Elements from the State Agency of Investigation was able to find the identity of who was killed during the morning of this Saturday. He was identified as Gustavo Valerio López, 22 years old, with a residence in the Héroes de la Revolución neighborhood.
It was at kilometer 176 + 500 Carretera Vía Corta that runs from Parral to Chihuahua where the body of this young man was located, he had multiple injuries caused by a firearm and also had visible signs that he was tortured.
Elements from the State Agency of Investigation was able to find the identity of who was killed during the morning of this Saturday. He was identified as Gustavo Valerio López, 22 years old, with a residence in the Héroes de la Revolución neighborhood.
It was at kilometer 176 + 500 Carretera Vía Corta that runs from Parral to Chihuahua where the body of this young man was located, he had multiple injuries caused by a firearm and also had visible signs that he was tortured.
Manta reads as follows:
This is so that you can't continue sending or loading pictures online.
Below is a historical overview from El Diario
He used the nickname of Doroteo Arango on a Facebook,
account to which he “uploaded” photos of members of a criminal group.
He already had received several threats to stop
displaying photographs of suspected criminals, but he continued until October 22, when he posted his last
Although he was “undercover” with the official name of the “Centauro del
Norte”, Francisco Villa, it was not difficult for his murderers to find him,
because according to internal reports of the State Attorney General's office,
he barely lasted publishing a few days before receiving the first threat to do
He created the fake account on March 25 this year
with a profile picture of General Pancho Villa aboard a black horse. He added a
cover with another photo of the Duranguense adopted by Parral and put as a date
of birth on January 1, 1911.
Occupation said he worked in the Ministry of
National Defense and the Navy of Mexico, but there is no confirmation that he
was part of any security force.
His activity on that account was limited to
occasional private messages, in response mainly to people who asked him
questions about any relationship he had with Villa, because in brackets on the
same account he put "Centauro del Norte". Generally he did not interact, beyond sending and receiving
lots of friend requests on the social network.
In September he began publishing compromising
"Here I will publish some of the photos of the
hitmen and people who support them from here in Parral, so that they know who
they are and denounce them," he wrote in the account on September 6, with a a
package of 26 images with alleged members of a criminal group with wide
presence and dominance in the Parral region.
The next day he launched another package. Seven
photos with the following message: “These are the people who are stealing cars in Satevó and Zargoza, and who also steal the
cars in the city of Chihuahua. And right there is a photo of the Nissan Tsuru
that was seized in the shooting. ” He was referring to car theft by a command
in the capital, at the end of August.
He began to get attention by those dates. With that,he
declared his rivalry with Antonio Leonel Camacho Mendoza, alias “El 300”, leader of a “Gente Nueva” cell that operates in the
southern part of the state for the Sinaloa Cartel.
By September 8 he was already identified as the
enemy of "el 300". His two posts attacked only this group and
according to research around the criminal leader of "Gente Nueve".
He shrugged off the threats saying he was not in
fear, but did stop blogging for a month.
He reappeared two weeks before he was killed
He returned to his account last October 10 with a
publication in which he exhibited seven photographs of the same criminal group.
"Here are this gang of rats, some are from
Zaragoza and others support from Chihuahua," he wrote in his post. On each
photo put the name, nickname and origin of each. All were images like the
previous ones, armed men, with caps, hats, suit, taken from the same Facebook
network where they register with the most varied names.
On October 12, Doroteo Arango changed his profile
picture at 9 p.m. He uploaded the classic photo of Francisco Villa sitting in
the presidential chair, with Emiliano Zapata, “El Caudillo del Sur”, on his
left side.
That famous cropped photo - of December 6, 1914,
when the revolutionaries "took" the National Palace of Mexico City
and gathered in the main hall, a symbol of the power of the overthrown Porfirio
Díaz - established as his last profile. On the cover used another Villa on
board a horse, in front of the Northern Division.
On October 14, he insisted: “(sic) Here are photos
and names of those responsible for car thefts on the short road, gas theft,
kidnapping, extortion, disappearances, and theft of all those farmers who with
all the effort they use to produce their product and these rats steal them and
the authorities do not arrest them, citizens
help us to share so that we can get rid of these people who are only damaging
our Parral”. He recycled previous photos and uploaded some new ones.
On the 15th, he uploaded more photos with names of
alleged hitmen. And it was when he messed directly with "El 300",
"also known as Bin Laden," he wrote about his image with colored
letters. On the same day he exhibited one of the alleged closest gunmen of the
criminal leader, nicknamed "La Mosca".
The following days he uploaded diverse images and a
message in which he said he accepted complaints of all kinds, not just against
the New People. He also repeated publications and images that he said he would
continue to upload even if they reported it on Facebook, a mechanism that some
had to use to try to prevent him from publishing images.
On October 22, he published an alleged warning to
the people of Parral, Coronado and El Valle that the New People would steal the
nut crops they wanted. He pointed out specific nogaleros and the supposed
strategy to steal production in complicity with police.
It was his last publication.
Just another reason BB needs upgrade to a https site not http
ReplyDeleteWe are happy with http you can join http or ROTC.
DeleteWhat happened to covering the eyes of the dead victim.
ReplyDeleteSo wrong in many ways.. our own people... for "downloading pictures" next thing you know you will get killed for cutting your hair the wrong way.
ReplyDeleteEven that could very well happen!
DeleteEsta area es territorio de Sinaloa. Para que vean que los putillos narcos de Sinaloa si matan a innocentes.
ReplyDeleteLes arde el culo a estos y sus seguidores que los descubran cuando cometen actos que no deben por eso mataron a este pobre cuate.
Y que disque no son ratas que no roban carros y que tampoco comen maruchans puro stake miñon, lo unico que si les creo es que se la comen cruda
DeleteThose guys are chihuahuenses el 300 solo responde por dinero al CDS pero en su terreno el manda, sinaloa no tiene ni voz ni voto unlike the rats from michoacan templarios and vigras who kill and extortion their own pxnches narquitos mamx vxrga
DeleteSinaloa es una franquicia como McDonald's pero con dueños diferentes
Se ve que tienes la pxnocha bien ardida que tús pxnches indxos michoacanos son unas 🐀 y como en sinaloa todo tranquilo busca cualquier cosa para meterlos en la misma bolsa que tus mugrosxs el 300 es chihuahuense el da las ordes en su tierra no sinaloa pendxjete
DeleteDicen los plebes que son santos pues.
DeletePues pa que sepan los del cjng de veracruz son de veracruz, asi que tampoco los confundan con el cjng original bola de alcaguetes mama bolas de sus ratas sinaloenses
Delete300 sera de Chihuahua o no pero vuela la bandera CDS. El mero cartel que dice que no permiten ratas en sus filas! De sueguro haci son en tofo territorio de Sinaloa tambien y lurgo le echan las culpas a otras gentes y matan a los que los descubren y dicen la verdad.
DeleteHaci que chinguen a su madre que dicen que CDS no hace danio a nadie.
Ahora resulta que nomas porke los jefes de plaza en Chihuahua no son Sinaloenses por eso hace CDS desmadre en Chihuahua.
DeletePuro pedo. CDS hace desmadre en todo Mexico y tambien en su estado natal aunque ay aplacan a cuates como este por decir la verdad.
Fuckin dogs,a 22 year old,these rat bastards need exterminating
ReplyDeleteLa línea don't Play
ReplyDeleteSinaloa killed him
DeleteMaybe he means that La Linea will avenge his death?
DeletePinchee gente nueva roba nueses
ReplyDeleteyou are the same dumbass that makes this claim over and over without backing it up.. let me tell you something buddy.. en la sierra la gente apoya a la Gente Nueva esto gracias a las marranadas que hacian los de la linea.. chingaderas como extorsionar, narco-retenes para robarte el carro, decapitar viejitas, y robarle las esposas a la fuerza a gente que no tiene nada ke ver en el narcotrafico.. you have stories about GN being pieces of shit.. well i got plenty of stories of Linieros being no better than los pendejos de los zetas.. so there you go .. y arriva BATOPILAS CHIHUAHUA COMPA !
DeleteOye compita where my family is from saucillo Chihuahua which is a cds they are known to hijack pecan loads from farmers
Delete@5:51 En Guerrero Chihuahua donde El Maruchan De La Línea manda, ahy no se meten con el pueblo... todo depende De La personalidad del jefe dela plaza, les puede tocar alguien bien culero o bueno que sea liniero zeta o sinaloa
DeleteEn Cuatemoch la Linea no hace el desmadre que dice usted cuate de 5:51. Sera que todo le quieren aventar nomas para adorar a los de Sinaloa.
DeleteNo Comments? Yes there is. We r disgusted this young man was killed. Wasn't he doing just what your doing? You can tell I'm confused. Why didn't they smash his computer, then give him some grace to duck out of his stupid, asking 4 it.
ReplyDeleteGreat job protecting your prople AMLO
ReplyDeletePuta madre, ahora todo es culpa de amlo, como si en usa no pasara nada tampoco, no mames cabeza!
DeleteWell thank you Edgar Alvarado, may I offer you a poem, perhaps two poems.
DeleteNo hope for humanity
ReplyDelete-Nico Garza Sada
A hero indeed for his courage to address what many fear to do. When enough is enough and cowardice is visibly displayed by its citizens. Rather, due to reprisals like this. Furthermore, what state officials continuosly fail to do.
ReplyDeleteA plaque with your name should be erected for all to know your true love of the town.
God bless you.
How did they figure out it was him posting.
ReplyDeletehe was sloppy
DeleteCjng killing innocents again
ReplyDeleteThat's why the Sinaloas NEVER post anything on Sinaloas vomiting crime... They are scared
ReplyDeleteYep! Yet people from outside sinaloa and who believe all the corridos say sinaloa is safe, when in fact is one of the worst states in mexico
DeleteMostly brainwashed from all the fantasy music and narco novelas
DeletePoor guy had guts, nothing but respect for this player...
ReplyDeleteTwo messages were loaded on 10-27-19 from Doroteo. Clearly states this guy wasn’t him and wants people to know they’re just killing innocent people
ReplyDeleteObviously CDS messes with the populations!!! This young man exposed game, crop, and car thieves so they killed him. Facts
ReplyDeleteThe Sinaloa hitmen learned from putting there pictures out there look at the hitmen from before and the ántrax they where all over social media and they corridos and they are all dead
ReplyDeleteI hate when the media block the faces of the criminal ..how can we id them and report if we can see them...
ReplyDeleteThere are certain things you just don't do. You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't spit into the wind. You don't pull the mask off the ol' Lone Ranger. You don't... I've made my point.
ReplyDeleteAnd you should never cheer for any cartel
DeleteHow else can one reveal a Heathen?
DeleteYou forgot the most important one, you dont snitch
DeleteHe is a Hero!
ReplyDeleteHe died A Martyr in a country that had more stability under Porfirio Díaz, then now.
DeleteMay he RIP.
Well, looks like it wasn't him, that guy is still posting on FB under that handle. Wrong guy!!
ReplyDeleteSo,just scare tactics to quiet this guy down.
DeletePlay stupid games...