Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Assassins went to hospital to finish off wounded children

More details to the attack on the family in which 4 family members were killed in a brutal attack - The two surviving children were taken to the nearby IMSS General Hospital by a good samiritan and where just minutes later a group of heavily armed men arrived to finish off the surviving children.

The survivors appeared to be a child 5 years of age, who witnesses say was protected by an older child approximately age 14, who apparently sheltered the little boy and was trying to save his life during the inital attack.

The ambush to the family of six which was traveling in a white 2000 Taurus occurred at Ejercito Nacional Ave., less than 150 feet from the intersection of Plutarco Elias Calles.

In a city where most people are now desensitized, even the brutality used in this attack caused panic to the witnesses who watched as the assailants of a green Caravan vehicle intercepted the car and began firing.

The driver somehow managed to stop the vehicle in the leftmost lane on the Avenue and as soon as the vehicle came to a stop, a young boy was seen running away from the car carrying a seriously wounded boy, about age 5 in his arms.

A motorist took the adolescent and the child to the "IMSS" Mexican Social Security Institute, where shortly afterwards it was reported that a group of gunmen stormed the emergency ward looking to finish off the survivors. The identity of this witness was not provided by the investigating authorities.

"They came to finish the 14 year old boy, there were three men dressed as local police, all in black and they stormed the clinic, they searched the radiology area and began firing, then they ran out the Emergency exit leaving the staff, patients and families in a state of shock," a witness said in this latest development.

Apparently the thugs could not locate the survivors and fired off several firearms in their hasty exit. This created panic among the patients who were waiting to be seen and their families, as well as the medical and administrative staff.

Witnesses said several nurses broke down in tears.

After the attack, IMSS staff closed all the entrances to the hospital and proceeded to declare a "code red" which is used only when seeking the protection of the police forces.

The Attorney General's Office confirmed that a group of armed men had gained entry into the hospital, but could not confirm if the two children had been killed and would not provide additional information about the attack at the IMSS General Hospital.

In a statement the prosecutor stated that four people including a woman and a child, were killed as they drove down the avenue Ejercito Nacional Ave. aboard a 2000 Taurus with no license plates.

Experts of the Special Unit Crime Scene investigations secured 42 spent 7.62 x 39 mm casings, and the car in which the victims had been traveling in.

The driver's body was described as a male about 5'7'' inches tall, of slim build, dark complexion, with short dark hair, wearing a black jeans, a white printed shirt with a long sleeves, white socks and tennis shoes.

Beside him was the body of a woman aprox. 5'3'' inches tall, heavier set, dark skin, long dark hair, wearing a brown sweater, black colored blouse and trousers, white and pink tennis shoes and pink socks.

The third body was in the back left driver's side. This young woman measured about 5'6", was slightly built, dark complexion, short black hair and wore a white vest, blue jeans, blue shirt, white socks and gray tennis shoes.

A young boy's body could also be seen in the back seat and because the majority of the bullet wounds were to his head area, it appeared that he was almost decapitated in the attack.

Witnesses said that after the attack, a young boy jumped out of the car cradling in his arms a little boy about 5 years of age. The little boy was bleeding from his head wounds and several of his fingers in one hand appeared to be almost detached.

There are no arrests.

Source: El Diario Staff

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  1. These killers werent "dressed like the police" they were the police, this is business as usual for mexico...if the citizens of mexico were armed they could have shot these monsters dead....but for you stupid idiots that think that guns are bad (and not the criminal)this is the reward of your thinking, unarm the citizens and it leaves the criminals fearless of the ones they attack, kidnap and extort....mexico needs to deal with that or else this scourge of killers will keep perpetrating these kind of attacks...

  2. This seriously has to be one of the saddest stories.

  3. What kind of gutless inhumans order this type of thing?

  4. I hope this story goes on national tv so this case get the attention it needs to help bring down these killers.

  5. God, where the fuck are you? How can anybody believe in a God when shit like this is taking place. What did those kids do to deserve getting shot at?

    No hay palabras para describir el coraje que me hace sentir este acontecimiento.

  6. this story won't get national coverage becuase many americans just dont care. just another dead mexican. but the killing of the ICE agent gets all kinds of american coverage.

    the american media is as fake as its politicians. even though i cant stand fox news, i respect them a lot becuase they do talk about whats going on in mexico. but the other networks would rather talk about bimbos like lady gaga, paris hilton, lindsey lohan or if charlie sheen is on drugs. who gives a shit about these filthy rich celebrities. they dont give a shit about us. and why so much attention on the middle east when we should at least try to provide consistent national coverage on mexico's situation. our neighbors.

    the united states just doesnt care about mexico as long as they keep their violence on their side of the border. but once they attack ONE of us, the media goes ape shit!

    that's a damn shame becuase too many mexican children are becoming victims of this filthy drug war now.

  7. Y tu crees que el Gov De USA no sabe lo que esta pasando? aunque no salga en TV nacional recuerda ellos lo saben toooddooo. Aqui hay gato encerrado. Horror.. HORROR!..

  8. This only happens in Mexico which is sad.

  9. Felipe and Joaquin continue to dance the waltz. Somehow they are ignoring the 40,000 corpses on the dance floor. Meanwhile kids are targets. La Marrana Guzman will soon feel the wrath of an eternal and all knowing entity. There is no place big enough to house this filthy PIG (GUZMAN). He didn't CONQUER Laredo. What made him think Juarez was gonna be easier? Go back to Shitnaloa and take your DEMONS with you. Did you ever see Juarez go on an all out blitz to Shitnaloa? Now they all have to go...And a country suffers the trauma of not being able to rely on their own government for any protection. Why doesn't Calderon focus on the root of the problem (CHAPO)? Get him out they way then go chase the rest of the fucking Ed Hardy and gator boot wearing fags that kiss their bosses feet every chance they get. Leave the purse snatchers alone and go and get their gods...(LAZCA, 40, CHAPO, MAYO, R-1, Metro 3, Carillo) Maybe then they will learn to share...


  10. I have become used to the depraved nightmarish visions of Satanas and Santa Muerte having orgasms together on the bed that has become Mexico. Each day, Mexico increases my resolve to fight against amnesty for illegal aliens in America. Each day, Mexico convinces me that it's people are dangerous. Dangerous because they are infected with an evil virus that is contagious. I am positive, that infected individuals are already a factor in street gangs, prisons and jails, and our United States streets. Already, I watch movies on Spanish language TV that feature Mexican "narco" themes that glamorize violence, albeit under the guise of the reverse. I can imagine how young minds are being shaped by what they see.

    If we stop and think for a moment of the many atrocities that have occurred in the past months in Mexico we can see for all this must be heading. The cumulative effect of such evil has changed Mexico forever into a PTSD Failed State. Yes, each of its citizens will now show symptoms of PTSD. How will we deal with massive numbers of Mexicans showing symptoms of depression,anger,denial,chronic paranoid thinking and behavior including homicidal and suicidal urges?

    I am beginning to understand why massive numbers of Mexicans now worship Santa Muerte and forsaken Jesus Cristo, La Virgen Maria and the panoply of other more traditional saint.

    The media in United States covers Mexico in a trivialized manner because it too is in serious denial and I fear is because the "Evil" virus is already multiplying amongst us.

  11. @ 777

    i feel you brotha. damn straight.

  12. I didn't mean to offend the hard working people of Sinaloa when I said Shitnaloa before anyone here gets any ideas. Just the (NARCO MARICONES) fans of the music (Movimiento Jotadas). Heart-breaking to see kids being targeted and some people in Sinaloa and the rest of Mexico cheering on this madness.


  13. As an american, WE DO CARE! It is the news media that does not care, they dont make them money so they ignore it, bit whem something they think will make tjem more money they put it front page and lead story...(ice agents, missionary wife,jet ski..)

  14. Hasta la Madre: God doesn't get the credit for this. This was another case of pure EVIL carried out by men with free will. This is a broken planet made worse when humans decide to play God. I believe God shares in the sorrow of those who weep for these children, His children, and He welcomes them home with open arms. Judgement will come for those responsible. I know how easy it is to become jaded and cynical, because I've been there myself.

  15. I don't know man, I lost faith a looooong time ago, but I feel offended at the thought that people pray to a God when shit like this is happening. Here's a comment from Blog del Narco that sums up Mexico really well:

    I'll translated if someone wants me to.

    "que tristeza me da que la gente de otros paises se expresen asi de nuestro pais. me pregunto de que chingados estamos tan orgullosos si somos un pobre pais subdesarrollado, lleno de corrupcion, y lleno de animales salvajes matandose peor que bestias.
    A los mexicanos siempre nos han jodido, nos jodio españa, luego con la indepenvinodencia, los que ganaron traicionaron lo ideales de los independentistas, luego vinieron los gringos y nos chingaron mas de medio pais, despues la revolucion con zapata y villa que terminaron siendo traicionados y asesinados y una partida de perros se quedo en el poder, luego llego el pri, 70 años en el poder, la dictadura perfecta, haciendonos pendejos con promesas, puentes, tortillas, etc. despues de 70 años llego fox y nos engaño a todos, creimos en el, que era un hombre de principios e ideales y resulto ser un pobre pendejo retrasado que hundio mas al pais, luego en 2006 se robaron la presidencia con una guerra sucia en todos los medios, lo poderosos contra los mas jodidos, ya sentado en la silla presidencial que le ha quedado mas grande que a todo los demas viene este enano pendejo y con la obsesion por legitimar lo que no pudo en las urnas, inicia su "guerra contra el narco" y como siempre los mas jodidos son los que la pagan: los mexicanos comunes y corrientes que todos los dias salimos a ganarnos el pan honradamente y teniendonos que cuidar de todo y de todos, ya no sabemos ni de quien cuidarnos, si de los narcos, de los secuestradores, de los ratas de esquina o de los policias...karma colectivo o pendejez nacional hereditaria???"

  16. this is the elimination of the criminal element. Rummor on the Mexican blogs is that the a leader of La Linea was in that car and apparently there was a message here. only those involved know what it was. but to me it says, If you belong to this outfit, there will be no mercy on you and your asociates or loved ones. Lets take into consideration that children as young as 8 have been known to torture and beat tied up detainees. some have been known to enjoy it. but don't be alarmed school aged children in america commit murders as well. More people are killed in the US with handguns every year, than in Mexico these past few years. Its Ignorance that makes you believe you're safe in the US. the media controls the images of violence so you perceive safety. meanwhile. it shows you the horrors of what free press we have here in Mexico. We see the horrors of our war, we live it every day. Americans wage war on foreign soil and the public is never asked to endure the stress of watching your children become murderers and corpses.

  17. Excuse my French but this is fucking bullshit.

  18. Life does not get much lower then bursting into a hospital to murder children.
    The situation in Mexico just seems to get worse every passing month.

    @ 11:58

    God does not get the credit for this? how can that be?
    This god fella made this nice place for people to live out his little test of "goodness" or whatever you want to label his gameshow of life.
    This god is supposed to be all seeing and all knowing and all powerfull.
    So in the begining he knew that there would be people in a place called mexico (and countless other places over time)who would commit these violent brutal acts?

    And yet he chose to let it all ride and sit back and watch his little amusement park.
    He knows before someone is born whether or not that person is going to murder children or whatnot, and god apparently has no problem with these monsters otherwise they would not be here in the first place.
    He wants them here so he can "TEST us all" how very nice for him, he must be so pleased with HIS creation......and he can allways blame that cheeky rascal lucifer, who he just cant seem to control even with all of his "powers"... how bothersome it must be for him.

    Or he might not exist.

    Just sayin.

  19. Anonymous said...

    I have become used to the depraved nightmarish visions of Satanas and Santa Muerte having orgasms together on the bed that has become Mexico. Each day, Mexico increases my resolve to fight against amnesty for illegal aliens in America. Each day, Mexico convinces me that it's people are dangerous. Dangerous because they are infected with an evil virus that is contagious. I am positive, that infected individuals are already a factor in street gangs, prisons and jails, and our United States streets. Already, I watch movies on Spanish language TV that feature Mexican "narco" themes that glamorize violence, albeit under the guise of the reverse. I can imagine how young minds are being shaped by what they see.

    If we stop and think for a moment of the many atrocities that have occurred in the past months in Mexico we can see for all this must be heading. The cumulative effect of such evil has changed Mexico forever into a PTSD Failed State. Yes, each of its citizens will now show symptoms of PTSD. How will we deal with massive numbers of Mexicans showing symptoms of depression,anger,denial,chronic paranoid thinking and behavior including homicidal and suicidal urges?

    I am beginning to understand why massive numbers of Mexicans now worship Santa Muerte and forsaken Jesus Cristo, La Virgen Maria and the panoply of other more traditional saint.

    The media in United States covers Mexico in a trivialized manner because it too is in serious denial and I fear is because the "Evil" virus is already multiplying amongst us.
    March 1, 2011 9:31 PM


    I have never seen it said so well... For years this virus has been infecting every city in the U.S. and no one is as of yet paying attention. For the last week a new 3 country attack has been announced to take down Chapo Guzman and his cohorts called "Operation Mercury" consisting of Columbia the U.S. and Mexico... I have seen this drug cartel virus up close here on the U.S. side, Through car sales I knew all of the people arrested in "Operation Los Intocables" involving 23 pounds of heroin, 33 pounds of cocaine and more than a million in cash;

    Just look at all these cases from my state;

    I speak from first hand knowledge and am not just pulling it out of the air as allot of people do... I wish that there were easy answers to this huge overwhelming problem...

    On the Mexican side I feel mostly for the young children because they are all innocent and the suffer in fear from what they hear and see, can you imagine being 5 years old in Mexico right now? And the elderly that are being held hostage having to hide locked away out of fear of being harmed, for those two things I hope that all the perpetrators of what is taking place in Mexico right now burn in hell for eternity...

    I think the top level cartel members have become coked out meth freaks and that has made them more evil and thats worked its way down to the lowest foot soldiers and now its all out of control mayhem that has no rhyme or reason. They should be ashamed, even in the underworld of criminals they are looked upon as animals that have no morals or values, evil dirty rotten scum of the earth that can not be trusted, they can not wait to get to snitching as soon as they are caught, just look at them all making deals even before they are housed in a cell!

    There is no easy answer and its allot worse in the U.S. than the average person know, people have had their heads buried in the sand for so long... The U.S. has allot of blood on its hands and thats another story for another time... For all of the good Mexicans that see this "Viva La Raza, God Speed..." - Grande Goat Horn

  20. yeah the moneylender controlled news services in this country are all about moral degenerates and mindless bullshit...and anything to do with the great nation of unreal...

    the marines are on the shores of tripoli again...but it is like pulling their teeth to get them to do two minutes on the war against the GOOD people of Mexico

    ans i agree god has nothing to do with it is GREEDY greedy greedy PINCHES GENTE that are doing the evil

    how low can you get than to stalk a hospital to kill a little kid

    who gives a fuck about the fuckn middle east..i don't ...

    WHAT ABOUT MEXICO?...can someone please wake our president up and tell him something

    hope the next time i vote for a new puppet for the white house , at least it will be one who can find Mexico on the map

  21. Arriba la gente!! Que venga la revolusion!! Primero egypt , libya, ahorra mexico

  22. What would of happened if the citazin had taken the hurt children to the border agents at the border crossing. And told them ,the killers are coming to the hospital to finish these kids off and you must protect them.?
    T JUst Wnt To Know!

  23. God, please "hasta la madre" that is the most ignorant remark anyone can make. Learn your history, pick up a Bible and learn something. Funny we all question where God is when its all going down, but we never acknowledge when things are good...funny, demented people those that say there is no GOD..

  24. @ hasta la madre

    You shouldn't blame GOD. You should blame the devil and the people. GOD is BEAUTIFUL. He gave us the freedom to do whatever the hell we wanted but just made one demand. And what did we do?

    We broke that simple demand.

    Now we are suffering because of our own mistakes.

    Mexico's problems have nothing to do with GOD and GOD does care. His son will step in to destroy the filth that plagues the world. But it will happen when its the right time. Not when you want it.

  25. Get real, Sir '790'!

    '790 said...
    This only happens in Mexico which is sad.
    March 1, 2011 9:21 PM'

    Actually IT happens to happen in many places besides Mexico. None of you US citizen folk on BB seem too damn concerned about the latest US Pentagon drone attacks that killed a dozen kids, more or less. And just like the cartel violence in Mexico, these types of drone killings have happened over and over again without too many US citizens batting an eye about it.

    So don't think that Mexico is somehow distinct in its ability to accept daily violence being dished out, because it's not.

  26. @8:24 anon,

    Perhaps a private citizen could try getting the children to the border and into an El Paso hospital, but paramedics have already been threatened by cartels to NOT take victims to the border.

  27. I'm not blaming God, how could I blame something I don't believe in?

    8:43am: Are you seriously implying that the bible is a historical authority? If your little god is the real god, I would rather believe in Satan, at least with that guy I know what awaits me.

  28. wtf dude first of all its Mexicos corrupt fkn society that has this shit going on. Do you thing these assasins wake up and look forward to killing kids? or people in general? but wyf thier families have to eat and its a damn dog eats dog world. and its Mexicos own people who have let this happen to them. letting themselves be oppresed instead of standing up for whats right. Do i think its right they killed? No. But they are humans also and dude its either thier ass or your ass... which would you choose? and God? wow you guys are demented bringing God into this. a man who said thou shalt not kill. But hey we must reap what we've sewn and i feel bad for all the innocent blood but really its not so much the drugs or the Cartels. its thier damn government that doesnt open up jobs for them or anything. a decent living is hard to get in Mexico. Hmmmm i wonder why everyones corrupt...

  29. BB writers that blasphemy GOD will curse themselves.

  30. these are not Mexicans there probably Honduran or farther south these dumb fucks farther south that work at La Michocana these are the people that we need to worry about

  31. @2:34 AMEN!!! To believe in Satan, You MUST believe in God. This is the work of Satan. Satan infected the heart and souls of these childrens parents. They must repent to be saved by God. I`m no bible thumper, don`t go to church that much, but When I hear people say Their is no God, I instantly think, "But what if their wrong"? So, I read, I believe, and I repent.

  32. @2:34 AMEN!! On the subject of is there or isn`t their a God, I just always have to ask myself about non-believers, "What if their wrong"? So, I`ll do as the dollar bill states and say In God we Trust. Funny how money is the root of all evil, yet they put that statement on it. Twisted reminder that no one ever reads.

  33. To the ones who say US Americans dont care, i beg to differ! This story has gone viral and many are outraged. What can we do? There is not much we are able to do from here. Your government does not allow us the means in which to help, your laws do not apply to us (unlike ours, where you are given freedoms) and if we challenged anything, we would be seen as the aggressors. We think this is disgustingly abhorrent, and no this does not just happen in Mexico. These events are taking place all over the World. Please know that your voices are not going unheard and we do pray for stability for you all.

  34. Let's not go about fighting about Americans don't care about this situation, or god doesn't care. Save that nonesense for another time. Tough times are upon us, it's how we as men and women handle the situation that will define how we leave society for the future of our families. Mexicans and Americans will always need to co-exist in one form or another. Neighboring countries with great, caring people who want a better future for their families to prosper. Sadly Mexico is in a situation they have never been in before and it's a horrible situation. Where greed, violence and corruption dictate millions of folks in their daily lives.

    These criminal organizations clearly have hit a new level even for the evilest of scum. To kill a child even if directly or indirectly involved with an adult is no forgiven sin. Some have a choice and others don't at this latter stage in their lives.

    Many who say this doesn't affect Americans as a society well you are the ones who ignorantly don't want a better America for all who live and who come to live in the future.

  35. The god squad is out.
    Satans work...god has no power to stop him then? or chooses not to?

    @ ajulio, we broke a simple command did we?
    What a load of sanctimonious drivel, i did not break any command given to me by some higher power, nor did my father no did his, we just see a load of people running around telling others how to lead their lives on pain of eternal suffering.
    And the one who judges us and sends us to burn in eternal pain and suffering really loves us....yeah sure he does.
    god will come when he is ready is another classic, jesus will come and clean the filth when the time is right....guy sounds more like a fluffer ffs.
    And all the while we suffer with no proof, we have to have faith, while the clergy are busy buggering little boys and girls....the same people ordained by god.
    Most athiests and agnostics could throw facts for hours and be met with nothing but faith and a promise of our eternal pain and suffering if we do not believe them, so so nice.
    I just want to die in peace and leave my children safe with more then i had, but no, all the god squad loonys want to come and tell me about their delusional fantasy's and how if i dont lisen and dont give someone they know money i will burn in this so called hell....i am in hell every time i have to listen to one of the fruit jobs.

    Please lets see god help Mexico, and the rest of us.

    I can hope the people of mexico can overcome their struggle by determination.

    In the meantime seeing as the holies are praying for god i will pray for thor the god of thunder to sort out the killers....i wonder who will do the job money is on the mexican people.


    1. You poor poor man just cause you can't see something doesn't mean it isn't there even you should be smart enough to realize that and as for proof,you want God to give you proof he exist? Why would God give you proof that he exist just cause you don't belive. I mean come on does the sun not rise every morning?Do you not have life? Do you not have health?freedom to say what you want or do what you want?have a roof over your head? Have food in your belly? You have so much but yet you think God doesn't exist we only have what we do because God gives it to us you should be thankful,I'm not telling you what to believe I'm just telling you what I no is right

  36. ardent

    you been keeping up on


    wolfy blitz krieger an ol hilleree clinton are hollern for us to bomb...and so is old frankenstin jun kurry

    i am still waiting for some body to tell me EXACTLY why our army is in afgannystan...spending money to kill guys who don't even have a pair of shoes

    oh yeah ..they threaten the glorious nation of unrael...i forgot for minute

  37. It really doesn't matter, but I do want to know if La Linea is being hit, or doing the hitting. Something has to give in Juarez soon.

  38. The US is always playing these geo-political games, Brito.

    'i am still waiting for some body to tell me EXACTLY why our army is in afgannystan...spending money to kill guys who don't even have a pair of shoes'

    Afghanistan ever had nothing to do with 'fighting terrorism'. The intervention there is because the US wants to position itself well in Central Asia to better fight against China and Russia. The intervention in Mexico is because....????? ...... the US government wants to position itself to run all of the Americas pretty much UNILATERALLY. It's called the Monroe Doctrine, and has nothing to do with drug control. It has to do with dominance.

  39. Oh, you who claim that US have more deaths by firearms than Mexico. Please, show me those numbers. I've worked within Law enforcement for 20 years now and USA isn't even CLOSE to the thosuands of homicides thats happening in Mexico every year, not even CLOSE with 320 million people. Never ever heard such bullshit.


  41. What`s funny is that the Country that is in the biggest shithole is one that believes the most in Saints and God. go figure.


  42. SouthTex
    F*ck you!
    Don't disrespect my country.
    We do believe and are god fearing Mexicans. Don't bring faith or religion into this. Evil resides in all who believe or don't. We will not lose faith and we will come out on top. God will give us the stregnth. Save your bullshit comments for another forum.
    Desde Chihuas....

  43. @ SouTex, also haiti, so very god fearing, so very very poor, and god sends them an earthquake...cause he loves them.

    god has sent mexico the test their faith...because he loves mexico so so much.

    @ 3:46.......just a shame your god does not give enough strength to the innocent children who get murdered, just enough strength to get out of the way in time....but no god does not do this for the children, because he loves them.

    God only seems to favour those who donate to his church...funny that, and the rest of us will burn in hell forever....because he loves us.

  44. Please dont ever disrespect my Mexican Country..i agree 100% with your statement dont get me wrong..just dont disrespect please and thank you

  45. Q;

    Why aren't the military posted and road blocks at entry to the hospitals? Like they do protecting the US maquilas? you know where no violence occurs in the most violent city? Why?

    and why doesn't a convoy of military follow the ambulance with high risk injured people to protect safe passage into el paso? Why? Are they too busy driving around looking bad ass?

    just wondering...

    but these would be logical solutions in a country that does not give a shit about its people. But...gotta protect those mauquilas

  46. police in mexico work for cartels state police work for cartels federales too then poor woman and children who will help them their doomed no where to run just hide put their heads under dirt.


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