Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

'El Gama' Financial Operator of the Gulf Cartel is Found Dead

From the Forum
By Texcoco
César Dávila García, alias "El Gama", considered the greatest financial operator of the Gulf Cartel, was found dead in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, said the Ministry of the Navy (Semar) .

In a statement, he explained that the body was found inside a building on Calle del Sol Hills. Such action resulted from a citizen complaint, so naval personnel immediately went to that street, where they found the door open to a home, and they proceeded to look around, locating the body of César Dávila García, "El Gama", apparently killed by a firearm.

In the place, he added, they also found a 9 mm handgun. According to the Navy, "El Gama" was Antonio Ezequiel Cardenas Guillen "Tony Tormenta" accountant, and after his death was allegedly appointed as head of Tampico's plaza. He was later transferred to Matamoros, working again as the chief financial operator of the Gulf Cartel.

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  1. damn, CDG is taking hit after hit.

  2. I wonder how many of these so-called accountants actually have degrees?

  3. How great could he have been? A financial wizard known as much for his platinum abacus and razor sharp mathematical abilities. Long considered by knowledgeable sources to have the Midas touch con dinero and to be the Golfo's most valuable asset. His legendary creativity with numbers was only exceeded by his alleged love of blow & kiddy porn.

    I'm just funning with you Texcoco. How great could he have been if he freely chose to work for the Golfos? Another ugly, greedy sinverguenza who got what he deserved. Dead sinverguenza.

  4. Esto es por la lucha interna en la organizacion del cartel del golfo

  5. On here we've seen numerous posters from Matamoros state that TT and his people were not liked by the rest of the group, maybe this was a long time coming.

  6. Hmm. I gotta give some points on this matter. Its unlikely that los Z killed him cause they have very hard time entering here. I suppose there can be a clashes among los golfas for the cashflows.

  7. "You're Fired"



  9. Seems like cdg has been cleaning house

  10. Maybe he was subtracting too much.

  11. Don't judge a book by it's cover. The majority of these accountants have real degrees, "bachilleratos", just because they work for organized crime doesn't mean they were picked up off the dirty streets and automatically named "accountants".Also many of the corrupt, cold blooded federal and state "comandantes" policemen have degrees too.

  12. 5:10 PM...Sure seems to me that someone else is cleaning their house for them. CDG is losing big key players day after day. Either the Jefe has lost it, or someone outside is selling them down the river with the support of the military. Duh, I wonder who that might be. It could be that that plaza is much more vulnerable than Juarez and TJ. The elections are coming and someone needs a border plaza real bad before they happen.

  13. When these guys die they generally tend to take lots of valuable information with them--such as who owes who what and where the money is. This could be a significant disruption depending on the kind of records that he kept.

  14. Chapos cleanig house in veracruz, another 10 zetas were found dead and he has all zetas scrambelling in veracruz. Veracruz directly south of tamaulipas could become el chapos. With weakened zetas and cdg up north in tamaulipaz, el chapo could basicly own most of the golf coast. But everyone says its infighting so that's prob it

  15. Estamos limpiando la casa gente! No mamen putos todo el golfo es de nosotros!! No el chapo ni nadie nos va quitar las plazas!! Ay un pacto con el I lo tiene que respetar si no retiramos todas las fuezas en el pacifico pa que Los mugrosos Zetas se las quiten!! Attn: CDG R53

  16. October 12, 2011 4:01 PM I don't know how great he was, I just know he is really dead, and I'm sure his love for blow & kiddy porn is not the reason he is dead. Maybe he was funning with someone else's life and money, and that's why he got killed.

  17. October 12, 2011 3:55 PM The narcos do have real professionals, the do have the money to pay for their services.

  18. Lol!!! Los zetas lla estubieran en la historia si no fuera por la traicion de los pinche beltranes. Si todos los sinaloenses unieran fuersas ese cartel controlaria el mundo entero. Pese a quien le pese!!!

  19. @ 6:46pm

    Good point. Who knows. We'll all find out one day the truth. All I know is that the CDG is defeating themselves. I don't know, has El chapo done anything for his supposed allies the CDG? Maybe he does want them out of the picture. Seems like Chapo backstabs almost everyone he calls a partner. 2012 is gonna be a crazy year for the drug war.

  20. Would someone post 708 in English. Thanks

  21. Another bites the dust -- Good!!

  22. 7:08
    We're cleaning house people! Don't fuck with us, all the Gulf is ours!! Not Chapo or anyone going to remove us from the plazas! There is a pact with him and he has to respect it. If not we will remove all the forces from the Pacific and then the filthy Zetas would take the plazas there!! Attention: CDG R53

    (This is my translation. It may not be perfect but you will get the jist.)

  23. Good translation dude. Damn, this guy had been around the game for a very long time. I guess he pissed off the man in Reynosa enough to kill him. There is no eternal fighting going on. CDG is getting rid of the people who are not with them 110 percent period. What other cartel out there kills their own plaza bosses for fucking up? These guys do not fuck around. There is reason behind every killing CDG commits. I've read peoples comments about CDG becoming weak and what not. Most of you people here don't have any clue what is really going on in Mexico. CDG is not going anywhere people. CDG is in every state for the most part fighting for territory from Veracruz all the way down to Zacatecas and Jalisco along with their allies.

    I'm not trying to side for any cartel but that vermin scumbags Z's must be dealt with. Soon it will be USA's number priority in dismantling them for the countless horror they've caused many.

  24. 10:00 pm Thanks for posting 7:08 in English

  25. This is the fight that has the red CDG between Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa Mets to send in Reynosa. The Red Square reynosa want to steal cars estorcionar and how they are doing in Nuevo Laredo and the Mets do not want to do the same in Reynosa. Now also is talk of a possible truce with the sign of the Z. where the Reds are involved with the R1, the rib and the death squad led by the devil scorpions

  26. 32 hog tied men found dead strewn about in an empty lot in Colonia Linda Vista Miguel Aleman, this was after Saturday's 10-8-11 CDG and Military confrontation has gone unreported. everyone think they were CDG.

  27. In Reynosa late Thursday October 6 Caseria of red was all over the city clashes began at 11:30 PM on Thursday and ended at 7:00 am on Friday night that there were over 50 people throughout the city only rafajas could be heard and thick gauge and saw the grenade coming and going at least 30 heavily armed trucks with people spent the night on the floor. And the press well thanks. Nothing happens in Reynosa president says Everard.

  28. No wonder they gave this guy up. He's cross-eyed, and couldn't see then numbers right. These guys need to fore go the entire 'plaza' mentality, and run drugs like they do in the US. No need to buy off anyone, or pay another gang to drive on a freeway or road that just happens to run near the town. Just sneak it through like the old days. The insane killings, the narco banners, the armed groups of trucks driving through town; it hasn't worked. I hate to say it, but these guys need to start thinking out of the box. If your end result is money, then the rest of this peripheral activities have to be taking a toll on the bottom line. And no ones making any friends... well besides chapo and the pres.

  29. R53, you're full of shit. You aren't CDG. He's a poser people. If you were legit you'd know its Atte: not Attn:

    ~Jack Shaw

  30. at 7:59 AM....Is this true about the 32 dead men in Miguel Aleman? I haven't heard anything..I have family there and they haven't mentioned anything either.

  31. bull about the 32 dead in miguel aleman...they would be going twitter crazy with that info!

    ~jack shaw

  32. Attn atte the same shit JackRabbit! Lol R53 is located in Oxnard, CA doing some business!! And he's well trained not only with arms but also speaks our language good buddy!! Believe me I know!!

  33. Re: CDG R53

    Senora Julia Flores y Beto Flores desaparecidos recientemente entre sabado 8 - al 12-13 mes de Octubre ambos residentes de Cd. Miguel Aleman. De Beto Flores no te puedo decir nada, pero la Senora es innocente, siempre ha sido de caracter noble y pacifica nunca metiendose en los asuntos de nadie. Por favor no le agan dano, comunique si sabe algo a favor de la Senora Julia Flores.

  34. RE: Jack Shaw

    I am not sure if the number would be correct, but a number of corpses were found in that colonia. there are many things that go unreported in this conflicto as you may well know being or having relatives in the aera, I have family living there too.

  35. R53 isn't a rojo, isnt CDG, and probably isn't even a good spanish speaker as indicated from his crappy spanish that doesn't jive with the local spanish lingo from tamaulipas. Im from Brownsville Tx, across from the CDG stronghold. My wife is from matamoros and her little cousin is CDG in matamoros, though i think he's just a halcon. I am retired ICE special investigations for 9 years on the zetas and cdg. I can honestly say none has better intel as to what is going in with the CDG. Sorry but don't come on here talking as if you what the hell you're talking in regards to the CDG . There isn't even any rojos over R30 pendejo.

    ~Jack Shaw

  36. The guy with the stud muffin shirt was NOT the plaza boss in miguel aleman, he was comandante of the halcones. There were NO dead bodies found in an empty lot after the arrests. Its just a rumor.

    ~Jack Shaw

  37. Hey there Monterey JACK cheese you sure I aint real!?!? You fucking ice pigs work for el chapo idiot you guys are the same shit! I mi español esta muy bien wey! I para que sepas estoy en un lugar California ahorita baboso! Soy nacido en Guadalajara pero estube en Tamaulipas desde morro!! Ustedes Yankees no saben lo que pasa en realidad!! I am educated and the new people coming up are preparing the same!! For reasons you cannot know!! Lame ass trick! R53 I un 119 pa todos Los rojos I al señor fantasma!! I chingue su madre a Los que no le guste!! Cdg

  38. he stayed with some of TT's ,money, thats why. He had just opened a club in matamoros the same day they picked him up, yess it was his people that killed him.

  39. all you gringos must stop talk shit CC is right CDG isnt going anywhere fucking rumors go to mexico reynosa And lol nuevo laredo is 100% zeta terorrity and some towns the rest of tamps is still CDG


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