All these cities and towns face the Rio Grande and South Texas and together with the Ciudad Juarez-El Paso plaza are major conduits for the trafficking of drugs and humans north into the Mid-Western and East Coast areas of the U.S..
A narco-guerrilla war of attrition between both groups has been fought in the Frontera Chica since the fracture of the Z-CDG alliance in February of this year with hit and run battles on an almost daily basis in the rural areas as the rivals attack each other and in turn fight against the Mexican military’s efforts to pacify the area
Nuevo Laredo, a long-time stronghold of Los Zetas, lived through major encounters in February which are now being repeated on a bigger, more vicious scale as the CDG again attempts to push the Zetas out.
Piedras Negras is in a semi-isolated area of the border at the very fringe of the vast Chihuahuan desert. At this point in time, criminal bands associated with Los Zetas are in control of Piedras Negras and Ciudad Acuna, another border city further west in Coahuila.
Past this two cities drug trafficking is controlled by the Juarez cartel, beginning in Ojinaga bordering the Big Bend region of Texas.
If the Zetas are pushed out of the border areas mentioned above, they will lose free access to the U.S. market for their products.
The financial consequences are staggering for the already cash poor Zetas on the Texas borders whose estacas, or lower level cannon fodder, are already living off the land by robberies and extortions, especially of the more vulnerable citizens who are victimized to an obscene degree.
It is rumored that some of these thugs, mainly those brought in from Central America who have no roots in the area, no longer get paid.
It is within this scenario that Piedras Negras may inevitably meet the fate of the Frontera Chica and Nuevo Laredo.
Although Piedras Negras, or simply Piedras as it is commonly called, has not escaped the insecurity and violence of Mexico’s most affected regions, the turmoil has not been on a scale as severe as seen in Tamaulipas.
After a brief but brutal period in April during which the Zetas consolidated their hold in Piedras, the cartel on cartel violence has not risen above the “calentar la plaza” which is the use of violence by a rival cartel to disrupt another in its territory.
These tactics often include attacks against law enforcement and locations where innocent civilians are targeted.
The events of this Sunday may mark the beginning of a battle for control of Piedras.
Unconfirmed rumors of attacks and shootings have increased in recent days. Social networking sites warn that shootings between los Zetas and rival groups have intensified and recommend that citizens not leave their homes at night.

On Sunday, August 1, Piedras awoke to an almost exact reproduction of the murder scene in Nuevo Laredo where 4 bodies were found with narco messages in the same severe tone including similar threats. Even the presence of dead pets was reproduced.
It is believed the killings were done by los Zetas as a warning to the population not to lend support to rival criminal groups, just as in the Nuevo Laredo killings.
In Piedras, the bodies of two men bearing signs of severe torture and gunshot wounds were found Sunday morning at the entrance to a destroyed “narco” mansion belonging to the local kingpin Jesus “el Chucho” Romo Lopez.
El Chucho, a long time resident who was loyal to the CDG, was driven out of Piedras when los Zetas consolidated their hold on the city in April. The mansion, along with several other homes that belonged to el Chucho, were demolished (or “reventadas” in cartel slang) by the Zetas.
Many people in Piedras believe that el Chucho’s real name is Jesus Cardenas Guillen and that he is the youngest brother of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, previous head of the CDG and now serving a 20 year sentence in the U.S. federal prison system.
Both dead men had placards with messages certainly designed to keep the climate of fear in Piedras at a high level. The men were accused of being the attackers who, under orders of el Chucho and others, allegedly threw grenades at the local Zocalo newspaper and a night club/casino earlier this year.
One man, identified by authorities as Miguel Angel Moreno Gomez, had two dead dogs draped over his lifeless body. The other man, unidentified, had a dead cat draped over his body.
The placard on Moreno Gomez’s body made reference to the quinceanera party for the daughter of Antonio Romo Lopez “la hamburgesa” in which the infamous Mexican pop star Gloria Trevi provided entertainment.
The second message read: “This a warning to all who support “el Mellado”, Antonio Romo Lopez “la Hamburgesa” and Jesus Romo Lopez “el Chucho”
“These Idiots that I leave here are responsible for the grenade attacks on el Zocalo, the hotel and the casino. Their families met the same fate as these 2 guys. Their mothers, uncles, brothers wives and children. Even the dog and the cat. All for letting themselves be used.”
“Warning this same fate will meet anyone who does not obey this message and breaks the peace we have in Piedras Negras.”
Message in Spanish
"Éste es un aviso para todo aquél que apoye al Mellado, a Antonio Romo López alias "La Hamburgesa", y Jesús Romo López alias "Don Chucho".
"Éstos pendejos que aqui les dejo, son los que arrojaron granadas al periódico Zocalo, al hotel y al casino, su familia tubo el mismo final que estos weyes, su mamá tios hermanos esposa e hijos, y hasta su perro y su gato mamaron, todo por dejarse engüilar", "Ojo, el mismo destino les va a tocar al que haga caso ajeno a este mensaje y trate de alterar la tranquilidad que tenemos en Piedras Negras".
What the hell are the cat/dog killings the cartels are including? What am I missing. and while you're explaining that to me...the Z's painted ont he dead...the dead is Zeta? or the executioners?
ReplyDeleteFrom what I've gathered reading the comments on BB articles the Z on a body generally means that the person(s) killed were Zeta affiliated.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the reply, but other blogs say differently so I am not real sure. Seems logical the assasins would leave their mark as it would be obvious who the dead are and more of a mystery who did the execution thereby they make it clear so no doubt....know what I mean?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 10:07 AM:
ReplyDeleteYes, that's their trademark.
There the executioners the zetas that killed both men with there pets. I hope they all get the same fate bunch of idiots.
ReplyDeleteThe war between the cartels in Piedras Negras has now heated up. It is expected there will be retaliation from the CDG after this. Us citizens have but one option right now, to brace for heavier violence as the feud between the Zetas and the CDG raises up the ante. Still, we have to follow the course, support our Federal Forces,call the outside world for attention and from their own trenches call out for justice. There is no way to battle this but with cooperation. There is no more room for finger pointing,both sides of the Rio have to do their part. God bless us all.
ReplyDeleteStupid questions! Idiots
ReplyDeleteZetas-CDC are bunch of idiots,when the USA invade Mexico it's game over. We all know they do buissnes in Canada and Asia there all doom.muerte para todos Los narcos basura de mierda.
ReplyDeletepoor dogs!
ReplyDeleteYou might find the following interesting: NuevoLaredoCartelGunBattle7-16-2010
ReplyDeleteMind you some of the photos are rather graphic...
Juandos: Thank you for the link, we will embed it on BB for reference.
ReplyDeleteplease understand that it is not cdg vs. Zetas in acuña o piedras negras. The agreement is that those plazas will be chapo's. The cdg will have everything in tamps. including nuevo laredo. Now that nacho coronel has been killed we shall see the true unity between CDG and the cartel de sinaloa. Chapó needs the know-how of the cdg on how to eliminate plaza ridden zetas. The CDG have become expert zeta hunters, and any street dealer working with the zetas would agree. Welcome to tamaulipas!
ReplyDeletemexicanos al grito de guerra.........................................................................
ReplyDeleteHay muchos narcos en Piedras Negras and sister city Eagle Pass, TX que andan como si nada esta pasando y bien confiados que nada va pasar. Nadie quiere que esta frontera se vuelva a lo mismo que Nuevo Laredo/Laredo,TX o' Juarez/El Paso,TX....pero pues que esperan si este es el ultimo lugar que falta?
ReplyDeleteYa han estado pasando bastantes cosas, pero el Zocalo y el otro periodico y canal de television "la VOZ" niegan de las cosas sucediendo.
Solamente espero el desmadre que se va hacer, cuando empiezen a desaparecer a gente de Eagle Pass, TX que estan involucrados con el narco-trafico; gente que trabaja con U.S. Customs, E.P. Police Department, Border Patrol, politicos de la ciudad y el condado de Maverick....todos chueckos.
Lastima tanto desmadre por dinero....
its sad that the US has a full blown war in the middle east for oil yet we have REAL terrorist preventing our youth from living normal lives to supply the US WITH THE DRUG DEMAND!!!!
ReplyDeleteYea i have seen that house in piedras it was such a nice house
ReplyDeleteThis is just a mess the only reason they dont do it in the open here is because we shoot back