Kathia Cavazos Castillo.
Fourteen police in the northern Mexican town of Allende have been arrested for their suspected role in the killings of two young women, Nuevo Leon state authorities said Wednesday.
The police had “received orders” from an organized crime gang to hand over the women, who were detained Sunday in Allende for a minor offense, the state’s Security Council spokesman, Jorge Domene, said.
The victims, 24-year-old half-sisters Katia Cavazos Castillo and Kendy Cavazos Caballero, were nieces of state Social Development Secretary Juana Aurora Cavazos.
They remained 40 minutes at the Allende jail before a criminal gang ordered the police to drop them off in the main square of the town, located 60 kilometers (37 miles) from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon’s capital.
“From that point, what we know so far is they were taken away by an organized crime gang” and their mutilated bodies turned up several hours later, Domene said.
“Municipal authorities were complicit (in their deaths) and that’s why 14 police have been arrested,” he added.
The bodies of the two women were left in plastic coffins along with a message from the criminals.
Allende is part of the citrus-growing region of Nuevo Leon that also includes the towns of Montemorelos and General Teran, an area plagued by high levels of gangland violence.
General Teran currently has no police force because all of the municipal officers resigned after their station was attacked with grenades and firearms.
The mayor’s office in Montemorelos also was targeted recently in a grenade attack.
Nuevo Leon, which borders Texas, has seen about 1,000 homicides this year, most of them connected to a brutal turf war between the Gulf and Los Zetas drug mobs.
Monterrey is home to many of Mexico’s industrial giants and long seemed to be immune to the drug war that has claimed more than 40,000 lives nationwide since December 2006, when newly inaugurated President Felipe Calderon militarized the struggle with the cartels.
But that metropolis and its suburbs have been battered by a wave of drug-related violence since March 2010.

Source: EFE
A new low.What a complete tragedy.
ReplyDeleteGang or cartel and why? Details please.
ReplyDeleteWhy did the gangs want these girls? Guessing they had nothing to do with crime but rather witnessed something or more likely were dating a rival...perhaps they were dating one of the members of the gang that killed them and had a falling out recently. So sad, so much injustice in Mexico.
ReplyDeleteMy God they are so sloppy.
ReplyDeleteHola Buggs!
ReplyDeleteI have followed this story since it broke and they always have referred to three young woman kidnapped I posted the story eariler on forum but then they found the third, also butchered in a plastic tub in Allende so I modifed the story. It is very strange.
The word on the streets is Lt Martinez referred to in the narco message left at both scenes was dating one of the sisters
No death penalty. No justice. The catholic church must not meddle in government affairs. This is a clear example as to what happens when church and state are not kept seperate.
ReplyDeleteHey what about the "cartulina" that was left next to their bodies? the one where the tell Martinez " Aqui están tus charoleras"
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteThey got killed because one of the girls knew someone in the military a Second Lieutenant in the Mexican army. According to the message left on the victims ( “Esto les pasa por charoleras, ahí te van subteniente Martínez” ) Charoliando is a term use in Mexico for a person flashing about knowing somebody important in the government or in this case in the military. I hope this cops get fucked in jail por putos culeros pinches policias lame huevos de narcos.
I have about a half dozen of those same plastic crates at home filled with various stuff, and now i'm going to have to throw them away. I can just never look at them the same after seeing the picture of them filled with the body parts of a hot chick
ReplyDeleteno sabia que estas noticias salian en USA!
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteHere this is a little more information I was able to find.
Jorge Domene said the officers Jesus Cano Hernandez a supervisor in the corporation, Javier Rangel Martinez, Eduardo Mena and José Luis Rangel Chalice Adorno were charged with murder.Moreover, he said, two Municipal Police women, Irena Bertha Presas and Tania Reyes Marlen González Garza, were accused of covering up.He said the police accepted the girls were given to organized crime, before they appear mutilated.Police identified as Joseph Olegario, Guerrero Silva, Edgardo Flores Malacara, Ruben Castillo Tamez, Alfonso Garcia Rodriguez, Sabina Ponce Rodriguez, Javier Alberto Correa García and Sandra Rodríguez Gauna."Have confessed to have been receiving a monthly payment from organized crime in amounts ranging between 6 000 and 10 000 pesos.Who the police work for?Was asked."For th zetas the official said. The killer of the two girls would be a person-called El Loko, the leader of the criminal group in the territory of Allende.
According to different sites and forums, Kendy and Katia were friends, not sisters (or half sisters). (Cavazos is a VERY popular surname in the citricola region of NL).
ReplyDeleteApparently 3 young women were arrested for drinking and disorderly conduct in public spaces (near the plaza principal of Allende)..
Most of the news only talks about Katia and Kendy. (the 3rd mutilated body of a young woman was found at km 19 of the same highway with a narcomessage saying : Esto me paso X Z . Althoug 3 women were arrested and later turned over to Z's, the identity of the 3rd woman has not been made known, nor has their been confirmation that she was indeed the 3rd friend http://www.terra.com.mx/noticias/articulo/1174211/Encuentran+otra+mujer+descuartizada+en+Nuevo+Leon.htm)
As for Katia and Kendy, apparently after their arrest, Kendy threatened the police and called her boyfriend "subteniente Martínez", a soldier, who then called the police to demand their release.
The polizetas supposedly, angered by this, and soon after were contacted by/ their "bosses" and told to release the TWO girls (Kendy and Katia) from jail and to drop them near the plaza (about a block from the station) where they were picked up by 3 armed men in a late model gray car.
At this time, according to Domene, 6 police have been accused in the murder and mutilation of the two girls and 7 other are being held and arraigned for "working for an organized crime group", (and receiving $6-10k pesos per month) but not actively participating in the disappearance or death of the girls.
According to Domene, a person known as "El Loko", leader of the los Zeta in Allende, ordered the death and mutilation of the women after finding out a military officer had called the police headquarters looking for them and demanding their release.
( All This info is according to Milenio, El Norte, Info7, and comments)
What balls on these dirty ass zetas. If they want you, you're dead. This gang of satanic serial killers has taken so many hits and yet they still control mexican territories with an iron fist. It's frustrating hearing these stories. Just when you think the zetas are close to being dismantled, they make a violent statement like this.
ReplyDeleteI say they're all responsible for this incident: the zetas, the corrupt police, Lt. Martinez, and the dumb girls. If this information is true, sounds like these girls were loud and arrogant trouble makers. They created this situation on themselves. But they still did'nt deserve to be possibly raped, tortured and butchered like that.
If the zetas take the monterrey plaza, we're all going to hell.
ReplyDeleteThe three were widely reported form the beginning as to seen together alive and partying. The girls were identified as half sisters but true other sources said friends.
the story broke it was immediately reported there were three girls. I wrote a source because I then heard nothing of the 3rd, he is an official, and got this reponse:
" they were together, yes, she is friends with the other two dismembered, the three girls were together that last time you saw them alive."
I think everyone can agree it really does not matter, I simply heard 3 from the beginning. Also said initially, only 2 of the 3 were arrested, not the third. I know how info changes in Mx. and truly the important point is that it is a tragedy seen repeated too often too many places in Mx.
Texcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteBuela it seems to be the two incidents might be connected (Hasta el momento se desconoce la identidad de la víctima, sin embargo se presume que la joven es amiga de las otras dos descuartizadas, las tres muchachas estaban juntas la última vez que las vieron con vida.) the two victims were found in kilómetro 31 de la Carretera Allende-Cadereyta on 8/01/11 and the one victim was found in kilómetro 19 de la Carretera Cadereyta-Allende on 8/02/11. Is a crazy world and the more I read about the zetas the more I hate this MF.
For all we know these women could have been part of the rival cartel, there has been a lot of them arrested lately and proud of their being a member of a cartel....it is to bad she is pretty.
ReplyDeleteKill all zetas n their supporters their mudering pigs who deserve death.......
ReplyDeleteEverything that is wrong with Mexico is summed up in the phrase "then the criminal gang ORDERED the police to release them"
ReplyDeleteOne of the failed state definitions is when the govt. is controlled by outside forces.
Mexico is a failed state
according to Twitter, Televisa news :Encuentran dos cuerpos sin vida colgados en puente peatonal en Allende NL. Al parecer tiene relación con la muerte de dos mujeres hace días...2 bodies ave been found hanging from a bridge in Allende, apparently it as something to do w/ the death of the two women..more details to follow
ReplyDeletetwo men were shot and hung from a pedestrian bridge in Allende (which is reportedly just in front of were the two young women lived), ages 25-30, one has been identified only as Tony..it is said a message was painted in red on the wall of a business, but the actual message has not yet been revealed...
Just to clarify for non Spanish speakers, x means "POR"
ReplyDelete2x1 means dos Por uno. Two for the price of one. " esto me pasó x Z" means this happened to me for(being a) Zeta.
True about Subteniente Martinez.... supposedly that is the reason these girls were killed.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the girls are not related according to her Aunt. They just have a common last name "Cavazos" which is very common in the area (Remember Edelmiro Cavazos from Santiago). There is an area just north of Allende where a group of vendors gather and it is known as Los Cavazos.
Texcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteOvemex thanks for the information. (Según las primeras investigaciones, por la madrugada luego de escucharse las ráfagas de fuego, personal militar arribó al sitio y se percató del doble asesinato. Al realizar las indagaciones, se determinó que las víctimas primero fueron colgadas del puente y posteriormente sus verdugos desde una distancia de 20 metros les dispararon y dieron muerte.Trascendió que los cuerpos fueron dejados en el puente que está justo enfrente del domicilio donde vivían las mujeres que fueron encontradas mutiladas el pasado lunes en la carretera Cadereyta-Allende) I will not be surprise if they were killed with AR15 and it has something to do with the girls, funny thing the military found them.
Texcoco Mex: I am convinced also that they are connected, I scoured media anywhere i could and social networks and a source on the ground that has not failed me. In the beginning & immediately the report was of three girls. I heard two were arrested and the 3rd followed them to the station. It is uncertain if it was she that called Lt Martinez.
ReplyDeleteEL REGIO...
YES IT WAS ALL ABOUT MARTINEZ AND THE LAST LINE OF THE MESSAGE READ "THERE YOU GO LT. MARTINEZ" I have heard this consistantly so I am sure the message is something along those lines.
what this article does not say, and it was not the most detailed as it was early on, is that martinez also made a call to the police after the girls called him. i will check my post on BB Forum to refresh my memory exactly what he said but I recall that line.
ReplyDeleteaccording to vanguardia, one of the men had CDG on his chest...and the narcomensaje on the dental clinic was "adressed to the criminal group that kills innocents"...CDG hit?
MEXICO IS FAILED!!! Sick bastards. To kill just because you can??? USA time to intervene and help the Mexican government take there country back from these terrorists... Fugging sick.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEverything that is wrong with Mexico is summed up in the phrase "then the criminal gang ORDERED the police to release them"
One of the failed state definitions is when the govt. is controlled by outside forces.
Mexico is a failed state
Accroding to your definition, the US is not that far from the same shit.
What a waste! Damn! I feel so bad for the people of Mexico.
ReplyDeleteI ask these questions: were there any witnesses? Is there any video out there especially on the arrest or from the police station? Were they falsely arrested?
ReplyDeleteMexico should dig in there pockets and place video cameras in all of their police stations.
If these girls were falsely arrested, then they were likely killed because of their relation to Lt. Martinez. But if not, they should have known better, not to act like arrogant fools and making that kind of noise for themselves in a corrupted city full of dirty cops, zetas and CDG.
The many times i partied in juarez, i always knew not to act a fool. It could cost you your life.
I agree to a point. The unions did control the government, but they are losing control. If they start killing people and butchering them up, then you will get no arguement from me. As for now,the government runs the USA they actually are running it into the ground. I doubt that criminals in the USA could get 14 police to handover arrestees , when that ever happens, then USA can also be a failed state.
ReplyDeleteA week ago, these girls were living human beings. Now, they are just an article. Next month, they will be forgotten. Same as la peliroja. And once again, another family suffers.
ReplyDeleteDamn shame
There was a "criminal code of conduct" years ago.
ReplyDelete* You didn't snitch
* You didn't hit on your friends girlfriends
* Family was sacred (yours and your enemies)
* You never killed innocent people
* You respect legal business
* Never retaliate against others' family
* Never do a crime in front of witnesses
* Never sign your name to a crime
* The less others know, the better
* Be loyal to your boss
* Be loyal to your organization
To name just a few.
The Zetas were created from a military branch of special ops. The have always hit hard, been very ruthless and done whatever it takes to achieve their goal. Their origin was not from a criminal base therefore the criminal code did not apply to them. Their actions early on were extremely bazaar compared to the norm. They went so fay with it, all the other criminal groups had to do the same or in some cases, one notch worse. I really think they are the cause of "no criminal code of conduct" with criminals in Mexico now. It's very sick.
DeleteThe Zetas need to be wiped out! Anyone who is supplies or kills for and with a Zeta, involved with a Zeta, knows and snitches for Zetas. Sucks a ZETAS dick. Supplies food for Zetas, Washes Zetas cars. Is in ANY WAY protected by ZETAS must be wiped off of the face of the earth.
ReplyDeleteThe Z's are the downfall of Mexico!!
Pinches putos, desgracia de paisanos.....
ReplyDeleteno dis-respect but the the code of criminal "ethics" you put down is a total SHAM. It was probably created to benefit mostly the upper echelon of any criminal group and to keep the peons inline.
Because we all know in the real world...every one of these demons only care about themselves.
and thats how it goes...you join a group/gang/organization thinking you are part of some brotherhood or family...but in the end...
every single man walks their own path and dies alone.
I hope the piece of shit cops who handed over these young women get sleepless nights forever in their shitty little prison cell for the next 20 years knowing they are responsible for the murder of 2 young women like this!
ReplyDeleteThey would probably claim that they did not think the Zeta's would kill them when they handed the girls over to them but its unlikely the Zeta's wanted to have coffee and cake with them!
I must say I would be fuckin' shittin myself if I was arrested and handcuffed and thrown into a van then find out the cops were dirty and the van intended to stop and some members of the Zeta's were intending to collect me.
Hope the scum police who did this get fucked up something serious! only scum of the earth would assist doing something like this to 2 young women for money I mean seriously how could a person live with themselves after helping a cartel like this? the girls may have been loud and arrogant but it did not warrant being tortured and murdered. Sick.
world wide ..public enemy number one should be these nasty mierdas los zetas...every effort should be allowed by the gob de Mexico for any one to kill as many of them as possible...no mercy ..no arrest...just shoot on sight..halcones and all...
ReplyDeletei hope that the compadres of Lt Martinez get to these fuckface z's before the incompetent police do..so they are killed on the spot and not just released or put in prison to escape later
ReplyDeleteThere are no good cartels but amongst them the Z's are by far the worst...so much so that I don't mind Sinaloa getting much stronger so that they can take out these devils disciples. The crimes the Z's commit cannot be comprehended.
ReplyDeleteI understand one sick f'cker but how are there several thousand within the Z's that allow the killings of innocents to continue?
It should be mandatory that mexico put video cameras in every police station. I've heard of stories of police in juarez raping women inside the jails. Digital recording cameras.
ReplyDeleteHopefully some young people will read this article and learn that its smart to keep a level head and not brag out loud about knowing someone in the military and think that that person can save you from the police and the zetas.
I have to agree that the only cartel that can take on the zetas is the sinaloa cartel.
Is there a comprehensive play by play of what happened? Why did Martinez offend the Zeta's so much, when he leaned on the cops to release the girls? Were the girls targeted for kidnapping/killing already? Why? Where is is CDG in this, if anywhere?
ReplyDeleteLito is right from the halcones to the mas chingones. Kill all those zeta scum. I hate those devils!
ReplyDeleteTexcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteMILLENNIUM Monterrey • The six policemen from the Public Security Secretariat involved in the killing of two young women, were detained on Thursday afternoon and transfer to the Topo Chico prison.José Luis digitizes Adorno, Eduardo Mena Resendiz, Javier Martínez, Jesús Hernández Cano, Irene Bertha Presas and Tania Marlene Gonzalez Reyes were considered suspects of double murder, kidnapping, organise crime, conspiracy and crimes against government institutions and public servants.
Texcoco, Buela and BB - Nice work on this one. Well done!
ReplyDeleteI don't know anyone who thinks a mexican police station is a safe place. If they get you down to the Delegacion for any reason - you got a problem.
11:16 I feel bad for Mexicans too but you know at this moment a lot of Mexicans are making a lot of money from their involvement with drug cartels. They're in no hurry for things to change even though it is scary.
Mexicans tolerated a corrupt system for a very long time. They wanted to believe that they could have a corrupt system and a democracy at the same time. Can't do that. The reason the PRI seemed to work was because the regime never changed. Then PAN got elected because people wanted change. Very naive. PAN couldn't keep the lid on because they didn't know where it was. They didn't know how to transition.
It would have been the same if AMLO had won because with a new party in power - all bets are/were off and it's every man for himself. The only thing to do is what Calderon is doing - play it straight - right is right and wrong is wrong and dig in for a long fight.
Damn Chapo and Calderon have started fires all over Mexico. Now you have the Z and all the smaller cartels combining and waging war. The Sinaloans can't handle these numbers and the violent force they combined bring. They don't have a chance. The dumb ass brought it all on himself. He has been trying to take Juarez for 4 years. He got his ass run out of Nuevo Laredo by CDG and the Z like he was a boy scout troop. He can't even totally secure Sonora because his people are really farmers not mercenaries and BLO is some for real boys too. The fire ants are swarming now and it is almost time for Calderon to bow out. Mexico is in a world of hurt if they don't find a leader that can negotiate peace.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened was the local police stopped the 3 girls, they had been partying having a good time and the police stopped them for some minor B.S. mostly just to harass them. They ended up at the police station and somehow one of the girls who knew LT. MARTINEZ (He may have been dating one of these girls sisters...) contacted him asking that he please intervene on their behalf since they had done nothing wrong. LT. MARTINEZ contacted the local police demanding that they be released, now then somehow the cartel found out that the 3 girls had connections to this LT.MARTINEZ and that was the worst thing that could have happened! So to get at this LT.MARTINEZ they got the girls from the local police and raped, tortured and chopped them up and they left a message with the bodies that said "HERE YOU GO LT. MARTINEZ!"
Texcoco Mex said
ReplyDeleteApparently the two people killed and left hanging on a bridge were working for the zetas CDG killed them for killing innocent people according to the message they left on a wall. “ESTO LES VA A PASAR X MATAR GENTE INOCENTE”
Lt. Martinez, do what has to be DONE, to bring a shit-sorm to everyone involved in this act of sick cowardice... My heart goes out to the innocent of Mexico...
ReplyDeletethis sucks thanks to these idiots allende is in toque de queda! fuck z! oviously CDG is out there trying to clean up their mess & what they did was hung the 2 idiots from the same bridge that they were found in with a msg but still alive so they were hangin face down
ReplyDeleteInquiry minds wanna know......sorry folks, this is probably all the information that we're gonna get.
ReplyDeleteTwo.....or three girls were or were not acting like loud idiots next to the plaza principal and were arrested or abducted by the police and taken to some police station where one of the girls threatened the police and called her boyfriend Lt. Martinez who then demanded the girl's releases. The police later released the girls who were then abducted by a group of zetas or cdg who possibly raped, tortured, murdered and dismembered them placing their body parts in plastic boxes.
The end.......or maybe not?
Possibly raped, tortured, dismembered? Look close at the pictures..
ReplyDelete@ajulio are you forgetting LFMs bloody past with the Zetas? 5 heads rolled onto the club? Kidnapped Zetas getting shot in the head? How about CDG and they're murderous campaign against them? Don't flatter Sinaloa when they haven't fought them on the level LFM/CT and CDG have
ReplyDeleteI hear tell from, reliable source's right in Topo Chico prison where supposedly they brought
ReplyDeletethe origianal arresting officers; that there is a Video of everything. In other words the abduction in the square,the beatings then the
"Gang Bangs" (Rapes) of all three girls. Then a
seperate video of the actual Killing and dismemberment of the 3rd girl and yes they were
all partying together. So the 3rd girl was with them just that she wasn't arrested like the first two. The Federals have both videos! I bet you won't ever see them (videos) because these
were cops.
I doubt there is video of everything but as messed up as things are in Mexico who knows
ReplyDeleteWhat I hope for is that the girls were killed without being tortured. I hope to God there body parts were not chopped off while they were still alive
ReplyDeletewhy is it that media and public (myself included)get so much more in an uproar when it`s a beautiful woman? Human nature I suppose. All I know<it takes the truly most villanous humans to do what they did to these girls. We can chatter all we want on this site, but unless your their, seeing the baskets of body parts, we truly are oblivious to this barbaric act. Ancient Romans were more civil than this. I`d call them animals, but that`d be an insult to animals. It took 30 years to take down the mafia in the USA, I`m afraid Mexico is in for a long, vulgar,vile,road.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if this wasn't an actual kidnapping and Martinez made demands or threats for their release and refuse to pay the ransom. Just thinking, because in Mexico, it is really just about the money.
ReplyDeleteAlso, don't forget, there is bad blood with the CDG and the military over the military kidnapping Tony Tormenta's wife forcing him to pay ransom. Shortly after he retaliated, they got him. Sure, it was probably the Z, but who really knows. Just thinking again.
This is just insanely evil.
ReplyDeleteI REALLY hope the Sinaloa Cartel or Gulf Cartel manages to get a hold of the scum who founded the Zeta's and just keep the piece of crap alive for weeks to be tortured for all the senseless misery he has caused so many innocents and their family's over the years and i'm sure the Sinaloa or Gulf Cartels would enjoy themselves letting him know how they feel.....hell I bet they could even make it a public event and make some money selling tickets for all the public of Mexico to see it! a lot would turn up that's for sure and they would also make a lot of money selling popcorn like the movies! "come see the leader of the Zeta's die slowly: this saturday at noon!! snacks and food avaliable. Bring your friends!"
I cannot believe that people still continue to be so ignorant and right out STUPID for believe that CDG scum is any better than Zeta scum. So long as people go believing that any of these assholes are good just because they kill another group, Mexico will have no chance in succeeding. Luckily most people in Mexico dislike any and all of these lowlife killers.
ReplyDelete@ El Regio
ReplyDeleteAll cartels are evil but the Zeta's are just simply worse and get off on the power they have and fear they cause.
I don't believe they are worse, they just simply get more exposure. The other Cartels are equally as brutal, you just don't hear about them as much.
ReplyDeleteNo most other cartels are more business orientated but the Zeta's just enjoy killing for the sheer hell of it. If I was gona be caught by a cartel I would at least hope it was not by the Zeta's. At least with the Sinaloa Cartel they would be more likely to just shoot me in the head rather than just spend ages making me suffer in some fucked up way like the Zeta's would.
ReplyDeletelol ok I won't argue back and forth. You have your beliefs, facts suggest otherwise!
ReplyDeleteWay to heat up your own plaza dumb asses!! Its no wonder the Z's are getting their ass handed to them everywhere. i can't speak for all Mexicans but the majority of people dislike that trash called zetas. It wont be long before that 21 year old plaza leader of Allende is detained or killed by CDG
ReplyDeleteGod will take care of all of them very soon! The time is close!!! The end is close!!!