Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, June 9, 2023

CJNG Assassins Kill Christian Pastor and Her Son On Zacatecas Highway

"Sol Prendido" for Borderland Beat

The 44-year-old woman and her 23-year-old son were traveling in a compact car to the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco.

In Durango, there is indignation and anger among citizens for the death of Esther and Abdiel, who were murdered, presumably by hitmen of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, on a highway in the state of Zacatecas.

The events occurred last Sunday, when the 44 year-old woman and her 23 year-old son were traveling in a compact car to the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, to participate in an event related to commerce and industry.

However, on the way between the municipalities of Fresnillo and Jerez, in Zacatecas, the family lost communication with them.

In the absence of information from both people, their friends and family made several complaints on social networks to find their whereabouts; under social pressure, the Zacatecas police informed them that Esther and Abdiel had been killed by hired killers from a criminal group operating in the area.

The CJNG criminals shot at the vehicle in which Esther and Abdiel were traveling.

The bodies of the victims were delivered to their families on Monday night and it was not until Thursday when they were buried, among hundreds of people who are outraged and angry at this cowardly crime.

Esther was a pastor of a Christian church in the municipality of Durango and her congregants, family, friends and co-workers in the Historic Center of the state capital, demand justice from the authorities, and call on President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to stop, punish and clarify this double homicide.


  1. Why didn't god save them? Maybe they weren't praying properly or often enough. Maybe the murderers god was stronger? I'm just asking questions.

    1. How old are you?

    2. 10:38 How old are you?

    3. Seriously ? This comment was so unnecessary. What the hell is wrong with you ?

    4. @10:38pm You're what I detest about Christians. You think you know it all. God put it in the bible, so if God wrote it then there's no need to question anything. Listen to 10:20pm instead of reflexively shooting him down because he questions religious dogma.
      Christians tell me I'm going to hell because I don't follow Jesus Christ. Well, Christians are taking a big risk just believing in Christ. No one knows what awaits in the afterlife. It is an alternate reality. And that reality may be extremely antagonistic towards Christians.
      Christians think they have a lock on the nature of the hereafter. But thinking that way doesn't guarantee it will be that way.

    5. Are you serious right now ? That comment was so unnecessary.

    6. Don't act like a stupid ignorant mexican

    7. What threat are these people to those cowards : None; hope they get worse what goes around comes around and Mexico needs Death squads like Columbia had to do justice because the Coward president is in bed with them .

    8. 10:20 u are asking stupid questions, ur brain is rotten.

    9. Lol so true. Great comment. I dont care how old you are. In 40 and agree.

    10. Super unnecessary comment.

    11. Maybe God didn’t want to save them. Maybe they were fulfilling His purpose. Why do you question God?

    12. No you're not just asking questions. You're just being an idiot.

    13. First of all it’s God. And second their life was taken in cold blood. You are disrespectful toward an innocent family and their family is mourning them. You have no heart kid.

    14. If there's a god it is not named Jesus

    15. @JamesBrown wait until you fund out how Muslims and Jewish people would view you. Christians are not the only ones who believe in God. You sound like an angry teenager or a college freshman who just took their first intro to philosophy class.

    16. God isn’t around all the time,
      Which is why he doesn’t everyone’s prayers.
      He has a battle with evil to battle

    17. 2 live & die in LAJune 10, 2023 at 10:19 AM

      @10:20 & James brown..... its not up to God to save them. We are all born with free will so the choices we consciously make and whether we choose to believe in Jesus Christ dictate whether we go to Heaven or Hell. It sounds to me like your taking the risk in not believing.... & even though you might detest me, I still got love for you because Jesus does also.

    18. God's not real shut up.

    19. @8:57am. I said I detest Christians beliefs. I didn't say I hate them. There is a huge chasm between detest and hate.
      I know Arab Muslims hate me and my kind. The feeling is mutual, thank you very much.
      I know Jews don't like me. I'm a goy, and even worse I'm a schvartze (Yiddish slur for a black person. No need to Google it, you already know what it means). But Jews don't run around killing people.
      Jews just want to be left alone to run the world. Is that such a bad thing? We could do worse.

    20. 10:55 ..the next time I hear something Stupid come out of someone's mouth.."how old are you" will Def be my 1st question.. Classic bro.

  2. But but but but I thought CJNG, come to clean town, of lowlife criminals, yet look what they actually do...kill innocent's give me a break.

    1. Belize is poorer than México.

    2. They did, the cleansing was religion. Duh!

  3. 🤔 this sticks big time like the Rat cartel, the police told the familly CJNG shot at them? Cds sicarios all coked out and paranoid, they had to blame someone else like they always do in the plazas they are fighting, plus i thaught CDS had kicked out CJNG from Zacatecas? Something doesnt add up

    1. Nah remember cjng runs everything

    2. @10:44 fkn cheerleader

    3. Car has plates from
      Make it make sense,
      You’re just a hater

    4. 10:36 so you are admitting CJNG is deep in Zacatecas?

    5. 10:01 not a cheerleader just making fun of you CDS cheerleaders who think CDS are the good guys, they are no different from CJNG, they actually used to work side by side, which means they are both the same shit 🤣

  4. Alot of people are going missing in fresnillo, jerez, capital area of Zacatecas, every day. They probably were going to get stopped by a group and kept driving. This is really messed up whats going on in central & southern Zacatecas and the government keeps making arrests of people from durango, something doesnt seem right. They are letting one group work freely in the state, that has a history of killing innocent people in Zacatecas.

  5. They were from Durango it was mistaken identity most of grupo flechas sicarios for CDS are from Durango . They have a strong accent and in other states like Zacatecas they would stand out immediately because of their accent .

    1. Could be bro,it doesnt make sense why they would kill these these people?
      Seriously sad what is going on in mexico under amlo,dont know what would work but hugs and peace doesn't seem to be working at all

  6. Bet you make this comment on every cjng post hey? Every cartel follows this it's basic practice standard. In all my time on the interwebs I've learned the lesson cleanliness equals death

    1. 4:26 who are you talking to?

    2. He is talking to himself 😭 again, pointless rhetoric.

  7. When you have the president of Mexico in your pocket, anyone can be killed.

  8. You guys did a fast investigation

  9. It is very sad that Mexico has become a death trap. I would love to visit and vacation down there.

    1. You want to see Hell..🔥👹.
      Go to Mexico.

  10. If the murderers ask god for forgiveness god has to let them into heaven, those are the rules.

    Be kinda weird if the murdered family was eating at some food court in heaven one day, and they look over at the table next to them and see the gangsters that murdered them. Awkward

  11. Jaliscas cheerleaders are proud of this.

  12. Cjng: “we don’t mess with innocent” yeah right! All cartels and their members are the lowest forms of life.

  13. One of those stories that hits you harder than usual,young son and his mother,a pastor who preaches love and tolerance to all. What kind of morality allows men to do this,men who are from normal walks of life ?

  14. Not defending cartels but if they were heading to a conference could it have to do with politics?

    1. Church congregations often get involved in traffic in persons, so it may be more directly simple cartel business.

  15. Ever heard of "free will"? You know like the free will to post stupid, insensitive remarks on a website.


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