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Sunday, March 6, 2011

La Mano Con Ojos seeks to dominate drug trade in the D.F

A man was kidnapped and found dead on the streets of Co­lo­nia Pe­rio­dis­tas, located in the Mi­guel Hi­dal­go zone. The body was found decapitated, with visible signs of torture. The hands and feet of the victims had been hog-tied.

Next to the body there was a message found by the sicarios who call themselves "La Mano Con Ojos" or The Hand With Eyes. The text reads:

"Soy Gio­van­ni Ca­rri­llo es­to me pa­só por tra­ba­jar en las tien­das de El Mo­hi­ca­no, a quien le es­pe­ra lo mis­mo jun­to con "El Gor­do" y CIA. Al ex co­man­dan­te de la AFI Jor­ge Ló­pez Pé­rez y la red ofi­cial que lo pro­te­ge pa­ga­rán sus con­se­cuen­cias y a quien si­ga tra­ba­jan­do pa­ra ellos, y uni­for­ma­dos que es­tán en su nó­mi­na, "La Ma­no con Ojos" tar­da pe­ro no per­do­na. Ul­ti­ma opor­tu­ni­dad pa­ra que se lar­guen de la pla­za del Va­lle de Mé­xi­co, At­te. "La Ma­no con Ojos".

"I'm Gio­van­ni Ca­rri­llo and this happened to me for working in the stores of "El Mo­hi­ca­no". This will also be the fate of "El Gor­do" and CIA. The AFI commandante; Jor­ge Ló­pez Pé­rez and the rest of the officials that protect them will pay the consequences, as will anyone else who works with them, be they in or out of uniform. Let it be known that "La Mano Con Ojos" can wait, but it never forgives. This is your last opportunity to leave the plaza del Va­lle de Mé­xi­co, At­te. "La Ma­no con Ojos."

The murder is related to organized crime, and it only adds to the pile of unsolved cases in the archives of the Fiscal Center for Homicide Investigations for the PGJDF. This is due to the inefficiency of the public ministries, the secretary generals, the comandantes, and the agents of the Police Investigators. A copy of this particular case file has been sent to the PGR.

According to the investigators, this murder is related to another string of murders that occurred within the last few weeks in the towns of Al­va­ro Obre­gón, Cua­ji­mal­pa, Tlal­pan and Xo­chi­mil­co.

This man was found on a street called In­ge­nie­ros Mi­li­ta­res, the significance of this is that there is a closed circuit security camera that is aimed directly at the place were the killers disposed of the victim. The SSP office in the D.F. has recovered the tapes and is in the process of reviewing them. It will be interesting to see what, if any pictures of the crime develops within the next few days.
What Is Known About "La Mano Con Ojos"

Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, the General Justice Prosecutor for the state of México (PGJEM), commented during a panel discussion on narco-trafficking that the organization known as  “La Mano con Ojos” is the one responsible for the gun battles in Atizapán de Zaragoza and Tlalnepantla that occurred at the beginning of this past February.

In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL Edomex, the prosecutor stated that “capturing these criminals is one of our top priorities. This organization is made up of random cells that coalesced after the arrest of their leader, El JJ."

EL UNIVERSAL Edomex presents the 5 known facts about “La Mano con Ojos”, a group who is engaged campaign of executions against any dealers or cells who refuse to join their organization.

1.- "La Mano con Ojos" or "El Compayito" is the name of the individual who leads a group that bears his name. At one time, he was a major part of the cartel led by the Beltrán Leyva brothers.

2.- After the death of Arturo Beltrán the group aligned themselves with everyone from Édgar Valdez Villarreal alias "la Barbie", to Sergio Enrique Villarreal alias "El Grande", Gerardo Álvarez Vázques alias "El Indio" and José Jorge Balderas alias "El JJ." However, each one of these capos were subsequently arrested by the authorities.

3.- "La Mano con Ojos" was once chief of security for "El Indio", and according to authorities, he is the last of the "third generation" traffickers in the entirety of Mexico that formally worked for the Beltrán Leyva cartel.

4.- The gun battle that took place on the outskirts of Tlalnepantla and Atizapán de Zaragoza, was part of a plan to force defections of local drug dealers who are working for other established groups that are operating in those zones.

5.- They have been operating independently for the last 8 months in Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla, Atizapán, Cuautitlán Izcalli and theD.F. Distrito Federal. At least 10 or 12 executions have been claimed by "La Mano con Ojos."

7 Players in the D.F.

El Universal has obtained a copy of an official report that reveals the Federal Police (PF) believe there are at least 7 different cartels attempting to gain a dominant presence in the D.F.

This includes La Familia Michoacana, el Cártel de Sinaloa, el del Golfo, de Juárez, Pacífico Sur (formally the Hector Beltrán Leyva cartel), Los Zetas, the organization led by Édgar Valdez Villarreal, "La Barbie", and even a few cells of la Mara Salvatrucha  have been arrested in Mexico City.

These activities involve kidnapping, extortion, human smuggling, manufacturing synthetic drugs, and the recruitment of new members. These activities threaten the stability of the Mexican capital, which is clearly a flourishing market for the narcos. 

Yet the authorities are reluctant to admit that the D.F. is anything more that a transit zone for drugs, with a few minor narcomenudeos (drug dealers) that operate in the city; this is in stark contrast to information that is widely available. The D.F. is considered to be an important center of operations for various criminal organizations.

The three major players (Sinaloa, Gulf and Zeta cartels) are vying to control all 16 delegations within the D.F.

The group with the smallest presence in Mexico City is that of  Édgar Valdez Villarreal, "La Barbie", which is only operating in Tlalpan. They are also active in Morelos (Cuernavaca).

Source Articles:!rbNqG86aTSyF2/


  1. However, each one of these capos were subsequently arrested by the authorities.

    3.- "La Mano con Ojos" was once chief of security for "El Indio",

    look to me like a bunch of wannabees that have developed a knack for turning their bosses in. Keep going.

  2. This shows how "cutting the heads" off of the cartels doesn't really solve/help/change anything and Calderon's war is a waste of time.

  3. its insane how la barbie's crew has something still going on. You would think that once he crumbled they would too. I guess he did have a lot of people he knew.... I wonder what gulf n sinaloa's reltionship is now?

  4. Killing or capturing jefes simply means placing in charge a bunch of incompetent wannabes waving their cajones and guns about in some big pissing contest. None of them know what in the hell they're doing. They're not doing their jobs.

    One might think that, directionless, these orgs would splinter up and die on the vine. In fact, they might be dying except for all of the machine guns and loads of ammo about, which means they have enough life in them to take a bunch of people down with them.

    Why doesn't Calderon just dissolve and fire the entire Mexican Congress, claim emergency governing powers and declare martial fucking law in every state of the Unidos Mexicanos?

  5. I don't think Barbies crew, or the remnants of, have much going on. I mean, like this guy above, they have guns and ruthlessness, but even Beltran Leyva's, are about finished. Small territories, small crews, smaller money, no leader. I mean, these guys don't go get day jobs, they just resort to extortion/robberies/etc, when they lose the resources for big drug shipments on consignment, and cross border smuggling.

  6. @J I think the Beltran Leyva's have integrated into Zeta faction led by Miguel Trevino "Z-40" more than anything. Well most of Mexico's wealth is found on Mexico city,Monterrey, Acapulco, Tampico, Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and most of the tourist destinations. You can make millions of dollars off feeding the middle, rich and elite class of Mexico. Remember that the Beltranes and Mguel Trevino's Zeta faction are still fighting the Sinaloans.

  7. Crazy how juarez still holds their own, seems like amado left a really good structure

  8. It won't be long now before all the "Chapo's"run
    the show in SW mexico as well as TJ. The other Faction will be them scumbag "Z's" only because
    their like cockroaches, you kill one and two more pop up. The Gulf Cartel,La Familia" and the
    AFO have seen their Day! It's all ametures tryin
    to Be Pro's Now. Same thing happened in Columbia
    just a bunch of "little rascals",wannabes runnin it now; with No Organization and they think by who can do the most outragous torture
    and murders will get the respect. That's a Joke
    it took years for these cartels to get Big and it only took two years to bring em to this!


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