By Dan Freedman, Hearst Newspapers
WASHINGTON — Convicted gun smuggler John Phillip Hernandez of Houston was likely not the kind of customer that Bushmaster Firearms International had in mind when he purchased 14 of the company's .223 caliber AR-15s at Houston area gun shops in 2006 and 2007.
Bushmaster describes the AR-15 rifle, a civilian version of the U.S. military's standard-issue M-16, as intended "for law enforcement, security and private consumer use." But the weapons that Hernandez and his associates purchased ended up in the hands of Mexican drug cartel pistoleros, including the Bushmaster .223 that was later used to kill four police officers and three secretaries in Acapulco
A Hearst Newspapers survey of 1,600 guns purchased mostly in Texas and Arizona — which were either shipped to Mexico or intercepted en route — shows the Bushmaster .223 AR-15 ranks second among firearms apparently used in drug warfare.
The survey — drawn from guns identified by manufacturer or importer in U.S. court documents from 44 cases involving 165 defendants in Texas, Arizona and three other states — shows the purveyors of guns to Mexican drug traffickers followed a time-honored maxim of product salesmanship: Bigger is definitely better.
In the world of assault-type weaponry, power is measured by bullet caliber, velocity and range, as well rapidity of fire and ammunition magazine capacity.
"The gun traffickers supplying Mexican drug organizations have become more selective and sophisticated in the weapons they acquire,"' said Kristen Rand, legislative director of the Washington-based Violence Policy Center, which extensively studied the issue. "Their goal is the bulk purchase of maximum firepower."
The Bushmaster .223 comes with a 30-round magazine, enabling the shooter to fire all 30 rounds, one for each pull of the trigger, in a minute or less. John Allen Muhammad, the D.C. sniper, and his youthful accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, used a Bushmaster .223 in nine of 10 sniper-style murders that terrorized the Washington area in 2002.
A spokeswoman for Bushmaster did not respond to repeated calls for comment.
The No. 1 gun in the Hearst survey was the AK-47 imported from Romania by Century International Arms of Delray Beach, Fla. Century Arms, as it's commonly known, legally circumvents a federal law stipulating that imported rifles must be suitable for "sporting purposes." Once inside the U.S., Century Arms converts the rifles into military-style AK-47s capable of holding 30-round magazines.
Among Mexican traffickers, it has earned itself the nickname "cuerno de chivo" or "goat horn" because of its distinctive banana-shaped magazine.
Worried that weapons purchases for drug cartels might fuel more calls for tougher U.S. gun control laws, gun-rights advocates insist that existing laws are sufficient to control such trafficking.
"The brand names are inconsequential — what matters is that our laws aren't being enforced," said Andrew Arulanandam, director of public affairs for the National Rifle Association. "We have adequate laws on the books. If someone is breaking the law, go after them. If not, they should be left alone. That's the NRA position."
Since the federal law banning assault weapons expired in 2004, so-called "straw purchasers" have flooded U.S. gun stores in the Southwest, mostly in Texas and Arizona, sweeping up these and other weapons. Court documents show such purchasers buying as many as 20 AK-47s at a time, paying as much as $11,000 in cash.
The weapons are sold legally but the purchasers must sign a U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives document saying they are buying the guns for themselves. Straw purchases for others are a violation of federal firearms law.
Typically, the purchaser turns the guns over to a broker who takes them across the border to Mexico, where such weapons cannot be bought legally. The weapons are sold to the cartels, often for three or four times the original price.
Top ATF officials have said in congressional testimony that 90 percent of the guns submitted for tracing by Mexican authorities are from the United States. Gun-rights advocates doubt the accuracy of that claim.
In any case, "the trace itself doesn't tell you anything,"' said Lawrence Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the Newtown, Conn.-based firearms industry trade group. "It doesn't say anything about conduct of retailer, manufacturer or purchaser."
The group decries the name "assault weapon" and refers to high-powered guns as "modern sporting rifles." An NSSF survey last year found that 44 percent of owners of these weapons are active-duty or former military or law-enforcement personnel, and the typical owner is 35, married and has some college education.
Once in the hands of cartel capos, however, the modern sporting rifle becomes very much an assault weapon.
Violence in Mexico has claimed nearly 40,000 lives since President Felipe Calderon began a military offensive aimed at overpowering drug cartels.
The Hearst survey of court cases found these weapons among the top 10:
— The Belgian-made FN Herstal Five-SeveN: Some versions of this pistol hold 10 rounds; others have a 20-round capacity. It fires 5.7X28mm cartridges, referred to as "mata policias" (cop killers) in Mexico because they can penetrate bulletproof vests.
— FN Herstal PS90 rifle: It also fires the 5.7X28mm round. Its compactness makes it easy to conceal and some versions can hold a 30-round magazine, made of lightweight polymer.
— Colt Super .38 pistol: Colt, based in West Hartford, Conn., is the corporate legacy of Samuel Colt, who popularized the revolver in the years before the Civil War. The "El Presidente" model is popular in Mexico because it is one of the few guns legally available there, according to the Violence Policy Center. It is cheaper at gun outlets in the U.S.
— Beretta 9mm. An Italian-made 9mm pistol that is a best-seller among U.S. law enforcement agencies. It's a more powerful version of the Beretta popularized in James Bond novels and films.
— Century Arms Draco 7.62X39mm pistol: Another Romanian import. A Draco, purchased in Joshua, Texas, near Forth Worth, was used in the attack and shooting death of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata in Mexico in February. It is not clear if Century Arms imported the Draco in that case. It fires the same round as the AK-47 but is significantly shorter and easier to conceal.
Military-style weaponry has enabled the drug trafficking organizations to match and sometimes overwhelm the firepower of Mexican law enforcement.
In May 2008, Mexican federal police raided a suspected trafficker house in Culiacan, a long-standing drug hotbed in the Mexican state of Sinaloa. Cartel gunmen armed with AK-47s purchased in Arizona overwhelmed the police, killing eight.
The Hearst survey parallel the findings of a Violence Policy Center report from 2009 documenting 21 gun-trafficking court cases involving 1,700 weapons funneled to Mexico, as well as a federal law enforcement report this year, based on 2,921 guns recovered in Mexico and traced to original U.S. purchases between December 2006 and November 2010.
The federal report also concluded that of 2,921 traced guns, 1,470, or 50 percent, were from Texas. A total of 852, 29 percent, were from Arizona. California, by contrast, accounted for 90 guns, three percent of the total. California gun-control activists credited that state's low total to strict state firearms laws that severely limit sales of military-style weaponry.
Monday, May 30, 2011
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» AK-47 favorite gun of cartels
AK-47 favorite gun of cartels
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Guns dont kill people and neither do the bullets they fire it is the criminal animals running loose with no judicial system in place to adequately deal with the severity of the situation. U.S. gun laws are just fine you dont see people in the U.S. running around acting like animals killing everything in sight... The problems going on in Mexico are way, way, way deeper than anything going on in the U.S. and the sooner they focus on those problems the sooner they will be able to find solutions but constantly blaming something in the U.S. for what is happening in Mexico only prolongs the realities of the situation... Mexico needs to get tougher on crime and corruption it needs to strengthen the Mexican prison system and it needs to implement the death penalty for murder of any kind... Then you would see changes taking place in Mexico but see the problem is Mexico doesnt want to change so there you have it... Until it gets bad enough one of two things is going to happen Mexico is going to stop playing games, shit 90 percent of all Mexico is corrupt so how are changes supposed to take place in an atmosphere such as that? @. Come election time Calderon is going to be voted out and the cartels will take over all of Mexico leaving the nightmare to another country such as the US to have to deal with. All the money that the US is sending to Mexico now to help fight the cartels the Mexican politicians are pocketing all of it!
ReplyDeleteDeath penalty for any murders NOW!
Prosecute corruption to the fullest extent seizing bank accounts and all assets!
Prosecute corruption in the prisons to the fullest extent! Strengthen the prisons and build new "super max" prisons in Mexico and get serious about making Mexico a safer place... Mexico has got to take the power away from the cartels if it stands any chance of not becoming a failed country...
i owned a the instructions,it recommended cleaning it after 6000 rounds...i never cleaned it just shot and day shortly after i bought it and a friend were shooting ..he had a customized ar that he had dropped a lot of money on...sometimes after 8 or 9 rounds it would jam or 300 dollar ak fired on...clip after clip...i have since sold the ak and got an sk...i don't need a full auto assault weapon for defense ..the sk is pretty much the same gun ..but is not suitable for full auto ..the piston rod is smaller in diameter and will overheat and fail under full auto...
ReplyDeletethe ak is the best gun overall on earth...that and a model 1911 45 is all you ever need ..and maybe a cheif's special 38 ..or airlight hammerless...for a light packer
like my 'ol man told me "son the gun is only as good as the man behind it"..well a good man behind an ak is all there
Let me guess another story to say the US is at fault for all the problems and they arm all the traffickers. Wrong the accounting on the guns used do not count the guns with serial numbers removed that come from South America were the weapons really come from. Guns do not kill people people kill people that is where you need to look at the problem. Every Mexican house hold should have a gun and some kind of protection against these punks.
ReplyDelete"Cartel gunmen armed with AK-47s purchased in Arizona overwhelmed the police, killing eight."
ReplyDeleteHow many innocent Americans are killed by overzealous police each year who are raiding the wrong houses or killing people who only have a few grams of weed in the house? This is the reason the US tried to stop assault weapons. It allows the blackbooted stormtroopers the luxury of entering a house that is probably not going to have weapons like this inside or people who will defend themselves.
Thr police do their best to enforce the law as written. When they violate the law they go down like everyone else. Such moronic statements.
DeleteThe kid with the ak-47 and grenade was born in L.A he is dead now, he killed himself.
ReplyDeleteDat kid is pocho antrax and he dnt kill himself somebody kill him but is ok dat people who did it are death now,he born in la but he,s family is from mexico sinaloense lo mejor de lo mejor esta en sinaloa y como sinaloa no hay 2 culiacan mazatlan be there nxt week wth my cousin serafin zambada wow banda norteno y corridos lo mejor
DeletePuro sinaloa! QDEP el redel castro
Delete@ anony may 30 7:15 the ones who died in mexico are manily the cartel and soldiers your a dummy. theres murders everyone don't act like usa doesnt have murders. ilive in mexico border land beat exagrates!!
ReplyDeleteNo doubt that some groups will use this situation lobbying for more gun control but the fact is that there is absolutely no way in hell we can stop cartels from getting weapons.
ReplyDeleteEven if we somehow managed to drive down whole firearms industry and scrap every single firearm they would just get them from elsewhere. There are no shortage of people willing to profit from this.
A firearm will be just as deadly in hands of a sicario be it made in the US, China, Ukraine or North Korea.
The entire report is bullshit propaganda. The people pulling triggers are the problem.
ReplyDeleteRh eproblem is with the fuking legislators. Everytmiem there is a crime and a firearm used in the commision of the crime, stupid legislators want to look busy so they pass more laws. There are sufficcient gun laws in the books right now, all that is needed is the will to enforce them
ReplyDeleteBushmaster is a major supplier to the Mexican police.
ReplyDeleteOK I think I get it. If Mexico receives guns from the US, the US is to blame. If Mexico sends drugs to the US, the US is also to blame.
ReplyDeleteThere is NO rule of law in Mexico and if the citizens and government of Mexico don't deal with that, it's everyone's problem.
yeah lets let the out of control GREED fueled violence in Mexico enable the gun control nuts in the USA to take our RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS away, so the DTO's can just roll right into the USA and take the fuck over unopposed ...
our police are good enough, but backed up by a well armed populace they are unbeatable...
not backed up and supported by well armed law abiding citizens and attacked by Mexican narcos together with home grown violent gun toting criminals , they would be hard pressed to maintain
Mexico is a poster child for the old adage ..when you outlaw guns...only outlaws will have guns
none of my guns have ever killed anyone...and they never will untill i pick them up and point and shoot
lito brito sez...gun control is being able to hit what you are shooting at
SEDENA releases the models and serial number of the guns the military recovers. Why is it Borderland Beat cannot take freely available information and see where those confiscated guns are coming from? The gun lists SEDENA releases shows that only a small percentage of the weapons, typically eight to twelve percent, COULD have come through the United States. Yet Borderland Beat reprints HEARST propaganda, intended for internal US consumption as fact. How odd.
ReplyDelete@May 30, 2011 7:15 AM
ReplyDelete"Guns dont kill people and neither do the bullets they fire it is the criminal animals running loose with no judicial system in place to adequately deal with the severity of the situation."
So you tell that to the families of John Lee Malvo or Jared Lee Loughner. Yeah you know because by your own standards the "Guns dont kill people and neither do the bullets." Give me a f**kin break. I guess the United States has "no judicial system in place to adequately deal with the severity of the situation." With all these massacres right?
@May 30, 2011 7:59 AM
"Even if we somehow managed to drive down whole firearms industry and scrap every single firearm they would just get them from elsewhere. There are no shortage of people willing to profit from this."
Does it even matter? It should be stopped anyway! No guns from the US should be in criminal hands in the first place. By your same reasoning why should Mexico even fight the war on drugs? As Mexico keeps fighting these drug cartels, they are setting up shop somewhere else and still trying to get drug into the US. So drugs "will be just as deadly" whether it came from Central America or Asia? Does that mean Mexico should stop fighting these drug cartels? THE ANSWER IS NO!
Weapons Assault BAN NOW!!!!
"the gun is only as good as the man behind it"
ReplyDeleteThis is a WW2 documentary phrase.
"The "El Presidente" model is popular in Mexico because it is one of the few guns legally available there, according to the Violence Policy Center."
ReplyDeleteBullshit, its impossible to legally register a .38 super handgun in Mexico. It's been a law enforcement caliber since the late 60's.
Mexican criminals can get guns ANYWHERE,hand gernades,Explosives, Military grade weapons,RPGs. HOW MUCH TIME AND MONEY is pissed off chasing down where weapons come from CRIMINALS can and do get weapons anytime anywhere,Criminals always will, NEWS FLASH CRIMINALS DON'T FOLLOW LAWS. THE POINT IS it is the people that are criminals That need to be tracked down and eliminated,HOW makes no difference. Its Amazing that people rattle on and on about whats legal,whats not,how we need more laws,LAWS ARE USELESS AGAINST CRIMINALS WHO NEITHER KNOW or CARE What the LAW is or is NOT. I love the picture of that Skinny big eared kid all decked out in his Narco Sicario garb,BET his MAMA has her little SPEEDY GONZALES picture on the wall 100% 3rd World.
ReplyDeleteLol. Would like to see you go to mexico and talk your mess you would probably piss on your little pannies. But yeah keep talking just because your miles away from it all.
DeleteTexcoco Mex said.
ReplyDelete"the gun is only as good as the man behind it"
This is a WW2 documentary phrase.
Texcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeletewhen you outlaw guns...only outlaws will have guns
MYTH: If you outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns.
TRUTH: If you outlaw guns, very few criminals will have guns. In America guns start out legal. Then they enter the black market one way or the other (source). So if you have less legal guns then there will less guns entering the black market and consequently less outlaws owning guns. Think about it. Nations with very strict gun control laws such as the UK, Australia, and Japan have much lower gun crime rates than the US. The most probable explanation for this is that criminals in the US have much greater access to guns due to less gun control. Saying "If you outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns" is very misleading and completely absurd. If you outlaw guns, less outlaws will have guns. Would you rather have more or less outlaws owning guns? The answer is obvious.
the first time i ever heard it from my dad... he would be 94 years old if he was alive..
ReplyDeleteyou got something to add?...when was your documentary aired? ...
The ATF let those guns into Mexico intentionally under operation "Gunrunner". The US governments intent was to get articles like this to influence Americans so they would crack down on legitimate US gun owners. It's called Hegellian Dialectic. An old communist stategy. Don't fall for it!
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said.
ReplyDelete"lito brito... I'm not calling you a lier, I'm just saying I know that phrase from a documentary.
Believe or not I do agree with you on a lot of things you say here on BB.
U.S. Guns During WWII is the documentary I got that phrase from.
@ texcoco mex
ReplyDeleteyeah i thought you was trying to start up with me ..again...
i am sure my 'ol man never coined the phrase...but he said it to me when i was a kid
i agree with most of your post also...wanna call a truce and stay civil?...
don't start calling me names .. and i will refrain also..even if i disagree ..i will keep it civil
shake ?...put er there cabron...handshake
p.s. everbody please disregard my last, most recent smack talk
I liked the gun in the film: The Mexican Gun, played by Brad Pitt and Julia Roberts. Whether that gun in the film was a real or bullshit, but it was beautiful.
ReplyDelete@ May 30, 2011 12:34 PM
ReplyDeleteWould you rather have the ability to defend yourself from outlaws with guns or not have it? The answer is obvious.
@ May 30, 2011 1:24 PM
Most likely yes. Either way increased gunrunning from the US into Mexico serves the US government very well.
Anonymous @9:54 am said: "OK I think I get it. If Mexico receives guns from the US, the US is to blame. If Mexico sends drugs to the US, the US is also to blame."
ReplyDeleteNo, Neanderthal YOU still don't get it. The complaint from Mexico's government is that these guns are being smuggled into Mexico. "They're not getting them" the weapons were allowed into Mexico because of an "experiment" by the BATF to see where the guns would end. It backfired when the weapons killed US law enforcement agents, never mind that 40k Mexicans have already died thanks to this bullshit. You're deluded if you think US drug consumption needs Mexico to get their kicks, everyone and their mother knows that the best marihuana in the world comes from California and the best of the rest of the shit comes from Europe and Canada.
This is one of the main reasons why the government should legalize, regulate and tax this shit. Nobody in their sane mind would become addicted to anything just because something is legal, that is a farce spread by the people that run the drug wars, there is absolutely no data scientific or official that proves the contrary. Most of the studies for Prohibition are done by government sponsored entities to justify waging wars for something that has become a commodity. Without their wars they would have to make a paycheck just like the rest of us, so they all have a vested interest to keep this crap going. The drug war is a joke ! the only ones for it are the Cartels and the US and Mexican governments,it allows for massive expenditures for the creation of semi paramilitary armies that one day could be turned on the citizens, just like it happens in tyrannies, Middle East anyone?
Check the link below, tragedies like this one don't need to happen, this shit is sick ! Please notice tthat the Marine was of Latin ancestry and served honorably as a soldier and as a father ( he was home after woking all night to provide for his family) . I say that for the racist ignorant assholes that seem to bloom on this board.
May 30, 2011 12:29 PM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
Texcoco Mex said.
when you outlaw guns...only outlaws will have guns
MYTH: If you outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns.
TRUTH: If you outlaw guns, very few criminals will have guns. In America guns start out legal. Then they enter the black market one way or the other (source). So if you have less legal guns then there will less guns entering the black market and consequently less outlaws owning guns. Think about it. Nations with very strict gun control laws such as the UK, Australia, and Japan have much lower gun crime rates than the US. The most probable explanation for this is that criminals in the US have much greater access to guns due to less gun control. Saying "If you outlaw guns only the outlaws will have guns" is very misleading and completely absurd. If you outlaw guns, less outlaws will have guns. Would you rather have more or less outlaws owning guns? The answer is obvious.
Not true at all, Guns were outlawed in Australia and most of Euope, gun crime has rose 200% since the 1980's, South Africa if you are caught with a Firearm, it's 20 years in Prison. yet today after Mexico, south Africa has the highest Gun murder rate of any nation in the entire world.
Firearms have been around for almost 300 years now and most of the firearms that were built up until after WW 1 were built by uneducated and unskilled labor, with out a large industrial support.
During the Colonization of the USA all Gun Powder was made from a common source found in the ground and Charcoal that was highly lethal.
I also would like to point out to you exactly how easy it is to build a homemade firearm and mix your own powder, it's so easy if they banned Guns I could be a millionaire in 1 month.
As far as the blackmarket Gun that I per sonly believe are placed on the Market by the ATF under an operation Project Gun runner, these Guns can not be made into fully automatic guns unless at least 90% of the parts on them are re manufactured and converted to fire Fully Automatic. So basically they only think kept on a firearm is the barrel and the Gas system, the rest has to be manufactured in someones basement.
And for a piece that shows how full of steaming manure this op ed is:
And others, of course, come from Project Gunwalker. What nobody is talking about is 'where is the ammo coming from?'.
You can watch and listen to the vids posted on here and tell there are thousands of rounds expended in firefights and captured by police.
All of the ammo I'm seeing for the AK's is steel cased, Russian manufactured. Ammo is HEAVY! Rifles you can smuggle across fairly easy, but not thousands of rounds of ammo. This is just another indicator that Central American arsenals are where much of not just the AK's but also the ammo is coming from.
May 30, 2011 10:23 AM
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
SEDENA releases the models and serial number of the guns the military recovers. Why is it Borderland Beat cannot take freely available information and see where those confiscated guns are coming from? The gun lists SEDENA releases shows that only a small percentage of the weapons, typically eight to twelve percent, COULD have come through the United States. Yet Borderland Beat reprints HEARST propaganda, intended for internal US consumption as fact. How odd.
Very true, most of these Guns have been traced to the US Government that were given to the Mexican military, Guatemala, and Panama during the 1980's, also most of the AK-47S that had their serial number's traced were traced back to the army of the dictator Chavez and China.
The Colt Super .38 pistol "El Presidente" shown in the photo above has not been manufactured in the USA in well over 40 years and would cost the average American over 10 Grand to own because it is a collectors piece, and only a very few were ever made and bought by US citizens.
The AK-47 imported from Romania by Century International Arms of Delray Beach, Fla, is also another false report because this company is so small it does not have the funds or an import permit to allow more than 1000 Guns a years to be imported and yes the BATF inspects every shipment.
I would like to also point out that Violence Policy Center has been debunked and busted so many times for dishonesty it's not funny and are linked to the Brady Campaign.
Texcoco Mex said.
ReplyDeleteO.K. "lito'brito" we will have a truce and stay civil.
To quote one of the all time best lines in a movie from "down town jackie brown"
So if the Guns dont come from the U.S. and is Blameless then dont blame the Drugs coming from Mexico. Everyone should have the right to shoot up, or smoke or snort whatever,
ReplyDeleteit is a God Given right to own agun, a Bible and a shot of Acid.
"The Colt Super .38 pistol "El Presidente" shown in the photo above has not been manufactured in the USA in well over 40 years and would cost the average American over 10 Grand to own because it is a collectors piece, and only a very few were ever made and bought by US citizens."
ReplyDeleteI really doubt Lew Horton was producing the "EL" series 40 years ago.
@ MJ
ReplyDeleteit is a cool was filmed partially in real de catorce ...road number san luis potosi can go there is a cool little colonial silver mining town way the hell out in the middle nowhere up in the mountains...but i wouldn't go right now..later when it would be safer
I have to agree with the poster that this whole write up is a slanted hack piece, I agree that the guns used to kill the. Spooks were from the u.s but they weren't smuggled in by the american public or any law abiding gun owner, they were " sent " in by the U.S government so that the guns would start showing up at murder scenes and shootouts and than they could usevthat as justification to say that no ome should own a rifle. Its pretty convenient that the article didnt mention the true facts of how the guns got there in the first place, the truth of the matter is that armed law abiding citizens stand in the way of complete government control, they know it and we know it, that's why they keep this continual " assault" against the LAW ABIDING AND RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNERS OF AMERICA THAT VALUE THEIR FREEDOM. and to the crooked spooks called the atf, do us law abiding gun owners a favor and shoot yourself in the head with the same guns you purpously sent to deserve it you morons
ReplyDeleteGeez, if these guns are such a problem, and so easy to get, Canada must be having the same kind of problems. I bet you Canadians are driving down to montana and buying them up by the dozens using straw purchases. Then they sneak them back into, and drive around lawlessly in convoys of SUVs, murdering people left and right, unabated by the Canadian government. Wait thats NOT happening in Canada? How can this be am i missing something? Dont tell me the mexican people are to blame....
ReplyDeletethe kid in the pic was El Pocho Antrax who killed himself with a 5.7...
ReplyDeleteThere are over 400,000,000 firearms in private hands in America....So banning them is impossible!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The Colt Super .38 pistol "El Presidente" shown in the photo above has not been manufactured in the USA in well over 40 years and would cost the average American over 10 Grand to own because it is a collectors piece, and only a very few were ever made and bought by US citizens."
I really doubt Lew Horton was producing the "EL" series 40 years ago.
Sorry but Lew Horton never produced the El Presidente series colt 1911 Super 38, however he did re-distribute older versions of this Colt model and the last series he sold was in 1980 with around 350 handguns total,he does distribute a cheaper model called the " El Rey" which retails from 7 to 10 grand a piece, way beyond what any shooter I know of can afford.
Some models of the "El" Series are cheap knock offs from the Philippines but are so cheaply made, I personally would not fire one, BTW Russia also manufactures a cheap copy also that can not be bought in the USA.
The 90% of guns submitted to be traced come from US line is so misleading. Only about 10% are looked into for ties to US because they have traits that lead to that conclusion. Thus 90% of the 10% that might have come from US are actually from the US. The other 90% of the total weapons are not submitted because they know there is no link to the US at all! So bogus, but so oft repeated...
ReplyDeleteNobody knw shit mientras usa consuma coca y mota el CARTEL SINALOENSE seguira rifando aki y en china somos los mejores xk los weros son los #1 en consumo de cosa y chiva solo k el govierno no lo kiere aceptar si bien k saben k estan metidos hasta el culo hasta en el govierno estado unidense hay corruptos no nada mas en mexico slds plevada animoC.D.S biien piilass al miillonn jojo ;)
ReplyDeleteThe Bushmaster .223 caliber assault rifle should be banned -- NO REASON ANYONE OUTSIDE THE MILITARY NEEDS THIS WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Just anyone at Sandy Hook and they'll agree.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with your argument...he did not use an assault weapon in sandy hook. all hand guns, it was clarified last night
ReplyDeleteWell those Sicarios can kiss my ass once I get my hands on the FX-05. They may have all the firepower but they are extremely stupid at aiming down the sights.
ReplyDeleteCartel gunmen armed with AK-47s purchased in Arizona overwhelmed the police, killing eight."
ReplyDeleteHow many innocent Americans are killed by overzealous police each year who are raiding the wrong houses or killing people who only have a few grams of weed in the house? This is the reason the US tried to stop assault weapons. It allows the blackbooted stormtroopers the luxury of entering a house that is probably not going to have weapons like this inside or people who will defend themselves.
you my friend are very stupid, very stupid indeed. let me guess, you are the one that sells those little bundles of weed