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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Perry Open to Military Intervention in Mexico’s Drug War

By Rich Oppel
The New York Times
Gov. Rick Perry of Texas said on Saturday that as president, he would consider sending American troops into Mexico to help defeat drug cartels and improve border security. He indicated that any such action would be done “in concert” with the Mexican government.

“It may require our military in Mexico working in concert with them to kill these drug cartels and to keep them off of our border and to destroy their network,” Mr. Perry said during a campaign appearance here.

“I don’t know all the different scenarios that would be out there,” he said. “But I think it is very important for us to work with them to keep that country from failing.”

Sending soldiers into Mexico — even with the approval of the Mexican government — would represent a far more aggressive policy than the one employed by Washington in recent years, despite the stepped-up surveillance and logistical aid that has been provided to Mexican authorities.

The idea would also almost certainly be a nonstarter with Mexican authorities. Mexico lost half of its territory to the United States in the 1850s, and ever since it has been very sensitive to the idea of any involvement by American troops in its territory.

Mr. Perry’s comments seemed to be his latest effort to show that he is tough on border security and illegal immigration after being painted by rivals for the Republican presidential nomination as being soft on the subject.

His stance on that issue appears to have cost him in some polls, especially after his statement during the last debate that those who disagree with his immigration position were heartless. He later backpedaled and said that the description was inappropriate.

Mr. Perry made the comments about potentially sending troops into Mexico while describing his hopes for increased cooperation with the Mexican government, and he said that if he were elected president, he would work hard to “create a very trusting relationship” with his counterpart in Mexico.

His comments also suggested that he might pursue a far more interventionist military and foreign policy in Mexico, one that is much more expansive that even the widened approach that the Obama administration has sought.

The United States has already been sending drones deep inside Mexico to gather intelligence about drug trafficking. And the Obama administration has also let Mexican authorities mount cross-border operations against drug traffickers from inside the United States. But Mexican President Felipe Calderon kept those operations secret in order to avoid legal and political protests from his opponents.

Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns recently said that the scope of the American cooperation with Mexico would be strictly limited and defined.

“There are clear limits to our role,” Mr. Burns said. “Our role is not to conduct operations. It is not to engage in law enforcement activities. That is the role of the Mexican authorities. And that’s the way it should be.”

A Perry campaign spokesman, Robert Black, emphasized that what Mr. Perry was talking about was a cooperative arrangement with Mexican officials and that he wanted to “look at all options to work with the Mexican government.”

Asked whether Mr. Perry would ever consider sending American troops into Mexico without that government’s consent, Mr. Black said: “That’s way big hypotheticals. He’s going to work with the Mexican government to do what is necessary.”


  1. Rick Perry is an absolute idiot!!!!!

  2. Perry is a clueless halfwit. pay him no attention.

  3. Hah, Perry is spouting off final insanities from his flopping campaign, I give him few more weeks.

    I cringe every single time when someone says that 'Well we beat them cartels at Colombia' making it sound almost like whole drug production business in Colombia was destroyed without mentioning that other drug gangs and paramilitary groups took the trade over.

  4. Is mexico really still holding on to what happened in 1850? Christ what lunatics. Sounds more like Mexico is into this whole 'macho' thing and they are either too proud & too corrupt to let anybody else in

  5. The US took half of mexico's land? Where did mexico get their land? I'm no expert in mexican history but they probably stole it from some indigenous people just like the rest of the world did

    1. Uhhhhhh open up a history book maybe...California Mexico & Arizona were Mexico ... No they didn't steal it... This is why Americans are considered the stupidest ppl's a shame we're not fully educated & speak before we say anything

  6. Law Abiding Mexicans do not oppose this solution... But will it work though? Especially when videos of American Soldiers getting killed start surfacing.. The Z and Beltranes are going to fight the US with everything they have. I don't know how Chapo will react, he has said before "you don't kill the chicken with the golden eggs".

  7. Yeah! He is a fucking idiot. He can send his sons and daughters to fight the Cartels. Like most politicians he is willing to get the USA involved in more shit. But like Clinton, G.W Bush, Dick Chenney and Romney when it was their time to fight in Viet Nam, they refused, Mitt Romney even said that he would not let his 5 sons serve and be sent to Iraq or Afghanistan. Sick mother fuckers. At this time my 3 sons are in Afghanistan I want them to come back, and have the politicians in Washington send their boys and girls. It is about time they show some love for this country. It is about time their love ones bleed in combat. Thanks. An American War Vet.

  8. It happened the same way: Spanish conquistadores came to Mexico. English trash came to the USA. And the Mexican and American natives became slaves. Because none of them brought anything good to this side of the world.

  9. Spanish conquistadores? Kiss my wetback ass. They were fucking assholes. The Spanish came to Mexico only because Christopher Colombus got his sailor ass lost. Stupid sob couldn't read a fucking compass right.

  10. This sounds like a huge lump of BS. Did anyone see the special on the Discovery channel about going underground in the drug world? Some two bit journalist goes into the cocaine trade in LA with the permission of a king pin. If the Discovery channel can infiltrate the DTOs whats that say about our government.

  11. Using logic and common sense. That's great to send us military to Mexico. Specially since many are Mexican. Hmm, I can see "El Mayo" having a nice armed group of us troops being bribed and joining CDS. Nice! Fuerzas Extranjeras Zambada (FEZ). With the high population of Mexicans and those that hold high ranking political and business positions, military to Mexico would not mix. Not happening. Too many outsourced us companies and other foreign companies in Mexico. Not happening kids! Quite so humorous!

  12. Wait...did he just said the U.S. an Colombia stop the drug cartels in Colombia? Were does the Coke come from?

    I'm no expert but I was under the impression most of the cocaine came from Colombia.

  13. @ 1:44
    The governments are already infiltrateing the DTOs by being a part of them. The (DTOs) flourish not inspite of the governemnt, but, because of the government and its policies and corruption. There wouldnt be a war on drugs if there wasnt all kinds of people getting rich off of this war. and no one in any position of power wants to see this end. Like chapo said "who wants to kill the goose who lays the golden eggs?"
    @ 12:58
    your absolutely right, as soon as a few videos pop up of u.s. soldiers getting beheaded or being put into el guiso by some zzz's, they will be pulled bk to the u.s. so fast and Mexico will be given right bk to the ppl who control it now (and I am not referring to the govmnt jajaja) the American people dont have the stomach to see that happen to their children, just look bk at Vietnam and how public opinion affected that war and the u.s. involvement when ppl back home saw the numbers of dead Americans! IF the u.s. gets involved (which I seriously doubt) MX will be worse off for it in the end when all is said and done.

  14. Haha you know they should let them.Im pretty sure after alil bit the will wish they never came to mexico,.I imagine Zetas decapitating Marines already, haha.


  15. Perry is pandering to a group of people who want to hear tough talk. He knows as well as the posters here that the idea is dead in the water. Never gonna happen. I'm happy that the crowd here sees through the BS.

  16. maybe he is not informed about the reason why the US government has not fully intervened already to stop these drug cartels. I believe the fact of the matter is,there is a lot, a lot of money involved and everyone gets a cut, the mexican government and the american government. so putting a complete stop to the drug production, its flow, and consumption, could end up cutting the additional income that goes unreported to the IRS.

    another thing i see, is the way he just mentions "killing" these cartels...isn't he supposed to be a Christian who is oh so involved in the christian community?

    as far as Mexico losing part of its territory to the USA, I believe it is the best thing that happened to these lands, imagine them being terrorized and ran by the violence it currently has? It would be an advantage to the people living in the marginal areas, at least in my hometown of Tamaulipas, if the USA government claimed that state, and made it part of the USA, as long as the people were allowed to remain in their homes. This is an initiative I would so volunteer for to teach them English and the laws of the united states. unfortunately, this is just a far fetched dream. but, i guess dreaming is one thing we can all still do for free....still.

  17. Aki los esperamos putos gringos pa mocharles la cabeza pendejos att cdg we r waiting fucking gringos to put you on youtube cutting ur head off att cdg

  18. clinton smoked weed bush snorted coke the u.s. really has its priorities straight

  19. That show underground drug world is fake...they r actors..PENDEJO.

  20. Perry is the sorriest governor Texas ever saw. He is a do nothing politician that loves living in big business pockets. A perfect example is 3 straight terms, Texas has been in the red, however, he continues to stop gambling in Texas because tie Indian Reservations in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Louisiana line his pockets to keep it that way. Billions leave Texas yearly because we are gamblers. He is an absolute clown. Rumor has it he is bisexual too.

  21. SOunds like a good plan. SINCE MEXICO CANT GET IT DONE BY ITSELF. Coward Mexicans.

    "Mexicants" more like it.......let us get in there fuk their sh1t up and take that pemex oil...:)

  22. October 2, 2011 4:18 PM Don't forget Obama smoked weed too.

  23. Trying to get votes or somthing. I can see zetas reaching out to terrorist groups like al queda or hammas. Itl b a hornets rest. If drug don't come in from mex they will from somewere else. Like canada. Nevermind canada also ships in weed and extasy to the u.s

  24. @ mexicants: I'm a mexican that fought in Nam, served with the 82nd. What have you done for the USA besides running your mouth in this forum. Do you know how many mexican americans live in Mexico that fought in Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada, Panama, Desert Storm, Iraq & Afghanistan that would gladly kick your ass for what you just said?

    1. YESSSS!!! Thank you for mentioning hubby went on 4 tours & almost became an amputee for this a Wounded Warrior ..hmmmmm did I mention he was born in el D.F.?

  25. The US will never go into Mexico but if it happen you can be sure a couple of beheadings would not stop the power of the US military especially since we would be right next door. Imagine one of those convoys of 30 cartel vehicles being approach by a couple Apache helicopters? Are you kidding??? What WILL happen I believe is a the becoming of a giant military presence at the border with more bases and more silent eyes waiting for anything to move in the darkness.

    Also agree that taking over parts of Mexico would be great a beneficial for both. Start with Baja as it's pretty unpopulated and much of the Mexican population who are wanting to come to the US illegally would just go to Baja and be new "US" settlers there. Kinda like Puerto Rico..

  26. mexico sent troops to new orleans after hurricane katrine before BUSHit did anything

  27. October 2, 2011 6:20 PM Very well said.

    October 2, 2011 5:19 PM is a fool who most likely will send some one else to fight for him.

  28. To the cdg puke that posted on here u think we dont know who u are on this side of the border. We know more about u then u think. Selling stolen pemex in matamoros, rio bravo, reynosa let me let u know its open season on u pukes.

  29. Isnt it weird that the US has identifeid almost all the heads of the mexican DTO leaders but noone inside the states. Like they run everything from mx. Where are the al capones of now? For one I think the war on drugs is a huge farce nothing but smoke and mirrors to raise the price.

  30. The day a cartel member kills a US Soldier all hell would break lose with race relations here in the US. Thats why I think US wont go to Mexico that and there is no Oil to steal there.

  31. @ 6:20 Nam Mexican. I also took part in 3 tours of duty in both OEF & OIF so don't try to use that as an excuse to feel sorry for you, because Ive served with lots of US Marine MA's GI's along me who I have bleed, sweat and cried with. However this bs of Mexicans fending off for help across our border and yet still have the balls to threaten Americans have really brought me to think of em as sh1t and cowards who dont appreciate sh1t. So ya I believe in Intervening and if you have a problem with it brother, then so be it but I stand strong in my beliefs.

    1. Before you start calling people cowards & generalizing that shit...I know a lot of muthafuckers in the army (Americans) that refused to go to war to protect their own country...buncha fkn pussies!!!! Half of my hubby's unit declined & all the Mexicans went INCLUDING my husband (4th tour) so yeah watch what u say cuz that Mexican can be the one having ur back... RAKKASAN WIFEY

  32. To the dumb add that said Mexico stood the land to indigious ppl Mexicans are mestisos do u knowhat that is dumb fuk.... And for us troops to go to Mexico I garanteed that it would make it wrist all talk brain wash thinking that USA is god or the best country USA needs to fix there own problems such of those of drug abuse and gangs USA is the number one consumer...

  33. I'd like to thank the people at BB and let them know i completely appreciate their efforts. I imagine it takes untold amounts of time translating and searching the web and other media outlets on both side of the border for information coming out of Mexico. These are difficult times and while i understand this is not truly investigative journalism, the information you put up is important. If it were not for your team we would know little about the dire situation plaguing Mexico now.

  34. As opposed to the middle east, Mexico has no natural resource worth billions that we'd have an interest in. So we'd never send soldiers over the border. Although I do think it would be a good idea to line the border with our troops to keep the illegals and traffickers out. Mexico needs to take care of its own problems however.

  35. @October 2, 2011 1:44 PM:

    I saw the show, it was titled "America Underground" and the episode was "Illegal Homemade Drugs". The first part, dealing with crack, is the one you refer to. To consider that "kingpin" guy a DTO is a stretch; he obviously had some sort of decent operation going, but he was re-upping with approximately 20 kilos. That is not wholesale distribution level, especially in LA. Wholesale distributors in LA are going to be making purchases of 300+ kilos at a time, minimum.

  36. October 3, 2011 12:53 PM You are full of shit, you are nothing but a keyboard warrior, you have never been at war.

  37. @ Oct. 3 2011 12:53PM You did not get it. No one on the other side is asking for help. But we will not go in just to fuck things up and take Pemex Oil like the other sob said. But you did three combat tours ? I do not believe you. Bet you couldn't' tell where Dak-to, or Bien-Hoa, An-ke or Khe-San are located in a military map. Did you ever walked point on patrol? I also stand for what I believe and will stand my ground in any situation. But I do not believe to go in just to fuck things up. And yes I am sorry for the mexican people, because the goverment is so fucking corrupt. We can go in and help, but not to fuck things more than they already.are.

  38. @Anon

    You are one stupid son of a puta! Why is it that all mojados use the "Americans and their drug problem" line whenever they get backed into a corner? Mexico BREEDS drug abuse, you make it seem like every citizen in Mojo-ville is drug free, stfu with that crap already!

  39. @ Oct 3 2011 6:26 PM. Mojados? Where did your ancestors came from! We swam the Rio Grander; your people swam the fucking Atlantic Ocean. Or are you going to try to sell the old same bullshit that your great- great grand mother was a puta in the Mayflower and that she sold her ass in Jamestowne Colony. It is true Mexico produces lots of drugs, but also California, Oregon, the Carolinas and Kentucky. Why? Because the governments have not been able to educate their people. The drug problem is all over the world not only in Mexico and the USA. Remember America is all the way from Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego. We all leave on America.

  40. no fucking way troops to Mexico...fuck that bullshit...Mexico has the resources to do it themselves...just the ricos don't want to fix it..

    we need to secure our own contraband out contraband in...period..all the fuckn LEO's in south Texas are dirty anyway..who guards the river..NOBODY thats who..except the narcos

    and FYI info puts the western europeans on the east coast of the USA before anybody else....even the people who crossed the bering search SOLUTREANS...looks like anglos were here first...and when they came back..well you know what you call it don't you? ..yeap ..reconquista

  41. Go to hell L B, first of all your Telcel Amigo mexican cell phone DOES NOT have internet capability, damn gringo wanna be!

  42. Too many people are opposed to sending American Troops to Mexico to help out, I for one agree, I wouldn't want an American life to end over in that shit hole. Just station them on the border and let them loose when someone is crossing. Protect out own and let the proud mexicans deal with it on their own.

  43. @ bRiTo
    Yeah I can look up things on Wikipedia to amigo. Just because they were from europe does not make them Anglo jackass

  44. In all honesty, I don't know if this action will work as we all wanted it to or not. As long as the demand of drugs and the flow of weapons continue, along with the political corruption in Mexico and the United States, this will bring positive results, but not in its totality.

    But, its about time the United States decides to clean up a mess that is also theirs! They hold a lot of responsibility in this, too.


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