Spillover violence is one of the tricksters in Mexico’s organized-crime emergency. How much is the violence in Mexico spilling into the United States? The answer is complicated by a long tradition of peering south at Mexico’s struggles, and seeing demons.

But alarms over spillover violence hide two key truths: a) similar kinds of violence have ALWAYS spilled across the border, without the world coming to an end; and b) the real need for vigilance now, in case of any future increase, doesn’t mean that a wave of U.S.-side chaos coming from Mexico is a presentday reality (if it ever develops at all).
The spillover violence alarms–so confusing to news consumers–show hallmark symptoms of what sociology calls a moral panic. This is an exaggerated call to arms against an evil which, at some level, may be quite real, but its reality is cheapened by the exaggerations. It is inflated into a massive, demonic threat to society. Thus, alarmists can posture as heroic warriors saving civilization–for whatever political, economic or mysterious emotional gains they might get, while squandering (somebody else’s) blood and treasure on a witch hunt.
The emotional force behind spillover alarms can be seen in examples, which suggest a hunger for dark times that give heroic opportunity:
1) The Laredo, Texas, ranch taken over by Mexican Zetas became an indignant cause celebre as far away as California–though it never existed. The story was a baseless rumor. Enthusiasts kept insisting that documentation proved the Laredo invasion, never looking closely enough to see that nothing was there.
2) The three Texas pipeline workers kidnapped and butchered by Mexican invaders–they never existed either, except in mysteriously delighted rumors.

The rumors of the Texas Zeta ranch and the murdered pipeline workers reached only the level of abstract excitement, but in Puroll’s case there was action (at a charged moment when economically depressed Arizona was excitedly passing SB-1070, its extreme new immigration law).
For U.S. policy makers and law enforcement officers dealing with the 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border, the forces of moral panic and politicized alarm are particularly dicey–because they complicate the real need to calibrate readiness for border crises. Passing the symbolic 50,000-deaths milestone this year, Mexico’s organized-crime violence is certainly real. And there is nothing to say it couldn’t leap to a new level of spillover.
But to point out this nuanced urgency is to invite the exaggerations. In the Brownsville, Texas, map above, spillover violence came in the form of targeted hits by and against figures linked to organized crime, either in the gang war between the Zetas Group and the Gulf Cartel or within the Gulf Cartel, as it broke down into factions called the R’s and the M’s. These South Texas killings were not terrorist strikes against civilians, as are now sometimes happening inside Mexico itself.
And yet the history whispers: Inside Mexico, the violence has snowballed from a past level of controlled hits within organized crime, to finally bring such warfare that civilians have lost their refuge. Could this, too, move north?
For law enforcement to deny the question would be negligence. And yet to ask it is poisonous–because of the mysterious hunger that gives too loud a reply.
“We haven’t seen what I would define as spillover violence.”
—U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano, Dec. 12, 2009
“The data on spillover crimes and violence is deceiving and underreported. Our state and local law enforcement on the front lines need help. Their firsthand accounts tell the real story of how we are outmanned, overpowered, and in danger of losing control of our own communities to narco-terrorists.”
–Congressman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, in hearing May 31, 2011
“We have not seen a significant spike in crime on the U.S. side of the Southwest border.”
–Amy Pope, Deputy Chief of Staff, U.S. Department of Justice, in hearing May 11, 2011
“Our Secretary of Homeland Security said, ‘The border is better now than it ever has been.’ Many officials who are directly in the line of fire…disagree with the Secretary. Of course there is violence along the border—spillover of criminal organizations and spillover crime and intimidation.”
–Congressman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, in hearing May 31, 2011
“Mr. Speaker… Mexican criminals think they can come over here and do as they please and nobody’s going to really do anything about it. And they’re right…Americans [are] being killed all the time in America by illegals from Mexico.”
–Congressman Ted Poe, R-Texas, June 14, 2010
“My city is a border city…a better, safer and less crime-ridden city. I would say that such is the case for all of Texas’ border cities.”
–Police Chief Victor Rodriguez, McAllen, Texas
“A recent USA Today analysis of Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California found that crime within 100 miles of the border is below both the national average and the average for each of those states—and has been declining for years. Several other independent researchers have come to the same conclusion.”
—New York Times, Nov. 1, 2011
“In what officials caution is now a dangerous and even deadly crime wave, Phoenix, Arizona, has become the kidnapping capital of America, with more incidents than any other city in the world outside of Mexico City, and over 370 cases last year alone. But local authorities say Washington, D.C., is too obsessed with al Qaeda terrorists to care about what is happening in their own backyard right now.”
—ABC Nightline, Feb. 11, 2009. (However, in 2011 it was acknowledged, rather explosively, that the Phoenix Police Department statistics used to develop the Kidnapping Capital image had been manipulated–or faked–to seek federal grant money, while the problem of immigrant drop-house kidnappings, though tragically real, was far smaller than the image had made it seem).
“Living and conducting business in a Texas border county is tantamount to living in a war zone in which civil authorities, law enforcement agencies as well as citizens are under attack around the clock.”
—report Oct. 2011, “Texas Border Security: A Strategic Military Assessment,” commissioned by Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Todd Staples
“The people that go about their business and lead a regular life really have nothing to fear from this. If you are not involved in illegal trade or organized crime, this won’t affect you.”
–Police Chief Carlos Garcia of Brownsville, Texas, on 2011 killings in Brownsville by Mexican organized crime groups (without explaining that this argument was also common in Mexico three years ago, but is now largely abandoned there).
“The violence in Mexico from the drug cartels continues to spill over the border and deep into the heart of Arizona. The drug and human smugglers continue to control this area of America…”
–Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Arizona, June 14, 2010, as he continued saying that his deputy, Louis Puroll, had bravely fought off desert traffickers, though later, as evidence mounted that the ambush had been faked, Babeu said quietly that Puroll was inclined to tell tales, and the deputy was let go.
“The perception is: the border is dangerous. The reality is that it is not.”
–Mayor John Cook of El Paso, Texas
“It’s a war on the border…To suggest the southwest border is secure is ridiculous.”
–Capt. Stacy Holland, Texas Department of Public Safety, on Fox News, Nov. 18, 2010
“I think the border-influenced violence is getting worse… But is it a spillover of Mexican cartel members? No, I don’t buy that.”
—Police Chief Roberto Villasenor, Tucson, Arizona
“The sky is not falling…What’s happened now is we’ve got rhetoric that’s driving the policy.”
—Police Chief Victor Rodriguez, McAllen, Texas
“As far as the Texas border is concerned, to my knowledge, we have not had spillover violence, per se.”
—Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, March 17, 2010
“The spillover violence in Texas is real and it is escalating.”
—Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, March 17, 2010
“Currently, U.S. federal officials deny that the recent increase in drug trafficking-related violence in Mexico has resulted in a spillover into the United States, but they acknowledge that the prospect is a serious concern.”—Congressional Research Service, Feb. 16, 2010
Cartels are gaining influence in northern California taking over properties for marijuana cultivation and more boats are now being seen abandoned on beaches in southern California. Now with the Feds cracking down on weed storefronts there will be a guaranteed increase in cartel related violence with more deals being done on the streets...legalize it, bring the troops home, dissolve homeland security (I mean Janet Napolitano, WTF does that lady know!??) and stop the flow of guns south and hardcore narcotics north using our military, make them oversee customs and teach them a thing or two. Keep the weed cash here and put our troops to work in THE USA!! Let's start spending our military money at home...
ReplyDeleteYou have got to Marvel at journalists,cute story--HOWEVER Mexicans have taken over the entire S.W. USA,Mx. have taken over the dope business nationwide,killings are part of that business, SPILLOVER my ass it is here it has been here and will stay here Narco Crime is nothing new.
ReplyDeleteLet's see here. FBI reports over 40 kidnappings
ReplyDeletein the Rio Grande Valley area in 2009. FACT.
High school student (Mission/Sharyland) gunned down by 4 cartel members who were arrested before they made it back across the new bridge at Mission. A friend of mine owns the funeral home that handled the services for this young man. FACT. Hidalgo County Seriff's deputy shot just this last week, "reportedly" by cartel members. FACT. Nephew (?) of cartel chief arrested in Port Isabel headed for Padre Island.
FACT. Border Patrolman Brian Terry gunned down at the hands of drug smugglers in southern Arizona. FACT.
I don't know what Gary Moore's agenda is, but it is not about factual or unbiased reporting. In my opinion, he's either under informed, misinformed or trying to misinform others.
Sincerely yours,
Almost all murders and kidnappings in border regions are spillover violence
ReplyDeleteI think this a literal report of spillover violence. Unless a group of armed Mexican men crossing the river is considered something else.
Gonzalez is alive (the shooting did take place, however) and at an INS detention center.
ReplyDeleteStringing these events together might make a story sound relevant, but it doesn't necessarily make it factual.
The border is but a figment of our collective imagination: we believe it, therefore it's true. Spending equal time in Bordercuate towns like Brownsville/Matamoros, Laredo/Nuevo Laredo, El Paso/Juarez will make you realize just how much these towns are one in the same.
Catorce y Diagonal en
This guy is on some serious glue - why the heck is the tip of the Baja Peninsula orange? Did he have a little episode with his crayon???? The whole thing is bad, bad, bad.....
ReplyDelete@ 4:03 That shoot was video taped and they never crossed to the US they didnt even come come to the US side of the river due to BP agents there. BP agents were contaced by Mexican police and were advised to go to the river. Get your facts
ReplyDeletethe man who wrote that piece is feeding you apiece of spy-ops
ReplyDeletetry http://www.hstoday.us
The official forewarned that “we’re going to have a really, really, high-profile killing – a hit, if you want to call it that – of a US law enforcement official, and then shit’s really going to hit the proverbial fan.”
taken from
I appreciate this story. I've tried and failed to explain to friends and neighbors that it's not as bad as they think on the border. I always invite them to come with us and see for themselves, many have and they all say the same thing "it's not what we expected" most don't make a return trip, to boring.
ReplyDelete@November 8, 2011 4:39 PM
ReplyDeleteI'm going to disagree that the border is a figment of anyone's imagination. You see on the northern side of the actual border, the taxes are a little higher than to the south. Now if we want to pretend that the border is just some figment of a collective imagination, I want Mexicans paying the same taxes that I am.
Which brings me to one of my favorite causes. If Ohio can limit enrollment in public schools to those who reside within the district, why can't Texas and Arizona? If border districts did what they do throughout the rest of the US, they would charge tuition for EVERY child streaming across those crossings every morning.
Recovering the $9000 per student cost would go a long way in helping to solve the school funding problems wouldn't it?
The owner of Vertigo nightclub was not killed.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if I took my friends and neighbors to Vertigo nightclub when we go to the border they mite not find it so boring.
ReplyDeleteI understand or trips to pick up trash just don't tickle most people's fancy, South Texas night life mite be just what we need to keep them coming back.
Thanks for comment