Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 3, 2010

Six Killed in Comales Gunbattle

Comales, Tamaulipas - A gunbattle between Mexican soldiers and a group of armed men ended with six people killed in a rural town just south of the Rio Grande.

Tamaulipas state officials confirmed the gunbattle took place in the Town of Comales on Saturday.

Details were not available but investigators posted a brief report about the incident at 8:16 p.m. Saturday.

The exact location of the battle was not released but authorities said the Mexican Army battled with a group of armed men in the Town of Comales.

Identities of the six people killed in the battle were not immediately released.

Authorities identified them solely as civilans, presumably from the group of armed.

Mexico's Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA) reported conflicts and high-profile seizures of heavy artilery and weapons in Comales in April.

The rural Tamaulipas town is located on the south shore of the Marte R. Gomez Reservoir about 10 miles south of Camargo.

The town was historically known for its proximity to good fishing spots on the lake but has become another front in ongoing violence south of the border.

Camargo, Miguel Aleman, Ciudad Mier, Comales and other communities that make up the "Frontera Chica" have become a focal point of violence.

Former allies the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas are fighting for control of lucrative drug trafficking routes.

The Mexican Army and Navy have reported clashes with groups of armed men in the area as well.

Source: Valley Central

Five wounded in Reynosa's Colonia Las Cumbres

Reynosa, Tamaulipas - Authorities are asking residents to avoid a populous neighborhood following reports of an attack where four adults and one chilld were wounded.

Reynosa city officials reported the explosion in the Colonia Las Cumbres around 11:18 p.m. Saturday.

Tamaulipas state officials reported that an "explosive device" was thrown at a house in the central Reynosa neighborhood.

Two males and three females were injured in the incident. Authorities confirmed one of those injured is a child.

No word on a the identity of the victims or a motive on the attack but Reynosa city officials are asking residents to avoid the area and take precautions.

The Colonia Las Cumbres is a large neighborhood located between two major highways in the city's westside.

The incident is the latest act of violence in the embattled border city.

A soldier and a civilian were killed in a shootout in the Colonia Las Cumbres on March 18th.

Unknown men attacked a police station in Reynosa's red light district with two grenades on Wednesday night.

Reynosa city officials have reported grenades and other "explosive devices" at different places around the city.

One of the most recent was the discovery of an undetonated device under a bridge next to the Reynosa Broncos Baseball Stadium on Tuesday.

Three different police stations were attacked by men using "explosive devices" on Friday, April 23rd.

Reynosa city officials have historically never elaborated on what kind of "explosive devices" are used in the attacks but Mexico's Ministry of National Defense has confirmed the seizure of grenades, rocket launchers, rockers, mortars, landmines, IEDs and other artillery.

Source: Valley Central

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  1. Thank you for your reporting on the situation in Reynosa and the surrounding areas. As a concerned Valley resident (and someone new to blogs and blogging), it's heartening to see that there are those who are writing about what everyone else whispers.

  2. this has to be the greatest web site ever please continue with this great work its always great to know whats happening in mex awsome job


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