Late in the evening, neighbors called police to report that bodies had just been dropped off on a corner with notes attached.
"Here is Cesar Flores, This will be the fate of all snitches, kidnappers, extortionists. We know who you all are, and we are coming for you."
Six Members of Los Pelones Arrested
El Universal - The Attorney General for the state of Morelos(PGJE) revealed that 6 members of Los Pelones had been arrested on federal charges.
The arrests came after an investigation into drug dealing and stolen vehicles led authorities to the cell that was operating in the Oriente region of Cuernavaca.
A few days ago at the Ixtla bridge, Armando Morales Molina and Marco Antonio Plasencia, El Bola, were the first of the los Pelones members detained around 10:30 one evening. In their possession was a Uzi and a Volkswagen Bora, reported stolen in the state of México.
A day later in Alpuyeca Jojutla, Erwin Sámano Millán and Jorge Manuel Domínguez Guerrero, were arrested as they traveled in a Ford Escape, also stolen. These two suspects had a pair of AK-47 and R15's, and several packages of marijuana.
Later in the afternoon, a third stolen vehicle was found. A Chevy Blazer pick-up truck contained a cache of large caliber weapons, a bulletproof vest, and several rounds of ammunition.
This led investigator to a red Dodge Ram, owned by Jaime Alonso Millán, who was accompanied by his wife Roberta Arteaga Antonio at the time of his arrest. Both of them were found to be in possession of an M1 carbine, nine ammo clips, and several bags of marijuana.
Finally, two more trucks were found abandoned. One Dodge Ram and a Dakota pick-up, both form Morelos, both reported stolen.
I was in Cuernavaca in 1999, at a relatives home, that was (to me, as a 15 year old) was in the middle of the jungle, completely idyliic and peaceful, I would love to go back. It's a shame it has seen such ugly narco violence, but it seems it has been better for the last 5 months, ever since La Barbie got arrested. Or am I mistaken?
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the operating capacity/operational strength of CPS is. Nothing like Sinaloa, CDG, or Zeta's as far as numbers, that's easy, more like CAF at this point, after all the splits and splintering and arrests. I think cartels should go back to quietly getting rid of people, and leave all this tortured/narco message bodies left in the street behind. I mean, they are the PR masterminds right? People don't want to see bodies on the street, and they don't champion one cartel over another, they just want to be left alone and live lifes safely.
I get the impression that CPS and Los Pelones are at best, glorified drug dealers. They are no where near the muscle they once had when they were part of the CDS. Otherwise LP wouldn't be stealing cars and CPS wouldn't be relying on an army of 13-year-olds to do their killing, when other groups are attracting former military officers to come and work for their cartels.
ReplyDeleteI've pretty much written off El H at this point as a desperate underling. How far the mighty have fallen.
and BTW... J, I heard about the large seizure of cocaine in Sonora, but as of yesterday I couldn't find any pictures to go along with the text. If you see any, please drop a link in this thread. It be much appreciated.
I agree with Smurf the only strong cartels at this point would be Sinaloa and Los Zetas, the rest of the cartels are a shell of their former selves
ReplyDeleteSmurf, AFN Tijuana still has the story on the front page, with really good pictures. The direct link from afn are always long and ugly, but here it is. That's a lot of product,probably at least 200 was for Arizona, the rest for mid west/California distributors.