Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Narco Banners in Nuevo Leon warn of alleged upcoming Zeta Prison Break

Saturday morning at least two "narco-banners" addressed to President Felipe Calderon and Governor Rodrigo Medina were hung from pedestrian bridges in Nuevo Leon.

Shortly before 6:30 a.m. 15-20 gunmen, dressed in black, created panic and chaos in the Buenos Aries neighborhood of southern Monterrey by stopping the driver of a semi-trailer at gunpoint and using it to block all three northbound lanes of Revolution Ave.

According to witnesses, gunmen fired their weapons into the air and intimidated unsuspecting motorists and pedestrians as several others performed the task of hanging a banner from a nearby pedestrian bridge.

Extra-officially it was reported more than 80 spent assault rifle casings were recovered from the scene.

An identical banner was found hanging from a pedestrian bridge in El Cercado, Santiago, Nuevo Leon, 30 km. south of Monterrey.

The banners read:

Mr President: Felipe Calderon Hinojosa
Mr. Governor: Rodrigo Medina

There needs to be more attention paid to the prisons of Nuevo Leon, especially the Apodaca prison where certain prisoners have the privilege to come and go. In days to come there will be a massive prison-break. There are people on the outside interested in rescuing "FITO" from the Apodaca prison. This person has a warrant for his arrest in the United States for cocaine distribution and works for la "RANA", the man currently in charge of Los Zetas in Nuevo Leon and a primary exporter of drugs to the United States.

The real name of "FITO" is:RODOLFO PEÑA TERCERO and the name he is listed under in the Apodaca Prison is: ABELARDO GARCIA PEÑA

Photo: Grupo Reforma

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  1. Kinda stupid isn't it because now the prison authorities will tighten its security knowing there planning a prison break.

  2. @ 1st post its obviously from another cartel...

  3. Pretty good translation :)

  4. the zetas are runnin out of gumen so they go to prisons 2 recruit new killers so called killers more like crackheads with guns !!!!

  5. Hola Ove!~ Thanks so much for this...the translation is so much better than other blogs.

    However..when I see these mantas I attempt to very any infor I can relating to the manta. I checked with all the major agencies in the US-DEA-DOJ etc and this person is not wanted. So I thought maybe he is wanted in an indiviual state and checked most states along the border and nothing. That statement looks suspect, though it could be in one of the states away from the frontera. Don't know.. but for now I think that part maybe false.


  6. The first post is not from another cartel. This is a post from an extremely stupid individual. He does not realize that the banners were hung by another cartel other than the Zetas. So they want the prison authorities to get ready and try to stop the prison break. This person must be from Texas!

  7. @Buela,

    I did the same thing..looked through DEA, DOJ, etc...both names..didn't find anything..Of course that's not to say it's not out there somewhere and I just didn't get to it, but it struck me as odd too.

    We'll see what happens.

  8. It looks to me like that the military here is doing what they did in Juarez for 4 years. They would dress up in black and become hit squads. I cannot see how the Sinaloa and Gulf would have the personnel to mount the type of offensives they are in Monterey, Nuevo Leon, Nuevo Laredo, Juarez, Chihuahua City, Michoacan, Guerrero, and protect Tamaulipas and Sinaloa at the same time.

    The federal police and the military would dress in black and go out and do hits that the Sinaloa did not have the strength or skills to do in Juarez. This went on forever and it is common knowledge in Juarez. The mayor of Juarez and the new police chief are bringing this to light and combating this and that is why Calderon is opposing Leyzaola. I do not believe that they support the Juarez Cartel, it is more that they want these human right violations to stop in Juarez.

    These battles and wars have become a cleansing by one elite class with extreme greed (PAN) directed at another to gain as much of the drug business as they can before they are all run out of office in 2012. At this time, the cartels supporting the opposition located in the northern and central states (PRI) are in survival mode. PAN has put a new meaning to the term "blood money."

    Think about it. Do you think that two states (Tamaulipas and Sinaloa) can produce enough cartel operatives to hold a 6 year war on cartels representing at least 15 other states? It is going to be a very bloody winter.

  9. @10:04 AM...Just because Texans produced George W Bush and his look alike, Governor Perry, doesn't mean we are all stupid. Hell, y'all elected him after he had fucked Texas up. I hope you don't make the same mistake with Perry. But seriously, I would rather live in Austin or Dallas than where ever it is that you are from. Enlighten us on where it is that you live that is so great, and can produce such an incredible intellectual as yourself. Wow, I really don't think I would have understood this article without your guidance and interpretation.

  10. CDG has plenty of personel to do operations like this their are more than 2,000 cdg members in mty alone

  11. @ anon 10:04

    Looks like you are a little stupid too. the 2nd post wasnt saying the first post was from another cartel, he was saying the same thing you said, that the manta was from another cartel...


  13. @10:57 AM

    I (Anonymous 10:04 AM) was born in Austin and raised south of Houston on the Gulf coast until I left home to study Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M. For the past 14 years I have lived here in Mexico and I travel fequently to the States for my business. So do not talk to me about living and being from a better place. Because I was born in the best place on earth (Austin,Texas)and I now live in a wonderful house with my wife and family here in Mexico. And all of you idiot Yankees who moved to Texas (like Bush) and have the audacity to call yourselves Texans, you can go live in another state or go to hell!

    I am glad that I could help an ignorant individual like yourself understand what the good people of BB are trying to tell the pubic.

    Remember the next time that you feel superior to another and you want to interject your asinine comments be careful because you might end up looking like the idiot you profess others to be!

  14. Haha, yall dudes are wildin'.

  15. @ anon 10:04 & 3:32

    Obviously your English classes in college didnt help you much because your reading comprehension is awful. Re-read the second post, and then your comment. They said "@ 1st post its obviously from another cartel..." and in response you said "The first post is not from another cartel". Obviously you thought the post had said "1st post is obviously from another cartel", in which case your response would make sense. In reality, he was responding to another post (hence the @ symbol), and when they said "its", they were referring to the narcomanta, not referring to the first post, as you mistakenly assumed. Its getting a little convoluted now, but im pretty sure you see where you made your mistake.

  16. @August 21, 2011 3:32 PM I was wondering, did you made a mistake and type 10:57 AM instead of 10:37 AM?

  17. 3:32 PM...Lived hear all my life, can't stand George Bush, but don't like people insinuating all Texan are dumb. Glad ur happy, need good Americans in Mexico, but I took your comment the same way you took mine. That guy commented on the banner and you ripped him because he didn't understand what the article was saying. Why rip him, but yet why say something about him being from Texas when you don't know. Especially when you are from there too. Let me repeat myself, Bush was a dumb ass. You don't happen to be working on a wind energy project there are you?

  18. Well if its anything like the Nuevo Laredo breaks Thanks for the warning the authoritys will have coffee and doughnuts ready!!

  19. atleast they didnt leave any dead bodies

    he could be under secret inditement

  20. CDG, I think. 25 gunmen to hang up a banner shows some organizational strength, or impunity, or a lot of confidence in their power.

  21. AUGUST 21 @ 2:57

    ALL US Agencies iclude as many aliases the wanted indiviual may have. SO you are saying the US is using a name that is not assoicated with his real name..? and secret indictment?

    fat chance the only explanation is that he is wanted in an indiviual state. this is really not big potatoes in the big picture so that may be the case.

  22. Next they will hang a banner stating, "they are breaking out". After that they will hang one that says "they broke out". Nothing changes.

  23. just wondering who is actually winning the war between the CDG and the ZETAS. everybody says something different. just curious as to whos gainning ground. iv noticed that alot of zetas are being captured and not heard of alot of CDG being caught.

  24. 9:23

    The zetas still controls nuevo laredo.but most of Tamps is now controlled by CDG. the zetas tried to take over Matarmoros for months but they always fail.(just like reynosa) Meanwhile the cdg are slowly getting terrority in Nuevo leon and they have a huge presence in Monterrey. So nobody is winning the war yet. Time will tell...

  25. 12:12 CDG has always controlled Tamaulipas, Zetas stripped a few towns from them. They are also stripping many other territories from the other Cartels.

  26. seams like to me that all the cartels should just have a meeting and divide the territory, so much dam greed and envy, thats whats the problem. the US will always have drug addicts and crackheads, so they will always make money, that will never end, all they have to do is divide terittorys and make a truce, and stick with it,its all this war crap its bad for business and brings to much heat.Zetas should just go back to being an armed wing for wichever cartel pays the most.they are killing mexico little by little. its in everybodys best interest to just make a dam truce!

  27. El regio, yeah the zetas only control nuevo laredo and a few towns in tamaulipas now. but they had more 10 months ago. the CDG are slowly progessing and are back on track.

  28. @ Anon. 3:01 am

    True they did have a little more territory however they may be losing some up north but are gaining lots down south so either way the war continues (unfortunately). I would like to see them all done away with.

  29. What you guys read about Monterrey here in BB is only the 30% on what is really happening. There were several attempts to rescue some prisoner and the gunmen shoot up the truck transporting the prisoner and police trucks injuring several police in the process.


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