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Thursday, November 25, 2010

El Dia del Pavo

I wanted to post something different for once, wish all our loyal readers of Borderland Beat (known simply as BB) a happy Thanksgiving and hoping all of you in Mexico and the US are sharing joyous and healthy times with family and friends. That we take a few moments and remember all the innocent victims that have died in the hands of the criminal groups and pray that Mexico is able to find the strength and the wisdom to pull through in tough times and that the wave of violence some day is replaced with a warm blanket of hope and prosperity.

Know that all is not bad in Mexico, one example is Don Alejo Garza Tamez, a brave man who refused to submit to the oppression of the drug cartels, died defending his principles and his personal possessions he worked so hard to obtain. Hope, we all take something from his extraordinary ability to stand up against all odds, against all that is bad and find a little piece of hope still flickering in the piles of ashes and smoldering smoke.

That the Mexican government do what is ultimately best for all the people of Mexico, that they figure out that the solution lies within themselves, that they continue the fight against organize crime, but also in all levels, from the sicarios, drug pins, but also the corrupt government institutions that feed off the misery of violence and political figures who have and continue fuel the flame of mayhem and destruction.

I thank God for the good life it has provided me but it is so hard to rejoice when we know that at this moment someone is being tortured, his head cut off and the terror is touching many lives. On this day of Thanksgiving, let us hope, if only for a moment, for the gift of quality life and the eternal hope of peace among the old country of Mexico and as well as the powerful USA, common countries who share a common interest, a border.

God bless the USA and God bless Mexico!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, and keep up the fight. Grab a gun, kill a cartel clown, and take back your towns.




    now you good men of Mexico have been shown the way

    now you have one year to take back your country

    by the next dia de pavo...all things should be differen't

    by the will of the people!!!!!

  3. Wow, great article. I wish all the BB reporters and readers a happy thanksgiving.

  4. Nice post borderline, viva mexico i estados unidos, happy thanksgiving

  5. I wish everyone on both sides of the border and very happy (and peaceful)day. May all your help BB & others keep others at peace.

  6. happy thankgiving to all . even though the U.S.A is not perfect we have laws . I hope for this day that the lawlessness , pain and death will stop . The mexican people are great (I married one ) peace paz to all .

  7. lol even in the thanksgiving post. Truly sad.

  8. May those who have died rest in peace and their families find comfort in their heart. May those tempted by the elite rich people in government to commit a crime as heartless just because of the money, find a way to earn their living justly and with some level of decency.may the children orphaned in this disgusting situation find refuge in God, and cross paths with people who will offer a helping hand instead of abuse.
    Thank you lord because I know you will stop this soon.

    Thank you for this post.

  9. Le enviamos un alegre dia de accion de Gracias a todo el pueblo Mexicano desde la ciudad hermana de Monterrey aqui en los Estados Unidos. Somos hijos de emigrantes y jamas nos olvidaremos de la sangre de Raza que corre en nuestras venas. Estamos a su lado en estos tiempos dificiles, siempre dispuestos para apoyar nuestro pueblo hermano, especialmente la Raza de Monterrey, Nuevo Laredo, Coahuila y SLP.

    Con un abrazo cariñoso,

    Gerardo y Familia


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