This drug dealer was born on November 18, 1975 in Ciudad Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico, is about 5'9" feet in height, and weighs about 154 pounds, has black hair and dark brown eyes, this information is according to the Justice Department who is offering a reward of 5 million dollars for his capture.
A narco banner left next to two bodies decapitated by R1 of CDG; "This happen to anyone who supports the dirty, killers of innocent people, Zetas. R1 CDG."
The signature of R-1 and CDG written on the back of the body of a decapitated Zeta. Notice the visible bruises from the beating and torture prior to the death.
This earned the mayor good standing with the criminal organization, as well, presumably, R1 gave the mayor real state property in Presa Falcón of great commercial value.
For these reasons, the people who admire the CDG and expect them to stop the injustices of the people in the city, but primarily focus only on drug sales, it's merely a dream. Once they have everything under their control, and the drug trafficking activity leaves them millions, does anyone really believe that it will stop?
All these criminals are the same, if they see the opportunity they will seize it. Whoever wins, either side, will not mean much, now the extortionists that were called the Commander of the Zetas, will be the Commander of the CDG.
Source: Sinfulmx.com
There are many narco balllads honoring R-1, including the popular norteno group Los Tucanes de Tijuana, who are rumored to have been paid to record the ballad:
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving a profile on R-1. He's only 5'5". I tell ya, its the short ones you need to be careful with.
Anyone who reads this now knows Juan Reyes Mejía González is a filthy animal.
ReplyDeleteAnd as for those norteno groups, they look like something from the village people, if i was a hard gangster i certainly would not pay those semi homo clowns to write anything about me.
There would be violance if they did.
I just get the feeling that there is some sado sexual intent with all the mutilations.
Are there a lot of "funny" men in mexico or what?
when all the groups are running around chopping people up they all know that it does not scare or stop any other group, so it leads to the conclusion that there are plenty of men in mexico who like to castrate people and leave the genitalia in plain view( while dismembering the rest of the corpse)
I do believe a real man would not be touching any other balls unless he was a doctor.
Its not so difficult to be a mad insane butcher.
It is difficult to be a real man.
Now these narcos should stop mincing around like a bunch off queens trying to get their hands on as many balls as they can. and try to be proper narcos like the colombians, or better still they should stop trying to be men, they will never succeed.
Time to Blow those chumps to kingdom come.
ReplyDeleteGood read, I didn't know much about R-1
ReplyDeleteAjulio, I think these the same pics on Mundonarco, he ain't dead, but better the feds nab him rather than his enemies...
Smurf I would rather his enemies get him since the Feds end up letting him go or the courts will let him go. I prefer they be shot on contact!
ReplyDeleteWIth the new standard of guilt (prosecution) I surely agree with you. Few can achieve convictions and imprisonment is a joke in a broken down system. And that doesn't even factor in the corruption and ability to maintain operations behind bars.
Shoot on sight.
ReplyDeletesometimes i wonder how many of these guys are "let go" only to wind up dead on the street a few days later... Or murdered in prison. A government that wants to operate death squads without dealing with the human right council would prob just take u into custody, knowing ur freinds will assume u talked and they will kill u anyway.
R1 is an asshole and a Dead man walking.
ReplyDeleteThe Grim Reaper will take him to satans den to be raped by the devil himself forever. Oh i bet his street whore mother will be so proud of her monster!!LOLOLOL!!!!!
Totally agree, There's no difference with these pricks!
ReplyDeleteR1 is scary...he prob feels as tho he has to go a little further than the z s. He has been getting a lot of press lately,I can tell u that.its crazy how much cdg and the z hate another.seems very very personal.I have read about why they broke up,and it all seems to date back to osiel just popping off. Is r1 the cdg leadernow? I wonder if he actually does the hits,or if he has murder for hire sign his name for him? Great report buggs!...
Who is metro 3? Because we know R-1 and El coss now, but who is M-3 then? And what about the another brother Mario Cárdenas Guillén? Hes still fugitive and CDG top luitenant.
ReplyDeleteNow that he has been profiled on BB, expect the R-1 to killed within a week or so, same fate happened to Tony Tormenta, he was captured and released then killed right after BB did a piece on him. There are others, read back the archives, you can see the pattern.
ReplyDeleteSomething is brewing, that is for sure!
ReplyDeleteDamn for some reason after hearing all those corridos of R1, I was picturing something different. Not a 5'5 little dude with a Napoleon complex. I guess those corridos really do make this guys appear "larger" than life hahaha
ReplyDeleteThat's what I was thinking! Nacho Coronel was killed soon after his profile too.
Yeah that is what there is.....a direct correlation between the blog and captured capos. Are you fucking retarded?
ReplyDeleteSeriously, I LOVE the conspiracy theories!
ReplyDeleteAlas, no. BB has no such pull.
jajaja made me laugh though.
Any man that is willing to put a AK-47, or any other gun, into a kids hand is a coward to me. These men are not Army Generals or anything for that matter. They are scary little girls that surround themselves with naive kids for protection. The promises of wealth and power soon manifest into terror for these people.
ReplyDeleteThanks BB for exposing these RATAS and thier "INTENTIONS"
ALIASES: "R-1," "Kike," "Kiki," "Quique"
ReplyDeleteDOB: November 18, 1975
POB: Mier, Tamaulipas, Mexico
HEIGHT: 5’9”
WEIGHT: 140 lbs.
According to the state department's website R1 is 5'9, not 5'5. The original article seems to be written by someone with a grudge.
R1 es mi patron, no vamos dejar Que Lo encuentren
ReplyDeleteSmurf, I don't think human rights would be an issue. These assholes travel in convoys, are fully armed to teeth, and are easy to spot. They are guilty, no doubt about that so I think they should be executed in front of everyone!!! I'm sick of this scum...
ReplyDeleteRegio, I agree but the U.N. Human Rights Council would rake Mexico over the coals if they did it publicly, it would be a violation of pretty much every treaty they have signed with not only the U.N. but also the Organization of American States and other important diplomatic and trade relationships would be affected by such a policy.
ReplyDeleteBut consider this:
I don't know this for sure, but I'm willing to bet that some of these sicarios and capos who "die fighting to their last ounce of strength" are perhaps simply executed and a fictitious story is made about how they died. Some of these folks have the bad habit of dying on the street (after they have been released) or in prison... i think the long covert arm of the Mexican law, doesn't always make its presence known, but its effects are felt just the same.
Its a dirty war that requires dirty tactics.
Again, just speculation
Al vato de 1:59p preguntale a tu patron pa que anda robando y extorcionando a gente trabajadora y inocente? Acabo esta mal el business que tienen que hacer esas pendejadas de quitarle propiedad que la gente ha venido ganar con el trabajo limpio
ReplyDeleteI know him and hes not 5'5...hes more like 5'9 5'10 but kinda skinny. That pic is with him with hair, his hair is shaved off and with a goatee. I met him like 5 years ago as kike. He sold my brother a pound of "sugar". Then lost contact when his cell number changed. He lived in reynosa. Heck back then wed never heard of CDG. He treated us good and was a fair guy. Hell I remember when he asked for payment then he was to retrieve the sugar. Well he could have burned us but he came back as he promised. I dont care what is said about the dude. He was cool and he was fair. My brother ended up doing a stint in beeville prison and he head the dude was bigtime.
ReplyDeleteFormer BB reporter Rise who was a comandante under Metro 3 (search BB forums) posted a video where R-1 is heard interrogating some Zetas and later they are found executed. R-1 is by far a nice guy:
He does not look like much, he looks like he is not even capable of running a day care
ReplyDeleteThis is an old picture or R1 and the info is being mistaken with the Previous R1....Reyes main town is Nva. CD Guerrero...there he did many good things for the people as well as mier, thats why the people admire him. If this is the intel the DEA has, i feel sorry for the DEA.
ReplyDeleteDescription came from Department of Justice, the rest has been documented by other brave Mexican media outlets, CDG is tolerated because they are trying to clean out the Zetas, but believe me, there is not love for r1
ReplyDeleteDid good things? You call leaving headless bodies of young Mexicans, all over the place, good things! You must be just as sick as R-1. Just because he donates a little money here and there doesn't change where the money came from. (Extortion, Kidnappings, etc.) I'm not even sure these people are "drug dealers" anymore. Seems like ALL the cartels are not fighting over drug routes. The big money is in the "shake downs". Or at least the easier way...Every time they send a load they are not 100% sure its gonna get to where its going. I guess its easier to TERRORIZE your neighbors and make them come off their sh!t...And don't start with CDG doesn't do that.
Yes good things, I'm not saying he did not have people slaughtered, but he has done many positive things...but im glad he did that to those Zetas...they deserve it, and yes CDG doent do that!!!! Don't believe everything borderland beat says
ReplyDeleteestos senores andan en reynosa en convoys de como 30 camionetas y la mayoria blindadas... mueven millones de dolares semanalmente... y ademas de el poes el tienne sus subcomandantes tambien... todos andan en convoys.... nunca se van a acabar... think about it... how manny people can you fit into 30 tahoes, escalades, silverados, navigators, tundras etc.... cada cammioneta cuesta arriba de 100 mill dollar...
ReplyDeletelos zetas son cabrones pelan la verga van a ver el diablo
ReplyDeleteWhat a lot of people don't know is that the Z's killed two of R1's brothers, and unburried his father in Guerrero and set the coffin on fire in the central plaza.
ReplyDeleteListen there are no conspiracy theories, and if there are it's whether the Mexican government helps these groups or not. A war for control of cities south of the border is in full motion. And the gulf cartel is striking back at the backstabbing, money hungry, merderous zetas. Kids with nothing to lose choose the "sicario" lifestyle, no one puts a gun against their heads to pull the trigger of another gun aiming another direction, fucktards. In a country where $5 a day is minimum wage you'll understand why this happens.
ReplyDeleteNow let's talk about cartels being gay like that one comment posted from a complete moron that has no fucking idea what the fuck is going on. Obviously you never heard of guerrilla warfare you fucking idiot. Or scare tactics or urban welfare. Let me give you a crash course example. When CDG hired Los Zetas it had to make a name for itself as the "enforcers " of CDG. Now with that came beheading, dismemberment , hangings , acid baths and what not. And being a paramilitary group of deserters from Mexican special ops( equivillant to our green barrets) trained in all counter intel, weaponry and special insert and extract tactics it left a whole lot of mess for the rivals like La Familia, Sinaloa cartel, Juarez cartel, Tijuana cartel to rival with and the scare tactics were borne. It's not to touch some other mans balls- r u shitting me- it's to make u think whether you want your balls sewn to your face at your funeral and a picture of it in newspapers. U twat.
You couldn't of saided better bro
Deleteaarriba el padrino jefe!! Siga pa arriba'