Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, October 15, 2020

EL Azul: New leader of Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel has been arrested

 Chivis Martinez Borderland Beat

Adán Ochoa, aka El Azul,  leader of Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel was detained by the Guanajuato authorities. He was the successor for El Marro Jose Antonio Yepez.

The governor of Guanajuato himself, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, announced the arrest through his Twitter account.

The arrest was announced by the governor of Guanajuato.

El Azul had the leadership of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel for only two and a half months’ time.

The announcement of his leadership was announced through narco messages in the first days of August.

His monikers are known to be; El Azul, El Comandante Azul and/or El Gordo Paz, which appeared on cartulinas usually with warnings and threats against CJNG.

His reign was short but was a bloody violent one, with a huge uptick in violence, and a much greater manner of heinous violence in the Laja Bajio region of Guanajuato.

State officials confirmed to Milenio that E l Azul was responsible for the murder of Jesus Tinajero , a former candidate for mayor of Jerécuaro in Morena and leader of the party in the municipality. 

The arrest was made  at the Galaxias del Parque subdivision in Celaya, Guanajuato, in possession of a high-powered firearm, and drugs.

More details to follow

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  1. Operacion para capturalo anoche Miercoles aqui en la Ciudad de Celaya. Varios capturados.

    1. Segun lo agarraron en Presa Blanca cual es en los rumbos de San Juan de la Vega y no en el mero Celaya. Hubo varias operativos anoche o los fuentes cuentan mal?

  2. Did not take long but should have read “found dead due to Covid-19”. Fat fucking pig.

  3. Is it just me or is AMLO actually doing more against the cartels then peña nieto did I keep seeing the military confiscating more cartel assets like drugs money and properties and actually seeing a lot of corrupted politicians have to face justice

    1. AMLO has 100+ extraditions under his belt, more than any mexican president, starting with Salinas. Unfortunately for us, the media doesn't shine too much light on that, they would rather try and smear his image.

    2. AMLO is doing ALOT he is the first to undo alot of years of corruption. The fear is who will take the seat after he is gone... He wont get rid of total corruption as the damaged has been done with 6 or more administrations ago.

    3. Is just you. AMLO is doing the same shit But worse. Favoring CDS and straight out fuck the people. Go look at Michoacán and Guerrero. People are getting killed and police have orders not to do shit about it. Even helping the bad guys.

    4. 10:38 isnt guerrero and muchoacan a PRI or PAN state? Those guys lets the criminals do as they wish just to make AMLO look bad and of curse people with out common sence bite the bait

    5. I love all these comments amlo is negotiating with CJNG CDS and noroeste through each state government bosses vote on who gets turned in who stays in what chair corruption continues government taxes keep getting poketed cartels work together with government happy life

    6. 8.55
      ALMO is playing with his millions he not running Mexico
      The others are in Charge

      Wait and see where all the drugs and criminals go after they get taken == out the back door when no ones looking
      Your so funny You make me smile everytime you comment
      thanks for the LAUGHS

    7. 10:38 well I’ve been following this page for years and I don’t remember seeing so many post about drugs and assets being confiscated by the military and AMLO is not just fighting corruption from what I’ve read he has initiated a lot of programs to help the less fortunate from giving aid to the disable for them to be able to have an income to starting some sort of Medicare I mean i don’t have family in Mexico so I can’t assure what I’m saying I am just going by what I’ve read


    8. No matter what your politics

      MENCHO should be HUNTED DOWN no 1 priority

    9. 5:29 in my opinin chapitos should be hunted down first, they are the ones who kid napped the soldiers families in culiacan, that tell you something about those culoacanes

    10. @5:29 I don’t think killing Mencho would be a smart play you kill him and all of his commanders are going to want to run the cartel they already have their men

    11. @12:22 Thank the lord your opinion ain't shit.

    12. El pedo es que se benden con los contras.... putos marinos puercos k topen con todos corte parejo. Pero con el dinero baila el perro

    13. What will hunting MENCHO bring?

      -More Chaos.

  4. Que gordo munchos tacos de carne asada con Manteca.

  5. I wonder who will assume the leadership of CSRL now? It's obvious that the government is favorizing the CJNG in Guanajuato.

    1. They don't favor them they fear them.

    2. Anyone with a death wish. These small mom & pops cartels are no match against deep pockets.

    3. 9:45 AM Stealing from the federal government tends to do that. While CDSDL decided to keep stealing fuel from the pipelines CJNG was asked to stop doing it and they did. CJNG wants the extortion money from large corporations and the local drug sales. They also want to control the produce market, textile market.

    4. For the record, no Gov,t will never and doesn’t fear its citizens.

  6. I’m surprised they haven’t killed marro in prison. I’m sure he’s worried anyway he will be killed in there

    1. 10:31 marro is not wanted in the usa, he was not a drug lord, he was a fuel thief! Why would usa want him?🤔🤷🏽‍♂️

    2. 9:51 new chon chon does not get killed rairaguay in prison, not even hated Marro's

    3. @12:13 as a c.i against the Cjng 🤷🏻‍♂️ 🧐

    4. 5:36 C.i.? He doesnt know shit about cjng, csrl never got to a high profile guy in cjng, againg why would the usa want him? He is a ko body to the usa, but to the mexican gov. Yea cause he has all the knowledge of the pipes for the huachicol and names of the guys in the government who he bribed, marro is a local criminal not an international one, he was stealing from the government thats why they went so hard on him! Now you get why the usa dont need him? He also doesnt have any real info on mencho

  7. That didn’t take long. Pretty much anyone who takes the role next will be the same thing they want to eliminate csrl

    1. The way things are going for csrl I think payaso could take the spot 😂😂😂😂jajaja atte: el arriba

  8. Those CJNG bribes seem to be quite effective.

    1. It's not just bribes. They can make threats that they can back up as well.

  9. This should finish them off.

  10. Imagine this fool making a run for it 😂😂😂😂 that mf got llantas around his neck


    1. 1015 Lmao
      "that mf got llantas around his neck"
      And lard on his arse,see this guy tryna get out of windows an shit,jumpin over fences?You would pull your phone out and record him runnin for a laugh

    2. If it were a down hill chase he would of gotten away jajajaja

  11. AMLO does nothing against the butcher Mencho..guy is a mass murdering pshycopath and AMLO lets him do as he pleases. Embarrassing..

    1. Have you not seen what going on. They been freezing cjng bank accounts. All the arrest and seizures. Cjng ambushing the military.

    2. 6:59 haven't you read somehow the lawyers of cartels are unwrapping the red tape and unfreezing accounts that are supposed to stay frozen...bribes talk.

    3. to be honest I dont think he cares ( abrazos no balazos) he only cares to be compared to BEnito Juarez , a real president

  12. This war in Guanajuato between El Azul and CJNG wasn’t even about man power it was a fight to see who had the deeper pockets and Azuls pockets just weren’t deep enough.

    1. 10:33 You sure? He did had CDS hand bags.

    2. was not that Azuls pockets were not deep enough but rather more about him having short arms to be able reach for those pockets. He got money but dont got political connections.

    3. Cds is not worried about Guanajuato. They are too busy trying to keep their plazas in order

    4. 9:25 i thaught cds had guanajuato on lock?

    5. @5:26 Guanajuato has presence of different cells.

  13. Government put a commercial that it was taco Tuesdays in tacos el gusto and got caught. Great job. Take him away toys I mean boys.

  14. All right its to obvious the governments wants to clear out the small cartel for CJNG. The violence in that area all started when CJNG arrived, that's who the goverment should focus on, they are the outsiders. But money talks

    1. 10:39 fiscal prostiturer carlos zamarripa has been there for 10 years, and sinhue for about 2 years, the time the plaza has been heating up thanks to them and their Imperio Huachicol, but when AMLO SHUT OFF THE PUMPS ot all came crashing down...
      A AMLO se la pelan

    2. Pacific Cartel and 4 Letters only these 2 are allowed to fluorish and there is no direct beef between 2

  15. Here comes a more violent csrl leader..

  16. A couple months of running from police and CJNG and he lost a lot of weight.

    1. Noticed that,its good for their health for them to be on their toes.Dude heart attack material.Marro ended up like a biafran refugee,down to 60 pound soakin wet

  17. "His reign was short & bloody" because of municipal and government agreements with cartels.
    Money is king!

  18. Pinches jaliscas they think csrl is done haha..a new more violent leader will step up

    1. A new more violent leader who's gonna go hide under a rock and kill innocents to threaten CJNG? Sounds like CSRDL has a bright future 😂😂

  19. Dam he didnt last long hahaha

  20. Looks like he'll be able to pay them all off and continue to enjoy his diet of tacos, gordas and tamales in prison.

  21. Smaller fish will get caught on the net. Big fish like elmayo and el mencho pays much much much more to AMLO enjoys its freedom. That's how it goes.

  22. Animo compadres!!

    Guanajuato is ours! CJNG will not tolerate any resistance. Marro and Azul will never leave prison alive.

    Caballero de Jalisco🏴‍☠️🇲🇽

    1. Guanajuato has been menchos since the incursion. CSRDL was never able to stop CJNG advancement, multiple plaza bosses interrogated and killed, imprisoned men, guys switching sides? It all went downhill for marro and his group after refusing to aligned themselves with the almighty CJNG.


    2. How bb allows these clown jalisco cheerleaders 📣 comments is beyond me

    3. Caballero de Jalisco007?

    4. Jaliscas are a bunch of sissies just like la mencha who likes to hide in her closet like lil girl biaacth
      Fear me im a gho$7.3L m1L.nombr3s.y.
      M1L.apodos.ju$7 .

    5. You're trying too hard to be like Sicario 006. Be yourself, stop living under a shadow.

    6. I hope this comment is posted.

      This shows how the real pone-dedos are CJNG. But in reality all cartels use government when available. CJNG has been going against Huachicol to get federal favor for a while now.

      And this how CJNG really rolls for all the fanboys:

    7. "Caballero de Jalisco,Sicario,etc"
      "Guanajuato is ours! CJNG will not tolerate any resistance"
      How pathestic is this?Their time is spent trollin BB?

    8. Un aplauso al torcido...

    9. 6:05 al mayo? O al chapo?

    10. Animo muchachos y gracias x todo lo que an echo en Guanajuato y sacar al marro de aquí.

    11. 12:40 de nada compa, esos pandilleros lla no los van a molestar y nosotros vamos a regresar la paz a guanajuato

    12. 10:17
      Where you born after vicente zambada trail? If so, cds also "rolls" that way. They arent know as el cartel de los sapos for no reason.

    13. @5:30 Llevo pasando por Guanajuato hacia Michoacán y Jalisco desde hace 15 años y todo estaba en completa paz. Los únicos que están cagando el palo son ustedes.

    14. @8:01
      Y los caballeros templariòs que? Te daban la bendicion?
      Te escoltaban?

      Si antes de que llegara CJNG Los caballeros templariòs tenia secuestrada toda la region? No te acuerdas?

    15. @5:13 Jamás tuve broncas con los Templarios amigo y eran gente mugrosa que entregó al Chango Méndez, eso sí. Pero que le puedo yo decir, ni Viagras ni CJNG valen madre. Ustedes del CJNG le roban carros a la gente en las pistas y son mamones con la raza.

  23. Now I know why he's called azul. All the barbacoa tacos blocking his arteries give him that blueish complexion.

  24. Wow these guys are looking worse than sinaola when it comes to stitching on their own team

  25. Goverment is bent on letting jaliscas take that state. Feel bad for them ppl. Mexican goverment keep up the bad work. I hope the usa wisens up and put sanctions on your useless corrupt goverment.

  26. El Azul was no match for CJNG an international criminal organization.

    1. @2:43 En GTO traen Gobierno y por eso ganan. AMLO no quiere huachicoleo. En Michoacán pierden porque sus contras traen gobierno y así se va la cosa. Cienfuegos vivo ejemplo.


  27. I think it's so stupid how many Fanboys are on the site I guarantee you they would be cut to pieces in fact I don't even think the cartels would even take that much time with them. You guys are rooting for a bunch of meth heads who have no respect or honor for their country or for any values and there not a member of society, they are the walking dead. so you being a fan of these stupid cartels on top of now having the bones to even going to join them just being a online fan acting like you're part of the group is so disgustingly stupid and that's why you're anonymous because even you can't handle putting your name to some f****** stupidity that you put. Hate to say it but the only Fanboy I think they would actually join the cartel would probably be that Scottish zeta so he can suck e40 and lazca bag pipes. Well e40 is still alive

  28. governments value oil
    so when you steal it, they come for you.

  29. why CSRL dont hit cabeza de vaca and other on the take politicians just curious

  30. Keep him in Mexico, don't take him to the U.S.

  31. Y en Guanajuato disen que la vida no vale nada. Allí está el ejemplo que Guanajuato esta de venta al que paga más. Si fueran de patria no dejarían que un fuereno comprara la plaza pero Mexico todo esta de venta y como dijo mi tía, Todo? Si todo!

  32. And now the next guy will be even more violent. That's how this works.

    1. I daught it, csrl is gonna split again and again until there is nothing of them, thats what happens when you depend on the huachicol and it gets taken away from you

  33. Staking out the taco stands paid off.

  34. 4 Letras continues to march forward while CDS is falling apart, an age old tale. Nueva generacion vs vieja generacion

    1. @8:31 lmfao, Nueva Generación actually represents Mexico's old guard. Chapo y Mayo hicieron su cártel y ahora los viejos quieren su rebanada del pastel.

  35. How are they transporting this fat fuck to the jail, a dump truck?

  36. Mencho is next. Cartel de santa rosa de lima is no longer a threat maybe. Mencho's goons been having their ass kicked by the government lately. One of There tanks that they were showing of got destroy by the government forces so yeah. Their fucked. The only problem is that those fucking corrupted judges will let them go.

    One thing. a hitman leader of the sinaloa cartel got detained in baja california.

  37. Off topic - Chapo snitched again!

  38. Should of been called manteca

  39. General Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, was detained by US authorities at the Los Angeles airport.

  40. 6 Asians indicted with Federal charges for money laundering Mexican drug cartels money.

  41. Hey people there is room for a LFM,Tamaulipas,GG,BLO,Sombra sicario?
    We have some from CJNG,CDS,Zeta,already?
    Whats one more sad arse gonna hurt

    1. 5:04 if there is something true in the world it is Alvergadro's Principle: All Daisy Chains will expand to accept any volunteers

  42. I hope this comment is posted.

    This shows how the real pone-dedos are CJNG. But in reality all cartels use government when available. CJNG has been going against Huachicol to get federal favor for a while now.

    And this how CJNG really rolls for all the fanboys:

    Now General Cienfuegos is detained and he worked with B.L.O. all cartels use government you fanboy kiddos.

    1. Totaly believe it! Now post whats going in sinaloa and sonora so we dont think you are a CDS fanboy

    2. @12:39

      Sonora's violence created by Caro family faction who is friends with Mencho. He's also allied to La Línea, another bunch of scum ;)

  43. Who's going to feed that !

  44. 4 Letras continues to push forward while CDS continues to crumble

    1. @8:23 Dónde andan forward lmfao

    2. 8:23 lately the only one crumbling is cjng

  45. Ponganse al tiro Mexicanos ya no se maten a lo pendejo mejor inviten A Dios a sus casas y vidas para que les Ponga Amor en su Corazon

    1. Gracias querido hermano

    2. 9:46 no tengan temor ee Dios, pero cuidense de sus enviados, especialmente los que se nombran y autodenominan solos, luego se r oj ban a tu vieja, las hijas, los hijos, la casa y hasta las gallinas para hacer un templo como la Luz Del Mundo, regalo del gobierno cristero del Estado de Jalisko...

  46. Whatever happened to the supposed reinforcements the rapist cartel had sent Guanajuato?
    😹😹 you cant win wars on promises and illusions.


  47. @3:17 Aprende a escribir primero panochón. Y Mencho no hace ni verga, es el gobierno. Pero todos los cárteles así son. Ahora ve a llorar que CDS ponen dedo.

  48. MALO is doing COWARD mencho`s job , getting rid of his enemies.. MEXICO FAILED STATE !!!!!

    1. Really? Cause many would argue he's doing the opposite in Zacatecas, so who is "malo" really helping? 🤔🤔

    2. 11:49 99% of Mexicans support AMLO, AMLO, AMLO...
      write his name in big capitals like they do all over the world.

  49. Puro pa delante la nueva generacion!
    Asta los chinolas le asen corridos al señor de los cocks!!!!🐔🐓🐔🐓🐔🐓

  50. Van A Querer Más
    O mejor le paro?
    Me sobra la gente
    Y también me sobra el varo
    Cuando por la harina ustedes van
    Yo voy de regreso con el pan
    Y lo del boludo que tumbe
    Me viene guango
    Tuve mis motivos
    Con la bronca en Guachinango
    Y gavilán que suelta
    Dicen que no es gavilán

    Pero no todo es pleito
    En la manada de repente
    Una pisteada sirve pa des estresar
    En una moto Cross agarro viada
    Y elijo Puerto Vallarta
    Como destino final
    Nada mas no me hagan enojar
    Porque tal vez pueden encontrar
    Yo soy El Mencho
    Y soy puro Michoacán
    (Y arriba Michoacán y Jalisco plebada)


  51. Bam Bam
    You are not seeing the whole picture
    You have not read all you can about ALMo
    He is just like Cartels but collects money
    Why are good mexicans Fleeing mexico ?
    does he really care for All the people or for only a few ??

    1. 7:09 good mexicans leaving Mexico? like chayotero fired by Televisa Carlos Loret de Moolah?
      No mames güey, oh, sorry, also videgaray, Cienfuegos, Veytia, and genarco garcia luna also left Mexico, but i garrantee you they all want to go back...
      --When you pay your kickbacks to AMLO, make sure and get a receipt and a video to get a refund, anonymous dumbass.


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