Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Noel 'El Flaco' Salgueiro, lieutenant to 'Chapo' Guzman, jailed in El Paso

Chivis Martinez Borderland BeatTY BB Reader   El Paso Times

One of the accused top leaders of the Sinaloa drug cartel in Chihuahua state is in custody at the El Paso County Jail.

Noel Salgueiro Nevarez, known as "El Flaco Salgueiro," is being held at the jail in Downtown El Paso after being extradited to the U.S. from Mexico last week.

A jail log shows Salgueiro was arrested by the FBI and booked into the El Paso County Jail on Thursday on a drug conspiracy charge. He is being held without bond.

Salgueiro is accused of being one of the founders and bosses of the Gente Nueva, the branch of the Sinaloa cartel in Chihuahua state.

Salgueiro was allegedly one of the cartel lieutenants for convicted drug kingpin Joaquin "Chapo" Guzman.

The conflict between the Gente Nueva and the Juárez drug cartel erupted in a war that engulfed Juárez and other parts of Chihuahua a decade ago.

The war for control of Juárez left about 10,000 people dead between 2008-12 and turned the border city into one of the most dangerous in the world.
In 2011, Mexican army special forces arrested Salgueiro in Culiacán, Sinaloa, according to El Paso Times archives. He was among Mexico's most-wanted fugitives.

At the time of his arrest, the Mexico Secretariat of National Defense alleged Salgueiro began a criminal career in 1995 and went on to control marijuana production in the Sierra de Chihuahua.

Image result for Noel "El Flaco" Salgueiro

Salgueiro is accused of heading a family-run organization with his brothers and nephews.

The Salgueiro organization was suspected of smuggling up to 15 tons of marijuana and two tons of cocaine into the United States each month, the Mexican military said in a statement in 2011.

The military added that Salgueiro was suspected of being responsible in the abduction, torture and murder of several people in Chihuahua, including public officials and business leaders.

Following Salgueiro's arrest, Jose Antonio Marrufo, alias "El Jaguar," allegedly became leader of the Gente Nueva. Marrufo was arrested by Mexican Federal Police in 2012.

Last May, Marrufo was extradited to the U.S. to face federal charges after being indicted by a federal grand jury in El Paso. He is being held in same El Paso jail as Salgueiro.

Noel Salgueiro is the uncle of reputed Gente Nueva drug trafficker Leonel "El Cuate" Salgueiro, who was arrested by Chihuahua state police last year.

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  1. Ok 006,now is your time to spout off.

  2. I remember his reign, he went down in Culiacan in 2011, they have been waiting a long time in El Paso to prosecute him. He lost control of Gente Nueva after 2010 or so. Remember El Diego from La Linea? It all feels like a lifetime ago.

    1. I do remember El Diego. His henchmen were sending him saludos with graffiti on concrete walls.

  3. Which one is the criminal in the first photo?

  4. Let them smuggle it fuck it. It’s worse when they get fucked with. Marijuana is legal.
    Cocaine just let people do it if they fuck up on it it’s on them. It would solve so much shit and save a lot of money on both sides.

  5. He looks like Joaquin Phoenix in the photograph at the top

  6. The WoD is making the corrupt politicians reeeally rich, but the more things that are illegal the more crime and criminals there will be.

    1. 01:22- Several states weed is legal and there is more illegal weed than legal. the market dictates the advantages of paying taxes or being on the other side of the law. They say there is no stupid questions (comments) but stupid people.

    2. @02:12 you are right a lot of stupid people make comments about things they know nothing about. There is legal weed in AZ and that weed as far as this writer is personal experience is cheaper and better then what’s found on the streets.

  7. El Jaguar isn't dead?
    Gente Nueva creado in 2007, to war against Zetas del Golfo presence in Veracruz
    There's even very early virdo where Three GN gunmen in balaclavas, golden pistols and armed with querno de chivos interrogated Zs of CDG on the video made in 2007

    1. Different jaguar

    2. Este Jaguar de esta nota es otro. Este de aqui es un pobre guey que le salvaron la vida al averlo arrestado porke no hubiera durado mas de un anio mas contra La Linea.

  8. Every new governor sends his state police to clean up for his gente nueva, this is capulina duarte vs la vaca corral.

  9. Animo sicarios.

    La Gente Nueva simpre bien firmes con los patrones.

    "Traemos tostón, RPG tumba avión
    Granadas de fragmentación
    Parque ilimitado, balas expansivas, ya saben
    M60, una Glock, cuerno con tubo, rifle de huevos
    Parque ilimitado, balas expansivas, ya saben"

    1. Gente muerta no puede en Juarez. Menos sin la ayuda de el gobierno Mexicano. Si no estan muertos estos estan encerrados como estos dos mierdas de Flaco y Jaguar.

    2. Sicario 006 Para que quieren tanto equipo si no lo saben usar?
      Y siguen valiendo madres?

    3. Todo eso y que le paso al chapo?
      Ya deja la pipa compa que ya te quemo lo que te falta del cerebro

    4. All that and make $3000 pesos a week. Good luck not getting kill from either side of the law. Live by the gun die with by the gun...SDSO

    5. 440 are you sicario 006 or a copycat?

  10. Pobrecito. Set him free. He is innocent.

    1. @4:50

      He’s illiterate. Some lawyer will write a letter to AMLO on his behalf, claiming he’s a humble peasant farmer, and “Noel El Fago” will put an X as his signature.


  11. Arrested in Culiacan? Adds more speculation that Chapo gave him up.

  12. The army, los AFI led by el Chaman, and CDS killed a lot of people in Juaritoz in '08 and '09. From Anapra to San Nacho entire families were displaced and murdered.

    1. I can tell this Dude if from there. San Nacho.
      Arriba Porve y todo El Valle de Juarez.

  13. Excellent 👍 catch another one to serve more time in US prison. Have you all noticed most being sent to US, are Sinaloa Cartel, but hardly none from the baby killer cartel, must be the bribes that keep Menchos people from getting prison time.

    1. Is that why they say Chapo had ties to CIA? Why all his foes were caught? Why AMLO kiss their cheeks.

    2. @ 6:43 it's probably unfortunately more fear than bribes.

    3. Isnt cds the real baby killer cartel? Didnt they kill the 7 month old lebarons baby?

  14. Otro guey que va a empesar a cantar como su exjefe aka el chapo

    1. El chapo no canto tonto

    2. 8:27 No tu? apoco no anduvo diciendo que el verdadero jefe era el mayo y que le pago a peña a otros presidentes? Y que la pasava informacion a la dea? Y tantas otras cosas? El pedo es que ni eso le sirvio para salvarse, pero de que es la rata mayor es la rata mayor, ora dime quiennes el tonto?

  15. El pinche Jaguar era un putillo de Villa Ahumada que quiso crecer el guey superior a todos y ahora esta encerrado por andar de caliente!
    Causo la muerte de decenas de gente en su mismo pueblo luego que le chismio a el gobierno Mexicano donde vivia su primer jefe Pedro Sanchez quien controlo casi todo el Norte de Chihuahua hasta que lo capturo el ejercito. A el mero dia siguiente de esta captura entro GN a Villa Ahumada y mato a unas 8 o 10 personas minima. Desde entonces se supo que el ejercito ayudaba a Sinaloa. Chaputo solo no habria podido contra Juarez y aun haci su grupo todavia batalla dominando Chihuahua.

    1. Después dela captura se enpodero el chuyin de villa ahumada cierto q no?

    2. No el Rikin del valle de Juarez

    3. El Chuyin se quedo a cargo pero este fue de Cartel de Juarez mientras Jaguar al momento de su captura fue de Sinaloa aunque empeso con Juarez.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Damn TePocho I am worried for you--- you are way to obsessed--

  18. Jailed in El Paso with Aztecas who are the enforcers of the Juarez Cartel. He may not make it until trial.


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