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Thursday, April 15, 2010

El Chaguin Presumed Killed

“El Chaguín,” a presumed leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel killed.
The Federal Secretariat of Public Security ( Secretaría de Seguridad Pública federal) confirmed the death of Santiago Lizárraga Ibarra alias “El Chaguín,” presumed leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel organization, and José Paul Enciso Lizárraga, his main operator and nephew.

They also confirmed the detention of six others, connected to the organization and believed to be narco-traffickers. Santiago Lizárraga was the principal partner and manager of operations for the criminal organization of Héctor Beltrán Leyva in Nayarit and Mazaltlán, Sinaloa, stated an article by La Jornada.

According to press release issued by the federal authorities, Lizárraga Ibarra died during an operative carried out by more than fifty elements of the Mexican Army, Navy and Federal Police.

The confrontation occurred in the residential area of the San Juan district on Jacarandas street, in Tepic, Nayarit when government forces encountered a group of heavily armed men, and lasted eight hours.

Three others were injured during the operative, including a federal police agent who died. Amongst those detained are seventeen year old Julio César “N”, twenty-four year old Víctor Alfonso Hernández Zamudio, fifty-four year old Ricardo Naranjo, thirty-eight year old Daniel Ramírez Uribe, and thirty-eight year old Raúl Agras Gaspar.


  1. Descanse en paz mi amigo de parte de toda la empresa.Ya quedo vengado el viejon.

  2. Pinches lacras de gente nueva porque no aprendieron a mi compa changuin,gente de respeto.Todos saben.que changuin nunca extorciono a gente en mazatlan eran las lacras de la gn.Descanse en paz viejon aca el Samy el cunado,el O4 y el H2 andan haciendo limpia de traidores.Pura gente fiel a la empresa.Nada de doble bandera gente barata ustedes saben quien son.Grabencelo traidores o estan aca con los beltran o no van estar con nadien a la verga!!Traidores!La limpia en Nayarit va empezar y el cunado esta puesto pa tumbar chaputos,gn....dep viejon ay esta con el jefe botas blancas.ATT gente de Samuel Lizarraga.


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