In his first interview after surviving an attack in Colima which resulted in the death of his cousin and driver and led to rumors of his kidnapping, Gerardo Ortiz states that, despite the tragic outcome, he does not believe this attack or the prior attack on concertgoers after a show in Mazatlan on March 9, which left 6 dead and more than 20 wounded, had anything to do with him.
"I don't think the attack in Mazatlan was against me, and I don't think the second attack was against me either, I feel like I was just in a place where I shouldn't of been", said the 22 year old singer, a native of Pasadena, California who now is said to reside in Culiacan, Sinaloa.
Visibly nervous, the singer of "Ni hoy ni mañana" narrated the moments of horror he experienced moments during the attack in Colima, which still remain fresh in his mind.
"There was gunfire, because they were killed by gunshots, so there was gunfire, but in that moment there was chaos, confusion. At the first shot I hit the floor, that was my first reaction, drop to the floor. What happened? Bang, bang, bang. We wrecked, flew around and fell. The first thing I heard was my team shouting Gerardo! Gerardo! I got out of the truck, splattered with blood"
Rumors emerged after the attack that drug lords, who have unleashed a wave of assassinations against narcocorrido singers in Mexico, were behind one, if not both attacks on Ortiz. De Andrades, the interviewer, asked the singer if he had ever worked for a drug trafficker.
"I haven't come across any. Look, I ....Nobody pays me to do my music, I think it was something I was born with. I sing to those who want to hear my music, that's all", responded Ortiz. "I haven't had any parties or sang for any private audiences in quite some time."
Ortiz, who just launched his new CD titled "Morir y Existir"(Die and Exist), said his recent violent experiences influenced his decision in choosing the title. He also stated that, more than fear, he feels the pain of having lost both his cousin and chauffeur.
The new corrido is about Ignacio Coronel Villareal, one of the heads of the Sinaloa cartel and considered one of the most powerful kingpins in Mexico, who was killed last July during a confrontation with the Mexican Army.
"You know, the title for the track "Morir y Existir",came from that story. In the song, there's this guy from Guadalajara, rumors say the guy's alive, right? They said he died, but that was a lie, he's alive, no? That's where the title, "Die and Exist", came from," said the singer.
In the verses of Ortiz's corrido "Morir y Existir", the fallen kingpin, Nacho Coronel, is very much alive:
“Soy coronel y soy amigo, y si publican que no existo, ya me hicieron un favor…"
"I'm Coronel and I'm a friend, if they announce I don't exist, they've already done me a favor."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Sources: Impre.com, Univision
Pinche guerco pendejo..
ReplyDeleteGerardo Ortiz seems like a good guy to me. but he is no TUPAC and Mexico is a thousand times more dangerous than the U.S.. but TUPAC was a real thug and a true artist. he was willing and DID die for his beliefs and music. if Gerardo Ortiz wants to take the same route as TUPAC and Valintin Elizalde, then i wish him the best of luck. he's a fool if he thinks that the attacks towards him were not deliberate. he's just a performer, an artist who acts the part of a high profile narco-performer in his music and videos. he's just an american-born singer who glorifies the narco lifestyle in some of his songs but he's in a way, more dangerous than the narco's themselves because he's a celebrity who makes the narco lifestyle seem glamorous and cool to teenagers. but he really does'nt know what he's talking about. none of us do, except the real narcos and sicarios who are on the streets risking their lives on a daily basis. Gerardo is not a real sicario.
ReplyDeletemy word of advice to Gerardo is: to be smart and tone it down. do'nt take the studio-gangsta route. it is too dark of a place for you. you will only get yourself killed because of your big mouth and your ego. be smart and stay away from mexico and stay in the U.S.. at least for a while.
but Gerardo Ortiz has his reputation to protect, so he will probably return to only certain parts of mexico. he'll probably beef up his security and travel in the best armored vehicle money has to offer.
or even better; go ALL BALLS OUT!!! keep traveling in a regular suv with your whole damn family packed inside. and make sure to make regular trips to any mexican city that has tons of ZETAS or go to Juarez to perform but make sure to leave your bullet-proof vest at the hotel.
If you get shot or killed next time, instead of your cousin, Do'nt say we did'nt tell you.
tas loco crabon tu que sabes de narco guey da te un tope conmigo cabon I Gerardo aver que pasa I esos zetas pendejos que se vean ala verga el chapo ta con nosotros puto
just another wanna-be gangsta making money off of the drug biz.
ReplyDelete@ ajulio said "Tupac was a real thug and a true artist."
ReplyDeleteDid you see the documentary Tupac and Biggie? What did you think of the theory? Tupac was extrememly talented, a poet but no matter he was a thug.
As for this guy, you know Alhambra, to leave there for Sinaloa in these times wow I don't know what to think but I think there are some bad people thinking third times the charm.
A lot of people don't like this guy, and say he's been 'running his mouth' about other groups for awhile now, and that he reps for Sinaloa too hard. Like ajulio said, he should tone it down a little, and stay out of conflict areas, like Colima, where they are fighting. I don't know enough about the guy to judge, but my friends all seem to think he's a cocky asshole, said he was in Tijuana singing about Teo and got Bucchanns bottles thrown at him. I don't think he deserves to die for those things though, but I do think there are lines, and they are even thinner during this endless and brutal violence. Should be more careful. And Nacho Coronel is dead. Look at his territory, and what became of his areas of influence.
ReplyDeleteGerardo ortiz es un pendejo
ReplyDeleteAs bad as it sounds it could have all been a set up murder to get rid of the driver? Since Mexico has no clue on how to investigate a murder we will never know...
ReplyDeletethis was a set up it's funny that all other singers were killed ,but think of record sales he would get of his survial. He got tie's to cartels for sure. he survived this attack because IT WAS SET UP TO BUILD HIMSELF TO BE A HERO
ReplyDeleteNobody deserves to die but if this kid from Pasadena who has never killed anyone in his life is that stupid to rep Sinaloa running ur mouth in hot spots than he is going to be kidnapped for real next time. Any avid reader here knows how they torture others. I'm a white boy from Cali, I know lots of music and good weed and trashy corridos like this fuel the violence. It's no different than American rap preaching hate and drug selling. Real killers don't feel any remorse, this little nino needs to take his ass back to Pasadena where he belongs and not to fuck with one of the most ruthless countries in the world.
ReplyDeleteA badly orchestrated publicity stunt to sell some of his utterly lame, completely unoriginal music. All of it is an act. The guy is poser from Pasadena. Have you heard him? Can you take that seriously? Come on!
ReplyDeleteI truly doubt it was a publicity stunt. You can't shoot into a vechcle at night, pick and choose who will die, and then pick who will come out unscathed. In the interview gerardo seem nervous and evades questions, he knows he was a target and he can't tell the truth bout how his personal (illegally) armed gunmen were able to extract him and his dad from the vehicle after a small shootout with the aggressors. You can tell he is still scared shitless.
ReplyDeleteNow all you kids comparing this incident to biggie vs tupac, let me clear this up. There is a very real war going on in mexico, its nt the crips vs the bloods fighting over a street corner to sell some crack rocks. Your typical American gangbanger would die of fright on the spot after witnessing a 3 hour shootout or seeing a dead body with no head with a message on the side. This is no thug life crap, it's involves millions of dollars.
yes but only guys in front of car were killed nobody in the back seats were just lil funny to me
Look at the pics and you will see Ramiro caro dead in the back seat. The girl who was shot was in the back seat. I doubt they would've been abel to shoot only at certain people through tinted windows at night. A 7.62x39 round will easily punch through one person and kill another.
American gangsters afraid of mexican cartels? Hell no! Go to New York baby. The same shit that's going on in mexico is going on in NY,(the decapitations, the massacres, the human trafficking, the gun running) only in NY it's done a lot more discreetly than in MX. Why? Cuz mexican cartel sicarios have been working without any real opposition until the military got into it. Shit, if NY didn't have a police force they too would be doing it out in the open. If you ask me, these cartel sicarios are fuckin cowards to be going around shooting it up with innocent civilians and a wack police force as if they were trully badass. Shit, anybody can be a badass if there's no police with the right resources to catch you. Plus, look at the laws between both countries. There's no comparison. I'd like to see a little-ass mexican try to hold his own in the middle of Queens and sell one rock. Dude would be eaten up in a minute. These cartel scum are nothing but armed mules. You wanna see some real work get to the big cities boy. Try fuckin with the hood where almost everybody's holding. Gun-powder in the morning ain't nothing new over here. I love Mexico but please, don't embarrass yourself and compare these fools with the fools we got up here.
ReplyDeleteYou dont know what your talking about mexicos violence is way more crazy than nyc in ny we have nypd and they got the power and control in mexico the cartels own the police force punk ass
Delete@ Buelita
ReplyDeleteI did'nt like Biggie and Tupac. I think that the director Nick Broomfield is kind of a slimeball. But I believe there is a scene in the documentary that i like where Nick pays. L.A. police chief Daryl Gates money for the interview and Gates shamelessly grabs the money and counts it in front of the camera before he speaks a word. Its a classic scene of two slimeballs using each other.
As far as Suge Knight being the conspirator of Tupac's murder, I believe that this is complete falsification. It was probably a Cali-crip named Orlando Anderson who was jumped by Tupac earlier that night and was later murdered in Cali, who killed Tupac.
I am certain that Suge was the mastermind of Biggie's death though. His neighborhood friend, David Mack ( a blood turned crooked cop), hired a friend who pulled the trigger.
The three best docs that I've seen about Tupac's death are Welcome to Deathrow, Thug Immortal and Before I Wake.
Their are similarities to the Gerardo Ortiz and Tupac shootings, except Gerardo got really lucky. These sicarios usually get their man. Gerardo better give his security a BIG raise.
By the way, the picture you posted on the Borderland Beat Forum is Hilarious! I like how you embrace your age.
The gangbangers from L.A. would eat up these narcos too. Mexican narcos exist in the U.S. too but they don't have the same power. They only have power because Mexico has a weak government and because the people are not allowed to carry arms to defend themselves.
ReplyDeleteOk let's get this straight. American gangs need Mexico. And yes Mexican drug cartels are so much stronger than any us gang. To the guy talking about new York. Please send on of those gang members to juarez. They will set him straight. I would give him 30 min before they take him out. New York aint nothing please don't embarrass ur self. Mexican cartels r bigger then the Italian mob. Just look at Forbes..... and c where they have El Chapo
ReplyDeleteI agree completely us gangs please
ReplyDelete"Mexican narcos exist in the U.S. too but they don't have the same power" that right, cartels have all the power. What world are you living in? The Mexican Mafia controls the gangs in L.A. and the cartels control the Mexican Mafia plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess your NYC gang bangers have been involved in 6 hour gun battles with military and federal authorities? I guess they dress professional tactical gear instead of the usual FUBU and roca-wear hanging below their ass worn by typical gang bangers? They work for orginazations who who import several tons of narcotics a week from central and south America?
You guys must have some really unique gang bangers in NYC. What a joke.
"The gangbangers from L.A. would eat up these narcos too. "
ReplyDeleteYou guys watch too many movies or listen too much to gangsta rap. They only experience a gang banger would have in armed tactics would be an occassional drive by using a pos bryco or Jennings .380 auto. I guess Cali bangers get into shootings over loads of marijuana with Border patrol.
The truth is that cartel scum have do have some training and do kill military and and police in mexico. I hate sicarios as much as I do gang bangers.
Viva mi patria libre de lacras.
ReplyDeleteSo the U.S must have a "weak government" because they cant get rid of terrorists in the middle east? This is because they don't care if they die in battle, both terrorists and sicarios have the same mindset. This is a not because either country has a "weak government"
American gangsters afraid of mexican cartels? Hell no! Go to New York baby. The same shit that's going on in mexico is going on in NY,(the decapitations, the massacres, the human trafficking, the gun running) only in NY it's done a lot more discreetly than in MX
ReplyDeleteYes sure NY or Chicago had what 300 or 600 murders more or less how many kidnaps or missing? in one year. Yes you guys are Kings, and you also have people in Mexico Guatemala Spain Asia Africa Colombia El Salvador and other Countries. Cd Juarez had 2500 kills last year I think, and let me look for the pictures of the Latin Kings that got killed for not paying the cocaine shipment they got from a Mexican Cartel and the pictures of the Hells Angels representatives that got killed in Puerto Vallarta for trying to go over the middle man and the pictures of the canadian ganster who got killed in Guadalajara. I wonder if the Gansters from N.Y are kings why don't the buy the cocaine from Colombia? A kilo down there is like 4000 to 6000 and you can sell it in N.Y for 3200 to maybe 40000. I also wonder why the Colombians don't sell the cocaine straight to U.S. Some guy is saying that little-ass mexican can not hold his own in the middle of Queens and sell one rock. So I wonder if all my Mexican Raza are just a bunch of pussys. But what will I know I'm a Mexican who was born and live in Texcoco Mex.
I remember something President Clinton said.
ReplyDeleteThe world will always be more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power. And there is nothing to be proud of the violence in my country. But I'm proud of my President Felipe Calderon and the Mexican Army.
We are not perfect but who is? It will be better to help each other to find a solution instead of criticizing each other. And this paisano stop glorifying drug lords. Glorify the police or soldiers who got killed in the line of duty protecting our country. This Mother Fuckers will kill you sooner or later.
ReplyDeleteDaryl Gates was a member of SAG and got paid everytime he was on camera, he was paid 1000 not 1500, and FYI everyone in the film got paid. Broomfield created that scene for effect, and he is an ass. Gates knew he was on film and should have contracted for editing rights for footage in was in. About Gates, he was a bad/good guy, not perfect but did some good things for the city, and is deeply respected by police and firefighters. All I know he was loved greatly by his family and his adorable granddaughter Kelly misses him very much. Kelly is my10 y/0 granddaughter's best friend they live in LBC.
Now T&B...I did not like the feel of Broomfield's accent for the documentary I have difficulty blocking it out. I did not get the op they blamed Biggie, they began with that theory but as an exploration not a finding. Personaly I did not mind the open ended Question of just who did what. Usually I do. But the FBI connection is troubling, I mean how can the murder go unsolved (Bs) when they had him under surveillance as he was murdered? SOmething big was covered up..more than the murder..what?
Suge Knight bothers me and I think HE holds the key to the entire mess. and doing it in a way to blame it on the West Cpast-East Coast rivalry. Suge is the slimeball. Remember the bodyguards and cops testimony.
my dos centavos. adn I did like it...a lot.
as for my forum pic..jaja, I had three, a sweet Buela looking dignified, a Bad Buela flipping the bird and the one I chose...somehwere in between. WHo knows some day I may come out of the closet so to speak and reveal the real me..till then thats the Bad Ass Buela image you are stuck with.
David 'popeye' Barron, a gangmember from Logan Heights(San Diego) and The Mexican Mafia, almost saved The AFO in the 90's.
ReplyDeleteChapo sent about 40 sicarios to a club called Christine's in Puerto Vallarta to kill the Arellano brothers. The sicarios who were disguised as cops sprayed the club with bullets shooting everyone in sight. Barron, who was there as a bodyguard shot back killing a few of Chapo's guys. He used his body as a shield and rushed the Arellanos to the restroom, went back to the dancefloor, armed himself with the guns from the dead and continued to shoot back, killing more and then got the Arellanos to safety outside, then went back into the club to fight again.
These actions of bravery made him a chief enforcer for the AFO. He later recruited his homies from Logan Heights to AFO and for years, this group did all of the dirty work for them. They were key players for The Tijuana Cartel. Barron later died in an attempted assassination from a stray bullet. After that, the AFO began to fall.
Barron was very instrumental in the AFO's dominance in the 90's.
He was an American gangster.
I'm sure Biggie was killed by Suge Knight, by Death Row security, who were cops, and moonlighted as Suge's muscle. Pac, in all likelihood was probably murdered by Orlando Anderson, and the SS Crips. If you aren't a gangbanger you don't stomp out certified bangers.
ReplyDeleteand please don't do the 'which gangsters are tougher' routine guys. christ.
@ Buela
ReplyDeleteDaryl Gates was a member of SAG? Ja ja ja. I did'nt know this. But Buela always knows. Poor guy. He resigned during a tough time in L.A.. Sad thing is, he'll forever be associate with the Rodney King beating and the L.A. riots, or his handling of......I know in the 90's, rappers had a field day talking bad about him.
Keep that pic. Everytime I see it, I crack up. An old lady lighting a cigarette on a 100 year old candle. Classic.
You cant really compare Mexico Sicarios with U.S gangsters. They live in different country with different set of rules. Mexico is a failed state where the majority of the populance is unarmed and there is no trustworthy law around to keep them in check. The only thing keeping sicarios in check is other sicarios. Its basically the wild west.
ReplyDeleteThe U.S gangster has different rules to live by, while he can get away with some things, he cant act as if its the Wild West because here in the U.S he is more likely to get caught and prosecuted. The law as unfair as it can be here is leaps and bounds ahead of anything in Mexico and some dumb gangbanger leaving a cigarette on the floor can get him some time for his stupidity. Here you have to be really careful with your crimes. In Mexico, they dont care.
You put your sicario here and he wont be able to just roll in his SUV with his homies armed with AK-47's killing anyone they wish. Either the cops kill them or one of the many armed americans will. On the other hand your U.S gangbanger cant do the same thing in Mexico cause he would be too out of his element and doesnt have to deal with the amount of other gangsters out there trying to kill him.
Its a wash.
@ mousey
ReplyDeleteNo one controls La Eme.
Too bad they didn't whack this motherfucker too. Anybody singing songs of praise to the murderers of women and babies has got to have a mind as warped as the thugs bringing chaos to Mexico.
ReplyDeleteYou guys do realize there are plenty of gang members from the LA area wanted for murder here and living in Mexico and part of those cartels.
ReplyDeleteAnon 10:00 AM hit it on the head!
ReplyDeleteYou cant compare US gang bangers to Mexico gang bangers. Its apples and oranges. The United States got their ass handed to them in Vietnam, even though they were better trained, better equiped, and better soldiers. At the core, most mexican sicarios & most american gang bangers are essentially the same. little or no training or experience, just no morales, and willing to do anything their superior tells them. But generally, neither one of them are very efficient at what they do, they just have superior numbers, and no qualms about breaking the law. You could find plenty of young blacks in this country willing to do the dirty shit that mexicans are doing. Just look at the gang rape of that 12 year old down in texas....thats as bad as chopping up somebody up in my book
David 'popeye' Barron, a gang-member from Logan Heights(San Diego) and The Mexican Mafia, almost saved The AFO in the 90's.
ReplyDeleteDavid Barron (Popeye or el H) Was born in Tijuana and as a child emigrated to U.S. He meet the Arellano brothers thanks to Kitty Paes brother and he was not a key player he was just a cold killer other people from Logan Heights were more effective than him in killing and on dealing according to the news. Even more most of the Logan people were not U.S citizen and were deported. And remember this MONEY WILL CHANGE MOTHER FUCKERS AND WILL MAKE A BITCH GROW BALLS. Many of this mother fucker are nothing whit out money and they men up only if they are in a group. Never the less none of this shit is something to be proud of, and I know many men or gangsters that don't have the balls to do something when they are all alone. Viva Mexico Viva Calderon y que Viva la Militar Mexicana por un Mexico mejor libre the todas las lacras hypocrets two face mother fuckers and back stabers.
Gerado Ortiz Scores No. 1 Latin Album After Surviving Shooting Attempt:
i say hes corra wit the cartels
ReplyDeleterepping the 956 southtexas mcallen tx right next to the border n violence
ReplyDeleteHonestly some people really have to stop comparing Gerardo Ortiz to Biggie and Tupac. It's Two totally different types of music and the one big difference is that Gera is just singing about what's really happening in Mexico! Seriously, i dont think it was a planned thing to sell more albums, if it was why would his cousin ramiro caro die? Gera's new album name "Entre dios y el diablo" Has sold about 100,000 copies and it's not even out yet! Y Tu Gera Sigue Hechandooo Chingasos Que Aqui Si Ahy Apoyo Y Puro DEL RECORDS!!!
ReplyDeleteI think a lot of these comments are seriously out of the line, filled with ignorance and stupidity. first of and for most, Gerardo Ortiz was born in BADIRAGUATO sinaloa, but has spent a lot of his upbringing if not all in pasadena CA. but that is the least of importance! 2nd- yes he claims those attacks werent against him, and that infact he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time- whether this be true or not- i dont believe this is a topic for anyone to deliberately attack him about, and if he knew those attacks were for him, who are all you people to demand for him to tell or talk about it,its his choice perhaps he simply denies it because its something he doesnt want to talk about or maybe its like he says he was in the wrongplace at the wrong time! @ajulio: comparing tupac to gerardo ortiz is seriously ludicrous if i may say, and seriously when I read the stupidities you wrote about your comparison and the whole thug thing, which are two whole different worlds/stories- I couldnt help to laugh! I was dazzeled by your ignorance. STOP comparing mexican cartels, with american gangs- you sound rediculous trying to put these two in comparison- not that one is better than the other- the only thing these two have in common is that sometimes many of them work together in the drug trade business... Another thing GERARDO ORTIZ is probably one of the most humble artist I've known, so for some of you to call him cocky or whatever your choice of words might be is insane and it is obvious you don't know him, Jealousy is huge that I've come to notice over a long time and especially while reading a lot of these comments. I honestly don't believe he has any relation nor anything to do with drug cartels but if he did or didn't we cant fill our mouths with trash claiming he does when we have no clue of the facts, that is something only he and only he knows. I am completely agaisnt Narcoterrorism it be nice to one day see it end for good, but we all know it wont!
ReplyDeleteajulio chalino was a true thug more thug than tupac
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% LA and NYC are playgrounds compared to MX. In mexico there is a real war goung on. Grenades, anti aircraft guns, 50. Cals fully armored convoys (Trocas Blindadas) of men in full tactical gear ready for combat against the authorites or their rivals. Not to mention cartels roll in full army uniforms and vehicles that look like army personal. They roll through the city in convoys with aks, luxury trucks and drugs like its nothing with men in the back with bulletproof vests, masks and guns. Some mexican border towns such as Mier Tamaulipas have been left as ghost towns because civillans fled the war between rival cartels and the fact that every Police officer in that town was kidnapped and murdered, in other towns in MX only women are left because every man has either been murdered or left to work in the cartels, so that leaves the mexican army to come and violate the women. The real war is just south of our borders. , and no matter how you feel on the "immigration" issuses, no women, child or innocent person should be killed regardless if your "american or "mexican"
ReplyDeleteThis goes for all the bitches who call Gerardo anything bad ok and a u bitches I don't why the fuck you talk about him (cause you guys jelous that u ain't like him so bitches back off) Gerardo is the best and u guys will never be like him ok so don't act all bitchy cause u know u ain't nothing and Gerardo is the best and stop comparing him to other people
ReplyDeleteHe didnt start singing about the cartel zetas ect. Until after he was attacked
ReplyDeleteDont hate atlease hes makng money -.-
ReplyDeletePeople you just dont realize that the bigest threat is the government.... If the government really really wanted to they could NUKE anyone they wanted even its own people.. And their is no one to stop them...