Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Villa de Cos, Zacatecas: State Police Disseminate Information About CJNG and Secretary of Security

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

State Police Disseminate Information from the CJNG infiltrated in the Policía Estatal Preventiva (PEP, Preventive State Police), as well as from the Zacatecas Secretary of Security.

State Police warn that there will be total violence and there will be more ambushes of police of all levels in the state.

After the ambush in which 4 State Police officers were shot. And their patrol was set on fire, where their comrades were burned to death. Several PEPs joined together to disseminate information pertaining to the CJNG and the Secretary of Public Security.

The elements of the PEP indicated that the 7 detainees and 2 allegedly killed after the ambush attack are NOT the intellectual authors who killed their companions. These individuals were set up to take the fall. The young men had weapons planted on them at the crime scene. So were the 2 executed. It was all fabricated to diffuse the situation.

Just so that they could claim the suspects were captured. But that’s not true.  The CJNG convoy that ambushed and killed our comrades remain free. Their convoys consists of 30 to 60 perpetrators.

State Police reported that CJNG was going to confront and stop the mob of Mayo Zambada and CDS. They had challenged them in a video that came out of Morelos and Calera. 50 heavily armed CDS hitmen also challenged them and threatened to dethrone CJNG in Zacatecas.

At the "confrontation" that was going to take place they ran into our police counterparts, ambushed them and set them on fire.

The 7 detainees are not elite hitmen or high-ranking CJNG hitmen who killed and ambushed our policemen. Just as well there are also many CJNG operatives infiltrated and working with corrupt elements.

The following is information that a group of State Police spread on social networks:

“The truth is that you removed the corrupt officials at the service of the cartels: Villa (distinctive godfather), continues to move about within the ranks of the State Police.

Isaías (Luguer), is already enjoying the economic benefits left to him by the blood of the Zacatecans, but my dear Mr. Secretary, guess what? ... You had to dismantle his armed wing headed by Madox (the executor). He’s responsible for the civilian deaths and disappearances in Zacatecas.

The sicaria Cataleya, operative and liaison with the Talibanes and CDN, who works for the highest bidders. We all know that they operate in Pinos and they continue to function with impunity as if they owned the terrain.

Cooper (K9), he’s the guy who collects the extortions for Luguer. As well as the enabler of thefts and kidnappings for the Cartel del Noreste and Cartel de Sinaloa.

The following 2 are the infamous ones: Chanok and Tanque: Just like the executioner, they are the armed wing of the Sinaloa cartel, the main generators of violence in Fresnillo. Just yesterday they executed a family. The tally was 6 dead and 4 injured. Among them were minors. Let’s not forget about this.

Another thing that you haven’t been made aware of. Is all the rats that went to hide from your GOPES (Special Forces Group)


  • Águila 
  • Coyote
  • Castellanos
  • Canelo
  • Llanero 
  • Fogar 
  • Pinto 

I recommend you give them an investigation and you will see that you are playing with fire. The last straw was that you removed them from the battlefield. Where 4 Sinaloa narco camps were in plain sight in Villa de Cos.

They didn’t have compassion at all with the citizens affected within that area. They didn’t support their townspeople, who, trusting in them, asked for help without obtaining anything. What a disappointment you are Mr. Secretary. You have turned your back on the citizens of Zacatecas.

The cherry on the cake was how bad you looked delivering to your overbearing friends the direction as Undersecretary.

It would also be good if you ask them what they’re doing so much in Río Grande and Sombrete. Unless of course they’re already in business with the terrorists who call themselves Sinaloans and they haven’t invited you. Such is your lack of investigation.


I’ll help you by giving you the aliases and regions of the terrorists to see if you find something:

  • *Olegario* - Sombrete
  • *Flechaz* - Sombrete
  • *Azteca* - Río Grande 
  • *Los Herrera (Family Members)* Chalchihuites
  • *Caballero*- Fresnillo
  • *Mudo*- Villa de Cos 

Ask the municipal directors of those municipalities. They will give you the exact details.

By the way go ahead and add * Caivil * Director of the Juan Aldama municipality. Because he’s already involved with the Sinaloan’s. Along with his cousin Elite.

Nothing has really changed, Mr. Secretary, or rather if it changed, it’s been for the worse. You have the same criminals working disguised as policemen”.

Source: Seguzac (Zacatecas Zona de Peligro)

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  1. Commander Villa’s name has come up again. This is one of the guy’s selling out his counterparts. Political bickering within the departments as always. This is why so much progress can’t get done. The guys wanting to do good are being screwed over from the top. Con razón mucha gente se retira.

    1. El clabo salido will always get hammered down.... its sad but I don't think Mex will ever overcome its systemic corruption and related cartel violence.

  2. Just found this website, is this movie, or really true, can't be,

    1. This is the hard truth of how things are mexico unfortunately.

    2. The realist ongoing novela you will find on the net.

    3. 8:28 it is all true, but you only see the tip of the iceberg.
      You need some information, and can start with two books:
      "The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Hopkins
      "The Big White Lie" by Michael Levine.
      These dedicated americans are no lefties from the left wing extremistas or drug dealing narcos.

    4. Years ago there was a similar site spotlighting U.S. crimes.

    5. @ 9:43

      ha yea Spot lighting american drug crime now would include to many mayors Gov senators speaper of houses etc

    6. Never fails does it,dragging the US into every post on every story,mad millie the loony toon.You would all bitch and whine if the US did try and get involved.Answering your own posts,sad shit

    7. 10:10 keep up with tearing offyour panties...
      Nobody is blaming The US of A, but there are and have been "certain americans".
      This is one answer to you, from your most beloved, do not get confused by your wise assed ignorance

  3. Those killings in fresnillo were done by cjng rats

  4. Mencho will be captured by years end

  5. CJNG Cowards Would Have Been Eliminated by the SINALOA mercenarys have they got to where The TOPON was supposed to take Place That's why they ambush the police cowards where looking for a way out not to get to their destination we all seen how they leave their trucks behind and run😀

    1. 9:20 PM PEP were checking where the CJNG convoy was at so that they could let the snitchaloas culos know so they could ambush the convoy. What bullshit those police officers didn't get ambushed they got lit the f up while driving to the CJNG convoy. They have been putting in work for the Snitchaloas once they start getting fried for choosing sides they start crying. Sol Perdido what good elements their are non in Mexico or in the US they are all chasing the dollar. If you don't want to burn in the fire don't get close to the fire and do something else to make a living. If you get into law enforcement in the US you know you are well protected just another branch of the most powerful crime family in the world. Mexico is another beast anyone can get it in Mexico.

    2. So there is supposed to be a topon one group shows up and the other sends the cops?

    3. Yeah because it would very smart to send a 4 man police car to go see where a 50 car man convoy is at lol it just makes no sense im sure those officers where just patrolling their area when they came upon those CJNG cowards who are all paranoid that they see the sinaloas in their shadows 😂

  6. So was this weekend women dismemberment weekend cus they found at least 3 women in pieces in different states. One was a known human smuggler so thats not surprising and a whole lot of women assassinated. I bet most of them did not deaerve it meaning they werent involved in criminal activities at all.

  7. Rumors keep popping up about jaliscas vs sinaloas in zacatecas and the other groups that arw allied with one or the other. Talibanes an off shoot of the old zetas that turned on the zetas after the trevinos took over and allied with the gulf cartel are allied with cds and so is the cdn and the cdg is allied with the jaliscas which is disturbing considering that even in its weaken state cdg usually fights everyone execpt old school zetas i wonder if its a local cdg cell thats independant from cdg matamoros or if its a cdg cell that is allied with cdg metros of reynosa who do have ties to the jaliscas. Shits complicated but still surpising that cdg wld choose to ally with jaliscas and not cds considering they have allied or called truce with cds at some point.

    1. The cdg in Zacatecas is now nothing but a bunch of local scummy thiefs from the city of Zacatecas and surrounding areas. Those guys were all ex zeta halcones that switched to cdg when they took over thanks to the corrupt Zacatecas government. They have been sucking the few wealthy people from Zacatecas dry of their money for a decade now with extortions & now cjng has made them align with them

    2. Cds has whooped so many tweaker sicarios from cjng but they just keep bringing more, like ive said its the us army vs the viet cong. The cjng is like a varmint and varmints never quit, cds will keep needing their fire power and superior intelligence to keep them at bay.

    3. 10:38 🤣🤣 supierior intelligence? You mean their snitching? If thats their superior intelligence than yea they are way way superior!!

    4. 12:18 this moron has the audacity to keep saying CDS are snitches when the articles states cjng snitching out police lmao imagine not comprehending that smh cjng groupies need to quit smoking broken windows like the tweekers they cheer on from cjng

    5. 2:19 snitchloas are known to snitch on theyre own comrades

    6. 9:44 pm CDG and CDS were allies . But it all went to shit on dec 30 2019 . It all started in jail at ceferezo de cienegillas Zac while playing a friendly soccer game CDS vs CDG got heated and a fight broke out . Weapons came out and a total of 16 dead Prisoners after all cleared up . So shit started there then the golfos allied themselves with el jardinero from the 4 letras . And now we have this shit going on . I can tell you while the CDS and cDG were allied there Zacatecas was peaceful for a little while .
      Att : El Zacatecas cerquita de fresnillo

  8. Looks LIKE the cops work FOR CDS
    CJNG has to START with those CROOKED cops in order to take the PLAZA

    1. Governor wannabe david monrial and his brother former governor ricardo "el riki" monrial and their sixario wannabe arturo lopez bazan new SSP de Zacatecas have been accused of this zeta styled murdering campaign in Zacatecas, they may be presumed innocent until proven guilty all day, but nobody can hide the impune murdering all over the state, from grameros to cops from municipios to state police, and never is anybody caught alive to blame for any of it, BAZAN IS WHERE THE BUCK STOPS, ---THE GOVERNOR HAS ASKED FOR GUARDIA NACIONAL and AMLO HELP.
      --Proceso 1843: "Los Zetas Infiltran al ejercio, la PGR, la AFI, la PF..."
      It was most all a lie, the zetas were their puppets and on the way out to make room for the real crooks that followed them, CJNG OF EPN, OSORIO CHON, VIDEGARAY, CSdeG, and all their ass kissing associates, problem is nobody wants to pack and go when their crooked mission is over...los zetas followed the conateucrion of the retired military colony in Coahuila, and they are the ones needing to supplement their retirement pensions who started infiltrating the CDG to steal their operation, but CDG like other cartels had their back benchers just in case.

  9. If this "mesage" is true, what i got from it is cds payed the police to go ahead and fight for them! Hear me out! Cds and cjng had a place to have a topon! But cds told theyre paid "police man" the ones that got capped to go check the place were the fight was gonna take place, of curse cjng were gonna shoot anyone who they saw once they got there and than cds was gonna make this story public so that the federal police would get inbolved and fight cjng, if the police already knew there was gonna be a shoot out between cds and cjng why would they even want to get involved knowing it was gonna be a 60 vs 50 fight? It smells like a rataloa move to make the federal forces fight cjng cause cds knew they stand no chance against true fighters, i guess that video of the fat guys threatening el señor de los cocks was just as fake as the rataloas corridos!

    1. Shut up cjng fan girl you bums are getting stomped on mencho is a lame ass tweaker

    2. 11:09 PM Another way to look at it but the Semar, Sedena, Guardia National and the PEP are already with the Snitchaloas. They have El Peje eating out of their hands. They were the ones that were picking up people in Northern Zacatecas and Northern Fresnillo and handing them over to the Snitchaloas so they could make their videos. Once shit got real we discovered that the buchoans felt the tip they took of their buchona botes put them running shoes on and ran. They even left the tortilla maker on the side of the road.

    3. You’re on to something 11:09. Sounds like Sinaloa’s modos aperandi. Gobierno por frente y ellos atrás.

    4. If they were sent to fight why would they send one car unless it was rigged for a suicide bombing type attack most likely they were caught at the wrong place wrong time but i do believe that the local police work for CDS because CJNG is known to show no remorse for cops who aren’t on their payroll

    5. 6:31 dont you know how cds works? They probably told them there were just gonna be a few cars of sicarios and theire back up was gonna be right behind them, they are really good at decieving dumb people, its all show, its ovious the police knew what was going on, this poor souls probably were the only ones who didnt know, now the cops that work for cds come up with this little measage to heat up cjng and have all the federal forces fight cjng and the fat guys in the video calling out mencho just sit back and keep eating burgers, getting high and making fake corridos, bunch of vaginas why didnt they show up for the topon? Culito les falto a los rataloas, no que querian ver al mencho y que matavan elefantes a cachetadas y apagavan lumbre a pedos jajajaja

    6. @8:01 Así como en GTO tu grupo élite no valió verga. Siga soñando compañero, su grupo de narco-terroristas se irá a chingar a su madre.

    7. 6:31 your suicide car bomb is one the moist stupid thangs to hit this blog since the hydrocholozidine theory of the Ultra-Violent Light Sabers for COVID 19

  10. To me it sounds like the message came from CJNG and not from state police, giving all those names and locations.

    1. 12:18 Giving names and locations of themselves? Naw this sounds exactly like cdsnitches snitching!

    2. CNJG the baby cartel of snitches. They ratted out the cops, stop calling CDS snitches when you very well know CJNG can’t do anything without ratting out the biggest/strongest group in Mexico.... the big bad CDS.

    3. 8:02 Have you read the article? If you did, you should have noticed that the names and locations belong to CDS.

    4. 8:52 so pathetic lmao. But bad CDS lmao. U got ur pom poms on right? I trip out the way grown ass men cheer on cartels . I promise you, you wouldn't cheer them on if you saw what they are willing to do for a dollar. They don't give a fuck about innocent people. No one does. The mighty dollar is God to these people. Then u got idiots like yourself who literally CHEER like a broad lmao.did u not see how ur precious CDS killed teo babies becuz their parents owed money

      Honestly how embarrassing is it for u to be saying things like "...the biggest baddest group.. big bad CDS.." MY MONEY SAYS YOU NEVER EVEN FIRED A GUN OUTSIDE OF A RANGE. Or even at someone lmao get outta here with your pom poms

    5. 10:07 bro vicentillo, rey zambada & damaso ratted on chapo and chapo ratted on beltranes & nacho and so many others, why wouldnt they be ratting on themselves? I think this this is chapitos snitching on zambadas and cjng

  11. Where is Guero Chompas?

  12. All of these conspiracy professionals putting in their 2 cents from the comfort of their moms house in the U.S🤦🏽‍♂️. Mejor ponganse a estudiar en ves de andar con sus mamadas pinche bola de sonsos. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. 1:07 no más Chompas que el que trais atrás apoyando a la mamadora.


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