Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

'La Familia Michoacana' Retreats, Offers to Disband

especial familia michoacana violencia


In a recently released public communication, the Michoacan Family cartel says it will retreat and even disband, with the condition that both the Federal Government, and State and Federal Police commit to safeguarding the security of the state of Michoacán.

The proposal, which was originally printed in the form of flyers and left under the doors of both homes and businesses, was later authenticated by authorities who had found the same communication had been posted on telephone booths, hung as banners, and sent to countless blogs, radio stations, newspapers and national and international news agencies.



To the General Michaocan Society:

LA FAMILIA MICHOACANA, emerged in 2005, because of the government's failure to provide security for our citizens. It is composed of Michoacan men and woman willing to give their life to defend their State. It consists of human beings, who through courage and determination have driven off the external groups who have used violence and terror to take control of both our State and country. We are men and woman who are determined to have a better MICHOACAN; Unlike the lax and inefficient stance the authorities have taken in eradicating thieves, rapists, drug traffickers, and kidnappers from our State, we are willing to fight.

Sadly, the federal government has continued to expose it's inabilities and commenced a type of witch hunt against the innocent citizens of Michoacan. Using the excuse of trying to do away with our organization, they have committed countless assaults against our civil society. They have broken into and looted homes, they have murder and raped both men and woman and have invented testimonies of alleged protected witnesses that have caused our prisons to become filled with innocent people charged with crimes which were never committed.

Our own personal reflections of what has happened have derived from these atrocities against the innocent people of Michoacan. We have been left wondering if: THE MICHOACAN FAMILY SHOULD OR SHOULDN'T CONTINUE TO EXIST, IF WE SHOULD OR SHOULD NOT, REGARDLESS OF THE VIOLATIONS BEING COMMITTED BY AUTHORITIES AGAINST OUR CIVIL SOCIETY, CONTINUE GUARANTEEING THE SECURITY OF OUR STATE. This organization does not want to be the pretext for the authorities to continue walking over and degrading the basic human rights of our fellow people.

For those reasons and with the uncertainty of once again leaving the security of our State in the hands of authorities, WE HAVE DECIDED TO RETREAT and reintegrate ourselves into productive activities.

If the government accepts this public commitment and meets these terms, if they are willing to use strength and conviction to take control of this state and honestly serve the people, if they safeguard, without fear, the security of the Michoacan people, from those attempting to take over and destabilize our beautiful State, in essence if they are willing to die in the line of fire to protect Michoacan, THE FAMILIA MICHOCANA WILL DISBAND, leaving no further reason for the federal government to abuse the human rights of our people.

Finally, we want to remind society that we DO NOT KILL INNOCENTS and our commitment to them is and will continue to be their wellbeing. IF FOUND NECESSARY, WE WILL CONTINUE THIS FIGHT. With that in mind, we ask of you to assess whether you think we should continue or disband. We invite you to let us know your decision via any major media outlet (internet, social websites, radio, television, newspaper, etc) because for us, your opinions are important.

"Better to die standing with your head held high, than TO LIVE A LIFETIME ON YOUR KNEES and humiliated"

Michoacan, November 2010



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  1. WOW. So La Familia Michocana is not a cartel? Wow, I've always thought that they were a drug cartel....Is this real?

  2. La familia is a Cartel and I received word that this weekend Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas got super hot, reports of convoys of trucks going into the town screaming "ya llego la familia cabrones", "The Family is here". I just sat on my computer, about 2 hours ago they told me about that incident, then I get on here and read this. Something is going on, people where being blocked from getting to vallehermoso because of the situation.

  3. Can you imagine driving under that thing and trying to read it? Funny how they say they were attempting to protect society from drug traffickers when they have been Mexico's largest supplier of meth-amphetamines to the USA and 45 LFM operatives just got popped in Atlanta with all kinds of drugs, weapons, and cash. It's a very good public relations campaign, i'll give 'em that. Well written and presented narco-banner to. I wonder if they will be absorbed by other cartels or try to reorganize as a new DTO.

  4. These people shoot first with Ak 47's then ask questions.... dangerous bunch... women, men and children

  5. How did you read that posting and come to the conclusion that they aren't a cartel?

  6. These guys have amazing PR- in the most delusional way possible.

  7. The Sinaloans will probably take over-There is way too much money in meth and LMF already has lots of cooks down there.Keep the cities safe and keep the towns quiet with money.Why not?

  8. RiseMakaveli,

    I am familiar with Vallehermoso. My familia has family reunions there. Who controls that city? When I went to visit familia in Vallehermoso, I got some serious hard looks. I'm from Cali. It seemed as though some people were scoping me out. Last years reunion was cancelled due to the violence. How far is Michoacan from Vallehermoso. What is the importance of the city in terms of the narcos?

  9. I get the feeling El chapo calls the shots for a lot of senior guys in LFM guys so if they shut down in name those meth labs wont stop producing.

  10. how dare thet try to portray themselves as a reasonable group! They have the wrong idelogy of what family means...a family nurtures the good in the members of its family, and teaches its own to share with those less fortunate, teaches mercy, love, and compassion. Charity begins at home, that's what pride means to me. Not being belligerent and intimidating to others. They are no better than the other.
    *madre de dos.

  11. How ironic, and sad, that these words are coming from a drug cartel with sicarios of their own, no doubt. These are the words, this is the language, that honest, law abiding Mexicans need to adopt as they band together into a new kind of "cartel" -- one of anti-drugs, anti-violence and anti-coruption. One of courage and protection of the people of Mexico.

  12. This is bizaree, but LFM has always been the wierdest/oddball cartel, so maybe it's legit, I think it must be, but they sound like the are pandering for public support.

  13. I've often dreamt of a cartel whose only extracurricular activity (outside of drugrunning) would be to pressure the local politicians and cops to do right by the people. Could you imagine a cartel member meeting with a mayor or chief of police, and then after they "persuade" them to turn a blind eye to the drug movements, they threaten them that they better not take bribes from local contractors or small time criminals and they better not embezzle any local public funds. What a world that would be if the politicians and cops were forced to be straight by the cartels!

  14. Here's something funny: Ricardo Najera, spokesman for the attorney General's office has just made a statement rejecting the proposal: The federal government and the PGR do NOT make pacts with "offenders"...

    WTF?? Let's forget about LFM for a second, and correct me if I'm wrong, but how the hell can the government say "NO DEAL" to someone (anyone) asking them to simply grow some huevos and start doing their f-ing job?

  15. Protect Their citizens or protect their citizens making crystal meth?


  17. ovemex;

    l0l these goverment officials are so bi-polar

  18. DONT FORGET LA Familia Michoacana, were an Armed Wing of the Gulf Cartel, back in 06-07, then they went their own way.

  19. How did the LFM kidnap to write this narco-manta?

  20. Would the USA negotiate with criminals? No. Good job Mr. Calderon and continue dandoles en la madre a todos esos gueyes.

  21. Don't get me wrong,I don't want the federal government to negotiate with criminals, I DO WANT them to do what they've promised/are obligated to do..I want them to DEFEND and SERVE the people of Mexico.

  22. Just according to Wikipedia, I myself don't know, it seems they say La Familia has operated as a "parallel government" in that state. Even settling civil matters and possibly using their own currency as well? So in light of that article, some of this is understandable though I'm not saying right and proper.

  23. "In five years, the Corleonne family will be completely legit". Famous words from Michael to Kay on "The Godfather". Lesson should be learned. The major cartels have it in them to stop this bloodbath. They now should consider "going legit". Invest the earnings in settin gup the networks for importation/ transportation and distribution of legitimate produce. Invest the money in retaining and "buying" lobbying/ lawyers and lawmakers in the US to lift the restrictions on Mexican produce like avocado,mango, tomato and tuna. Really, people: how many millions of Dollars are the markets on these products worth in the US, yearly? Do we really want to keep payingU$ 1 for a protected California? By majorly shifting the production back to Mexico: where the soil, the weather and the labor cost is more advantageous, we would effetively as well curtail the influx of undocumented workers coming to the US to work those fields. My thoughts may stir up animosities, but let's just give it some serious thoughts. Force the major cartels to accept some negotiated amnisty and disband/disarm. Have them focus on going legit and recover Mexico's legitimate position as a major purveyor of legal produce to the United Sates. My thoughts, anyway.

  24. This cartel is protected by human rights groups because all of it is made up of Indigenous people! They even have bank accounts to donate to. I have been a victim of their violence. They shot my car numerous times with AK 47's on the HWY 200 in day light. Chased us and kidnapped us. Then let us go as a message....2 women alone as tourists from the US..... they shot at me as I took off to escape... from masked men with big guns blocking the road with trees...they missed and hit the back of my car numerous times with AK 47 bullets.. they didn't shoot the tires to stop us they shot at me the driver and chased us for over 30 minutes.. they had people everywhere there was no escape. Nahua Indians near Ticla... For the press and journalists they had machetes and bandanas on the Colima side begging for the Federales to leave their (meth-labs) land alone! They cry fowl when they are searched for guns!! BS they have loads and don't hesitate to use them even if they are lousy shots...

  25. "In five years, the Corleonne family will be completely legit".And what happend hehe, never legit.Ndrangheta made 70 billion dollars last year from drug trafficking,arms trafficking,garbage disposal,extortion.They are not going to invest in anything productiv because they are unable to work,Ndrangheta has money to run garbage business legit and profit but then they would not make 1 billion a year from that,its easier to sink tons of toxic waste in the sea.LFM,cartels,and other criminal organizations will never be legit,they want to make money fast and without work,growing something first 2 or 3 years you dont see money yea they are in line for that.


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