Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mexican Marines Arrest 30 Gulf Cartel Members

Mexican marines arrested 30 suspected Gulf drug cartel members in different operations this week in the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, the Navy Secretariat said.

The suspects were paraded before reporters on Wednesday.

The arrests were made possible by the efforts of naval intelligence officers and information received from the Center for Intelligence and National Security, or Cisen, the Navy Secretariat said.

The operations launched by marines are designed to dismantle criminal organizations, the secretariat said.

“Several operations were conducted that yielded the arrests of 30 suspects involved in the commission of illicit activities, as well as the (seizure) of arms, materiel and cash,” the Navy Secretariat said.

Marines seized two vehicles, 43 rifles, 10 handguns, two rocket launchers, a rocket, 318 ammunition clips, 21 hand grenades, more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition, 10 bullet-proof helmets, six bullet-proof vests, 44 Gulf cartel emblems, communications gear and military uniforms.

The suspects and the property seized in the operations were handed over to prosecutors.

Mexico’s most powerful drug trafficking organizations, according to experts, are the Sinaloa, Tijuana, Gulf, Juarez, Los Zetas and Beltran Leyva cartels, and La Familia Michoacana.

The Gulf cartel was founded by Juan Nepomuceno Guerra in the 1970s and later led by Juan Garcia Abrego, who was arrested in 1996 and extradited to the United States.

Osiel Cardenas Guillen later became the Gulf cartel’s undisputed boss.

Cardenas was arrested in 2003, but he continued running the Gulf cartel, one of the most violent and powerful criminal organizations in Mexico, until his extradition to the United States four years later.

The Gulf cartel has been waging a war in northeastern Mexico against Los Zetas, a band of Mexican special forces deserters turned hired guns.

After several years as the armed wing of the Gulf cartel, Los Zetas went into the drug business on their own account and now control several lucrative territories.

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  1. happy days for los about the army KILL a hundred Z...that would be nice

  2. They are corrupt in the police/military then criminal when they are cut loose? Hope maby 2 or 3 of these will do at least a year of hard time. Love the photo op after arrest typical Mx all window dressing no substance.Good work in rounding these fine citizens up.

  3. si como no "arrest",.... "gulf cartel members" and they can't get rid or arrest the dang Transito that forces mordidas out of citizens, i have his plate number WE51394 Transito en Matamoros, Tamaulipas...

  4. Necesitas dinero
    HACERLO NUEVAMENTE comparto este exito contigo y tu tambien lo puedes hacer
    cuando lo hice por primera vez fue un exito lo he hecho varias veces mas y he tenido exito ahora lo estoy haciendo nuevamente me acompañas

    "Todos podemos utilizar esto. Es una oración simple que sólo
    requiere treinta segundos. No se duerman en esto.
    Alguien recibió recientemente esto por primera vez y recibió exactamente lo
    suficiente para dejar a cero la cuenta de todas las tarjetas de crédito.
    Si necesita bendiciones financieras continúe leyendo este email."

    Dios Padre y Madre Celestial: Dios Clemente y amoroso, te ruego
    que bendigas con abundancia a mi familia y a mi. Sé que tú
    reconoces que mi familia es más que sólo una madre y un padre,
    hermana y hermano, marido y esposa, sino todos los que creen y confían en Ti. Te envío una oración de petición de bendición financiera no sólo para la persona que me envía esto, sino para mi
    y para todos los que hemos remitido este mensaje. Y ese poder del rezo unido de los que creen y confían
    en Ti, es más poderoso que
    cualquier cosa. Te agradezco de antemano tus bendiciones. Padre

    Madre Dios libera de deudas y cargas a la persona que lee esto
    ahora. Lanza tu Sabiduría Divina para que yo pueda ser un buen
    administrador sobre todo lo que me has llamado que sea en mis
    bendiciones financieras, porque sé lo maravilloso y poderoso que
    eres y cómo, si sólo caminamos en Tu palabra y tenemos la fe de
    semilla de mostaza, que Tú derramarás bendiciones. Te doy las
    gracias Señor por las recientes oraciones que recibí y por las
    bendiciones que Quedan por venir, porque sé que no las has hecho conmigo todavía.


    Tome sesenta segundos y envíelo rápidamente, y en el plazo
    de horas
    usted habrá ocasionado que una multitud de gente rece a Dios por el
    bien de todos y cada uno. Luego relájese y observe cómo funciona el
    poder de Dios en su vida por hacer lo que usted sabe que Él ama.
    Amar al prójimo como a uno mismo

  5. Way to go guys!

    You can call them what you want: SinaloaZetaCDGanyotherpieceofshit, just


    We want a free Mexico now.

  6. The Mexican military is letting the Gulf Cartel run all over Tamaulipas. These arrests were the exception rather than the rule here.


  7. Let the GC, Triangulo de oro, and familia rid mexico of Zetacuaches

  8. need to get rid of the Polizetas in Reynosa and Matamoros!

  9. Capo, are you serious??? Those you speak of do not exit in those cities.


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