Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Leaked Documents Reveal National Guard Soldiers Working with CJNG on Migrant Trafficking & Fuel Theft in Veracruz

 “Socalj” for Borderland Beat

According to documents from the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena) leaked by the Guacamaya group, the National Guard (GN) would have links to a criminal group with which it allegedly collaborated. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has praised the GN as a transparent body with no ties to crime, for which he has defended its incorporation into Sedena.

However, in Veracruz and the southeast of the country, it is involved in the trafficking of Central Americans, whose routes the CJNG control. Sedena documents point to a possible link between the GN and the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), the activities in which the security institution would be involved would presumably be human trafficking and fuel theft.

The Sedena files mention that in Veracruz the GN would be related to three members of the CJNG, who are identified as the people who traffic migrants. The aliases mentioned in the documents were Rubens, Hamburger, and Doña Yadi. Security elements "provided free transit to traffickers of undocumented immigrants prior to a code that they mention, as an identification measure for these authorities."

In addition, the Sedena located an individual identified as Comandante Mata, who would serve as the GN's liaison with the Olmeca group, a criminal organization dedicated to fuel theft in Tabasco. The input details the criminal structure of the Olmeca group, with GEGA, alias Gabo, at the head of the criminal structure and with VCZ as a financial operator, who receives the money deposits for the National Guard.

The large-scale hydrocarbon theft attributed to the Olmeca group, an independent organization, which operates in Tabasco under the protection of the CJNG, and which the Army links to the head of the Interior, Adán Augusto López. A communication intercepted on August 18 last, shows that Gabo, leader of the Olmec organization, had direct communication with Adán Augusto López Hernández whom the Army identifies with the code of "Uncle."

On Sunday, October 9, the overturning of a truck carrying more than 100 migrants in Veracruz was reported. As a result of this accident, 45 people were injured. The driver of the unit was also injured and was identified as Carlos "N", a 31-year-old man. These actions happened on Saturday, October 8. According to the first reports, the truck would have evaded a security checkpoint where there were National Guard patrols.

Source 24 HorasInfobae

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  1. I guess Lopez Obrador Guardia National, is not get paid well and working together with CJNG for extra money. Can't trust no one in Mexico.

  2. Mexican authorities are in collusion with cartels, what a shock (sarcasm)

    1. 1:26 Mexican government just bought out their US partners in Deerpark refinery, do you really think mexican government would risk getting it expropriated and confiscated by the US for allying with criminals?
      It happened to the Venezuelans declared.persona non grata for refusing to be exploited by US corporations for another 100 years after the first 100 left nothing but poverty and broke ass

    2. 8:00 There are so many interests in Mexico that dont think that happens for political reasons. For the US, economic/commercial interests are on top priority. Theres a reason they stopped Texas governor when applied measures against commercial trucks coming from Mexico.

  3. What’s new pussy cat

  4. I have a sense that there's going to be a lot coming out of these leaked documents in the coming weeks. I hope Borderlandbeat is on top of this.

    1. We're trying but could use help.

    2. 1:53 Guacamaya has been found to be fake and a tool

    3. 7:43:
      So far it appears that the bulk of the documents are credible.

  5. So the big question is what will ALMO do about all these leaks?

    Start chopping corrupt heads or stick his head in the ground?

    1. Just say its bullshit like US politicians do and keep it pushing. The show must go on.

    2. 2:11:
      ELMO is going to give them all a big collective hug. Like ELMO likes to remind us all, the murderers, rapists and pedophiles in organized crime are human to. ELMO's heart bleeds for these miscreants.

    3. 2:43 Thats only happens in your mind and heart, Detroit.

    4. Already did boy. Hopefully you are smart enough to understand spanish. Try harder.


    5. 3:42 Detroit is a grown man, addressing everyone in here "BOY", shows that you lack respect, your visible in other comments stating the same thing, we are all equal human beings, you copy boy.

    6. 3:42 seems to act like a dork at times.

    7. Mister Senor Detroit is one great smart writer and commenter, it is a pity he uses his abilities to push so much caca, like other great pushers of BS like tucker carlson, Sean hannity, alex jones, Belly limbaugh, Shapiro and Bill Maher again.

    8. 4:46 / 8:23 Seems like it was hard to swallow for both of you too.

  6. Mexico needs to work with only one cartel and do a pax mafiosa. That’s the only way to bring peace. Keep order and everyone in check. It’s not ideal for rule of law in theory since it’s pretty much a pro-narco or narco state, but it stops the killings, kidnappings, and extortions. Who should they support? CJNG or Sinaloa? Or maybe another group? Greetings from Japan, new reader here.

    1. Welcome to the site. We're glad to have you.

      Sometimes it's hard being new to this topic because people aren't always quick to offer an explanation. But please feel free to ask any BB contributor questions in the comments.

      Everyone was a new reader at one point and we're here to figure this mess out together.

    2. 3:14:
      Thank you for commenting from Japan. It's always fresh to look at old problems from a new perspective.
      Americans and Mexicans have a lot of emotional capital in this issue so it is not always discussed in a sober manner. On top of it all, we have politicians throwing gasoline on the fire rather than rationally confronting the issue.
      A pax mafioso has never worked. No state hands it's duties over to criminals. At best you get a temporary reduction in violence but violence is increased over the long term.
      The U.S. is a rule of law country. Overall, it does a good job of controlling traditional mafias. The level of violence by DTO's and street gangs is a newer game. Street violence is best handled by state and local governments. They have been slow to adjust to this new criminal landscape. The U.S. government has been pretty consistent in dealing with the major players.
      The political situation in Mexico is evolving. For 80 years Mexican politics was controlled by the PRI until the election of Vincente Fox. Under PRI, Mexican politics usually involved a lot of corruption. Since the election of Fox, the Mexican government is becoming more responsive to the demands of the people. Corruption is built into the political structure in Mexico and will take decades to get under control.
      In the coming decades as politicians are more responsive to the population then Mexico will become a rule of law country. The situation in Mexico is slowly improving. Mexico is holding major drug traffickers to account and corrupt politicians as well. While many traffickers are in Mexico's prisons, many are still free because it takes time to reduce the corruption.
      The current president of Mexico has no security strategy. He campaigned on hugs not bullets. He called on everyone to see that traffickers are human too. He promised to demilitarize the drug war. He started the national guard but some of the personnel he transferred to this organization are corrupt. He promised to keep the national guard under civilian control and then held a midnight session of congress to put the national guard under the control of the military. This is a tacit admission that his security strategy was failing.
      What also hurt him was releasing Ovidio Guzman that sent a message to the cartels that all they had to do to get someone released is to burn down the town. This is why we have seen the recent violence in Jalisco, Guanajuato, Chihuahua and Baja California. This is becoming the new normal in Mexico. Currently, Mexico appears to be a rudderless ship because their is no one providing leadership on the issue of security. The narcos see this president as weak and they have responded. Homicides went from 22,000 per year when he was elected to 34,000 last year. They have moderated a bit and Mexico is anticipated to have about 33,000 homicides in 2022. Homicides are still up by about 50% under this president.
      Hopefully, Mexicans will elect someone in 2024 that will stand up to the cartels and bring down the violence. A pax mafioso has never provided long term benefits to the occupied population and would not benefit anyone in Mexico other than the criminals.

    3. 03:14 hey 👋🏼 thanks for reading from Japan. I nominate the Yakuza to take over the criminal underworld of Mexico. They are highly disciplined and have a secret ancient methamphetamine recipe that can’t be replicated since they actually invented Methamphetamines.

      It’s like trying to cook Granny’s fried chicken from her old recipe but something just still isn’t the smae

    4. They do already its called the Mexican war on drugs

  7. Told you guy's cjng are bums 🤣

    1. 5:43 ok thanks man for telling us, now you can go back to sleep and have a wet dream with chapo in his florance cell, just the two of you

  8. mierdas policias militares y gobierno mexicano ! cerdos delincuentes gobierno de mierda

    1. 9:09 militarized US police does not fare too well either, from consultants, training and hiring former military and using military surplus, they compare at every level, except on the yield from kidnappings for ransom.


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