UTB-TSC is mourning the death of an 18-year-old freshman who was shot and killed just outside Ciudad Mante in the southern part of Tamaulipas, allegedly by members of Mexican organized crime.
University officials said Jonathon William Torres Cazares died on Sept. 30 while traveling to visit family. He is believed to be one of two people killed after the bus he was riding in was hijacked, according to a U.S. official who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak to the media.
"We are all greatly saddened by the loss of what we consider one of our family," said Juliet V. Garcia, president of the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College.
The U.S. Consulate General in Matamoros released a statement Friday, signed by spokesman Brian Quigley, expressing its condolences.
"We are in touch with the family and are offering all consular services available," the statement said.
Torres was born in Dahlonega, Ga., and had been pursuing an associate of arts degree. UTB-TSC police Lt. Armando Pulido said the university became aware of Torres’ death after the family contacted the U.S. Consulate in Matamoros.
Mexican officials have reported an increase in hijackings on Mexican highways. A source with firsthand knowledge of criminal activity in Mexico said authorities have acknowledged that they can best protect passenger buses between sunrise and 2 p.m. The time of the alleged attack on Torres’ bus was not known.
Garcia said she did not know the circumstances of Torres’ death but noted that the student was not on a university trip.
Out of concern for students, UTB-TSC faculty and staff had months ago halted the usual trips to Rancho Del Cielo, its field station and Matamoros, and had suspended travel to Mexico for research, meetings or conventions, Garcia said.
"We had stopped all university-related trips to Mexico several months ago as a result of what we expected to be a very dangerous environment for a while," Garcia said.
Although Rio Grande Valley residents have been raised to think of the border as blur between two countries, she said, "Right now, I think that we should rethink that habit."
The university has counseling services available for students through Student Health Services.
what a stupid country mexico is...totally corrupt from top to bottom...the sooner it is a territory of the USA the better off everyone in Mexico will be...the wealthy culeros who control Mexico will never allow/restore peace and safety to this country...they don't give a damn, as long as they have their wealth, and they are connected to the drug traffic in a major way ...build the wall long and high ...man the top ...shoot any asshole who comes into sight, or we will be overcome by these bastards eventually
ReplyDeleteThere is no place on this (or any) forum for this kind of racist/xenophobic crap. If you do not have anything intelligent to add to the discussion, please do not post here.
ReplyDeleteMy condolences to the family of Jonathan Cazares,a budding life that was taken too early.
ReplyDeleteAs long as the scourge of drugs and criminals exist, Mexico is and will not a safe place to travel. My wife's parents live in Torreon,Mx and they have told her not to go to visit them. I myself have not set foot in Mexico in six years.
yeah i have to agree with the second poster.
ReplyDeleteThe drug wars are only going to diminish if both countries cooperate, it is a shared border and a shared problem with equal responsibility.
the dumber than dirt racists offer nothing in the form of solutions. only stupid rants about invading and shooting while they stay at home and wage their jihad behind a keyboard.
He was obviously a narco.
Mary mother of God...
ReplyDeleteThe best of Mexico being annihilated.
If I lived in Monterrey fear would probably drive me away. Many have deserted and businesses closed. Fear driven desertion of the jewel of Mx. For you that have not have the opportunity to visit Monterrey, it is jaw dropping fantastic, but now...(?) Citizens of Mty must stay, take a stand, do not leave. If you love Mty, and who does not, if mass desertion happens deep destablization will occur in the city. It is happening. Those who live in Mty have greater choices due to their economic status, therfore it is easier for them to uproot, but a huge mistake in doing so.
@ anyone...
ReplyDeletedoes anyone know if there were 2 incidents in Mty yesterday in el centro?
I read and hear about one death, 20 yr woman..another says multiple deaths and injured.
There is no place on this (or any) forum for this kind of racist/xenophobic crap. If you do not have anything intelligent to add to the discussion, please do not post here.
ReplyDeleteOctober 7, 2010 9:15 AM
have you ever been to mexico?
racist?..how? i love the mexican people
xenophobia fear of strangers
mexicans are not strangers... at least not to me
you think it can't spread here ....how many illegal people who come here are forced to come here and do the bidding of cartels , for fear of their familys lives ...
yeah, me either but probably a lot
you need to wake up lil suburban child
the rest of the countrys on earth closely regulate who comes in...including mexico and even canada
just smoke some more pot...you probably buy it from mexico ...thereby supporting some narcos ...and let that bleeding heart bleed
meanwhile mexico goes to hell because of unrealistic pendejos like you
crap ..what a lightweight word ...if you mean shit just say shit
and also about monterrey...i love that city...it is terrible what is happening...what the fuck...it is so tense en la calle ...barrio antigua is about deserted ...shootouts in the tec.... F.madero is totally fucked...i wish the fukn Z would take their raggedy asses somewhere else and all get killed...killing on morelos...hand grenades....fukn declare marshal law and search every house...yeas all 4 million of them...whatever it takes to clean the shit from monterrey ...the greatest city in north america
i don't stay home and rant culero...i go to mexico and then rant...been all over mexico and half of texas...been to falcon lake roma tx ..rio grande city ..mission.......M aleman...mier...n guerro ... N laredo ..cerralvo...dr gonzalez...all them little frontera cuidads..monterrey ...santiago ...guadaljuara... west coast...and all points in between ...mucho tiempos... i love mexico..i got family there ...i am married to a mexican....
ReplyDeletei got the fukn right to rant all i want...feel better now? ...i do..
mebbe YOU better stay home ...cuase them bullets flyin around in mexico is real..
NO WAY im going to allow the earlier poster to have the last word in this story....
ReplyDeleteThis "always anonymous" poster "flames" but never sign his posts; no problem...the regulars at the BB know your "voice."
You should take the example set by the young man in this story. Go to school..., learn to spell..., take a Spanish course, pass the GED; "MEBBE?"
Centinela de La Sauteña.
Congregacion del Refugio, Tamps.
i'm really sad about him 'cause Jonathon has a important trip that he wanted to visit his parent from mexico. i felt upset ..... i miss you and rest in ... i have Jonathon's facebook:
Muchos levantados y desaparecidos uno de los desaparecidos es de mi comunidada Ejido Emiliano Zapata carretera Mante-Tampico....que lastima la verdad que si......Ojala y se acabe esto de narcoguerra para pasearme nuevamente en mi pueblo bello
ReplyDeletela culpa la tienen las outoridades ,yo vi ,,varis veces juan guerra pasar por el puente nuevo y los oficiales del border le decian SEÑOR y no le pedian documentos ,tambien abrego hacia lo mismo pasaba por el puente sin papeles ,la corrupcion esta en todos lados ,hasta en usa ,
ReplyDeletethe gulty was for the goverment,i saw many times ,to juan n guerra cross th eborder by punte nuevo whitout papers , and the officials say to him SEÑOR ,,,