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Friday, December 10, 2010

U.S. Concerned Mexican Cartels Could Acquire Russian Missiles

Published December 10, 2010
Fox News Latino

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The United States is worried about the possibility of Mexican drug cartels acquiring advanced Russian anti-aircraft missiles through Venezuela, according to a leaked cable.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton raised concerns to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that announced sales of advanced anti-aircraft arms to Venezuela -- including the Igla-S (SA-24) MANPADS, Russia’s most advanced and considered one of the most lethal portable air defense systems ever made -- could make their way into the hands of Mexican drug cartels, according to the released cable.

The U.S. Department of State did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The cable cites lax security of arms in Venezuela and their links with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The leftist guerilla group is suspected of having ties to drug cartels.

In the cable, sent Feb.14, 2009, the U.S. government asked its embassy to negotiate with Russia for the holding back of the sale of anti-aircraft equipment to Venezuela.

"In light of Venezuela’s relationship with the FARC, corruption within the Venezuelan military, and our assessment that Venezuela’s stockpile and security management practices do not meet international standards, we are concerned there is a significant risk that these weapons could be diverted to the FARC," the cables read.

"Further," it continues, "we fear that should these sophisticated systems fall into the hands of the FARC, they could possibly be sold or traded to drug organizations, including those in Mexico, which are actively seeking to acquire powerful and highly sophisticated weapons for use against government forces."

"In light of Venezuela’s relationship with the FARC, corruption within the Venezuelan military, and our assessment that Venezuela’s stockpile and security management practices do not meet international standards, we are concerned there is a significant risk that these weapons could be diverted to the FARC," the cables read.
"Further," it continues, "we fear that should these sophisticated systems fall into the hands of the FARC, they could possibly be sold or traded to drug organizations, including those in Mexico, which are actively seeking to acquire powerful and highly sophisticated weapons for use against government forces."

IGLA-S / SA-24 Grinch-Manpads in Venezuela

uploaded by YouTube user arcesolo


  1. Seriously, why would cartels need missiles? They need just enough fire power to take out rival cartels, not the whole world! Lanza grenadas and bazookas will be just fine.

  2. here we go again with the
    Fuzzy math agains onother Latin country.
    i would be more concerned if the CIA sold these weapons to the drug lords.

  3. I think 'brazen' is an understatement when describing what could possibly be another one of the many tactics these cartels have on their list against the government, rivals, and people. Let me see, intimidation of the media, check, hangings, check, decapitations, check, skinning/scalpings, check, rape, check, molestations, check, burnings, check, liquifactions, check, homo-erotic humiliations, check, grenades/bombings, check, narco-bloqueos, check, impersonations, check, ambushes, check, rescues, check, use of prisoners, check, use of military/police/federal/political aid, check, use of international banks, check, narco-banners, check, kidnappings, check, blogging, check, bribery, check, mass murder, check, drive-by, innocent by-standers, check, executions, check, and finally, corridos, check. Whew!

  4. let me rephrase that,
    im surprised the CIA hasnt already delivered them to give an excuse to invade onother country for its oil or potential Tax Revenue!
    that 14 trillion is adding up.

  5. Why would cartels need missiles? What in the F&#$ is this Big B.S. We don't need missiles. We like to remain anonymous. We are drug dealers not terrorist. Killing customers is not good busyness. Common sense is the key to life.

  6. Missiles? We don't need your stinking missiles!

  7. i am not convinced that the USA is planing to invade Mexico...why , what is there to gain that is not already owned...

    i am not beyond believing that the money men would do it

    just , where is the profit?

  8. Could it be they're not looking for any profit but simply to destabalize both countries?

  9. New World Order.....create chaos..check, make the public believe the federal goverment is the answer..check, make people believe they have weapons of mass destruction or equal to that..check, all thats left is to invade and take over the country.......and on to the next one

  10. what happens if an american aircraft gets shot down with one of these ...will the good citizens of the USA be content to let mexican criminals just do that and drive away...or will the eye turn south...the trail of supply will lead straight to Venezuela...another country already in the crosshairs as a terrorist nation...if these missiles are all that they are touted to be...they don't need to be floating around Mexico,...these being fired out of Mexico into US territory would surely upset the American public ...maybe to the point of demanding action...

  11. According to who, 'lito 'brito?

    .'..or will the eye turn south...the trail of supply will lead straight to Venezuela...another country already in the crosshairs as a terrorist nation.



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