Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Muletas Gang Rounded Up

Mexican soldiers captured six suspected drug gang members with an odd collection of weapons, including a .50-caliber rifle and a gold-plated pistol, the army said Friday.

The suspects are believed to have worked for drug trafficker Raydel Lopez Uriarte, nicknamed "Muletas," or "Crutches." The gangster's logo resembles one for the "Jackass" television series - a skull and crossed crutches.

Those arrested were identified as Leobardo Olguin Sanchez (30) alias "El Lobato," Jose Manuel Gomez Bastida (30) alias "El Chocho," David Alfredo Hernandez Raygoza (24) alias "El Mocho" or "El Chochito," Jesus Echave Alfonso Hernandez (23) alias "El Pollo" or "El Águila Descalza," Ricardo Ramos Manriquez (19) aka "El Rica," and Jose Luis Ruiz Burgoa (31) alias "El Guero."

The gold-plated pistol found in a raid Thursday in the border city of Tijuana was encrusted with diamonds and engraved with the name "El Muletas," the army said.

The raiders also freed two kidnap victims apparently being held by the suspects, who were turned over to civilian authorities pending charges.

Gen. Alfonso Duarte Mujica said the suspects might have been involved in an attack on soldiers in October, when gunmen fired on an army raid that netted vehicles disguised with military-style paint.

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