Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Battle for Durango and Torreon

In Durango the criminal organizations do not hide underneath the rocks like scorpions.

Triangulo Dorado: One more important link from Mexico to the US, might require a little attention from the Mexican Federales.
As more major Mexican Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTO’s) get hit by the federal government in places like Michoacan, Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, we also start to see many of these cartels take each other out, in many cases it creates a power vacuum, where these cartels splinter and spread out becoming very unstable and unpredictable.

When some of the top bosses get killed or are forced to hide relying on some of the plaza bosses to run the organization, some of the cells go unchecked and produce some of the brutality that shocks the conscious.

Durango is a state where authorities have found hundreds of clandestine graves in recent months, but the news do not resonate as they do in other places.

The undisputed territories become battle grounds for cartels trying to gain control of trafficking routes to the US. This has been the case in the Golden Triangle, specifically Durango and Torreon and in some aspects Chihuahua that is so hard to predict and identify who is who.

One example is the recent challenge by Los Zetas who have dared to attempt to take control of the region from El Cartel de Sinaloa/Pacifico. The signs of the increase violence are written in the walls and with new emphasis from the feds in Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas, this is prime opportunity for renounce violent activity that cannot be ignored.

Durango, one of the states most affected by drug-related violence, is said to be the hiding place of Sinaloa cartel boss Joaquin "El Chapo" (Shorty) Guzman.

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  1. LOL, here we go again. The feds are giving a lame excuse to jump in on Durango to protect their poster boy, El Chapo. Evidently he is losing ground to the Zetas there too.

    "One example is the recent challenge by Los Zetas who have dared to attempt to take control of the region from El Cartel de Sinaloa/Pacifico."

    Dare hell, they are seeking him out. Everyone knows now that he cannot finish what he starts. You cannot send your soldiers in every direction and expect results anywhere. His Napoleon Syndrome ego will be the fall of CDS.

    1. lol fast forward to 11 July 2015

  2. Anyone from Sinaloa get busted today?

  3. Nuevo Leon needs an army itself, clean that place up and move on but slay one deamon at a time, this is how it works, and no Sinaloa is safe for the right ppl so why would anyone be busted, killed , buried yes but not arrested.

  4. Who cares if anyone from Sinaloa got busted stop with ur stupid posting you fucking LOSER!

  5. Buggs seems to be of the opinion that La Comarca Lagunera is now where the entire center of gravity inside Mexico now resides? First we were told that the supposed Battle of Monterrey would determine all, and now US pro drug war 'experts' would tell us that a triangle battle zone formed by Durango City, Chihuahua City, and Torreon is the new key to winning their war.. Gee, I don't know here, 'Generals'? Me thanks that DF is still where the real battle will come down to and increasingly center on. That's where Mexico will simply be become fed up with their politicians making the average citizen into new cannon fodder for the US's wars that the US 'generals' wage.

  6. @ September 3, 2011 11:33 PM Thirty-six suspects have been arrested in two operations against drug-trafficking in Colombia.

    Nineteen other suspects were arrested a few days ago. The president said they were all wanted in the US.

    The authorities seized large amounts of drugs, 21 light aircraft and submarines used to transport the drugs to Central America, to be taken to the US.

    The gang is said to have been capable of exporting 10 tonnes of cocaine per month to the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico.

    I hope this will help you out with your trauma.

  7. This is what's going on in Sinaloa. The Zetas/Beltran terrorist tried to heat the plaza and control. They were taking out by the Cartel De Sinaloa. The Zetas only reside in Mazatlan right now but it's getting calm the zetas lost the war in Sinaloa next time bring bigger calibers, better equimpent, be more tactical if you want to even try to combat the the most powerful intelligent strategic Cartel...

    Thanks to el God and el Chapo Sinaloa is a 100% better state no more poverty. Come here if you don't believe it.

  8. 9:03 , so sinaloa eliminated the beltrans in los mochis,guasave,guamuchil,sinaloa de leyva,mazatlan? Bullshit!!!!Those areas are still ran by beltran leyvas,its the other way around chapo is the one trying to heat up their plazas,but still cant take on chapo isidro.

  9. So after the separation of M10 and M11 from the sinaloa cartel,who were the plaza bosses in Durango,they probably now united with los zetas,Carillo Fuentes,and Beltran leyvas to control territory in Durango that before belonged to el chapo.So chapo probably already lost areas of durango to the zetas and M10.

  10. I am from Guamuchil no beltrans here the beltran cartel is over your boss is a whimp he left his wife and kid when they came for him..

  11. @11:16

    So theory is, "if the government is using the feds and army to fight for el chapo is because el chapo is loosing"? if am right, u can't be more wrong.

    There are a few advantages to have feds on ur side.

    1.They attack for you, so, you keep a low profile and sell the image of beign a "non-violent cartel"

    2. don't use your own resources to fight your enemies. Just give tips to the feds.

    3.Government is doing "his job" figthing cartels.

    And a few more.

  12. Who told you M10 split from CDS??

  13. I wasn't talking about los mochis, guasave, and guamuchil is chapos turf I live here. I was talking about how the beltrans and zetas tried to make Sinaloa violent again but failed because CDS put lead in those heads. Mazatlan is CDS they'll get rid of you traioters who heat plazas and make Sinaloa a warzone. Oh really if CDS heats plazas then why is tijuana calmer than before when the CAF was in charge my respect to them but there was a lot of killing everywhere..Now in Tijuana theres police everywhere and taking care since el Chapo controls.

  14. Carrillos are prrtty inactive. Zetas are there becouse a lot of juarez people flipped to zetas when they started the war with cds out of fear. And the laguna was controlled by the sergio barragan. Zetas gained plazas even en la sierra couple years back, but have started to loose them. From what ivs seen el chapos reinforcing his power there. And they recently kicked the zetas out of canatlan close to the durango capitol. Zetas are strong by zacatecas and torreon.

  15. Since when did M10 and M11 defected the Sinaloa Cartel?

  16. dam it seems alot of bosses from the sinaloa cartel are leaving there organization, iv heard that el macho prieto left to, and el bravo and el fantasma, but who knows. if the sinaloa cartel starts to lose its key genarals they are going to be weakend so much that its rivals are going to take advantage. only people who can verify if these rumors are true is a person who lives in sinaloa. anybody care to comment on the rumors?

  17. @11:22 If the beltran cartel is done in sinaloa why is chapo isidro still running Guasave,los mochis,and has ppl working for him in Guamuchil and has the support of alfredito beltran, mochomos son, who is running operations,and chuy and nacho Gonzales and Juan Pablo Osuna el 100 and Samuel Lizarraga en Mazatlan,,,those are Hector Beltrans main ppl in Sinaloa.

  18. Awhile ago it was rumored that Noel el Flaco Salgueiro,leader of Gente Nueva in chihuahua had left the sinaloa cartel,but that turned out to be fake,the one that left was M10 and his brother M11 who is also called el flaco leaders of los m's and gente nueva in durango,apparently they left the sinaloa cartel and joined with its rivals,allowing zetas to enter Durango.

  19. Durango as a whole has been relatively calm lately. I haven't seen too much of anything on any of the Narco Bloggs. No Zetas, Mayito's or Gente Nueva turmoil? What has been going on with the Skinny one and the Hairdo? El Chapo still suppossibly living in La Cieniga o Canelas?

  20. Yea, i hear those fakes rumours about flaco too. So was M10, mmmm extraño, a week ago Reporte Indigo published a report about M10, but theres no talk about is defection, only his pacts with ICE agents.

  21. @September 4, 2011 1:58 PM
    Really? I live in Durango and there are executions here every day for the last three weeks, do you live under a rock?
    Narco blog educated, read the papers from here!
    There is talk on the streets about Zetas already in the state and CDS is disentegrating in Durango, and on top of that, there is not a big military presence here, go figure!

    This today (Zetas?):
    Durango, México.- Tres personas asesinadas fueron localizadas en la Calle Prolongación Nazas, a la altura de un puente cercano a la carretera El Mezquital.

    Las personas fueron encontradas desnudas, con huellas de violencia y ahorcamiento, precisó Raymundo Enríquez, vocero de la Fiscalía General del Estado.

    Los cuerpos no identificados fueron trasladados al Servicio Médico Forense y, según una revisión preliminar, al momento de su hallazgo tenían cuatro horas de haber fallecido.

    Uno de los occisos tenía entre 25 y 30 años; otro entre 30 y 40, y el tercero no se especificó.

  22. What a bunch of bullshit rumor-mongers. None of you fucking posters know a goddamn thing but you just love to throw rumors around to impress yourselves with yourselves.

  23. Yeah everybody got their take on the situation in DGo....let me share a little something. Dgo has never been chapos you can romanticize all you want but he never has had control of it. He may control certain parts but not all. For those that say hes in Canelas he might but i doubt it la cienega much less its too close to Stgo which is a very strong post of Juarez or zetas if you wish to call them that....the z's never made it to DGo its only the juarez carttel holdovers and people assume its Z' Torreon is a whole different beast that was always zetas CDG so it still is....from Durango Durango, to about santiago its mayos, santiago is still loyal to Juarez well to be exact herreras....tepe and upwards is chapo again, la sierra de santiago is part before we all jump to conclusions dont assume its all chapo's if anything he is gaining ground from Juarez which held plaza for many years.....DGO1

  24. Santiago papasquiro es de los zetas. Pero el chapo handa peliando y tumando les la plaza. Armando corral y otros que antes jalavan pa los carrillos los trajieron, por miedo al chapo. En sta maria del oro los chapos corrieron a unos pizzaro. Que se fueron pa Chihuahua, regresaron con zetas. Nomas que los mingos y mayitos los mataron todos los z. La ciudad de durango no se como esta el rollo.

  25. @ September 3, 2011 11:33 PM Here more information for you about Sinaloa.

    Authorities of the General Office, managed to capture a man from the United States when he was in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Jean Baptiste Kingery Moinssonm, according to official information was in charge to deal firearms and grenades to Mexico for the Cartel of Sinaloa. The man is investigated for trafficking arms and grenades to Mexico, he mainly brings the weapons thru the Calexico and Mexicali border. He also told police he was in charge of buying parts for firearms and they will finished assembling them later in Mexico for the people of Chapo Guzmán. According to the authorities, the man do his purchases in stores in the United States and on the Internet. He was arrested in possession of five firearms and a Hummer truck.


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