March 6, 2011
What Is Known About "La Mano Con Ojos"
In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL Edomex, Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, General Justice Prosecutor for the state of México (PGJEM), stated that “capturing these criminals is one of our top priorities. This organization is made up of random cells that coalesced after the arrest of their leader, El JJ."
EL UNIVERSAL Edomex presents the 5 known facts about “La Mano con Ojos”, a group who is engaged campaign of executions against any dealers or cells that refuse to join their organization.
1.- "La Mano con Ojos" or "El Compayito" is the name of the individual who leads a group that bears his name. At one time, he was a major part of the cartel led by the Beltrán Leyva brothers.
2.- After the death of Arturo Beltrán the group aligned themselves with everyone from Édgar Valdez Villarreal alias "la Barbie", to Sergio Enrique Villarreal alias "El Grande", Gerardo Álvarez Vázques alias "El Indio" and José Jorge Balderas alias "El JJ." However, each one of these capos were subsequently arrested by the authorities.
3.- "La Mano con Ojos" was once chief of security for "El Indio", and according to authorities, he is the last of the "third generation" traffickers in the entirety of Mexico that formally worked for the Beltrán Leyva cartel.
4.- The gun battle that took place on the outskirts of Tlalnepantla and Atizapán de Zaragoza, was part of a plan to force defections of local drug dealers who are working for other established groups that are operating in those zones.
5.- They have been operating independently for the last 8 months in Naucalpan, Tlalnepantla, Atizapán, Cuautitlán Izcalli and theD.F. Distrito Federal. At least 10 or 12 executions have been claimed by "La Mano con Ojos."
May 24, 2011
11 key points of La Mano con Ojos
Alfredo Castillo Cervantes, General Justice Prosecutor for the state of México (PGJEM), issued the arrest and appropriation of 21 people, linked to the criminal organization La Mano con Ojos.
Castillo Cervantes explained that in total were 16 public servants and five civilians, who were part of a network involved in illicit activities in the municipalities of Huixquilucan and Naucalpan, and belonging to a criminal cell, of La Mano con Ojos.
After 5 months of investigation by the PGJEM, the arrest and appropriation before a judge of 21 people likely responsible for the crimes of murder and organized crime, through networks of links was established from information collected and collated from different areas.
THE UNIVERSAL Edomex website gave several points about this criminal cell belonging to La Mano con Ojos.
1. The arrest of 16 public servants of the Commissioner-General of public security of the municipality of Huixquilucan, as well as five civilians, formed a network of surveillance of a criminal cell that have been connected to 11 homicides.
Most of the detainees did not participate directly in the imprisonment and beheading of victims, but knew the facts and provided protection or hindered the activities of State and federal authorities in investigations of crimes that were committed.
2. The analysis of telephone calls, records of electronic communications and follow up posts in various social networks which were utilized, have established that 16 elements of the Commissioner-General of public security of the municipality of Huixquilucan, collaborated with this organization.
- Noted is that a log book seized from one of the involved public officials was used to document the points of sale and distribution of narcotics, dates and frequency, different legal corporations at the federal and state levels operating within the municipalities as well as a directory with phone numbers, aliases and names of the members of the criminal organization.
3. The evidence adduced by the investigation where the deciding factors on May 19, when a state judge granted PGJEM twenty-one orders for arrest warrants against those likely responsible. Subjects were arrested and moved to the facility at Penal de Barrientos en Tlalnepantla, where a judge will determine legal status based on the degree of participation. The transfer was made in the midst of a strong security operative.
4. On May 17 the first arrests, made under a simultaneous operation in different colonies of the municipality, resulted in the arrest of five men, among them: Aureliano Ramírez Julio, identified as the head of halcones and informants of La Mano con Ojoa; , Antonio Pedrasa Reyes, alias Tony, former military and personal chauffeur of La Mano, and second in command of halones; also Edilberto Martínez Ortiz; Samuel Llanos Rodríguez, with the group of informants; and Enrique Garduño Paz, part of the group of assassins for the criminal organization.
The specific function of the Halcones was to monitor and protect areas where assassins operate and warning of the presence of State, Ministerial, or federal police and the army.
5. In this same operation were detained officials of the municipal police in Huixquilucan, Javier Mauritius Llanos, Enrique Cristán Preciado and Jorge Raul Carrillo Cruz, along with 40 doses of cocaine and a 9 mm caliber handgun.
The detention of the above led to the location of the bureaucratic Federal colony in Naucalpan, a building with a facade of a mechanical workshop which served as a safe house and where people were taken to be decapitated.
- Forensic testing conducted at the site, with the chemical "luminol" identified positive traces of blood, in different spots.
6. Thanks to statements acquired throughout the investigation by the ministerial police on March 29 when they carried out a joint operation with Huixquilican authorities, they were able to detain five public servants in the interior of the monitoring center known as C-4 or C-2.
7. In the operation were detained Eduardo Bonifaz Santos Sánchez, Luis Joel Sánchez Solís, Rania Mabel Lara Gonzalez, Maria Guadalupe Gutierrez Avila and María Teresa Cano Franco, investigations revealed that this criminal organization received information from the C-4 through monitoring that was carried out via surveillance cameras which exist throughout the municipality of Huixquilican. The equipment is installed on main roads into and out of the municipal territory where they were vigilant of images of the arrival of State and federal authorities operating against them.
The analysis of the telephone numbers of the public servants, were positive in more than 61 records in exchange of calls with members of the criminal organization who warned each time patrols unknown to them, where nearby, thus eluding capture.
8. Prior to the investigation it was established that the C-4 ordered another part of the safety net of police operating on certain roads or locations to identify suspicious vehicles with armed men and whose purpose was to protect the members of the criminal organization while they conducted activities such as distribution of narcotics or killings against other narco-menudistas operating in the area.
The detention of these elements which the public prosecutor's office included was based on degree of responsibility within the C-4 or C-2, allowing judges to expand the research. This led to the identification of eight other elements of the municipal police potentially responsible for various offenses and different types of participation to provide protection and information to the criminal network.
9. On May 3, in a coordinated operation with the municipal authorities the following were arrested: David Hernandez Plata, Eduardo Montalvo de la Riva, Aarón González Alvarado, Juan Carlos Campos Granados, Raúl Blancas Hernández, Jorge Rodríguez León, José Manuel Campos Vazquez and Alex Gutierrez Casillas.
- In some cases, the elements involved have acknowledged they received between $1,500 to $5,000 pesos, from the organization for not detaining them or turning them over to relevant authorities - a business card with a unique design was used to identify those that were part of the network of distribution of narcotics.
10. Some other probable leaders recognized that they did not accept cash but that yes, they accepted drugs-in-kind as payment for loyalty and complicity, and some are addicted to narcotics, this safety net provided complete information to the leaders of the organization at any time as it is unprotected in most of the colonies of the municipality where drugs are distributed at retail.
11. The institution also has sketches of other members of the group of assassins of this organization identified by nicknames, who are expected to be arrested soon.
Finally, Castillo Cervantes announced that the PGJEM is working in coordination with other federal entities for the search and monitoring of this group of operators who upon learning of the sections against the members of this organization or those involved in supporting them, in absence of a safety net, have reduced their activities, but have been identified in other states.
Is it a cell or an independent organization based in Mexico city?
ReplyDeleteMan that would make a creepy-as-fuck tattoo on the hands.