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Thursday, May 5, 2011

The war the Generals want.

La guerra que prefieren los generales
Proceso/Sabina Berman

MEXICO CITY: Finally President Calderon, in recent statements, has acknowledged the growing consensus in the country that the Army should return to the barracks. Calderon has admitted, “There is enormous pressure that the troops not be in the streets,"

What makes the president's admission unsettling is that it could lead to a repugnant conclusion:
That after nothing has been won in this war, the Army must withdraw, recognizing the defeat of the Mexican State by the forces of organized crime.

Maybe it's time to interpret the call by civil society state in a different manner. The Army should be withdrawn from the streets, not declaring defeat, but to act like a true military.

Since the Army was brought to the streets to combat organized crime it has been used with one arm tied behind it’s back, performing police functions within police constraints among the civilian population, when the military could and should be waging a war against crime with their full monopoly of power as a force trained and equipped to face the enemy in direct and extremely violent confrontation.

Retired and outspoken Major General Luis Garfias Magana, no longer bound by the limits imposed by civilain control of the military, has another approach to the “drug war”.

General Garfias explains, "We talk about 40% of national territory where the State no longer governs, a 40% that is slowly spreading.”

If we divide the country into grids. If we clearly identify which areas are no longer governed by the rule of law and governed by organized crime. If these regions are isolated and sealed. If we evacuate the unarmed population. If we isolate and seal those regions imposing a state of emergency, with a suspension of individual guarantees, as permitted under Article 29 of the Constitution in areas where order is seriously disturbed

Retired Major General Luis Garfias Magana

"Then the army could come after them with all it’s might. By air, by land and by sea. With planes and helicopters, tanks and ships. To not leave a single rock unturned."

If this is a war, implies the general, then so be it. The President and Congress should take the necessary steps to wage a territorially limited war and set the conditions for achieving the mission quickly. "According to the military this mission would last weeks or months," says General Garfias, “not years.”

Another crucial role the military should have depends on the President’s focus as to the objective of this war. Renounce broad war against crime and drug trafficking across Mexico, and decide to restrict the scope of the conflict to the safety of civilians.

The safety of the civilian population should not be defined by the extermination of the bandits, even for the drastic decrease of persons engaged in illicit activities. It should be defined by the dramatic depletion of crimes that directly destroy the lives of civilians. Theft, extortion, kidnapping and homicide.

Another Major General, who asked that his name not be revealed given the nature of his statement, stated a similar view. "It’s fine by me if the drug cartels build a pipeline carrying cocaine direct from Sinaloa to California. If America does not wage war against drug dealers, why do we fight against those who transport drugs to keep American distributors happy? What we should care for is a life free of crime and fear for Mexicans. "

This second approach does not contradict former General Garfias’ views which are directed to recapturing the areas where the rule of the Mexican State has been expelled. This second approach would be appropriate for the rest of the country and provides for an armed force of elite mobility and special attack, an elite force that in the short term can only be formed from the ranks of the Army or Navy.

If members of a cartel steal, extort, kidnap or kill a civilian, this group reacts by attacking the cartel with a focused and ferocious intensity.

Defining the objective of the war as the safety of civilians has specific benefits. It allows civilians to accept this war as their war. This would encourage drug lords to restrict the activities of their forces, to contain them, control them, as has been the case for some time across our northern border in the U.S.

This policy would allow the Army to choose the areas of conflict to their advantage and that of the civilian polulations. And finally, it would give an objective criterion to a declaration of victory.

When asked the question of who decided on this war and how to fight it, the President or the Generals of the Mexican Army, General Garfias laconically responded, “the President.”

Some military officers now believe it is time for the military to decide how to wage this war.


  1. Time for a coup, and let the military take care of these cartels?

  2. The second unnamed general has the idea that will ultimately happen. There is no way the Mexican Army could isolate regions and evacuate citizens successfully to wage war on the criminal. The gangs would migrate to another region during the process.

    Mexico needs to put the money it is spending for policing back into the state and local police departments. It must negotiate a truce between cartels with the expectation that each cartel assure that kidnapping, extortion and violent crime stops. The cartel and plaza bosses will have that responsibility of assuring peace in the plaza and when this fails to happen, the military needs to intervene fast and furiously.

    This was how Mexico ran until Calderon waged war and ripped Mexico off.

    The unnamed general was correct. Why should Mexico wage war on suppliers if the US will not wage war on the dealers or legalize it, one or the other. The answer as to why the US doesn't is that their is too many powerful people here that are involved.


  3. It's time for a Junta to take over the control of this country.

  4. Wow, what statement. If the US does not fight drug dealers, then why should we fight the cartels? These guy is classic.

  5. Senor del ArranqueMay 5, 2011 at 6:06 PM

    @3:31 TRC
    There is no way we can give up, and make a truce with the cartels. If the Mexican gov. were to make a truce...then the cartels have won the war. We cant leave them in charge to clean las plazas. We cant let them be, so they can get stronger?? The army has them running, they cant b in one place for to long. Look at all what the army has done... Killed Arturo Beltran, Nacho, Captured La Barbie. And if I recall the cables leaked on wiki it stated that the Mexican military is serious about battling cartels....

  6. As a U.S. citizen I think what the U.S. does is not for Mexicans to decide. If Mexico want to continue to live in a cesspool of danger and corruption then so be it. But in the mean time Do Not expect or send your people over here for us to care for. And Do Not expect American dollars for your corrupt government. Screw you very much....

  7. If they evacuate innocent unarmed people, you would think the cartels would just go to different areas. It's not like they are asleep all the time and wake up and say, "where'd all my peeps go?" That is a plan not exactly well thought out. And we're not talking just a few people to relocate.....

  8. @May 5, 2011 6:09 PM

    Your a moron at best! If anything we do not send our people for you to care for. Just Americans are too lazy to get a low paying job so you demand illegal immigrants to do the labor. Bunch of hypocrites, if you didn't want illegal immigrants why don't you stop giving them jobs and they will stop coming, simple solution, no need for increase in border patrol either. And second give us "American dollars" your pathetic 1.3 billion dollars of which only a quarter has been given? Yet we spent over fifty billion dollars in the last 4 years on the war on drugs. Oh yes, thank you so much for all the worthless help!! So Screw you very much....

  9. Why does every country Look to the American taxpayer to bail them out, take care of their children, finance their governments, re-enforce their military, provide aid for natural disasters. In the meantime take all the abuse, be degraded and chastised for becoming a successful country, have our American values criticized when if, we are so bad why does everyone want to come here and reap what the American spirit built. Most of the hard working Americans do not smoke pot, shoot up or snort drugs, we do our own house cleaning, and yard work, we do not benefit in any way from a large immigrant population but yet our tax dollars are used to support an agenda that we do not want or believe in. We do own guns we go to church we raise our children to be decent adults, I don't think we owe Mexico or any one else a damn thing. Close our borders, prison for druggies, keep using the death penalty "more often", and don't even think about restricting our right to own guns. Mexico your lax moral values has put you right where you are now, don't even talk about what America should do for YOU....

  10. LOL. More Tebags on here, the same old story over and over again,
    if youre broke as a nation and rely on Communism as your bank, and want to do something, then give up your Social Security, your Medicare and all that Socialist stuff you rely on, thats what is really making you broke.

  11. WHAT a dumb government i am mexican and i hate the mexican government heres how to end the drug wars or atleast stop the violence since usa won't stop doing drugs.. give guns to the civilians and see if they are man enough to mess with armed civilans

  12. I'm going to luagh when the zetas do a 9/11 terrorist attack on usa soil while the americans are in the middle east fighting revolutions who hate and don't wake up to the insurgency in mexico and usa this is not just a mexican problem its a american you guys are more guilty because everyday you guys keep shoving and snorting drugs

  13. @May 5, 2011 7:13 PM

    Another moron who thinks the world is all about them! haha

    Oh yes the whole world looks to the American taxpayer for help, get over yourself.

    "we do not benefit in any way from a large immigrant population" Like I said before "if you didn't want illegal immigrants why don't you stop giving them jobs and they will stop coming, simple solution." If their wasn't a demand for illegal immigrants than their would be any crossing the border. And keep up the same mentally of "prison for druggies, keep using the death penalty "more often" where has that gotten you? 40 years of drug war for what? The most powerful nation in the world cant even defeat a bunch of low level thugs..its obvious Americans do not pay attention in class or else they would have learn prohibition never worked and would have never worked!!

  14. Sabina Berman is a thoroughly gringoized Mexican playright who illustrates the poverty once again of the Mexican Middle Class intellectual types that often write for publications like Proceso. Instead of rejecting outright the idea of a US Pentagon style 'war' inside Mexico to be waged by DC's Mexican generals and PAN servant class politicians at the beck and call of the US government, she 'suggests' merely the rethinking of this 'war' by the generals of it.

    Here she writes for example...
    'Defining the objective of the war as the safety of civilians has specific benefits. It allows civilians to accept this war as their war.'

    Well shades of faux liberal Greg Mortenson and huis drinking three cups of tea to animate the wars of the Pentagon in Afghanistan.

    "Let's help the women and girls out! And sell the war to the US public now!'

    Ms. Berman wants the Pentagon and it Mexican military allies to be oh so nice and sweet, even as BB bombards us with articles daily cheerleading all the new Mexican Upper Class death squad braggarts that draw so much love and respect from the resident US Right Wing boffos who comment online all machista style. The Kill Um stuff side by side with the Lets be nice and rethink it so the public will love The Uniforms more.

    Not going to be all sugary and sweet with this war, Ms Berman. Leave it for your theater works perhaps with plots like that? The Mexican military will simply ally with the elite death squads, help form them, and cover up for them. It was training this military in the first place that got the bloodshed now to the level its at.

  15. This plan sounds like giving up and letting the cartels do what they want again just without hurting innocent bystanders basically "back to the same old, same old.." That is disrespectful to those who have fought honestly and died and those who died innocently being in the wrong place. And nothing happens to those who caused all this chaos. They'll let the military pretend to try to clean up the mess for a bit. Throw a few cartel heavies in the carcel, make a big publicity splash etc. Then it will be back to the old old ways. What a waste! And corruption goes on and on and on and on! What a waste!

  16. Witch army? The army that disappears people and deals dope with the intelligence agencies/business men to the north?

  17. they are not going to calm the cartels at all, they let them go far and they are to deep into there own battles to just say okay were going to stop now


  18. Only one response, buy your dope local. Made in the US of A.

  19. Most of the people writing here are very uneducated, you can tell just by looking at their grammar.There is also no sentence structure anywhere, just horseshit. What is really hysterical is the way they consider themselves foreign policy experts and self righteously unload against illegal aliens, the corrupt Mexican government and other immaginary windmills. How about the BATF in fact arming the cartels with thousands of assault rifles? Don't want/ hate illegal immigrants? ask your fuking government to enforce labor laws so that Americans get paid decent wages and get their union jobs back! Instead of that, most of these inbreeds demand an air strike on Mexico for sending illegal aliens while they seat on their fat ass drinking cheap horse piss in their trailer park, outraged that some poor bastard mows the lawn on the opposite side of town just so that he can provide for his family. Please let go off your diks for a moment, type with both hands and seriously consider going back to get that GED, otherwise you just sound like inbred lard ass- nazis, idiots...

  20. Probably best way is to create a buffer zone between the border of probably 1 or 2 miles and have the Mexican military patrol and inspect everything going across the border. No more border towns for cartels to get their stuff across.

  21. We need the mexican army in Tamaulipas!!! fialure state!!!

  22. Why is mexico always looking to america. "They dont declare war on their drug dealers so why should we" why dont you do something for yourself. America declared a "war on drugs" a looong time ago, and altho you could never declare it done, hell you could never even declare it as half successful, at least we do a good enough job to keep SUV convoys full of grenade tossing psychos from kidnapping people off buses 10 at a time....

  23. 2 miles of border is going to make a difference how? theres 10's of thousands of trucks going across every day you cant inspect each one no matter how many people u put on it, its not logistically possible.

  24. It is true that the Mx govt/military must establish an objective criterion to a declaration of victory--what is it they want to accomplish?--and then go about accomplishing those goals swiftly. (One of the problems the US has is it's inability to clearly define its objectives and then get in and out quickly--10 yrs in Iraq and Afghanistan, come on--that's bullshit!)

    I also agree that "the MX military could and should be waging a war against crime with their full monopoly of power as a force trained and equipped to face the enemy in direct and extremely violent confrontation." Get in, take back the control in these lawless areas, and get out. During this time the police force should be groomed to go into their towns and act like a police force. With a justice system committed to enforcing the rule of law.

    And as far as American drug consumption goes, I don't blame the general who said, "It’s fine by me if the drug cartels build a pipeline carrying cocaine direct from Sinaloa to California." The consumption problem IS our problem and we must look at new and different ways of handling this problem including specific requirements of legalization... Again, state the objective and quickly act to achieve specific end results.

  25. I can't believe that Mexican generals are seriously contemplating this. The American army, better trained and using far better technology than anything the Mexican army has could not pacify and hold the country of Iraq. Iraq is about the size of the state of Californa, so it's far smaller than Mexico. Ditto for Afghanistan. There's no way that an army can seal off an area and successfully carry out a cleansing of the cartels that are there.

    As for the safety of the civilians, the army already can't respond fast enough to protect the citizens. Taking the gloves off only changes the rules of engagement. You still have to get the troops to the AO, and you still have to have up-to-date, accurate intel to know that you need to move to a particular AO. It seems pretty clear that the Mexican army is failing at both the intel collection and at the ability to quickly move troops to an area.

    Let the drug war come to us? That's already been tried. The reason most of the Meth (aka Crystal Meth) is now made in Mexico is that we waged a very successful war against this and wiped out most of the American makers/dealers.

    The cartels have already come north, but they know better than to try the crap they are getting away with in Mexico. A 9/11 style attack on a town like they do in Mexico would find them hunted down and killed by locals, LEO's and the US Army. There would be no place to hide, and unlike the suffering Mexicans, we Americans are well armed.

    Bottom line is that nothing is going to change. Until the Mexican government allows and helps the Mexican people to re-arm themselves and to legally defend themselves against the cartels, nothing will change.

  26. Read "Down by the River" by Charles Bowden. The Mexican Army has routed drugs through Mexico for 30 years. His comment was nothing new.

    @ Senor del Arranque, I hate to brake the news to you but the Mexico has already lost the war and are the less powerful in this conflict. And many involved in the Army are involved in the crime they are suppose to be at war against.Take a good look at Juarez and you will see.


  27. The people are smart enough to understand that current events happen during a president's term. Whatever has happened to Mexico during Pendejo Calderon's term was caused by him. Mexican's are complacent people and don't like sudden and drastic changes but Calderon suddenly declares a war on the cartels and immediately havoc pursues. That's why I can't wait for the next
    Mexican president. I know that he will also be incompetent, lazy and corrupt but maybe he will try to bring back the old ways of governing. If this were the U.S., there is no way that the gangs would rule with an iron fist. But this is Mexico. So I agree with TRC that maybe the Mexican government should try to negotiate a truce between the cartels under a new president with the assurance that the cartels will cease violent crimes (including) kidnappings. That would not be considered a surrender. It would only be considered a failure of government if it were to happen during Calderon's leadership. To me, its just commen sense. I cannot imagine any other scenario that Mexico is capable of accomplishing. Sad but true.

    So let's just wait for Pendejo Calderon to get his own ass out of the presidential house the way George Dubya did so we can make room for a new president with new ideas. A Mexican Obama, who will bring a positive change (hopefully) to Mexico. If that does not happen, then there is nothing else that can be done for poor Mexico.

  28. Until the Mexican government changes its mentality that the elite are protected while the nonelite are left to die, the violence will never stop.
    To me, this is a far bigger problem than the drug trade. I believe that legalizing drugs or overhauling the police or negotiating with cartels or anything else will not work when one class of people (usually rich white elites in Mexico apartheid government) is above the law.
    This general's mentality that the countryside should be turned into a wasteland is typical of a Mexican elite's utter disregard for property rights and citizen law for the nonelite. He blatantly believes that people who have their property turned into a war zone won't turn against the government that took everything away from them. His policy would actually result in a dramatic upswing of violence, at least in my opinion.
    Until the Mexican elite is removed from power (unlikely since foreign investment continually swells the coffers of the elite), I do not see any end to the violence in Mexico.

  29. there was a sign that was hung over a bridge in mexico once that told the president that mexico's social peace did not depend on the govt but on the cartels. Nothing could be more true. Calderone had no idea what he was getting into. Cartels governed much of his country. But he also did not start the infighting between the cartels. To blame him for everything and to believe that once he is gone mexico will once again be peaceful is plain ignorance. Just like the ignorance that the mexican people had that by turning away or accepting the cartels as just another business. And the day we stop hearing about dead bodies and firefights then you will know that the cartels won.

  30. I've posted this idea to solve the drug cartel problem in Mexico and the surrounding countries before:

    1. An international police force needs to be created using highly trained personnel from North, Central, and South America. (leadership roles are elected by a body of delegates from each country).

    2. The police force would have original jurisdiction in any country, when it comes to drug related matters. (absolute authority and use of military elements from the country involved).

    3. The cartel members caught are charged, tried, and incarcerated in courts and penal institutions located in an isolated areas much like Camp X-ray in Guantanamo, Cuba. (try to bribe your way out of there).

    This idea would work and ensures far less corruption with the added benefit of cooperation and information sharing with regards to Drug Cartel activity to all affected areas (countries). The Interpol De

  31. Interpol de Americas, can they bust in doors in the U.S. and Canada or only in Latin America?

  32. Better yet ajulio, let's just send Obama to Mexico. He would fit right in with socialist progressive policies of businesses in cahoots with government (legal or illegal).

    Then we have one less political dreamer spending up all American's tax dollars on ObamaCare, bailouts and such.

  33. @May 5, 2011 6:06 PM

    Exactly! If Calderon pulls out now, this war would've been for nothing. And it also seems as the MX government doesn't know what it's doing and how to do it. All of Mexico will just continue to blame it's problems on the US and wont even consider taking responsibilities of itself. If they would have taken down the cartels when they were barely forming then it wouldn't be this bad.

  34. Has anyone read the latest Forsythe novel called The Cobra on how to end the cocaine industry? Fascinating and very interesting.

  35. Some interesting opinions here and so many of them are misguided and uninformed.

    As a Canadian who lives and works in Monterrey for the past 11 years, I see things a little differently.

    First, the notion that arming the civilians will do anything to stop the cartels is ridiculous. I can tell you from experience that these culeros show up in force. I guarantee you will NOT be pulling out your single AK47 to battle 35 men who show up.

    Last year, we had just such an occurrence. My wife and I and our 2 children, along with her brother and sister-in-law were at our ranch for the weekend when 25+ men stormed in and demanded we leave immediately because they were taking over. It is not Dirty Harry or some macho bullshit, but there were 4 adults and 2 little kids against 25+ heavily armed men. So we left as quickly as possible.

    Also, the notion that the stealing, kidnapping, extortion and killing has only occurred since Calderon's war is ludicrous. There was plenty before (maybe not quite as much), but it was less visible. It was still terrible to families and people were even less inclined to report it because you knew the police were in the pockets of the cartel as well as the politicians.

    A return to the PRI days is simply to turn a blind eye as the cartels, police, military and politicians rape the populace and "pretend" things are better

    As for caring about the US war on drugs, I think that the General's statements are unprofessional and ignorant. Mexico is the loudest critic of the US for trying to enforce immigration laws, but wants to blame the US for not stopping demand for drugs.

    The bottom line is that Mexico needs to take ownership of their problems. the murders are occurring on Mexican streets, the kidnapping and beheadings and extortion and payoffs happen in Mexico (not the US). Fix your own problems and then I would have sympathy for any criticism of the US.

  36. @May 6, 2011- 11:39AM

    Read line applies to all countries participating but you probably can't imagine that because your probably a Latin American, who blames the U.S. for your countries problems. The concept "Interpol De Americas" is for intel gathering/sharing and prosecution. The enforcement part would utilize the host countries military elements, as would be the case in Mexico or local/state/federal police, as would be in the U.S., where the level of police corruption is not wide spread!

    Think about it, you already have U.S. Federal agents from DEA, ATF, ICE, etc...operating in Mexico for example, so the idea or concept is not so far fetched. BTW, doors being kicked in the U.S. is not an uncommon occurrence, the difference is it's done by police officers not by drug cartel thugs.

  37. @May 6, 2011 2:28 PM
    "Fix your own problems and then I would have sympathy for any criticism of the US."
    Canadian why would you have any sympathy for the U.S. when your Canadian? Oh I forgot Canada has no sense of national identity haha

  38. Things to keep in mind:

    1. Our North American, Mexican, South American, actually all of the world's super powers including the U.N. are involved in the drug trade, human trafficking, extortion and genocide.

    2. The killing in mexico could easily be stopped by the military but they won't do it because the government is involved why else. If they'd wanted to do it they could have done it using whatever means possible like securing their borders using the latest technology.

    2. We Americans have a constitutional right to consume whatever we want like I said, certain narcotics have been ILLEGALY criminlized to profit from incarcerations and eradication measures.

    3. We Americans are ashamed of ourselves for permitting our government to take control of our lives as it's grown too big and powerful and the masses are completely afraid of it to demand a constitutional government.

    4. Please, don't judge our military on what you've seen them do in Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, or wherever. Like I said, our government is corrupt and stalls wars to benefit from them; they don't get in them to win them but to win FROM them.

    5. Nothing is more idiotic than an international police force as there's already a well equipped military and intel force behind every country. What you're asking for is just another unconstitutional organization and one step closer to losing all sovereignty in all said countries.

    6. For mexico to change for the better it would have to change their mentality. The poor don't know this because the elites keep them from seeing it as a viable goal and counterproductive. If drugs were legalized across the world, Mexico would still be easting itself alive.

    7. Obama is a puppet just as corrupt as Dubya and Clinton if not worst.

  39. Senor del ArranqueMay 6, 2011 at 6:53 PM

    @TRC 12:58
    U cant say Mexico has loss the war. Yes the cartels have won some battles but not the war. And yes the army has been linked to innocent killings, or corrupt. But you can say the same about the US army. They have killed innocent people in the middle east. But a few bad apples r not going to ruin it. Calderon did the right thing to do battle the cartels... But I think how it was before. When los narcos were allowed to work, they were tolerated. And only killed themselves.

    @4:42 May 6,2011
    Actually we can learn from Canada, look at their crime rate. Their health care system, economy.

  40. Texcoco Mex said.

    Anon May 5, 2011 3:31 PM

    I don't think this will happened with some cartels. The only one I know that doesn't do kidnapping for money or extortion is Chapo's cartel.

    Anon May 5, 2011 4:35 PM

    I think he said that because we don't see that many arrests or drugs bust on the U.S and we all know that most of the drugs come and are sold here in the U.S
    One thing is for sure and we can not deny the U.S has help in most of the high profile arrests in Mexico.

    Anon May 5, 2011 6:09 PM
    As a U.S. citizen. Screw you very much....

    It was not the Mexicans the ones who ask for the DEA, FBI, CIA, ATF, and ICE to be in Mexico it was the U.S the one who ask. About the money... nigga please... we have spend a lot more than 1.5 billion. To be honest this 1.5 Billion is a real low figure but thank you any way. And don't forget every time U.S get involved in something is because they want something in return, is not for free. Iraq is paying back in petroleum and it was not because they ask for help.

    Anon May 5, 2011 7:13 PM
    Why does every country Look to the American taxpayer to bail them out, take care of their children, finance their governments, re-enforce their military, provide aid for natural disasters. In the meantime take all the abuse, be degraded and chastised for becoming a successful country.

    You know what Anon FUCK YOU. Every time U.S help Mexico is for a reason, and is because they want something in return since 1865 they have done that.
    And what happed when Lazaro Cardenas did the Mexican oil expropriation. In retaliation, the oil companies initiated a public relations campaign against Mexico, urging people to stop buying Mexican goods, and lobbying to embargo US technology to Mexico. Many foreign governments closed their markets to Mexican oil, hoping that PEMEX would drown in its own oil. Between 1938 and 1939, PEMEX survived by trading oil for money and machinery to European countries with fascist governments. In spite of the boycott, PEMEX developed into one of the largest oil companies in the world and helped Mexico become the world's fifth largest oil exporter.

    During World War II, American and British governments blocked Mexican oil exports to their allies and dependencies. The US stopped buying Mexican silver for the Treasury. The British severed diplomatic relations with Cárdenas's government, and Mexican oil and other goods were boycotted, despite an international ruling in favor of Mexico's government. However, with the outbreak of World War II, oil became a highly sought-after commodity. Mexico began to export oil to Nazi Germany. The United States and Britain decided this was unacceptable, so they settled their grievances with Mexico and ended the boycott. Mexican Eagle and Royal Dutch/Shell held out longer and received a better deal after the conclusion of the war.

    The company that Cárdenas founded, Petróleos Mexicanos (or Pemex), would later be a model for other nations seeking greater control over their own oil and natural gas resources and, 70 years later, it remains the most important source of income for the country, despite weakening finances. Seeing the need to assure the technical expertise needed to run it, Cárdenas founded the National Polytechnic Institute. Yes we know how much U.S has help Mexico, but we also know it was always for something in return.

    Mexico is on the 11TH place on the GDP list thanks to the People, Busynesses, and Countries that do busyness with Mexico not thanks to the Mother Fuckers that talk shit about us. To all the good people thank you for your support. To all the haters don't forget in this life we all have a pass, a present, and a future and nobody is perfect in this world.

  41. Viva free trade give the americans what they want,
    why are we mexicans so against it/ i dont see americans dying because of the drug war they want drugs let them have em . they sure not trying to kill the hapiness of there peolple

  42. Texcoco - you were educated in Mexican schools right?

  43. Texcoco Mex said.

    Anon May 8, 2011 12:43 PM

    Yes, I was educated in Mexican schools only for 9 years.

  44. @May 7, 2011 4:42AM,

    So...what's your excuse (opinion) as to why the Mexican Gov't (or people) can't get control over the Drug Cartels? Your long winded comment has nothing to do with the drug war in Mexico, as is it does Mexico's economy. Bottom line, it's Mexicans murdering, kidnapping, etc...other Mexicans! It has absolutely nothing to do with U.S. as far as the crimes being committed! The excuse with regards to U.S. bought weapons being used by drug cartel members and the United States' appetite for drugs, is just that an excuse!

  45. @May 9, 2011 9:25 AM

    Its not an excuse its a fact, its obvious you never took an economic class or you're new to BB, go back and read every story and maybe just maybe you will learn something!! Supply and Demand DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  46. @May 11, 2011-5:08PM,

    That's what I viable answer or response, supply and demand has nothing to do with what's going on in Mexico. The drug war is not an economics's bout greed, corruption, and control..all having to do with criminal organizations and lack of law/order! The drug cartels are not studying economic models or reading books to enhance their knowledge on perfect market conditions. May be you should practice what you preach and go back and read every story because it's apparent you have learned nothing..DUH!

  47. @May 18, 2011 1:05 PM

    Are you really that naive and stupid??? Its not an economic problem?? Really? Last time I checked it was it was a multi billion dollar industry and your saying its not an economic problem Sir are an IDIOT...I will break it down barney style for you!!! Mexicans are supplying the drugs and Americans are demanding it, which fuels the drug war...May be you should practice what you preach and go back and read every story because it's apparent you have learned nothing..DUH!


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