Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bodies Of FIve People Murdered In Ojuelos Still Unidentified: Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The discovery of the five bodies occurred at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday at the foot of the Ojuelos-San Luis highway.

OCTOBER 14, 2024

Victor Ramirez / El Occidental

A little more than 24 hours after five bodies of people murdered in the municipality of Ojuelos were found, none of them have been identified nor have the bodies been claimed by family members, informed Jalisco authorities.

Through a communiqué from state authorities, it was mentioned that as part of the review of the events that took place in the last hours in the Altos Norte region, the Executive Commission of the State Security Council agreed to maintain presence in the area indefinitely.

Among the aspects that were analyzed was the discovery of five bodies in the municipality of Ojuelos, on the border with Zacatecas, “of which, up to this moment nobody has claimed them and they have not been identified, so preliminarily, it is presumed that they could be from other states”.

They explain that the different corporations of the three levels of government involved in the commission are committed to work in coordination to recover peace and tranquility in the state.

The discovery of the five bodies occurred at 6:30 a.m. on Sunday at the foot of the Ojuelos-San Luis highway, at kilometer 81, near the crossroads of Pinos, Zacatecas.

The bodies were in black plastic bags, with visible marks of violence. They were not identified at the site and were taken to the offices of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences (IJCF) for autopsies.




OCTOBER 13, 2024

“Five decapitated bodies and their heads found in black bags, abandoned on the asphalt of the federal highway route 80, route 2630, San Luis Potosi - San Juan de Los Lagos, in Ojuelos.

Source: Jalisco Rojo"


Monday, October 14, 2024

Former Mexican Political Candidate Arrested in Colombia, Wanted by the US for Fentanyl Trafficking Routes

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat

In 2021 and 2024, Luis Ángel Castañeda Peña, 36 years old, was a candidate for local elections in Ocuilan, in the State of Mexico.

On May 15, he was indicted in Case No. 2:24-cr-20261, issued by the US for the Eastern District of Michigan. For many months he managed to consolidate a route for drug trafficking by means of airplanes and speedboats to the Caribbean islands from Colombia and Central America.

On October 9, 2024 he was arrested after being in Bogota, Colombia for a quick 4 hour trip to arrange meetings with local criminal organizations.

Similar to many of hundreds if not thousands of similar routes used for trafficking cocaine since the 1970s directly into the US, but Luis Angel was being charged with trafficking primarily fentanyl.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Criminal Group Places Narco-Banners In Mocorito, Guamúchil And Angostura, Sinaloa. El Perris Or 27 Of The La Chapiza Signs Banners

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from RIODOCE 

OCTOBER 11, 2024 

Banners in which a criminal group disavows itself of extortion, extortion and looting of businesses in Sinaloa, appeared this morning in the Evora region.

According to Tercia de Grillos, the first banners were reported at the welcome arch of the Port of La Reforma in Angostura, then they were reported at the access to the municipal capital of Mocorito and at the Black Bridge at the north entrance and exit of the city of Guamúchil.

In the banners, which are addressed to the general population, a criminal group asks not to fall into extortion or extortion charges, and to report any looting of businesses.

Once the report of the banners was received, elements of the National Guard and the Municipal Police arrived to remove them, red banners with white letters, which were left at the disposal of the corresponding authorities who will initiate an investigation.





Jaime Navarro, Director Of Prosecutions Of The Jalisco District Attorney's Office, Killed

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL 

The murder of Jaime Navarro occurred at the intersection of Fray Junipero and Circunvalación.


Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

Jaime Navarro, director of the Prosecution Follow-Up Department of the Jalisco District Attorney's Office, was shot and killed as he was driving a vehicle.

The aggression occurred Thursday night, outside a pharmacy, at the intersection of Fray Junipero and Circunvalación, in the Jardines Alcalde neighborhood, in Guadalajara.

Neighbors say that at least 15 gunshots were heard.

Subsequently, Guadalajara police officers arrived after citizen reports of the gunshots.

At the scene they found the body lying outside the black Mercedes-Benz van from which he had gotten out. There was a man in a state of shock, who only told the officers that he was an official of the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Later, agents of that agency and family members arrived, who recognized him as Jaime Navarro, who during the current administration was the director of Prosecution Follow-up of the Jalisco Prosecutor's Office.

Long gun shells were found at the scene and will be sent to the Forensic Ballistics Laboratory of the Jalisco Institute of Forensic Sciences for analysis.

The area was heavily guarded by dozens of elements of the State Prosecutor's Office. Prosecutor Luis Joaquín Méndez Ruiz also arrived to head the investigations, but left without making any statements.




Thursday, October 10, 2024

TD Bank Fined a Record $3 Billion for Cartel Money Laundering

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
From a CNN Article

TD Bank will pay $3 billion to settle charges that it failed to properly monitor money laundering by drug cartels, regulators announced Thursday.

The fine includes a $1.3 billion penalty that will be paid to the US Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, a record fine for a bank. TD also intends to pay $1.8 billion to the US Justice Department and plead guilty to resolve the US government’s investigation that the bank violated of the Bank Secrecy Act and allowed money laundering.

The US Department of Justice said in a statement that TD Bank had “long-term, pervasive, and systemic deficiencies” in its procedures of monitoring transactions.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Alleged CJNG Plaza Chief Arrested In Atenguillo, Jalisco. Salvador 'N' Is Identified As El Mencho's Right-Hand Man And Liaison With Logistics Operators, Financiers, Front Men And Regional Heads Of CJNG

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This information was translated and reposted from MILENIO 

Salvador 'N' is identified as El Mencho's right-hand man and liaison with logistics operators, financiers, front men and regional heads of the cartel.

OCTOBER 8, 2024

Elements of the Mexican Army and the National Guard arrested two alleged members of the Jalisco Cartel - New Generation (CJNG) in the municipality of Atenguillo, Jalisco, on Monday, October 7. 

The detainees are Salvador “N”, El Chava, and Rogelio “N”, El Gordo.

Salvador “N” was one of the trusted men of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho. He served as a liaison and messenger between the founder and leader of the CJNG and the cartel's logistical and financial operators, fronts and regional bosses. 

Salvador “N” is identified as the regional head of the CJNG in the municipality of Talpa de Allende and the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, and is also linked to several acts of violence committed in the state.

During the arrest, authorities also seized weapons, cartridges, magazines and different drugs, such as cocaine, methamphetamines and fentanyl.

Investigation led to capture
The capture was the result of months of investigation and intelligence activities carried out by the National Guard in collaboration with the Mexican Army.
The detainees were handed over to the Special Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime (FEMDO).

How to file a complaint with the Prosecutor's Office?
Since it is in writing, the complaint must contain general information and a description of the facts of which the victim was a victim. Three copies of this document will be made, which will be checked by the Public Prosecutor's Office on duty and then will be sent to the official office where the person filing the complaint will receive acknowledgement of receipt.

By appearance, the person will give his oral statement, he will be asked his personal information and will have to narrate the facts in which he was a victim, he must deliver 3 copies of “the documents to prove the property, his personality, the amount of the crime, he must also show copies of his official identification”.
The address to go to is the Attorney General's Office (FGE) of Jalisco, at 2550 14th Street, between 3rd and 5th, Industrial Zone of Guadalajara.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Jalisco Cartel - New Generation Armed Wing "GOEM" Captures And Interrogates A Rival In Puebla

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

OCTOBER 8, 2024 

Jalisco Cartel - New Generation armed wing GOEM or Grupo De Operaciones Especiales Mencho, continues their war campaign in the Mexican state of Puebla. The GOEM armed wing is waging a war against any independent drug pushers, and fuel theft ring leaders not aligned with Jalisco Cartel - New Generation 


GOEM or Grupo De Operaciones Especiales Mencho in the video above reportedly raided the home of a cockfighting breeder named Cesar Bravo Anaya in Huejotzingo, Puebla. Mr. Cesar Bravo Anaya was kidnapped according to the Municipio Puebla news site on September 30, 2024. but the video of his interrogation surfaced in recent days with obvious signs of torture all over his body. Also, the body of Bravo Anaya was reportedly found on October 4, 2024, in the municipality of San Martin Texmelucan, Puebla. 

Moreover, the Municipio Puebla news site states that the armed group that kidnapped Mr. Bravo Anaya stole valuable objects from his home like jewelry, cell phones, and money, according to the Bravo Anaya family. 



CESAR BRAVO ANAYA: For everyone involved in fuel theft and drug sales here. You could fall into formation with us. The same goes for the scumbag extortionists and those who are charging fees in this area. It’s best that you get the fuck out of San Martín Texmelucan. The Jalisco New Generation Cartel is in position here. We are the Special Operations Group of Don Mencho. (GOEM). And we’re moving forward with our La Barredora operation. 


Monday, October 7, 2024

"Don Pedro”, Head Of Santa Rosa De Lima Cartel's Plaza In Guanajuato Arrested In October 2, 2024

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This article was translated and reposted from EL UNIVERSAL 

According to the investigations, the most relevant criminal activities carried out by “Don Pedro” were: theft and sale of hydrocarbons, as well as extortion.


OCTOBER 2, 2024 

Early Tuesday morning, members of the Army and the Special Reaction and Intervention Force of the National Guard (FERI) arrested Pedro “N”, alias “Don Pedro”, who was the head of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, in Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato.

The uniformed officers seized weapons for the exclusive use of the army, magazines and cartridges.

According to the investigations, the most relevant criminal activities carried out by “Don Pedro” were: theft and sale of hydrocarbons illegally extracted from Pemex pipelines (Huachicol), which is the main livelihood of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, which supplies the organization with high caliber weapons and tactical equipment.

Also, monthly extortions to government authorities forced to divert public resources, payment of quotas to authorities in collaboration with the Santa Rosa Cartel, which allow them to work freely.

The arrested man was subordinate of Karem Lizbeth Yépez Ortiz, alias “La Señora”, sister of José Antonio “N” alias “El Marro”, founder of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel, who was arrested in August 2020.

After the arrest of her brother “La señora” was left as his successor and leader of this criminal organization.

The Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel maintains an alliance with the Cartel del Pacífico in order to confront the CJNG, with whom it is fighting for control of Guanajuato, generating a high homicide rate in the state.

According to official sources, these actions are part of the strategy implemented by the Security Cabinet of President Claudia Sheinbaum, to be executed in the first 100 days of her government, with the purpose of reducing violence rates and generating an environment of peace.

Two Burned Bodies Found In Campo Patricia, Eldorado: Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat

This information was reposted from LUZ NOTICIAS 

The bodies were lying on a dirt road.

OCTOBER 7, 2024

Two burned bodies were found in Camp Patricia, in the Eldorado syndicate, on Monday morning, October 7.

The bodies were found lying near a grocery store, on a dirt road that runs along the side of some houses in the area.

Both bodies were completely burned and were separated, one from the other, by approximately 3 meters.

Personnel from the Forensic Medical Service (SEMEFO) will be in charge of the corresponding investigations to determine the identity of the victims.

The macabre discovery in Eldorado
With this discovery, 4 bodies have been located in Culiacan during the morning of Monday, October 7.

The first body was found in Bachigualato, a male body completely emplayado and with bullet wounds to his body.

The second finding is a burned body in Eldorado; while in the Diaz Ordaz neighborhood, a male body was found wrapped in body bags, still next to a kindergarten.


Sinaloa Governor Being Investigated by Sheinbaum Administration, Sinaloa & Durango SEDENA General Relieved of Command

"Socalj" for Borderland Beat
From an Investigation by Proceso

Morena governor Rubén Rocha Moya is on the brink of the abyss as he reaches the halfway point of his six-year term. Cornered by his alleged relationship with the Sinaloa Cartel and with the territory he governs semi-paralyzed by the violence that has left dozens of victims, the governor is under the scrutiny of the intelligence agencies of the Mexican federal government due to the suspicion of having taken the side of the criminal group Los Chapitos, betraying the Mayo Zambada faction.

According to information obtained by Proceso, the National Intelligence Center (CNI) and military intelligence services “are personally following and keeping Rocha Moya under surveillance” on the instructions of then-President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and with the approval of President Claudia Sheinbaum.

Human Remains Found In Pit That Could Have Been Used As A Clandestine Crematorium In El Salto, Jalisco

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was reposted from EL OCCIDENTAL

They are waiting for the authorities to carry out the prospecting and exhumation of the well.

OCTOBER 6, 2024

Elizabeth Ibal / El Occidental

The collective Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco located skeletal remains in a well that was presumably used as a clandestine crematorium, and also found two complete bodies.

The group worked all afternoon in a property with a ruined farm, at the intersection of Medrano and Matamoros, in the El Quince district, in the municipality of El Salto.

After prospecting, some skeletal remains were located in a waterwheel, whose banks showed traces of fire, while at the bottom there were bones.

Through their social networks, Guerreros Buscadores confirmed two findings at that point.

“Today our collective Guerreros Buscadores de Jalisco found a well used for burning, and at the bottom water, in which bones of a human body were found. Civil Protection personnel are expected to rule out that there are still more bodies inside”.

He also reported two bodies at night: one that could be a man because of his clothes, which were a white T-shirt and under it another turquoise blue, blue jeans and white socks with a green stripe and a red stripe. The second one's clothing was not visible.

This group of relatives of missing persons indicated that they are waiting for the authorities to carry out the prospection and exhumation of the well, which could be a grave.

The collective has located three other clandestine crematoriums: one in October 2023 in Tlaquepaque and another in March of this year in El Salto.

Seven Dead After Two Bar Massacres in Celaya, Guanajuato

By "El Huaso" for Borderland Beat

Seven are dead after two attacks on bars in Celaya, Guanajuato, in mass shootings against businesses which are typical of criminal violence in the state. In addition to homicides, Guanajuato state leads the nation in massacres - attacks with several fatal victims - with 57 massacres so far in 2024.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Plaza Boss Of Sonoyta, Sonora, Javier Feliciano Ramirez "El Kuza" Of Los Salazar And Son In Law Of Adelmo Gonzalez Niebla "El G3" Or "Don Memo" Captured This Sunday

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted from SONORA INFORMATIVO and LAMASAKR3 

OCTOBER 6, 2024 

Feliciano Ramirez Lopez 
El Kuza and/or El Charo 
Los Salazar or Cartel Independiente de Sonora 

By: LaMasakr3 on X 

Confirmed the arrest of a generator of violence, a key player for the Salazar family in the war against La Chapiza and its armed groups, the Pelones and the Deltas. 

The arrest comes after a series of explosives seizures and a U.S. bulletin following a tip-off about a parapet used by organized crime that housed several RPG rockets and “explosive devices”. 



Sushi Business Shot And Burned In Los Huizaches This Sunday Morning In Culiacan, Sinaloa

 "Char" for Borderland Beat 

This information was posted by NOROESTE 

An armed group shot and set fire to the establishment early Sunday morning.

OCTOBER 5, 2024

The facilities of a sushi store in the Los Huizaches neighborhood were shot at and burned early Sunday morning.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Feds Takedown SFV Peckerwoods Gang in Los Angeles on RICO, Financial & Fentanyl Trafficking Charges

 "Socalj" for Borderland Beat

Federal prosecutors have announced the arrests of 42 alleged members and associates of a Los Angeles-based white supremacist gang as part of a sweeping indictment that names a total of 68 defendants.

29 of the suspects were arrested Wednesday during raids by a host of federal and local law enforcement officials, according to the U.S. Department of Justice and a newly unsealed 76-count indictment. Another 13 defendants were already in custody, leaving 26 who remained at large.

All the defendants are accused of being members or associated of the SFV Peckerwoods, which operates in L.A.'s San Fernando Valley, DOJ representatives said in a written statement.