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Friday, November 5, 2010

Mexico's 2010 Drug War Stats: 10,000 Deaths and Counting

Video uploaded by AXTECA2010

According to the tally kept by Reforma, the death toll from the drug war passed the 10,000 mark this week, reaching 10,035 killed since the start of the year.

This surpasses 2009′s full year record by more than 50%, with almost two months still to go. (On the sporadic occasions when the government has released it’s own statistics they have been significantly higher than the tallies kept by the news organizations.)

Additionally, according to the National Commission of Human Rights, the amount of 2010 Drug War deaths to date is equal to the amount of drug violence deaths registered during the entire six year term of former President Vicente Fox.

death toll 10000

According to Reforma’s report released on November 4, 2010:

- 45% of the registered deaths this year occurred in two states: Chihuahua registered 2,797 executions and Sinaloa 1,795.

- Following these two states are: Guerrero with 786, Durango with 700, and Tamaulipas with 700 drug related deaths.

- 52 soldiers and 637 police from different jurisdictions have been killed around the nation.

- 276 of the deceased were minors.

- 798 people were tortured prior to death and 326 were decapitated.

- Narco-messages were found in 674 of the total deaths.

death toll 10000 by state


  1. Holy crap!

    This is worse than horrible!!

  2. Life is not meant to be safety.

  3. Do you have a link to the Reforma article?

  4. Reforma is by subscription only, but here is a link for you:

  5. This is so sad. Alot of people dying because of greed. Bothers killing brothers, family killing their own and they don't even know it. The things people do, and continue doing. This is prophecy being ful-filled right before our eyes. And it's not going to stop until the "KING OF KINGS" comes back.


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