. They are the road maps that guide many of
the night raids of the CJNG death squads.
We're coming to Pénjamo
The second beachhead
that the CJNG established in the state of Guanajuato was in the municipality of
Pénjamo. The arrival of the Jalisco people in the area coincided with the
arrival of a PRI extraction mayor, Jacobo Manríquez Romero. To date he is
remembered as the worst mayor who has ruled the municipality that Pedro Infante
immortalized in a song. For the facts that concern us, we will only refer to
one of your worst decisions. That is, the appointment of Hugo Tinoco as deputy
director of the Pénjamo police.
Before arriving in
Guanajuato, Tinoco held several positions in border cities in the north of the
country. According to Jesús Blancornelas, journalist and director of the
legendary weekly Zeta, Tinoco spent several years on the payroll of the
bloodthirsty brothers Arellano Felix, leaders of the Tijuana cartel.
Although it is true that in the final stretch of the triennium of the panista Eduardo Luna, there was an increase in the crime incidence, during the time of the binomial formed by Jacobo-Tinoco, a long night of violence and death for the Penjamenses began.
Although it is true that in the final stretch of the triennium of the panista Eduardo Luna, there was an increase in the crime incidence, during the time of the binomial formed by Jacobo-Tinoco, a long night of violence and death for the Penjamenses began.
From 2012 to 2015 the
municipal police underwent a transformation rarely seen. At the start of the
government of Jacobo Manríquez, the Pénjamo police worked for drug traffickers
and Michoacan groups. It began to be infiltrated little by little by the CJNG.
For the last year of the government of Jacob, the Penjamense police were
already working for the CJNG, although there were elements of the municipal
police that remained faithful to the Michoacan cartels. A radical 180 degree
The turning point
occurred in 2014. Federal forces, led by a Navy squad, captured Martín Soto
Chávez (a) El Pony, top leader of the Michoacan Family, in the vicinity of
Mitad de Noria. On the ranch of his property there was a racecourse, where
horse races were held on weekends that members of the first circle of Jacobo Manríquez
came to attend. The arrest of El Pony made it known at a press conference in
Mexico City and before national media, the head of the National Security
Commission (CNS), Monte Alejandro Rubido García.

However, this "blow" to drug trafficking
structures was not due to the intelligence work carried out by the federal
government. The arrest of El Pony was achieved thanks to information that the
CJNG leaked to the PGR about the location, properties, routines and protection
that El Pony enjoyed in the municipality of Pénjamo. Rubido hung the medal for
the arrest of one of the last leaders of the Family. The CJNG gained control of
the southwest of the state of Guanajuato. It was a good exchange, mutually
At the time, the fight for control of Pénjamo placed
the municipality as the one with the highest rate of malicious homicides in the
state. To date everyone remembers how hostilities began. On the roundabout of
the Lázaro Cárdenas Boulevard, an ice cooler with the head of a person who had
been beheaded was found from the municipal seat. A few meters away was the rest
of his body with traces of torture. The clean of the Jalisco had begun, a
situation that did not push back the subsequent cells of the Family and the
Knights Templar. Quite the opposite.
Attacking the CJNG rearguard
As in the municipality of León, the CJNG, although
it managed to control a large part of the municipality, never managed to pacify
it completely. When they were defeated, the Michoacán cells went into the
Pénjamo mountain range, waiting for reinforcements, weapons and supplies. In
the mountains, the Michoacán had been able to install narcolaboratories several
times. When they were cut off the withdrawal by that flank, they undertook the
flight to La Piedad, Numarán and other municipalities of the long border that
Pénjamo has with the state of Michoacán.
It is necessary to recognize that the PAN
governments had planned and prepared to avoid an invasion of drug cartels from
the south. They resisted by all means to build an infrastructure that would
allow greater mobility from Guanajuato to Michoacán. They built neither bridges
nor roads for many years in the region. In the triennium of PAN Erandi
Bermudez, they installed a SEDENA base on the federal highway Irapuato-La
But, above all, they built a “political wall” between the cartel of Los Caballeros Templarios and Pénjamo, financing and supporting the campaign of panist Ricardo Guzmán to the mayor of La Piedad, Michoacán. To get to Pénjamo and Guanajuato, the Michoacan drug traffickers had to seize La Piedad before.
But, above all, they built a “political wall” between the cartel of Los Caballeros Templarios and Pénjamo, financing and supporting the campaign of panist Ricardo Guzmán to the mayor of La Piedad, Michoacán. To get to Pénjamo and Guanajuato, the Michoacan drug traffickers had to seize La Piedad before.
Once elected, Ricardo Guzmán did not yield to the recurring threats of the
narcos. During the almost 4 years that his mandate lasted, he managed resources
for large-scale works (two 4-lane highway drafts), cleared the municipal
administration and had a government close to the people. The chief of the
Knights Templar square, exasperated by the resistance offered by a popular and
honest mayor of the PAN, ordered his death. With its physical disappearance and
with the arrival of the PRI to the Pénjamo government, the invasion of the
Michoacán into Guanajuato territory accelerated.
But that did not last long, because soon the
invasion of the CJNG began. The Michoacán had not waited so long to let their
prey go, just like that. When they lost control of the municipality, they waged
a war of guerrillas, harassment and attrition against the CJNG in Pénjamo. In
addition, when the CJNG was braided in a fierce battle against Marro's troops,
in the area of Salamanca, Celaya and the Apaseos, the CSRL leader undertook a
skillful military tactic. He began attacking the rearguard of the CJNG.
At the height of the war in the so-called “huachicol
triangle”, Marro began attacking the rearguard of the CJNG in San Francisco del
Rincón, Cuerámaro, León and Pénjamo. This temporarily relieved the pressure on
the areas controlled by the CSRL. At first the Marro sent cells of armed men,
but later began to open a system of "franchises."
El Marro began recruiting criminals from the areas dominated by the CJNG who had not bowed in front of the Jalisco. He gave them weapons, park and money to start harassment maneuvers against the CJNG. They did not stop the advance in Marro territories, but they made it slower and more tortuous.
El Marro began recruiting criminals from the areas dominated by the CJNG who had not bowed in front of the Jalisco. He gave them weapons, park and money to start harassment maneuvers against the CJNG. They did not stop the advance in Marro territories, but they made it slower and more tortuous.
Pax narca, just a promise
The CJNG has flatly failed in the promise that it
makes in a recurring manner, in narcomantas and videos. In them he says that he
will kill local criminals, that he will annihilate thieves, kidnappers and
extortionists. As part of his war propaganda he insists that under the domain
of the CJNG, the desired peace will come for Guanajuato families. It has not
been like that.
Neither in León, nor in Pénjamo, its two beachheads,
the CJNG could impose a cessation of hostilities. On the contrary, both
municipalities for several years show a high rate of malicious homicides that
remains constant. The massacres continue. Only in a few municipalities under
his control (Cuerámaro, Manuel Doblado, Huanímaro, Romita) have there been
periods of peace that are suddenly interrupted by high-impact crimes.
The CJNG can live with municipal governments of
different parties (this is not the case of the CSRL). But the Roman pax of its
narco-imperium remains an unfulfilled promise, which leaves one of the few
arguments that the pragmatists use to defend the war of conquest that the
Jalisco undertook in Guanajuato.
Without being able to completely pacify the
territories that it conquered, but with reasonable control over them, the CJNG
set up its armies. From León, with a flank handle, they seized Purísima and San
Francisco del Rincón. From Pénjamo, they undertook the conquest of Abasolo,
Cuerámaro and Huanímaro. A third column advanced on Manuel Doblado and Romita.
Except for Abasolo, they were relatively easy places to conquer. The problems
started again when they reached Silao and Irapuato. The first outpost cells
that came to explore the terrain were annihilated.
Shadow Group and United Cartels
It has been discussed for some time if there are
more cartels fighting in Guanajuato territory. The detention of different capos
of the Gulf Cartel, the Beltrán Leyva Cartel and the Sinaloa Cartel in the
cities of León, San Miguel de Allende and Irapuato is usually offered as evidence.
For example, the excellent study carried out by LANTIA CONSULTORES (Overview of
criminal organizations in Guanajuato) identifies 11 criminal groups operating
in the entity.
Should not confuse "contacts and
relationships" with "presence."
The Union of León continues to receive drug shipments from the Sinaloa cartel. The CSRL receives drugs from Michoacan cartels and from the Gulf Cartel. It is common to find hitmen from Sinaloa in war zones, guarding shipments and arms shipments. That is, unless spectacular journalistic research proves otherwise, Guanajuato does not produce the drug it consumes. It mostly comes from outside. To supply the cities and metropolitan areas of Guanajuato, regular cargoes and a transport, storage and distribution network are required. But today the presence of other cartels in Guanajuato is aimed at supplying weapons, ammunition and drug shipments.
The Union of León continues to receive drug shipments from the Sinaloa cartel. The CSRL receives drugs from Michoacan cartels and from the Gulf Cartel. It is common to find hitmen from Sinaloa in war zones, guarding shipments and arms shipments. That is, unless spectacular journalistic research proves otherwise, Guanajuato does not produce the drug it consumes. It mostly comes from outside. To supply the cities and metropolitan areas of Guanajuato, regular cargoes and a transport, storage and distribution network are required. But today the presence of other cartels in Guanajuato is aimed at supplying weapons, ammunition and drug shipments.
That is, there are two levels of participation in
cartel warfare. On the one hand, there are the “fighters” (CJNG-CSRL), who
carry several rounds above the ring, but in their “corners” are the managers
(Michoacanos, Pacific Cartel, Zetas, Gulf Cartel), who attend the contestants,
healing wounds, giving water, and giving advice.
Even to distinguish "the drug itself" from
the others, the cartels have already begun to use "brands" and
badges. The first were the Michoacán. The piracy products that they sold among
the tianguistas of Santa Ana Pacueco were marked with the logo of a butterfly,
which allowed recognizing their "authenticity". Similarly, for some
time, CJNG marijuana and cocaine have already been distributed in properly
weighed and labeled packages.

The only documented
presence of foreign cartels operating in Guanajuato is with the Cartels United
group and the Shadow Group, from the Gulf Cartel that controlled Silao and
Irapuato, respectively. Cárteles Unidos and Grupo Sombra form the foreign
legion that supports the CSRL in its war against Mencho. They hit CJNG hard at times. They even questioned and tortured some
CJNG drug dealers who gave information about safe houses and cargo. To defeat
them, the Mencho was in need of sending one of its elite groups that had proven
to be mortally effective in past orders in other entities.
With rapidity and
forcefulness the CJNG Elite Corps arrested, tortured, killed and dismembered
the leaders of the United Cartels and the Shadow Group. He revealed the
complicity of the Silao police and Irapuato ministerial agents with El Marro.
To top it off, he distributed the videos of the interrogations and the
confessions of his members made under torture.
Silao and Irapuato are
still on fire, but if they follow the direction of other municipalities such as
Abasolo, San Luis de la Paz and Guanajuato capital (where the number of
homicides has dropped significantly) little by little the pax narca imposed by
the CJNG it will allow the inhabitants to return to the activities they carried
out before the war. But if the scenario that is lived in Salamanca and Celaya
is replicated, the medals that the elite group won in Silao and Irapuato, will
have to be endorsed by new operations to finish the work they left unfinished.
besieged city
As already mentioned at
another time, the CJNG launched a direct attack against the city of Celaya for
months. He not only sent an army of invasion, which arrived from Salamanca. He
attacked the Marro cells stationed in that city, with a wide arch and
rodeo that his troops made to attack from the Apaseos area.
The cajetera city is being attacked from two fronts. Successive incursions of the CJNG, so far, have not been able to break the "heroic" defense that Marro has made of what he considers his city. The arrival of 700 members of the National Guard will undoubtedly have an impact on the development of the conflict. With some ingenuity the authorities think that perhaps the FGE, the State Public Security Forces (FSPE) and the National Guard will achieve peace in the city.
The cajetera city is being attacked from two fronts. Successive incursions of the CJNG, so far, have not been able to break the "heroic" defense that Marro has made of what he considers his city. The arrival of 700 members of the National Guard will undoubtedly have an impact on the development of the conflict. With some ingenuity the authorities think that perhaps the FGE, the State Public Security Forces (FSPE) and the National Guard will achieve peace in the city.
It all depends on the
type of activities that the National Guard develops. If the Guard performs
intelligence, counterintelligence and objective location, the war will
intensify. El Marro will launch a counterattack to undermine the capabilities
of his opponents, either in Celaya or in cities under the control of the CJNG.
But if the National Guard only arrived to conduct patrol operations and deterrent presence, then those who will be prevented from continuing the offensive would be the CJNG. The presence of the National Guard would allow the CSRL to reorganize taking advantage of the ceasefire and a virtual truce.
But if the National Guard only arrived to conduct patrol operations and deterrent presence, then those who will be prevented from continuing the offensive would be the CJNG. The presence of the National Guard would allow the CSRL to reorganize taking advantage of the ceasefire and a virtual truce.
Under any scenario, it
is not possible to appreciate how 1,200 troops could end or impose a decrease
in shootings, executions, collections and extortion that plague the city.
would have happened if ...
After this long journey
through several of the battles and theaters of war dispute, it is inevitable to
ask a counterfactual question: What would have happened if the state government
had fought with all its firepower CJNG at the beginning of its invasion
of Guanajuato?
In which situation would we find ourselves currently if Governor Miguel Márquez had eliminated the beachheads that Mencho established in 2013 in the entity? In light of the subsequent events, it is clear that if Guanajuato had an opportunity to prevent the penetration of the CJNG, it was very early in the war. That is, when the invasion was in its preparatory phase. Any attempt to do so later would be doomed to failure.
In which situation would we find ourselves currently if Governor Miguel Márquez had eliminated the beachheads that Mencho established in 2013 in the entity? In light of the subsequent events, it is clear that if Guanajuato had an opportunity to prevent the penetration of the CJNG, it was very early in the war. That is, when the invasion was in its preparatory phase. Any attempt to do so later would be doomed to failure.
It is also worth asking
the opposite question, why did Carlos Zamarripa allow the CSRL to grow so much
in the area of Villagrán, Celaya, Salamanca and the Apaseos? How is it that
nobody noticed the strength that José Antonio Yépez was accumulating, to the
degree of financing campaigns and buying candidates? Why was a
combat-negotiation strategy not established with him, if there were no
conditions to apprehend him? Was the amount of bribes for subprocurators and
commanders of the FSPE really so great that it caused a level of blindness that
prevented them from perceiving that they were incubating an unmanageable
conflict in the medium term?
Until a few years ago,
both the PGE and the FSPE had the capacity to keep at bay and limit the
criminal activities of drug trafficking groups such as the Zetas or La Familia
Michoacana. For example, at the time of Juan Manuel Oliva, the state government
had slowed and fought the growth of the PRD in southeastern Guanajuato. In the
Government Palace, it was always known that the triumph of the PRD candidates
in Acámbaro, Santiago Valley, Santiago Maravatío, etc., would bring with them
the installation of cells from the Michoacan narco, who were the ones who
normally financed the campaigns of the candidates of the Aztec sun . Even to
return the "courtesy", the PAN operated with money, pantries, lawyers
and political operators in the municipality of La Piedad Michoacán. If the
narco-perredistas conquered Acámbaro, Guanajuato panism would prevent them from
winning at La Piedad. It was the policy of an eye for an eye.
Even in 2011, in the
triennium of the PRD mayor Gerardo Silva, the State Attorney General
apprehended the director and deputy director of the municipal police of
Acámbaro, arrested and disarmed all the elements of the municipal police and was
nowhere to begin the process of dismissal of the municipal president, for his
alleged collaboration with La Familia Michoacana.
What happened next? Where was all that forcefulness, speed and reflexes to fight the Marro first and then the CJNG? Perhaps we will have the answers to some of this enigmas indirectly in the unwritten memories of many of the actors who lived and starred in these episodes.
What happened next? Where was all that forcefulness, speed and reflexes to fight the Marro first and then the CJNG? Perhaps we will have the answers to some of this enigmas indirectly in the unwritten memories of many of the actors who lived and starred in these episodes.
But there is still a
story to tell. Faced with all these movements, war plans, attacks and
counterattacks of the cartels, there have been similar movements of the State
Attorney General's Office, the Public Security Forces, the Navy and now the
National Guard. Unlike the movements made on the board by narco generals, the
responses of the public security forces have always had a strong dose of
improvisation, media imperatives to appease public opinion and in general they
have been essentially reactive.
Those who are setting
the pace of war are the barons of drugs, extortion and kidnapping. To each
movement of the cartels there is a mirror action and response. But about the
comedy of entanglements and mistakes that state and federal forces have made,
in their operations of capture, deployment of troops and recovery of
territories, we will refer to in next installment.
Thank you for your analysis. We don't get that in the US.
ReplyDeleteCJNG taking out the trash
ReplyDeleteCJNG needs to be exterminated like roaches.
DeleteEspecially the cowards that threaten to kill innocents that have nothing to do with the jobs their family members do. You're a criminal, are you that stupid to believe you won't be arrested? Yet idiotas muertos de hambre will applaud the despicable actions of their "idols".
Amazing post
ReplyDeleteThis brilliant post is from PopLab---research and op website.
ReplyDeleteThe groups mentioned are splinters from what cartels?
ReplyDeleteWhat is happening in Guanajuato people should pay attention to because it’s a real good example of how Mexico gobierno works when they get payed by the cartels for example every state in Mexico all lives are important and by that I just wanted to say that first so Marro is a criminal at a local state level to mostly 1state /cjng mencho is a criminal in most of Mexico/USA/etc ,both fighting for Guanajuato which seems they (cjng) having trouble with Marro so next thing you know Marro is top priority to MX the military come to Guanajuato raid his house start getting his people freeze bank accounts just hitting his group from every where plus cjng is still fighting against Marro so know what going to happen cjng is taking over Guanajuato so your going to have a bunch of (Jalisco,Michoacán,&other outsiders from cjng in that state know tell me do you think ther going to respect the people of Guanajuato when they don’t even respect ther own people were ther from.people that don’t really know how the MX government works or don’t believe it oh well why do you think in Culiacán they did all that chaos burning cars,shooting everywhere causing panic to its own people.when they have never did this before even when they got CHAPO, Mayos sons ,Beltrán Leyvas, higher up cartel members and know for Ovidio a chapito not even the top chapito1 not 2 but the 3chapito bring all the unwanted heat to themselves right know because they new that the government who had (Ovidio chapos son) wasn’t legitimate they had to do what was necessary to get him released AMLO had to do it because he had to save face he didn’t know what was even going on and the only reason he found out cause the 35 police Needed backup so they had no choice that’s why thers been 3 story to what happened Guanajuato needs the military to take out the people that are not from ther and return peace to the people of ther
ReplyDeleteYeah but marros fucks it up by stealing oil from the government.
DeleteReads like A Classic Tale of how nations are formed through superior fire power , unlikely alliances and pockets of resistance trying to hold on their way of life . A life worth protecting against invaders from hell and traitors within.
ReplyDeleteWho remembers back in 2010 when it was zetas vs familia michoacana and the same thing was happening alot of innocent people being killed for being out, my friend told me alot of young guys were being killed by the michoacanos, alot of street kids not bad but just troubled