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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another Hanging at Los Lobos Bridge

As mentioned before, the bridge of Los Lobos located in Tepic, Nayarit, is a favorite place for the drug trafficking groups, as brutal hangings have become a frequent occurrence at the bridge.

Another man was found hanging from the busy bridge in view of many cars on the street below. The victim remained hanging for an extended period of time with a rope tied around his neck, handcuffed, and appeared to have visible signs of being torture.

The sicarios left a narco message attached to the victim which read "Este era el Piojo, le arreglava carros a los mazatlecas, tenemos mucha formacion vamos por ustedes...XXX" - this was "el Piojo" a mechanic for los mazatlecas, we have a lot of troops and we are coming for you, signed by XXX

The message is threat issued by gunmen from the Sinaloa cartel to a band of Beltran Leyva loyalists known as los Mazatlecas who are active in Sinaloa and Nayarit.
Both are among the rival criminal organizations fighting for the Nayarit plaza.

Authorities received the dreaded anonymous call alerting of the execution causing the police to rush to the scene and performed a spectacle of removing the body from the bridge.

"El Piojo" has not yet been identified.


  1. Nayarit really turned into a warzone after Nacho Coronel was killed, Sinaloa is fighting Beltran Leyva/Zeta's, and aren't La Familia/La Restancia active in the area too?

    I wonder if we will hear more from these Beltran Leyva survivors. The repeat hangings and tit for tit on the same bridges is becoming a trend in the fighting, look at Monterrey, how many people have been thrown off that bridge?

  2. El Lazca rumored to have been killed in Matamoros!

  3. Pobre chavo...dios lo tenga descansando...arreglaba carros, por miedo me imagino mas que por dinero, que estupida "batalla"...cobardes, uno por uno, hasta yo que soy mujer le parto su mauser, pero de a monton, y atado...muy valientes...que pena....


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