Through narco-banners, the cartel of the brothers "Carrillo Fuentes," denounced the arrest and protection "by the government" of a boss who was admitted to the hospital Cima of the state capital of Chihuahua and reclaimed the plaza that had been their territory for decades.

The first appearance of the banners was made on August 26 in various parts of the city were they placed banners signed by Cesar Carrillo Leyva, who apperas to be the son or close relative to the late drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes, founder of the Juarez Cartel.
Yesterday they launched a new set of banners where they made threats in response to the reopening of a recreation center.
In the above mentioned banners they warned their rivals who control the plaza after the arrest of Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez "El Diego" right arm of the cartel.
The first banners and graffiti were discovered on the boulevard Vicente Lombardo Toledano, at Pacheco and Ponce de Leon, in a ballpark, Palestina Street, at 59 and Melchor Guaspe, and in the street Maria Elena Hernandez.
Carrillo Leyva calls himself "El Gato" and he threatens the current cartel working in the state.
It was unofficially confirmed that this is the same person who is originally from Navolato, Sinaloa.
The names correspond to the sons of the drug lord Amado Carrillo Fuentes and nephews of Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, the current leader of the Juarez cartel.
The graffiti was found on the wall of a house on Palestina Street and another on the wall of the parking lot of the new baseball stadium south of the city.
The message was all the same, threatening the current cartel and announcing the presence of a new boss of the plaza in Chihuahua.
On Monday a new banner signed by the Carrillo Leyva brothers, saying that they were going to take down people inside the Drive Inn if it's reopened.
According to sources in the Ministerial police this is a sign that close relatives to the "Lord of Heaven" are coming to Chihuahua from Sinaloa after the loss of bosses in Chihuahua.
This will ensure the criminal structure of the Juarez cartel in rearranging the organization with close family members along with close friends to avoid losing complete confidence in the plaza of Chihuahua, that is being disputed by the Sinaloa cartel led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman since January 2008, when clashes between the criminal organizations intensified.
According to unofficial reports from the authorities, violence between the two sides will continue to grow and it has been established that by March 2012, the state should be in total control through-out the state.
Plaza bosses arrested within a month
The narcobanners were secured by the police and taken to the C4.
If you recalled that in late 2004 control of the Juarez cartel was assumed by Ricardo Garcia Urquiza until his arrest in Mexico City in November 2005 and was replaced by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, alias The Viceroy.
On April 1, 2009 Vicente Carrillo Leyva was arrested, he was the son of Amado Carrillo Fuentes also a leader of this organization. He was order to be held for 40 days to determine his legal status.
The Juarez cartel currently maintains a violent rivalry with the group called "Gente Nueva" or "New People," who is the arm wing of the Sinaloa cartel and are in a total brutal war for control of the territory of Chihuahua. One of the leaders of the Juarez cartel was José Antonio Acosta Hernandez, "El Diego," who was arrested by Federal Police in the state capital. He was the mastermind of the Villas de Salvárcar masscre, in addition he was an agent for the PGJE in the Anti-Kidnapping task force from 1999 until 2007. Authorities had offered 15 million pesos to anyone giving information leading to his capture.

But that leader did not last long as plaza boss for the cartel in the state capital, he was arrested by the Mexican Army only hours after he was publicly named the successor of El Diego.
After his arrest the Prosecutor General's Office announced that he was linked to extortion activities, as well as a number of executions and is said to be cooperating with investigators.
Rincón Chavero was ultimately turned over to the Attorney General's Office.
"El Tarzán" is linked to the deaths of four guards at the drive inn La Cerva in the city of Chihuahua, the same place where a couple of days earlier a Ministerial Police had also been executed.
At the time of his arrest in the community of Paseos de Chihuahua, north of the city, he was in possession of a long gun, six magazines, 103 rounds of ammunition, 22 packages of cocaine, 73,500 pesos, 4,000 US dollars, a luxury car, seven cell phones and communication equipment.
Source: El Mexicano
damn, so has Sinaloa completely taken over Juarez?
ReplyDeleteand the Carillo-Leyva family is coming to Juarez to fill-in the leadership role.
Was Vicente Carillo Leyva really extradited? I remember reading some of his charges were dismissed, and he was being held on a firearm violation or something. I'm assuming the Carillo Leyva's are operating in accord with La Linea, but I could be wrong.
ReplyDelete9:28 Sinaloa hasn't take anything!just so you know la gn had el diego arrested because they were losing alot of influence and couldnt do anything!They were dirty federales that did it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like too little too late
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be wiser just to walk away with all your billions? Fight for a plaza where the people despise you, where the Federales and the Military is watching your every move? Where the only group you control is the municipal police and a few aztecas.. Sometimes you need to count your losses and move on...
ReplyDeleteWhat is really going on with Juarez??? How much of the plaza does the Juarez cartel still occupy? Inquiry minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteThis is not good. CDJ and Linea need to go. Sounds like they will be turning up the heat in Mx's hottest plaza.
ReplyDeleteTime to cancel the birthday parties. Diego may be gone but their dirty and dishonorable tactics are not.
Some say that Vicente Carillo Fuentes has walked away, but I don't know, these guys from the 'golden years' have to be in the 60's or mid 50's. Cashing out is a viable and smart option for them, but it seems like few take it.
ReplyDeleteAny reason why the banners are spray painted "Leiva" and not "Leyva"?
ReplyDelete@ September 13, 2011 10:11 PM !just so you know la gn had el Diego arrested because they were losing a lot of influence and couldn't do anything!
ReplyDeleteA cabron I didn't know Gente Nueva were cops but any way.
Honestly I don't give a fuck about who does what as long as they all go to hell.
September 13, 2011 11:11 PM "Leiva" and "Leyva" is the same thing, believe it or not is the same as Gonzales and Gonzalez.
ReplyDelete@11:11 PM
ReplyDeleteGood find. I wonder if GN is still hanging fake banners.
ReplyDeleteAnd is like "Bien" and "vien" xDD
@12:41 AM
ReplyDeleteRight, but the spelling should stay consistent from one banner to the next. People usually don't deviate from their boss's preferred spelling.
La gente nueva and chapo own more of chihuahua that cdj. Most of the shipmentes crossing juarez are cds according to the dea. Parral ojinaga juarez valley villa ahumada Chihuahua all belong to el chapo and gente nueva. Cdj is down but they still have plenty money to get them thru and buy influences. Wonder who's stronger beltranes or cdj
ReplyDeleteJuarez is still under carillo fuentes control. El flako from sinaloa cartel is trying to contest the plaza with help from federal police who are corrupt. El flako has snitched on each plaza boss they assign because he cant do a complete take over. Everyone knows la linea runs juarez.chapo even with help from calderon is being contested in his home state of sinaloa so now he is struggling to push out carillo fuentes.when the new president is elected his time will have run out.
ReplyDeleteFor all you spectators watching from the nose-bleed seats, since i am at ringside I will fill you in on a few details you might have missed.
ReplyDeleteOne of the latest weekends was filled with 20 + murders in Juarez and around the state, that would be about half of the total executions for the confirmed executions in the nation. this month in Juarez among a murdered police chief there were policemen murdered, prison guards, and many others. In Chihuahua in response to a prison transfer initiative the federales and state police were met with gun fire from prisoners. In Uruachi, in the mountain zone of the state, civilians began to arm themselves in response to an incusion of a party of sicarios threatening the community. In response, military entered the community to quell the uprising in case the civilians decided to execute the sicarios. The governor downplayed the fiasco of a community fed up with invading cartel forces and claimed it was a dispute between families within the town. Of course it was family dispute, but those families support rival cartels and one of the families decided to oust the incumbent and gain control of the traffic route...duh.
Some claim that Chapo has abandoned interest in the Juarez routefor the time being, since "cleaning" it of his rivals has not proved as simple a task as first prognosticated. Instead he is focusing on a route that leads from northern Sinaloa through the mountains were the Uruachi confrontation took place and into Cuahtemoc, traditionally a Linea stronghold, and Chihuahua, the seat of Chapo's bought power, and finally through Ojinaga were in the past many have claimed it was the site of Viceroys last stand as it was the only plaza that he supposedly controled.
In essence Gente Nueva are unheard off in the state as a matter of strategy because they are outnumbered man for man by those that support Juarez Cartel or are simly against an invasion by those of another state and prefer local control. The reason they are outnumbered is because Chapo has so many fronts to cover that he is spread thin in all of them. Instead they are relying on the support from the federal and state authorities bought by Chapo to decimate La Linea in Chihuahua, as well as other Z allied cartels across the nation. In Juarez, AA and Mexicles are the ground troops fighting Aztecas and Linea. The thing about it is that they may as well be the same as they all engage in tactics that terrorize the community and cripple the economy. Whoever obtains territorial control of Chihuahua will eventually have to either eliminate their armed wings in Juarez or find an alternative task for them because with out this key factor peace will not exist in this city and there will always be free-for-all war for non-drug-related criminal enterprise.
@ 12:39 PM...Well summarized. That is about where I thought things were. I am not in the nose bleed section but I am far from the 50 yard line and many rows up too. Thank you. I am gonna call you "Informed Brother" so I can throw a question from time to time. Rumor out of Ojinaga for a couple of years through West Texas was that El Chapo handled most of the loads passing. I think that was why CDJ broke Crispin out of prison, to keep Ojinaga but he was re-arrested in Chihuahua again. Ojinaga is were Amado Carrillo got his schooling in the early years (80s) from Pablo Accosta. Good stuff, thanks!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCrispin actually controls the center of Chihuahua and the western portion of the state. when hes out.....ITS OVER
DeleteTo all of the people above you pretty much said nothing!What you're saying is all over the internet ad everybody knows!
ReplyDeleteWell I am from Parral and have family who lives there and from what they say El Sr. Flaco and with the influence of Chapo Guzman there is several territories that are owned outright and others disputed. Chihuahua City, Parral, La Sierra Madre. It's not just who owns Juarez but there are more influential and key cities in Chihuahua that piece together as a whole the importance of the state to these narcos. Juarez hasn't been the same, Chihuahua hasn't been the same. This territorial war seems to have no end right now. But I do agree with the previous posts when and if this war ends who will eliminate the street gangs who have ruthlessly killed and terrorized the innocence. Most of the people you see get killed (narcos) of another cartel are the disposable street vendors, foot soldiers, lookouts etc because the more influential narcos are armed and well protected.
ReplyDeleteMmm let me see the brother of the most powerful drug lord of all times(Amado Carillo) VS the most powerful drug lord of today(present)
ReplyDeleteyea I still firmly believe Chapo has no chance of ever taking down the Carillo Fuentes Organization know as the Juarez Cartel.
Imagine if Amada Carillo Fuentes had not gotten plastic surgery and died? This would have been a whole different scenario.
ReplyDeleteThe Juarez cartel would not have broken to pieces and El Chapo would not have stolen it's members including El Azul.
Who knows if Juarez would of blown up under the leadership of Amado.
3:21 PM...What are you expecting, someone to say, "well when I was talking with Vicente last week, he told me that he told El Chapo to." That is what this site is, a blog with exchange of information. It is not a boxing match with live interviews with the boxers.
ReplyDeleteIf CDJ secures Juarez, it frees there energy to expand La Linea out into the state to secure it. The city itself, is a gold mine for the holder. I still say they are just going to try to maintain without making to much noise until the elections. After the election, if Chapo loses the federal support, the State of Sinaloa may be in for some big changes. Lol, it would be funny to see the Beltrans' own that state again. They did a very peaceful job of it once.
ReplyDelete@ ajulio
ReplyDeleteYou mean Amado Carillo Fuentes right? Not Amada.
Juarez is a perfect place to take over. I believe that it has 3 major bridges that the narcos can use to cross over drugs and once in El paso, the cartels have a perfect location which provides a great system of highways that can take them to anywhere in the U.S., especially Texas and California.
ReplyDeleteEl Chapo knows this. that's why he wants it so Bad.
But The Juarez Cartel has always known this. that's why they will do anything to keep it.
El Chapo didnt "steal" El Azul. Azul is a business man. He's been doing this for a while. And more importantly, he's a trafficker. Not some lowly sicario. If your goal is moving the most drugs & making the most money, your best bet is with Sinaloa, hands down.
ReplyDeleteThe people in juarez don't hate the cartel de juarez. The people of juarez don't like el chapo setting foot in their city and just setting claim to something he doesn't own. The cartel de juarez has the full support of the people. The pinche chapulines and the sinaloa federation need to leave before things get even worse.
ReplyDeleteThe Juarez Cartel still controls Chihuahua. Chapo can't even take care of his own plaza in his own state! Little will he be able to control another state! Carrillo Fuentes are here to stay!
ReplyDeletethe banners say "leiva" cause it wasn't the real leyvas who wrote it..I mean, who's gonna forget your own last name.. and a real boss wont say "soy ????...''.. they'll say the plaza belongs to me,so and so....just a thought!!